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Michael's House (Reunion: Hannah, Michael & Kate #2)

Page 25

by Pat Warren

  Laurie sniffled into a tissue she dug out of her pocket. “You’re right. I don’t.”

  “Then tell me, please. Why did you leave in the first place? What happened back in Colorado?”

  Laurie wadded up the tissue, then studied her hands in her lap. “I don’t know if I can tell you. You probably won’t believe me if I do.”

  “You can tell me anything, and I certainly will believe you. We don’t lie to each other. Was it Mom? Or school? Some boy at school? What? Just tell me. Why don’t you want to go back to your home?”

  “Because I was raped in my home!” Laurie’s voice was quivery, followed by a dry sob.

  “Oh, God!” Fallon all but rose off the couch. “I’m going to kill Roy. You told me he hadn’t touched you, but he did. I’m going to—”

  “It wasn’t Roy. It was Danny.”

  Fallon’s mouth opened in stunned surprise. A sound from the kitchen had her looking up to see Michael standing in the archway.

  “I was going to make some coffee,” Michael explained. “I can go back upstairs.”

  “No, that’s all right,” Laurie said. “It’s time I talked this out.”

  The coffee was made and served on the low table in front of the couch where Fallon sat near Laurie, with Michael seated on the floor across from them. He was there to lend support and to listen, but he would let Fallon lead the way. He had more experience, but this was her sister. He sat rubbing King’s thick fur and listened.

  “It happened the week before Danny was to leave for the academy,” Laurie said, her voice hesitant, then growing stronger. “I was in my room with the CD player on sort of loud and I didn’t hear him come in. It was late afternoon and Mom was at the library doing her volunteer work and Roy hadn’t come home yet. I thought Danny was in his room packing. We’d had a party for him the night before—all his friends and some neighbors. As usual, he was strutting his stuff. You know how he does, Fallon.”

  Leaning back, her hand touching her sister’s, Fallon nodded. “Yes, I know how he does.”

  “He startled me, so I turned down the music. At first, he just horsed around, kidding me, talking. I was on the bed where I’d been doodling in my notebook and he was sitting on my desk chair. I’ve talked with him dozens of time like that before, so I didn’t think anything unusual. Then the next thing I knew, he came over to the bed and asked for a goodbye kiss. I laughed because, well, it was such a stupid suggestion. I mean, I always thought of him like a brother, you know.”

  Again, Fallon nodded encouragingly.

  “Well, he didn’t like it that I laughed. He decided he’d take what I didn’t want to give. I didn’t realize he was so strong. He pushed me down, kissing me, holding my hands down.” She shuddered, remembering. “I fought him, turning my head, then kicking my feet. That really got him steamed.”

  Fallon leaned forward to take a sip of her coffee. No one else spoke. Laurie picked up her story. “No matter how I struggled, I couldn’t overpower him. By then, he was all worked up. He tore my shirt, ripped off my slacks and... and...” Her lips trembled. “I was a virgin, Fallon!” And then came the tears in earnest.

  Fallon took her into her arms and let her cry it out. Over Laurie’s head, she looked at Michael.

  “The bastard,” he whispered.

  “Why didn’t you tell Mom?” Fallon finally asked Laurie.

  The young girl shrugged. “She wouldn’t have believed me. Don’t you remember, she always took Danny’s side against either one of us, me more than you. Besides, there was Roy.”

  “You told Roy?” Fallon was incredulous.

  “I didn’t have to. He found us when Danny was still on me. I’ve never seen him so mad. I thought he was going to kill his own son.”

  “I can’t blame him,” Michael added. “But then, he didn’t do anything about it?”

  Slowly, she shook her head. “He sent Danny to his room to shower and change after telling him that if this got out, his chance at the academy would be ruined, his future gone. Finally, he looked at me. I was huddled in the corner of my bed with the blanket around me. He looked at me like I was something that had crawled out from under a rock.”

  “What?” Fallon couldn’t have been more shocked. “What did he say?”

  “He said it was my fault. That I strolled around in skimpy clothes and what else could I expect from a healthy young man. Then he warned me that if I ever told Mom or you, he and his son would stick together and no one would believe me, that I’d been a problem child for as long as anyone could remember and they’d probably send me to some institution for wayward girls.”

  Disgusted, Fallon reached for her hand. “Oh, if only you hadn’t believed him and called me. I’d have told you to get yourself to the hospital. They have something called a rape kit. They examine you and take samples, then use DNA testing to identify the rapist. Oh, dammit, why wasn’t I there!”

  Michael wasn’t going to sit by and let her take this on. “Fallon, you weren’t to blame anymore than Laurie was. Danny is the criminal here, and his father, too, for covering up the crime.”

  Her head knew that. Yet her heart had trouble handling the guilt. But Fallon nodded in agreement. “I want to get them both, Michael. I want to make them pay.” She swung back to Laurie. “Did Roy suggest you run away?”

  “Not in so many words, but the next few days whenever we were alone, he kept saying how much happier everyone would be if I’d disappear. So I heard about this private school where you could live on campus. I figured that if I didn’t have to see Roy or Danny, maybe I could handle things. But when I suggested going there, Roy absolutely refused, saying it cost too much and that if I didn’t like living in his house, I could just leave.”

  Fallon closed her eyes. “I want that man punished.”

  Michael wanted to tie up all the loose ends. “And then when Roy learned that Fallon was here looking for you, he hired a private investigator to offer you money to stay gone, is that right?”

  Laurie nodded. “I didn’t know he was a detective. He just told me that Roy sent him. I knew I shouldn’t have taken the money, because I wasn’t sure if I could stay away forever like he said I had to. He made me sign a piece of paper, can you believe it?”

  “And you gave all that money to T.J., five thousand?” Fallon asked.

  “We spent a little of it together,” she said, looking downcast. “And then one morning, when I woke up, he was gone and so was the rest of the money.” Laurie sniffled, her eyes filling again. “I knew deep inside that T.J. wasn’t all I wanted him to be. But I...I just wanted someone to love me.”

  Fallon drew her close, meeting Michael’s eyes over Laurie’s head. “That’s what we all want. Don’t blame yourself. We all make mistakes, honey.”

  “But mine are whoppers.”

  “No, Laurie,” Michael interjected. “You had no reason to distrust a boy who’d lived alongside you like a brother since you were a baby, nor the stepfather who’d helped raise you. Don’t blame your judgment. As for T.J., I imagine you were feeling pretty low when you landed here, and he was the first kid who was nice to you.”

  She almost smiled. “How did you know?”

  “Because he’s been there, honey. Michael was a runaway who lived on the streets for years. That’s why he got into working with kids who are like he once was.”

  “Yes, and I trusted someone when I was just a little older than you, and got hurt pretty badly, too. It happens to the best of us, Laurie.”

  “Wow, I had no idea.” Laurie looked at him with new respect. “It’s not easy out there, is it?”

  Michael smiled. “You’ve got that right.”

  “I want to ask you something,” Fallon said, “and I want you to know I won’t judge you, no matter what your answer. Have you been working for Shadow since leaving Michael’s House the second time?”

  “No. I waitressed awhile, then I got fired when they found I’d lied about my age and I was serving alcohol. One of the girls introduced
me to Shadow and he’s been trying to recruit me. He always starts out, I was told, by giving you some money, setting you up with some clothes, a place to stay. Then when he has you in his debt, he starts demanding you work it off. If you hadn’t come along when you did... Well, I don’t know if I could have held out much longer. No one wants to hire kids with no papers, no experience.”

  “Yeah,” Michael said. “I remember. I lied about my age, too, but I looked older.”

  Fallon had to know it all. “Niko hinted that T.J. was a pimp, too.”

  Laurie frowned. “Not while I was with him. He wouldn’t have had to steal from me if he was making money like that. T.J.’s got a drug problem. That’s where his money goes.”

  “Thank God you were strong, that you survived,” Fallon told her. “I’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m so glad you didn’t give up.” Laurie smiled at her sister, then stifled a yawn. “So what happens now? Don’t tell me, please, that you’re going to make me go back there. I don’t ever want to see Danny or Roy again. I miss Mom, sort of, but you know, Fallon, she’s just never in my corner.”

  “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of making you go back.”

  “Except maybe to testify against both Roy and Danny.”

  Michael looked at Fallon. “I hope you’re planning to press charges.”

  “I’m going to try. After all this time, and with their word against ours, it might not be easy to prove. But at the very least, we’re going to make a very large stink, hopefully get the wonder boy tossed out of the academy. If he’s raping at eighteen and getting away with it, what will he do next? That boy needs counseling badly. As for Roy, I’m going to go straight to whoever he answers to. I’ll muddy up his precious reputation until he won’t be able to show his face at the IRS ever again.” Fallon’s fury knew no bounds. To think they’d nearly wrecked her sister’s life.

  “What about Mom?”

  Fallon ran out of steam. “I’ll have to explain things to her, too. Then it’ll be her decision who to believe and what to do next.” She met her sister’s eyes. “I think we need to get you some counseling, too, honey. You’ve been through a lot. Those people can help you deal with the anger and all the rest you must be feeling.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Michael agreed. “Laurie, I’ve known other girls who’ve been through something similar. We’re behind you. I know you’ll make the right decision.”

  “As long as I don’t have to go back to Roy’s house, I’ll do anything you say.” Again, she yawned.

  “Right now, I think you need to get some sleep. Michael’s got a wonderful room all fixed up for you.” He’d used the cellular to phone ahead and Eldora had taken it from there. “I don’t have to lock you in, do I?”

  Laurie smiled. “I won’t run again. Fallon, I’m so glad you believe me. I didn’t think anyone would.”

  “Oh, honey, of course I do. I love you.”

  Michael got to his feet, taking in the scene, his thoughts in a jumble. But about one thing, he was suddenly quite clear. “Maybe what you two ought to think about is staying right here in San Diego. With me.”

  They both looked at him in unison, but it was Fallon who spoke. “Why would we do that?”

  “Well, because you don’t have a job to go back to, and we have lots of stores here. I also have plenty of room here – four bedrooms. And a couple of other reasons I’ll go into later, after you tuck Laurie in.” Moving to her side, he hugged the slender young girl briefly. “Sleep well and I’ll see you in the morning. If there’s anything you need, you have only to ask.”

  “Thanks, Michael, for everything.”

  With a puzzled glance at Michael over his cryptic statement, Fallon led Laurie up to her room. King rose from his napping by the fireplace and trotted up with them.

  They were snuggled in Michael’s bed when she finally brought up the subject. “All right, tell me what other reasons.”

  “Only one other reason that counts.” Skin to skin with her, Michael realized anew that this was exactly where he wanted to be. Instead of the thought being frightening, there was a feeling of rightness, of peace. “While I was driving to look for you after Sherlock called me at the Del, a lot of things went through my mind. Mostly, I was afraid. And I haven’t been afraid for a long while. Afraid that something might happen to you, that I’d lose you.”

  Silently she let him speak, hoping this would lead up to what she wanted to hear.

  “I know I’ve mentioned repeatedly that I don’t want to care too much, to get too involved, because if they betray you or you lose that one person, it hurts too damn much. But I’ve come to realize that people who never take risks protect themselves from the lows in life, but they never experience the true highs.” He shifted so he could look into Fallon’s wonderful green eyes. “Since you’ve come into my life, I’ve gotten hooked on those highs, Fallon. I know I can live without you, but I won’t ever be complete without you.”

  “Oh, Michael.” Her eyes were once more filling.

  “I love you, Fallon. Please, marry me. Move here. We can work the job thing out somehow. I want you here, in my life, in my home, or I’ll build us another house if you don’t like this place.”

  “I love this place. But most of all, I love you.”

  “One more thing. About kids. It isn’t that I don’t want any. It’s more that I’m afraid I won’t be a good enough parent. Children are so important and I see so many who’ve gotten screwed up by their parents.”

  “We’ll do it together, Michael. I think you’d be a wonderful father because you know the pitfalls. And we have enough love to share, don’t we?”

  “Yeah, I guess we do.” Michael kissed her then and knew for the first time ever that he truly was home.


  Michael straightened when he heard the key turn in the lock, setting aside his memories. Rising, he went to greet his wife. His hug was a bit awkward.

  “Another month and I won’t be able to get my arms around you,” he said, leaning back to gaze at her very pregnant belly.

  Fallon smiled. “I have a feeling you’ll think of some way.” Married two years and big as a house with their first child, yet she was thrilled that Michael’s ardor had never cooled. Nor had hers.

  She glanced at the grandfather clock in the marble foyer as King sauntered in to greet her, then she reached up to stroke her husband’s stubbled face. “Time for a shave and shower, my lord and master. The preview opening of California Hope is scheduled for seven and, though I just left utter chaos, both Opal and Sukey assured me that everything would be ready and presentable by the time we get there.”

  At last, the day they’d worked so hard for had arrived and his second facility would be a reality, Michael thought. This one would be more of a structured rehab center for treatment of more serious teen problems and addictions with a full-time psychologist on staff. With the judge’s help, he’d been able to hire some specially trained personnel, as well. Tonight’s reunion party was for the graduates—the kids who’d left and gone on to become good citizens over the years. The grand opening for patrons and press would take place next week.

  Fallon had worked alongside Michael since even before their wedding, as had a recovered Laurie who’d graduated recently from high school and was living with them and working at Michael’s House part time while taking college courses. The two women, along with Opal and Sukey, had spent all afternoon decorating the place. He was anxious to see it.

  Only right now, he had another pressing matter on his mind. Sliding his arm around his wife, Michael led the way upstairs to their master bedroom. “There’s something we need to talk about.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It is. I watched the tape you left for me.”

  She slanted a look up at him. “I thought you’d find it interesting, but unsettling. Are you all right? It must have been a shock.”

  “It was, but I’m definitely all right. Thank you for taping it.” He g
azed down at the child she carried, waiting to be born. “I think our little one’s about to get another carload of relatives.”

  And then he sat down with her to discuss the television show that would change their lives forever.

  Where are her children?

  Finally Julia’s search comes to a happy end

  next month in KEEPING KATE, coming in October

  from Silhouette Special Edition.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-7959-9


  Copyright © 1996 by Pat Warren

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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