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The Wolves Next Door

Page 9

by Catherine Vale

  Alpha Jepson’s last words were spoken with a trace of humor and the others surrounding him could be heard chuckling. Darcy’s face froze with anger as she noted the mirth on Ryan’s and Caine’s face. She stepped up closer and looked up into their faces.

  “I’m glad you think this is so funny,” she said, anger burning in her eyes. “I wonder if you’ll be laughing when I tell you that right at this minute, Julie could well be re-united with her true mate – the one who loves her enough to never want to share her.”

  Ryan looked to Caine who was equally confused. Scowling furiously, Ryan grabbed Darcy’s shoulders and shook her. “What on earth are you talking about? What have you done?”

  “What I felt was best for the pack,” she replied with a shrug. “When a man came asking questions at the local pub about you two running off with his beloved, I had to do what I could to help him reconnect with his true mate, of course.”

  “What – man?” gritted Caine, grabbing her arm and spinning her to face him.

  Her smile was mocking. “Tall, dark-skinned. Quite handsome in fact – much like a Hollywood actor. And so distraught that his woman went off and left him after a quarrel, moving to this town with no word to her friends or family back home. Her fickle behavior is long forgiven and he only wants her back so they can get married just like they’d always wanted. He told me his name is Tre Gaines and that Julie is his one and only true love. How desperately romantic.” She smiled wickedly, her lips curled into a scoff. “Imagine his feeling of betrayal knowing she was now shacking up with two strange men she’d met only a few weeks ago.”

  Ryan was enraged, but he let Darcy go with a sound of disgust. “Well, he can keep looking. He’s never going to discover where she is, and you…you will pay for this.”

  “So you think,” Darcy scoffed, turning round without another word. The next second, she was pushed into the nearby wall, which cracked from the impact. She snarled, her fangs bared as she stared into Ryan’s thunderous face. She was barely shaken by the sudden aggression, but the force of it had brought her hackles up as did the arm Ryan kept across her chest that kept her imprisoned against the damaged wall.

  “And what the fuck does that mean?” growled Ryan, his eyes flashing a dangerous silver.

  Curbing her fear and embarrassed by the attention now turned to them by the whole room, she spat out in a surly tone, “A few days ago you came into town to get some stuff and I decided to follow you when you headed back into the woods. I managed to do so without you catching my scent and from a distance I was able to watch you make your way to a cabin up the mountains. Well, that’s where I told Tre he can find his precious Julie since I figured she’ll be holing up there with you two.”

  There was a loud roar as Caine shot forward and made a grab for Darcy’s throat but Ryan quickly held him aside. “We have no time for this, Caine. We need to head back to the cabin now. Julie is in danger.”

  Darcy was smirking when Ryan faced her again. “You better pray we get to Julie in time. Because if not, nothing will stand in my way of making sure you pay for your hand in this.”

  Her face paled, but before she could speak Alpha Jepson said, “There’ll be no need for that, Ryan. I’ll see to it that Darcy gets a just sanction: banishment from the pack. Effective immediately.”

  A collective gasp rose in the room and Darcy sank back against the wall. Both Ryan and Caine had already raced from the great hall, desperate to reach Julie before it was too late.

  Alpha Jepson glared into Darcy’s face. “Anyone who takes pleasure in causing dissention within a pack doesn’t deserve to have one. I suggest you’re long gone before they get back or I won’t be responsible for what happens to you.”

  Without waiting for a response, he turned to his betas and rapped out orders as they quickly left the crowded, shell-shocked room.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Julie jerked awake, hands closing around the remote control, which had almost slipped from her fingers as she’d dozed in front of the TV. There were more than enough movies to keep her busy while she waited for Ryan and Caine to return, but even the comedy she’d been watching hadn’t been able to keep her awake. She already missed her two lovers so much it made everything she tried to busy herself with feel tiresome. She’d already tried a bath, and now this silly movie. She sighed heavily, then smiled deeply. Maybe she’d make them a nice steak dinner. They sure had a thing for meat judging by the large quantity of it in the freezer – and she knew just how they liked them; not too cooked and very well seasoned.

  Relieved at the idea of doing something that would distract her mind from the longing ache she felt in the pit of her stomach every time she thought of Ryan and Caine, she made her way into the kitchen, when she suddenly heard a strange sound. Turning, she cried out as a shadow of a man came forward, his eyes burning with anger and arousal.

  “Tre…” she breathed, barely able tos peak.

  “Hello, Julie,” he replied, coming closer.

  She let out a shrill cry and turned to run. He grabbed her around the waist before she could escape him, his strong arms banding around her, forcing her against his chest.

  “Now, this isn’t the welcome I expected after all these months apart,” drawled Tre, pinning her back against him as he whispered in her ear. Julie struggled against him but he was far too strong. He grabbed her hair with one hand and twisted it to the side so she could stare into his cold, dark eyes.

  “Didn’t think you’d ever see me again, did you?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “What did you…how could you even…?” Julie gasped, her face creasing in pain as he yanked cruelly on her hair.

  “It wasn’t easy, mind you. First I had to find where you ran off to and that was a bit difficult with you continuously moving and all. But when you settled here I was able to track you through your credit card records. You never struck me as being so stupid, Julie. Maybe you wanted me to find you. Is that it, baby? You missed me.”

  “You’re delusional, as usual,” she spat, her fear suddenly replaced with uncontrollable anger. “Now let me go, before Ryan and Caine come back and make you regret this!”

  “Ah – your two lovers. You’ve grown into quite the whore, haven’t you? Giving yourself so cheaply to two creatures,” snarled Tre, fingers tightening in her hair with a punishing grip.

  Julie winced at the pain but didn’t cry out. “They love me. Something you’d never understand the meaning of.”

  “Now, that hurts. Would I hunt you halfway across the freaking country for over six months if I didn’t care?” Tre growled, a deep scowl darkening his face. “And this time, I’ll make sure that you’ll never escape again. I’ve got men waiting outside, enough to fight off a fucking army. So if your lovers show up before I get you out of here, they’re going to be in for quite the surprise.”

  Julie gasped in dismay, as Tre turned her head to look out of the window. She could see several men dressed in suits , their large hands holding guns as they stood guard over the cabin doors. How could she not have heard their cars drive up? Then she remembered how she’d dozed off to the blaring sound of the television. She swore underneath her breath and vowed not to panic, knowing that if she stood any chance of escape she had to remain calm and think her way out of this mess.

  “The sooner we leave, the better chance of being gone before those two punks get back,” Tre continued, with a sneer to his lips. “And now I know just how sexual you are, having two lovers and all, I’ll be sure to liven things up in bed – starting with keeping you cuffed to my bed – permanently if need be.”

  “You think you’ll get away with kidnapping me?” Julie replied, angrily. “Maybe keep me locked in a dungeon so that no one will know what kind of a monster you really are?”

  “I always wanted a dungeon,” mused Tre, his lips curling derisively. “Now move.”

  Julie was reluctant to take another step but she had no choice. She couldn’t risk Ryan and Caine coming back and
facing the small army that stood outside. Her heart sank as she allowed Tre to push her towards the door. They just got out into the open air when sounds of movement came at them from the woods.

  The armed men turned in that direction but no one could have been prepared for the sight that met their eyes moments later.

  “What in the hell…?” yelled Tre as a teeming band of huge, snarling wolves burst from the trees.

  “Shoot them!” Tre commanded, pointing to the advancing pack. Before the men could react, the massive beasts flew at them from every angle. There were screams, yells and sporadic shooting at nothing in particular as guns went off in hands struggling to fight off immense furry, snapping creatures.

  Julie stared in shock at the spectacle of so many wolves overpowering the men who’d enclosed the cabin. Swearing loudly, Tre backed into the house again, dragging Julie along with him with an arm pinned around her waist.

  Before they got far, they came face to face with Ryan.

  “Ryan!” cried Julie happily, but then she yelped as Tre forcefully yanked her by the arm to stand behind him.

  “Let her go,” Ryan said simply, coldly. Julie stared at his face and almost didn’t recognize him. His eyes had gone a strange, light color and she watched in horror as his bared teeth seemed to elongate and sharpened into edges. What the…?

  Her attention snapped back to Tre who retrieved a gun from his back waistband. Seizing Julie by the neck, he pointed the nozzle right at her temple. “And you need to back off,” Tre warned.

  “You won’t hurt her,” Ryan said with certainty, but began to back off slowly as Tre advanced with the trembling Julie trapped in front of his body, gun to her head.

  “You don’t fucking know me, man,” Tre said coldly. “Don’t push me. Now move the hell out of my way.”

  As Ryan silently shifted aside, Tre looked at him with a triumphant sneer, before dragging Julie along with him outside to where one of his men’s trucks had been parked.

  The next second, something flew out from the corner of their eyes and Julie’s head turned in time to see a familiar looking golden-brown wolf leap in the air, straight for Tre. Tre had caught the quick movement and spun with his gun, shooting thrice in quick succession. Julie cried out and tumbled back, Tre’s hand falling from around her as he was downed on his back by the monstrous wolf landing on his chest.

  “What the hell is this? Get off me!” Tre roared, trying to push off the wolf snapping at his face. Julie crawled away on her hands and knees before she felt gentle arms pull her up. Sobbing, she fell against Ryan who helped her to her feet.

  Tre shouted again and Julie looked to find the wolf had ripped at his suited arm. She couldn’t be sure but she guessed that this was the wolf that’d shown up to rescue her from Tre’s men outside the restaurant all those days ago. She was staring, in disbelief, watching Tre struggling to fight off the relentless wolf who snarled and snapped ferociously, its claws ripping at his now tattered suit.

  Another shot rang out and Julie screamed, watching as the wolf bounded off Tre’s chest. Tre scrambled to his feet, and instinctively Ryan pulled her into a tight embrace, keeping her from harm’s way as Tre shot at the wolf that lept away to safety. Tre dashed for the truck, not looking back at the stunned Julie.

  She watched in horror as Ryan let go of her, intent on going after Tre.

  “No! He has a gun, Ryan…,” she cried out frantically, hand reaching out for him.

  “I can’t let him get away, Julie,” Ryan replied, adding quietly, “I’m sorry.”

  Julie looked at him in confusion. Sorry? What did he mean?

  She could only watch in confusion as Ryan took off after Tre, his clothes ripping from his body as he began the transformation from man into a beautiful, powerful wolf.

  Julie’s eyes widened with shock as she saw Ryan’s now nude form leap into the air, his limbs changing and a coat of black, silky fur sprouting from his back and head. By the time he landed to the ground and bounded into the distance, he was in full wolf form.

  Oh. My. God.

  She was shaking, confusion making her feel weak and dizzy. Suddenly there was a crunch of branches behind her and she turned to find a gloriously dark wolf limping towards her. It was monstrous in size and towered over her as it knelt down.

  She gasped in fear and backed away slowly. But then she saw the wolf pause, a wounded look on its face that looked strangely familiar. After what she’d witnessed with Ryan transforming into a huge black wolf, she was beginning to question her senses. But then she remembered that this wolf had saved her - twice, and she had to push her fear to the side as she saw its front limb.

  “You’re hurt,” she whispered softly, and without thinking crawled the rest of the way forward, closing the gap between them. She gently lifted the injured limb, amazed at her courage when faced with the most fearsome beast. To her relief, she saw that the injury was just a graze from one of the bullets. But it looked very painful and she looked up into the wolf’s furred face with sympathy and gratitude for his help.

  “You’ll be okay,” she whispered, staring into its eyes and feeling a connection that struck her to the core. Suddenly, her mind cleared and she gasped, “Caine?”

  The wolf made a deep growling sound of assent as he nuzzled her hand. Julie caught her breath, his warm touch reassuring, loving.

  She looked up to find a pack of wolves moving to surround them and without thought, she instinctively wrapped her arms around Caine’s wolf.

  One of the wolves came forward, nodding in their direction. It was dark grey, with white tufts along the top of its large head. Julie felt a wave of relief wash over her as she realized the wolves weren’t threatening.

  Moments later, Ryan’s wolf returned and Julie felt herself breath again, realizing just how terrified she was that she had lost him. She watched in amazement, as Ryan seemed to communicate with the dark grey wolf that she assumed was the leader. The grey wolf silently nodded and the next minute, was leading the many other wolves back into the woods.

  Julie watched them disappear into the trees the way they came. By the time she turned back around, it was to find two naked figures crouched on the ground. Ryan looked up and straightened, helping Caine up as he held his injured arm close to his body. Julie was speechless, but she was no longer afraid. And when Ryan held out his hand, she didn’t hesitate before she accepted it, allowing him to help her up to her feet.

  “Everything’s going to be okay. You’re safe, Julie,” Ryan murmured, pulling Julie into his arms.

  Julie nodded. “And…Tre?”

  Ryan grimaced. “He lost control of the truck and rammed into a tree at the side of the road. He’s still alive, but unconscious. His men are dead… taken out by members of our pack. The police will be here soon so we’ll need to prepare. Are you okay?”

  Julie looked deeply into their eyes, and from the quiet, sober tone in Ryan’s voice she knew they were afraid that she would never be able to accept who they really were.

  “Yes. I’m more than fine… I’ve never been happier in all of my life,” she replied truthfully, trust and love shining brightly in her eyes. “So…this is the big secret you were waiting to tell me?”

  Ryan and Caine shared rueful looks. “Yes. We’re from a clan known as Lycan.” Ryan explained. “Which means we can shift into wolves at will, but can also live as humans. We’re part of a large pack. They are the wolves that came to our aid tonight. And Julie…” he paused only briefly, his eyes fiery with desire and Julie could see just how much he truly loved her. “Once you mate with us, you’ll be part of the pack, too. Forever.”

  They watched her face for any sign that she wouldn’t be able to accept their truth, but she simply smiled, acceptance shining in her blue eyes. “I want nothing more than to be your mate…forever.”

  “You have no idea how happy you’ve made us,” Ryan replied, grinning widely, overcome at the emotion that shone on her face. “But we intend to show you…every day of your

  He reached for her, crushing her into his arms. She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him, her lips melting against his.

  Then, suddenly remembering, Julie let out a dismayed groan, and glanced with concern at Caine’s injured arm. She was shocked to see the bloodied graze already fading to nothing more than an angry bruise.

  “I’ll be just fine,” Caine chuckled, and Julie laughed as he pulled her from Ryan’s arms, carefully wrapping her into his own strong, warm embrace. She breathed in his intoxicating scent and decided that there was no place she’d rather be.

  “Just think. In a few days from now you’ll be bound to us both for life.” Caine murmured low, his voice thick with desire. He kissed her softly on the lips and then nibbled a path down to her neck as she burrowed into their warmth and their strength.

  She felt the hardening bulge in Caine’s jeans and giggled.

  “I can live with that.”

  About The Author

  Catherine Vale has been writing fiction for as long as she can remember, but it wasn't until she wrote her very first paranormal romance story that she found herself hooked on the raw, edgy love affair of shifters, vampires and other dominant alpha males and the captivating women that love them.

  Today, Catherine Vale writes both contemporary and paranormal romance for readers who are willing to take a walk on the wild side of love. Her stories always include powerful alpha males, smart and sassy heroines and a happily-ever-after (even if she often puts her characters through hell to get there!)


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