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Wilde Blue (Wilde Brothers Book 4)

Page 7

by Susan Hayes

  “I am! I’m a flower! A big red one in a garden full of bugs and stuff. It’s great. You want to come see me be a flower? Mom, can he come? Please?”

  Dave stood with Casey in his arms, looking impossibly handsome as he cuddled her little girl and waited for her decision. He didn’t try to charm her, or push his way into their lives. He simply waited with a look of hope in his dazzling eyes.

  “If you would like to come, then you’d be very welcome, but please don’t feel obligated. I know this wasn’t the kind of date you were thinking of.”

  He grinned, suddenly looking ten years younger. “It sounds like fun. And what man in his right mind would turn down a chance to take two lovely ladies out for ice cream and a play?”

  Dani watched her daughter beam with happiness at Dave and said a silent prayer that she wasn’t making another mistake. If he broke her heart, she’d get over it, but if he broke her daughter’s, she’d never forgive herself.

  Chapter Six

  Dave walked into the school gymnasium with Dani and found himself transported back in time. It wasn’t the school he’d attended, but it was still hauntingly familiar, save for the fact everything was built on a child-sized scale, making him feel a bit like a giant roaming through the land of Lilliput. There were haggard-looking parents and laughing children everywhere he looked, along with a few disgruntled teenagers whose expressions reminded him of how he felt whenever his parents had dragged him to one of these events to watch one of his brothers.

  As the crush of people got thicker he took Dani’s hand, happy to have an excuse to touch her again. The light, summer dress she wore left her arms bare, and the scooped neckline gave him a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. He hadn’t realized how modest her chef’s outfit was until he’d seen her tonight.

  “You look lovely, Dani. The dress is a vast improvement over your chef whites…er, blacks? The uniform thing you wear.” He gestured to her outfit, then frowned and shook his head. “Shit, that didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean you don’t look good in your uniform. You do. But you look hot right now because I can see more of you…and I’m going to shut up now.” He could feel his face heating and groaned inwardly.

  Now I’m fucking blushing like a kid with a crush. Great.

  Dani laughed. “Thank you, I think. I have to say I like this more casual style on you, too.” She glanced up at him with a sweet smile that tempted him to break with decorum and kiss her. He’d replayed their kisses over and over in his mind since he’d left her place last night. He wasn’t sure how he’d manage it with Casey along, but he was determined to steal a few more kisses before he said good night. For the moment, he settled for a light brush of his lips across her cheek.

  “Where do you want to sit?” he asked, scanning the area around them for empty seats.

  “Over there seems good.” She pointed to the far side of the gym. “If we take the ones on the end, then I’ll be able to take some video of bug when it’s her turn. My parents would love to see this, even if it’s only a recording.”

  “I suspect my parents will want to see it, too. They’re pretty smitten with your little girl.” He started heading toward the seats she’d indicated, keeping a tight hold of her hand the whole way.

  The spot she’d picked turned out to be a good one, and they settled in to wait for Casey’s class to appear on stage. The chairs were hard. The air was stuffy, and the performances were all equal parts adorable and terrible at the same time. Not that he cared. How could he when he had Dani sitting so close that their thighs touched. He still had her hand in his, and he was enjoying himself as he slowly traced the length of each of her fingers with his own.

  “I forgot to ask, how long is this thing going to be?” he asked.

  “About an hour and a—” She stopped mid-sentence, her attention fixed on a small group of parents standing near one of the doors. She went silent and still, her fingers gripping his so tightly it bordered on painful.

  “What’s wrong?” he demanded in hushed tones, trying to spot the reason for her worry.

  “Bobby. I swear I just saw him. At least, I think it was him,” she whispered back without looking away from the door.

  “Do you see him now?” he asked softly, on the lookout for any sign of danger.

  Her hand was trembling in his, but she shook her head and took a deep breath before answering. “I don’t. It was only for a split second. Now I’m not even sure I saw him at all.”

  “Do you want to go check on Casey?”

  She checked her watch, then smiled as a new group of kids took the stage. “I don’t have to. She’s right there.” Her voice was thick with relief as she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. “I better get ready to record this.”

  He took the phone from her still-shaking hands. “I’ve got this. You relax and watch the show.”

  She gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

  He stood up and moved to the side so that he wasn’t blocking anyone’s view, then poked at various buttons until he got the camera ready. Even though the kids were still taking their places, he started recording, panning over the crowd and the onlookers lining the walls, searching for Dani’s ex. It shouldn’t be possible for him to be here, but Bobby had found Casey once before. Dave wasn’t willing to make assumptions.

  He recorded the entire performance, flubbed lines and all, and when the class trooped off the stage, he returned to his seat and handed Dani back her camera. “There you go. I captured the whole thing for posterity. Hang on to that. You might want to play it at her wedding someday, or threaten to show it to her boyfriends if she’s late for curfew.”

  “I like the way you think.”

  He nuzzled a brief kiss to her ear and whispered, “Is that all you like about me?”

  She made him wait for her answer, stretching out the silence for what felt like an eternity. Finally she placed her hand high on his denim-clad thigh and stroked her way down to his knee, then whispered, “I like a lot of things about you.”

  Fuck. Me.

  His cock turned to stone and his next breath came out in a ragged hiss as her fingers traced their way back up his thigh. There was a sultry note in her voice he’d never heard before, and it was turning his brain to pudding. He covered her hand with his, pinning it to his leg before she could test his control further. “You’re killing me, sunshine. I’m pretty sure you’re not going to be welcome on the PTA next year if I haul you into my lap right here and now.”

  Someone in the row behind them cleared their throat pointedly, and Dani lapsed into a fit of near-silent giggles.

  They managed to behave until the lights came back up and the last round of applause died away. Dave got to his feet, trying to ignore the pins and needles in his legs as circulation slowly returned. “Those chairs are torture devices. I should get some for the precinct. We’d have suspects confessing left and right just so they could escape the misery of sitting.”

  “Numb bum syndrome,” Dani agreed as she got to her feet.

  He caught the hint of concern in her eyes as her gaze darted around the gym, and he knew she was searching for Bobby again. He’d been doing the same thing all through the evening, but he hadn’t seen anyone who appeared even remotely similar to the photos that were in the file Dani had given him. Dave had spent several more hours poring over the contents of that file, both last night and at work, committing the most important elements to memory.

  “Let’s go retrieve your budding actress and get out of here. Unless you need me to massage your numb bits for you before we go?” He made the offer with a grin and a wink that made her laugh again.

  “I’m pretty sure the PTA wouldn’t approve of that, either,” she retorted as they started making their way through the crowd toward the spot where they’d told Casey to meet them. “Aren’t you supposed to be setting an example, Detective Wilde? You know, behaving like a good, law-abiding citizen and all that.”

  “That’s Detective Lieutenant Wi
lde, thank you, but at the moment, I’m off duty. Don’t tell me you’ve been working at Leo’s for more than a month and you haven’t noticed that an off-duty cop is a very different creature than an on-duty one?”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed.” She tucked her hand into his. “I think I like the off-duty version of you more than the serious one that usually comes to the bar. You should let yourself relax more often.”

  They didn’t have to wait long before Casey joined them. She was nearly vibrating with happiness as she bounded into view. “Mommy! Did you see me?”

  “Yes, bug. I saw. You were great.” Dani let go of his hand to kneel down and give her daughter a hefty hug, beaming all the while.

  The expression of pure love on her face elevated Dani from lovely to radiant, and in that instant Dave knew that whatever was growing between them was more than simple attraction. One day, he wanted her face to light up like that when she looked at him.

  “Did you see, too, Uncle Dave?”

  “I even recorded the whole thing so your grandparents can witness your stage debut. I think you made a great flower.” Dave dropped to his knees beside Dani, and Casey turned to give him a hug as well.

  “And now I get to have ice cream! With whipped cream and extra fudge sauce,” she announced with glee.

  “And two cherries,” Dave promised, standing up with Casey still in his arms. He cradled her in one arm and took Dani’s hand with the other, helping her to stand. He kept them both close as they made their way to the car, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Dani gave him a quick shake of her head as they buckled up, indicating she hadn’t seen him again.

  Maybe she’d been mistaken.

  Casey kept them both distracted and laughing for the rest of the evening, retelling in detail every moment she’d been apart from them. The only time she stopped talking was on the drive home. Dani reached into her purse and handed Casey her game, and within seconds there was silence.

  Dave had spent hours at gun ranges, been involved in shootouts and been in more than his share of clubs and raves, but he’d never welcome a moment of quiet more than at that moment.

  Who knew little girls were so damned noisy?

  “Farm Friends?” he asked Dani, who nodded and gave him a knowing smile.

  “Works every time.”

  “Remind me to get one for Tag and Jo as a baby shower present.”

  She laughed at that. “It doesn’t work on babies. If you want some suggestions on what to get them, though, I’d be happy to help.”

  “Please! I’ve got no fu—freaking clue what to buy for a baby.” He barely caught his slip in time and added a mental note to quit cursing so much, at least around Casey. He was going to have to change a few things about his life if he wanted Dani and her daughter to be part of it.

  The thought didn’t bother him at all.


  Dani gathered Casey from the backseat and went to say good night to Dave, only to find him standing on the sidewalk, waiting for her.

  “A night with me comes with door-to-door service,” he told her before gesturing for her to lead the way.

  He fell in right behind her and she had to admit that his presence eased the lingering worries that had dogged her since she thought she’d seen Bobby tonight. It didn’t matter how many times she tried to convince herself he couldn’t have found them, a tiny voice insisted that she hadn’t been mistaken. Bobby was there.

  “Would you like me to come in?” Dave asked.

  Dani nodded, grateful for the offer and even more grateful that he hadn’t said anything in front of Casey. “Would you like a cup of coffee? I can make us some once I send Casey to get ready for bed.”

  “Not tired,” Casey protested, but her words were barely more than a mumble and she was swaying on her feet.

  “You passed tired half an hour ago. Wash up, brush your teeth and then it’s bedtime.”

  “Can Uncle Dave read me a story?”

  Dave answered before she could. “If it’s all right with your mom, then yes I will read you a story but only a short one.”

  The man was full of surprises. “It’s okay with me. Better hurry up and get ready.”

  Casey tottered off, leaving the two of them alone for a moment. “You don’t have to read to her if you don’t want to. Kids take some getting used to, and we sort of threw you off the deep end tonight.”

  “I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t want to. Four younger brothers, remember? It might have been a few decades since I did the bedtime story routine, but I still remember the basics. Read slow, use funny voices, and don’t forget to check under the bed for monsters.” He grinned. “I got this.”

  “I believe you do.” Acting on impulse, she leaned up and kissed him. “Thank you.”

  He had her in his arms a second later, and the kiss he laid on her was nothing like the gentle peck she’d given him. It was raw, demanding and carnal, laying waste to her senses. She parted his lips to taste him and he took the kiss deeper. She reached up on her toes to kiss him back and his hand slid down her back to settle on the curve of her hip, pulling her in tight so that she could feel the thick length of his erection pressing against her.

  Need flared deep inside, making her breasts ache and her pussy slick with desire. She moaned into his mouth and felt his cock twitch in response. It had been so long since she’d done this. She’d forgotten how good it felt to be wanted, to be caressed and held. She held on to the moment for as long as she could, but soon enough she heard Casey’s door open and knew it had to end.

  Dave seemed to sense it, too, because he let her go and stepped back, putting a respectable distance between them before Casey came into sight.

  “I’m ready for my story now,” she said, waving one of her favorite books at Dave.

  Dani shook her head and pointed toward the bathroom. “I don’t think so, bug. You may have your pajamas on, but what about washing up and brushing your teeth? I swear you’ve got so much ice cream on your face you’ll stick to the pillow case. Scoot. I’ll be in shortly to check on your progress.”

  Her daughter sighed as if Dani had made the most unreasonable request in the world, then walked over to Dave and handed him her book.

  “I want this one, please.” With that, she scrubbed a sticky hand over her even stickier mouth and wandered off, muttering under her breath about how mean her mother was.

  Once the door was closed, Dani turned to apologize to Dave, only to find him laughing silently.

  “Sorry. I held it together until she was gone, but the diatribe as she left…” He chuckled again and shook his head.

  “She actually kept it to a minimum tonight. I think she’s trying to behave herself for you. Consider it an honor.”

  “I will.” He glanced down at the book. “Green eggs and ham? She likes Dr. Seuss?”

  “Oh yeah. Some weekends she even begs me to color her scrambled eggs green. She’s a serious fan.” Dani nodded down the hallway. “Give me a few minutes to get her settled and then you’re up.”

  He gave her a slow smile that sent heat sizzling down her spine and pooling between her legs. “Once she’s asleep, I’ve got plans for you, too. I believe you still need to tell me about those fantasies you mentioned yesterday. There’s no PTA to save you now.”

  “Who says I need saving?” she asked, then bolted after Casey, shocked at herself. Bobby had never liked it when she’d gotten cheeky with him, and with every cruel word and blow she’d lost a little more of her spark. Until she’d met Dave, she hadn’t even been sure that part of her still existed.

  As Dave’s laughter followed her down the hall she grinned to herself. It was nice to know that at least one man didn’t mind her sassy side.


  Dani had the coffee made by the time Dave slipped out of Casey’s bedroom. He closed the door with near-perfect stealth and gave Dani a silent thumbs-up. It wasn’t until he joined her in the kitchen that he made any noise at all.

  “She’s fas
t asleep,” he told her in hushed tones as he wrapped an arm around Dani’s waist and drew her in close.

  “She barely slept last night she was so excited about the play. Thank you for reading to her. I swear she’s on her best behavior for you. She never goes to sleep this fast for me,” Dani said, letting him pull her close. “Shall we take this to the sofa?”

  “In a minute. Right now there’s something else I need to do.” With no further warning, he dropped his head and gave her a toe-curling kiss. There was nothing gentle about his touch this time. He was all lust and fire, his mouth slanting across hers, his tongue teasing at her lips until she opened to him.

  Tongues danced, hands stroked, their bodies moving together in a primal dance that made her pulse race. He was heat, and strength, and passion, holding her, claiming her, branding her with every touch. She took a breath, drawing his scent into her lungs. She let her hands roam over him, exploring the hard, lean lines of his body. She wanted to commit every part of him to memory, fuel for her fantasies during the long, lonely nights that had been part of her life for so long.

  “Sofa. We were going to sit on the sofa,” he finally muttered against her lips.

  “We were. We should. Before the coffee gets cold.”

  He lifted his head and eased his hold on her but didn’t let her go completely. “Right now, cold coffee would probably be a good idea. Or iced coffee. Maybe a big glass of ice, skip the coffee completely.”

  “Are you saying it’s hot in here?” she teased.

  His eyes gleamed with desire as he met her gaze. “No, sunshine. I’m saying that you should come with a warning label. Caution, kissing may cause overheating and risk of spontaneous combustion.”

  A heady mix of happiness and hormones surged through her at his compliment and she playfully fanned her face. “You’re pretty hot yourself, Officer. You have my permission to frisk me, anytime.”

  She’d intended to tease him, but instead of laughing Dave’s smile faded and the light in his eyes dimmed. Old instincts surfaced and Dani found herself scrambling to fix the damage and appease him before his cool response turned to more dangerous emotions, like anger. “I upset you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get your coffee. You don’t take anything in it, do you?” She let go of him and dropped her gaze to the floor, shoulders hunched and head down as she tried to get herself out of striking range. Dani thought she’d left this part of herself behind. She knew she was stronger than this, but instinct overcame reason and she couldn’t seem to stop herself.


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