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Enchanted Objects: (Witches Of Bayport)

Page 19

by Kristen Middleton

  “Me too,” replied Willow.

  “Good. Now, if something does go wrong, I want you to teleport to Vail,” said Rebecca. “Don’t forget.”

  Adrianne walked up to Willow. “Yes, and I need you to pay very close attention to Vivian. Your wand can be the difference between life and death.”

  “I know,” she replied. “Don’t worry. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  “And don’t lose your wands,” said Adrianne. “Any of you.”

  “What about me?” asked Tyler.

  “You might want to try and use some of your power of persuasion on Vivian’s three witches,” said Rebecca.

  “Why doesn’t Tyler try it on Vivian?” asked Willow. “I mean, he hypnotized us.”

  “I have tried before. For some reason, it doesn’t work,” said Tyler.

  “She has blocked it somehow,” said Clarice.

  “Hopefully, the others haven’t,” said Rebecca.

  “Kendra, do you remember the spell to send Vivian into the globe?” asked Adrianne.

  “Yes,” I replied. “It’s pretty simple.”

  It was the only thing that was simple.

  “Okay,” said Adrianne, looking over at the clock on the wall. “Looks like it’s time to roll.”

  “You doing okay?” asked Tyler, as I prepared to teleport.

  “To be honest, I’m terrified,” I whispered. “This just seems too easy.”

  “I know. I’m going to stay close to you,” he said, grabbing my hand. “So, just concentrate on zapping Vivian into that globe and don’t worry about getting hurt.”

  “Okay,” I replied. “I’ll try my best.”

  “You can do it,” he whispered.

  Rebecca picked up the globe carefully, and wrapped it up. She then stuck it into the pocket of her robe.

  “Ready?” asked Adrianne.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Okay. Let’s all hold hands so that we can teleport together,” said Adrianne. “Since I’m the only one who knows exactly where that tree is, besides Meredith.”

  We reached out and grabbed each other’s hands. Seconds later, we were standing next to an enormous willow tree, somewhere in the deep woods of Salem.

  “You should make yourselves invisible,” whispered Kala.

  “No need for that now,” said a familiar voice. “I mean,” Vivian laughed. “The gig is up. No surprise, however. Adrianne doesn’t play by the rules.”

  Adrianne glared at her. “You mean your rules, don’t you?”

  Vivian, who was standing next to Bella and Beldora, smirked. “It doesn’t matter whose rules. The point is – you’re a selfish, conniving witch who obviously doesn’t care about her friends’ safety.”

  “Where are Bailey and Trixie?” snapped Kala.

  Vivian’s eyes widened. “Oh, the quiet twin has a voice now. Let me guess, you have a thing for tall, blonde shape-shifters?”

  “Leave her alone,” said Adrianne, taking a step toward her. “And just answer the question – where are they?”

  Her eyes scoped the forest. “I should be asking you the same thing about Mark. Where is he?”

  “He’s near,” replied Adrianne. “And you’ll get to see him as soon as you release our friends.”

  “You’re not calling the shots here,” said Vivian, staring at her coldly. “I am. In fact, now that I think about it, I am giving up two people for Mark. I think I should get something else. To make it even.”

  “So, you’re saying that Mark isn’t worth that much to you?” I asked. “I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise, since Kala and I meant nothing to you. Your own daughters.”

  Vivian’s eyes went to Kala and then back to me. “Oh, but you did mean something to me.”

  “Right,” I snorted.

  She laughed coldly. “Okay, you got me. You were a nuisance and I hated being pregnant, actually. I was sick most of the time, and I became as big as a house. It was a very trying time for me.”

  “How can you be so mean and cruel?” asked Kala, tears in her eyes. “So different than Adrianne?”

  The smile fell from Vivian’s face. “Is that supposed to make me feel guilty? Because it doesn’t. As far as I’m concerned, I tried to save you from all of this.”

  “What?” I gasped. “How can you justify what you did as saving us?”

  “Look, I never asked to be pregnant. It happened and I tried to keep you out of this kind of world by giving you away. A world filled with magic and danger. But, your idiotic father and my,” she scowled, “meddling sister, just couldn’t leave things well enough alone. If they would have minded their own business, you’d be living with Joe and Suzy Homemaker, getting ready for college, going on vacations, and driving around in little convertibles.”

  “None of that stuff matters,” I snapped. “We love Adrianne and she has always loved us back.”

  Vivian rolled her eyes. “Oh, how sweet. Anyway, back to this exchange. I will give you both of your friends for Willow’s wand. You can even keep Mark, for all I care.”

  Willow glared at her. “There is no way you’re getting my wand.”

  “Somehow, I knew you’d say that. Okay,” she sighed. “I do have one more trick up my sleeve. You see, I’ve saved the best for last and I think you’re going to be very pleased.”

  “What are you talking about?” I snapped.

  Vivian’s eyes sparkled. “I can give you your mother back, Willow.”

  Willow’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “What kind of lies are you spewing now?” asked Rebecca.

  Vivian laughed darkly. “I’m not lying about anything. Her mother is alive. She never died in childbirth.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Willow, looking uncertain.

  “She went crazy when David died. Your father, by the way, was killed by Meredith. Did you know that?” asked Vivian.

  “I don’t care,” snapped Willow. “What do you know about my mother?”

  “Don’t listen to her lies,” warned Clarice. “She is trying to manipulate you. She already lied about the journals. Don’t forget that.”

  “So, maybe I did. But, I’m not lying about this. Your mother went crazy when she found out that David had died. For most of her pregnancy, she was depressed and couldn’t function anymore. She was a heavy burden on your grandmother. Then, when you were born, Opal totally lost what was left of her mind, and your grandmother was forced to send her away. To a mental hospital.”

  “No,” said Willow. “That can’t be true. Grams would never have done something like that. And even if she would have, I’d have learned about it. She wouldn’t have kept it from me.”

  “She couldn’t remember. You see, Isadora was still alive at that time. She erased that part of your Grams’ memory. To make it easier on her. There was no way that she could take care of you and Opal. So, Isadora took care of it for her.”

  “You’re lying,” whispered Willow.

  “No, I’m not. Isadora confided in me a long time ago and,” she smiled darkly. “I have proof.”

  “Proof? I want to see it,” said Willow.

  “First things first,” said Vivian. “You give me your wand, and I’ll give you back your mother.”

  “There is no way that I’m giving you my wand,” said Willow. “Not without proof of her being alive, at least.”

  “No, I suppose you wouldn’t. Very well. You want proof? Here,” said Vivian, pulling out a picture from her robe. She held it out to Willow.

  Willow snatched it out of her hand. “What is this?” she asked, staring at it.

  “It’s a picture of your mother, holding up a picture of you when you were a baby,” said Vivian. She handed her another photo. “And here’s another picture of her staring at a picture of you when you were just a toddler. Sweet, huh?”

  “Oh, my God,” whispered Willow, covering her mouth in horror. “That is a picture of me.”

  “Have you ever seen a picture of your mother?” I asked, looking d
own at the photo.

  Her eyes filled with tears. “This looks like her.”

  “Remember, you can’t trust her. She already lied about the journals. To turn you against Meredith,” I reminded her.

  She nodded. “Yes. I know.”

  “You don’t really know anything. And you won’t unless you give me your wand,” said Vivian.

  “What kind of game are you playing?” asked Clarice, stepping forward. “I’ve never heard anything about her mother being alive. She died during childbirth. Everyone knows that.”

  “Of course that’s what everyone in Salem believes. You weren’t supposed to know that she was locked away in a mental ward,” replied Vivian. “Isadora didn’t want anyone to know. In case it got back to Margaritte.”

  “Take me to her,” said Willow. “I want to see this woman you claim is my mother.”

  “Give me what I want, and I’ll give you what you want,” countered Vivian.

  “No. If you take me to her, I’ll consider giving you my wand. But only, if it’s really my mother.”

  Vivian’s lips tightened. “It is your mother, I’m telling you.”

  I grabbed Willow’s wrist and pulled her to the side. “Willow, what are you doing? You know how badly she wants your wand. And mine. Don’t make any kind deal with her. Don’t trust her.”

  Willow bit her lower lip. “But, what if it’s really my mother? And she is alive?”

  “We’ll find out the truth,” I promised. “Without her.”

  Vivian sighed. “Time’s-a-wasting and my patience is growing weary. Do we have a deal, or not?”

  Willow’s eyes narrowed. “Why would Isadora confide in you with all of this information?”

  “Because we were created from the same mold. She and I have more in common than anyone else in this family,” said Vivian.

  “That’s not entirely true,” said Clarice. “She loved her sisters.”

  “I, too, once loved my sister,” said Vivian. “But she deceived me by stealing Michael.”

  “I never stole him,” said Adrianne. “He loved you. He loved you so much, until you broke his heart, and gave away his children. The only person to blame for losing him is you, Vivian.”

  Vivian’s lip trembled for a second and then she quickly gained her composure. “That didn’t stop you from jumping into my shoes, did it? You saw your chance to mend his broken heart, and you were all over that. You were nothing but a little slut.”

  Adrianne glared at her. “When I helped Michael get his children back, there was nothing between us. All I wanted was to make sure that he was reunited with his girls. He didn’t want anything else from me, and I certainly didn’t want anything from him. Not in the way that your twisted mind thinks. Face it, Vivian, you not only gave away your children, but you broke his heart, and have made it your life’s ambition to terrorize your own flesh-and-blood. You’re a despicable human being.”

  Vivian’s eyes were filled with venom. “I’ll kill you, you lying little whore!” she screamed, running toward Adrianne.

  “Vivian!” gasped Adrianne, as she fell backwards with Vivian’s hands wrapped around her neck.

  Tyler and I both rushed over and tried pulling her off of Adrianne, but she held on like a rabid animal unwilling to let go of its prey.

  “Let her go!” I screamed, pulling at her fingers, which I could tell were digging into Adrianne’s neck.

  Tyler grabbed both of her wrists and squeezed them.

  Vivian gasped in pain and released her hold on Adrianne.

  “I got her,” said Tyler, pulling Vivian away.

  It was then that I noticed that she’d dropped her wand.

  So had Kala.

  Before I could protest, she rushed over and picked up Penelope. “I’ve got it!” Kala cried triumphantly.

  “No!” gasped Adrianne. “Put it down!”

  The wand began to glow and a white light began to flow into my sister.

  “Kala!” I screamed. “Drop it!”

  The light spread throughout her body and Kala seemed to glow from within.

  “It will be okay,” said Willow loudly. “Remember, I have Juniper.”

  Adrianne put her hand over her mouth as the wand shimmered. “No,” she whispered. “Not her.”

  Soon, the light surrounding Kala dimmed and to our amazement, she smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, guys. I’m fine though.”

  “How may I serve you?” asked Penelope.

  Kala’s face lit up. “Serve me?”

  “Yes,” replied the wand. “I am here for your bidding.”

  Bella’s eyebrows shot up. “What? This can’t be!”

  Beldora grabbed her by the arm. “The wand has chosen. It’s over. Let’s go tell the others.”

  The three witches disappeared, leaving Vivian.

  “No!” growled Vivian, standing up. “Give me back my wand!”

  Kala held it out. “Stay back!”

  Vivian froze.

  “Oh, my God,” said Adrianne, looking horrified. “Penelope has bonded with Kala?”

  “Cool,” said Kala, staring at the wand in pleasure. “Now, I have a bonding wand too.” She grinned. “Just like you, Kendra.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said, feeling the hair stand up on the back of my neck. “You can’t be the right fit.”

  Kala’s smile fell. “Why?”

  “Because it means that you’re meant for Black Magic,” said Vivian. “I guess it shouldn’t really surprise me. You are my flesh and blood. Maybe we should join forces, since the wand has now chosen you. We can help each other.”

  Kala scowled at her. “There is no way I’m joining forces with you. In fact,” she waved the wand and it began to sparkle. “Transport Vivian to the Town Of Winter Bliss.”

  A beam of light shot out of the tip and engulfed Vivian.

  “No!” she screamed as she evaporated into thin air.

  Rebecca quickly took out the globe from her pocket and we gathered around it.

  “Do you see her?” I asked.

  “Yes. There she is,” said Rebecca, pointing.

  Vivian stared up at us, her hands clenched and hatred glowing brightly in her eyes. Then, she turned around and we watched as Mark rushed toward her, yelling something.

  “Look,” mocked Kala. “It’s a joyful reunion.”

  Mark threw his arms around her rigid shoulders and tried hugging Vivian. In response, she shoved him backwards, knocking him into the snow.

  “She really is a cold-hearted woman,” said Willow, a disgusted look on her face.

  Vivian gave us one last glance, before storming away from us through the snow. We watched as she headed toward the town’s entrance.

  Mark stood up, looking distraught and confused. He then shoved his hands into his jean pockets, and trailed after Vivian.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “What about Bailey and Trixie?” I asked as Rebecca put the globe away. “Kala, you really shouldn’t have sent Vivian away like that. Not yet. We still need to save them.”

  “And I never learned where my mother is being held,” said Willow.

  “You really believe her?” asked Tyler, frowning. “After all of the other lies?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, there always is a chance, right?” she answered.

  I sighed. “Willow, I find it hard to believe that Vivian was being honest. Like I said before, you know that she’d do anything to get the wands from us.”

  Willow rubbed her forehead. “Yes, but the woman in the photograph looked exactly like her. I saw my grandmother’s old pictures of her and there’s a very good resemblance.”

  “Hey,” I said, touching her arm. “If she was telling the truth, we’ll do everything in our power to help you find her.”

  “Yes,” agreed Adrianne. “If she really is alive, we’ll find her.”

  Willow nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Look everyone, I’m sorry,” said Kala. “Vivian just freaked me out. I thought for sure she was going
to take the wand from me.”

  “What’s done is done,” said Rebecca. “And there is no way that I’m letting her out of that globe. I’ve never felt so at peace before.”

  “Me too,” replied Tyler. “And, I’m sure we’ll find Trixie and Bailey somewhere in Vivian’s house. As for your mother, we’ll search every hospital from here to Indonesia. If she’s alive, we’ll find her.”

  Willow smiled at him in gratitude. “I believe you.”

  “I think that I know where she could be,” said Rebecca. “Being a witch, Isadora would have put her in a hospital that specializes in treating them. There are only a couple of those medical facilities.”

  Willow sighed in relief. “Good. That should narrow things down.”

  “Kala, you know, I really think you should give me the wand,” said Clarice, holding up the black velvet bag. “A sweet girl like you shouldn’t own something that dark.”

  “Obviously she isn’t so sweet,” said Semora, appearing out of nowhere. Standing next to her were three other witches, along with Bailey and Trixie.

  “Bailey!” squealed Kala, rushing over to him. She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank goodness! I thought…”

  “We’re fine,” he murmured, hugging her back. “Semora freed us.”

  “Are you okay, Trixie?” asked Tyler, walking toward her.

  “Yes,” she smiled, looking as radiant and ethereal as usual. “It was a little frightening, but in a way, I guess it also taught us a little more about witches.”

  Adrianne stepped over and hugged her. “I’m so sorry we couldn’t get to you. There were so many roadblocks.”

  “We’re fine,” said Trixie, stepping back. “Thanks to Semora releasing us.”

  Adrianne turned to Semora. “Thank you for doing that.”

  She shrugged. “To be honest, holding them prisoner wasn’t my idea,” she replied. “I wasn’t even really happy about it.”

  “Yes,” replied a red-haired witch, standing next to her. “But Vivian was adamant about using them to lure you back to her house.”

  “We’re through with her now,” said Semora. “She’s no longer a part of our coven.”

  “She’s no longer apart of anyone’s coven,” said Tyler, smirking. “We’ve managed to put her someplace safe, where she can’t do any more harm. At least, not to us.”


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