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The Wolves Next Door

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by Catherine Vale

  The Wolves Next Door

  Werewolf Paranormal Romance

  By Catherine Vale

  He’s a wild and dangerous shifter on a motorcycle. She’s a feisty full-figured waitress trying to rebuild her life. Both have something to hide; neither is willing to let go.

  Can two people with so many secrets ever learn to trust again?

  Warning: This novel contains mature content intended for readers 18 years of age or older.

  Praise For Catherine Vale…

  “Catherine Vale writes some of the hottest paranormal romance online. Sinfully and unapologetically naughty.” – Romance Monthly

  “Delicious. It’s all so incredibly delicious. Alpha males everywhere, around every corner, down every lane. Catherine Vale knows how to create a world in which every hot blooded woman would love to live!” – Janice Delaney

  “Catherine’s writing is so fresh and clever with a hearty helping of spice!” – Vanessa White

  “It’s just plain old fun! Every story leads you down a different path, but you can always count on there being more fun than you’ve had in awhile!” – Sizzling Reads

  The Wolves Next Door

  Werewolf BBW Romance

  By Catherine Vale

  First Edition. June 2014.

  Copyright © 2014, Catherine Vale

  Published by Wild Hearts Press


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  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, brands, incidents, and places are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction. The publication/use of these trademarks is not associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About The Author

  Chapter One

  Another crazy day of endless shopping, thought Julie as she dumped her bags onto the floor, struggled to open the front door and then fought to reload the heavy bags into her arms.

  That’s the exact moment she heard a deep voice rumble from out of nowhere. A voice she knew that she would never forget.

  “Looks like you could use some help with those.”

  Crushed gravel…warm, delicious velvet, and pure steel mixed with just a hint of smooth, deep bass…That voice. Julie caught her breath as the words washed over her senses, her pulse instantly quickening. She was reluctant to look behind her; she already knew who it was. Only one man had a voice that could send such wickedly delicious vibrations through her curvy frame, reducing her to a blushing schoolgirl within minutes, leaving her feeling lightheaded and breathless.

  “Come on, let me help you with that. Those bags look awfully heavy for a girl.”

  This time, his voice held slight humor and she rolled her eyes before finally spinning around to face him.

  “Hi, Caine,” she greeted him with a bright smile.

  With a man like Caine, there was only one thing to expect: Unapologetic and brazenly hot fire that could melt the toughest woman’s heart with just one look. And that’s exactly what happened every time she ran into him.

  Julie had moved into the quiet, upscale neighborhood nearly three months ago and so far, Caine was one of the only neighbors who had reached out to her. Julie didn’t mind that so much, since the last thing she wanted was to add chaos to her life with nosy neighbors wanting to invade her space. After all, she moved to the area for one reason only: peace and quiet, and most importantly, a brand new start, a second chance. And that involved keeping a low profile, her head down, minding her own business.

  She looked up, way up at Caine and instantly felt the undeniable heat in the deep blue of his eyes.

  It was hard to turn a cold shoulder to such a beautiful, charismatic man, even if the plus size beauty felt completely awkward and out of place with him. Perhaps she wasn’t used to the attention of such a powerful specimen, especially one as seductively handsome as Caine, or maybe it was because of her own insecurities, ignited by an ex boyfriend who made her question everything about herself. But as she stood before the irresistible man and his desire to simply help her with her shopping bags, all self-conscious thought was lost in the wind, replaced with a deep satisfying need to be close to him, to remain in his presence.

  His dirty blond hair and six-foot-six frame in that black t-shirt and low slung jeans looked casual enough at first glance, harmless even, but you could still imagine him just walking out of a Calvin Klein photo shoot and with just a quick flash of that bright-white smile a woman could lose all control.

  “Thanks, Caine. I appreciate the help, but I think I’ll manage.” she finally replied. Damn the breathy way she sounded! Every single time he approached her she felt like she should run the other way for fear of further embarrassing herself. But Caine seemed harmless enough – as harmless as a walking sex god could be, that is. Julie had to quell the impulse to run her fingers through his hair. She hoped she looked okay after a full day of shopping and errands. What could she say? Shopping was her pick-me-up, especially after a rough day – or week. And she’d had more than a few of those lately.

  “Are you sure about that?” Caine prodded, a small smile tilting his sinfully curved lips. Julie tore her eyes away from that beautiful mouth to look down at the bags, which still dotted the floor at her feet, barely maintaining their contents. She figured two trips would be all it would take and she’d have all of her stuff inside. But then she looked up at Caine once again, and didn’t feel like saying ‘no’ today. Not to those gorgeous blue eyes. Not to that sinfully flirty smile with those melt-your-heart dimples. What harm would it be anyway, accepting a bit of help from a friendly neighbor?

  “On second thought, I really would appreciate your help. Thanks,” she replied with a genuine smile. She could swear Caine’s eyes darkened momentarily as he held her gaze, but then he nodded with a return smile.

  “No problem,” he replied, his molten-lava voice oozing sexuality, and with one quick movement, he easily gathered up several of the over-flowing bags into his large hands.

  “Come on in,” Julie whispered, though he already was walking through her front door. She hid an inward sigh as she watched Caine enter into what she’d so far considered her personal space. Her eyes lingered briefly on his retreating back, stretched beneath the fabric of his t-shirt and outlined in muscle, and then down at his perfectly sculpted frame. No man’s ass had the right to look that good in jeans, thought Julie with a shiver. Finally, she b
ent down to pick up the remaining two bags. As she straightened, she glanced across the street and let out a quiet groan of dismay.

  Julie recognized the woman standing there in front of the opposite house, her thin face etched in disapproval. She had long brunette hair tied back in a severe ponytail, and her gaze was that of sharp daggers and cold steel. Just what I need, thought Julie. It was bad enough that she’d been feeling snubbed by the ladies in the neighborhood, but now she’d have to contend with being thought of the neighborhood flirt, maybe even slut, luring their sexy male neighbors into her love nest.

  Not sure what to do, Julie simply smiled and nodded, but the woman merely huffed and turned her back, shaking her head all the way up to her front door which she slammed shut behind her. Ouch. Okay, so that’s how it’s going to be. Well, all the more reason not to socialize.

  With a deep sigh she retreated into her house only to find Caine waiting for her, standing in the middle of the foyer, bags still in hand.

  “Where do you want me?” He glanced over his shoulder at her, his dimples prominent on his tanned face.

  Julie couldn’t control the rush of heat between her thighs or the way her nipples suddenly felt sensitive beneath her thin blouse. Stuttering, she struggled to breathe. “Umm, in the … the living room. Just set the bags down on the coffee table, please.” She moved ahead of him, leading him deeper into the house, and he followed close behind, his masculine scent waffling in the air, permeating everything it touched and she knew that she would never be able to walk through the front door of her house again without being instantly reminded of Caine. And she was very certain he knew that.

  * * *

  Caine noted that the bags weren’t filled with groceries, but clothing and other fashion items. Some of the bags held insignia from pricey designer stores. Coupled with the way the house seemed so nicely decorated and styled, it was obvious Julie was doing well for herself. Or maybe she had a rich family – or boyfriend.

  The thought of any man in Julie’s life fired him up, causing him to let out a growl. Damn. He didn’t want to think about that. Ryan had warned him that they should take it slow. Give her time to adjust to the area, get to know her. It was all part of the process to eventually make her understand that not only had she come into their territory, she’d staked her claim on the two men destined to have her as a mate. Their one and only mate.

  And now it occurred to him that she might not even be single. After all, she was absolutely stunning. Curves in places Caine never even dreamed a woman could have them, and eyes; such a gorgeous, impossibly dark brown he was almost tempted to ask if she wore contacts. And her smile – it had the power to tilt his world on its side, leaving him desperate to cling to reality before he was swept away in some dangerously wicked fantasy. And oh those lips… deliciously plump and begging to be kissed. When she smiled at him the way she had earlier, as she’d thanked him for his offer to help, Caine had felt the strings clench around his heart. Taking things slow with Julie would be the most difficult thing Caine ever did.

  Besides, he wasn’t known for his patience. Ryan was the calm and steady one. Dark, brooding and enigmatic, he was the opposite of Caine’s wild, carefree style.

  But there wasn’t a carefree thought on his mind right then, a frown marring his forehead as he suddenly wondered if the reason Julie always seemed so nervous or wary of letting him close was because she was already taken.

  Imagining another man’s hands on Julie’s body tightened his gut till he could hardly breathe. Yet, he couldn’t sense another man on her – no masculine scent existed in the room other than his own. Funny how, after only three months since she moved in, he already thought of her as theirs to claim. And though Caine normally didn’t like to share when it came to his women, when it came to Julie, Caine and Ryan already had an understanding. There could only be one woman for them; a shared mate that would fulfill their needs as lover, friend and mother to their offspring. One scent of Julie, and their joint fate had been sealed…

  * * *

  Ryan had found her first.

  He’d literally passed by her on the street a short distance away from her house. He’d seen her heading toward him and was instantly taken in by her beauty. Taller than the average woman, beautifully curved; a classic beauty that made you lose your breath for a moment in hungry admiration.

  As she’d approached, she’d looked up and met Ryan’s gaze and he instantly picked her scent in the air. She gave him a polite smile and nod and then brushed past him on the narrow pavement, oblivious to the desire she etched into his heart.

  A minute later, Ryan spun round, fists clenching, desperate to hold back the urge to claim what he was sure was his. Being a shifter meant there was always a thin line between your primal and human instincts. Sometimes, it was easy to simply give in, the beast breaking through the logic, forcing its desires above all rational thought. As he watched the gloriously beautiful woman walk away, Ryan felt closer to losing control than he’d ever felt since he had originally shifted.

  He watched with narrowed eyes as she suddenly moved toward the house nested between his and Caine’s. As she let herself in, he realized she was his new neighbor, the woman who had just purchased the Miller house that had stood empty for years. And then a smile had spread over his normally forbidding expression, dispelling the shadows. He couldn’t wait to tell Caine the news.

  They’d found their mate. Or more aptly, she’d found them, although she had yet to know it. Fate couldn’t have been kinder and Ryan was hell-bent on making sure he seized every opportunity to get to know her, to bring her closer into his circle and finally, when the time was right, to reveal who she was to them. Their one true mate, where she would be forever claimed, possessed by their never-ending desire for her. She would succumb to her own desperate need for them, accepting them as both her leaders and lovers in return, and she would finally be right where she belonged.

  Chapter Two

  Julie could sense that something wasn’t right – that Caine was on edge around her and she wondered why. Was he suddenly unsure as to whether he should have befriended her, especially with the rest of the neighborhood all but ignoring her existence. Maybe he was worried about what people would think if they somehow found out about him being ‘too nice’ to the new girl in town.

  But for some reason, she doubted that was the case. She told herself she hadn’t mistaken the attraction she’d felt coming off him and he didn’t seem like the type who would care about what anyone thought of him. Caine wanted her. Any red-blooded woman could tell when a man desired them and she could feel it, the sexual tension hanging thick in the air. Before that thought could send her into a panic, she laughed inwardly at herself. Caine had never done or said anything disrespectful or suggestive. She knew she had nothing to fear from him. If anything, it was herself she couldn’t trust. Caine made her feel…things. Things she’d sworn to never feel again, not until she knew what the hell she was doing when it came to men and relationships. Until then, either one was out of bounds.

  “Just set them on the table, please,” she directed him, and he turned to place the bags on the nearby coffee table. When he faced her again, he seemed calmer and his face was clear of whatever had been troubling him. Now, he flashed her that killer smile that made her take a sudden gulp of air, her face blushing crimson red.

  “Your home is very nice. You’ve really done a great job with the place,” he replied, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “Thanks,” Julie said with a pleased smile. “I’ve had a lot of fun with it. That’s my job… I’m an interior designer.”

  She didn’t know why she’d divulged that information. Why she’d let him in at all. But something about Caine made her feel safe, like he could be trusted. And Julie realized she had been desperate for someone to talk to.

  “That doesn’t surprise me. You seem like the creative, artsy type. Now me, I’m just a tech nerd. I work in software…programming mainly.”

bsp; “Wow. Brains and brawn,” Julie choked on a laugh, covering her mouth with her hand. Okay, now that was crossing the line.

  She wasn’t sure what he read in her gaze, or in the restless way she hugged herself and rubbed her arms as if searching for security in the wave of attraction that took a hold of her, but he only smiled, his deep blue eyes searching her face.

  “I get by. But you, well you’re every man’s dream. Such an intelligent woman, creative and…absolutely beautiful.”

  Julie sucked in a breath, completely caught off guard. His gaze washed her skin in a burning wave of heat, and she couldn’t look away, couldn’t breathe. He’d called her beautiful – and for the first time in her life she believed him. Alarm bells should have been ringing in her head. But they weren’t. Instead, she felt a surge of confidence, sensing his genuine desire for her.

  What in the world is happening to me?

  I should know better than this, Julie’s inner voice warned her. I shouldn’t be going weak at the knees for the first good-looking guy who tells me he finds me beautiful. I came down here for some peace and quiet, to find myself again. The last thing I needed was to get bowled over by another handsome face. Not after the last relationship and his constant abuse and unforgivable betrayal. She couldn’t risk her heart again…and especially not to a man like Caine.

  She drew in a deep, long breath and tried to think of an easy way to do what she had to do, despite the fact that everything in her mind and body begged her not to. “Look, um, Caine, I’m not quite sure…”

  “It’s just dinner. My place. I’m inviting a few friends over for a barbeque. Nothing too serious.” Caine’s words broke in before she could finish and she paused when he added with a grin, “Come on, it’ll be fun. I promise. It’s my way of saying welcome to the neighborhood.”


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