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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 53

by Tia Siren

  Her hand instinctively shot out to cover herself, but Luke nudged it away with a chuckle. His hot breath fluttered across the sensitive skin there before his lips found a nipple and tugged it into his mouth.

  Helpless against the onslaught, Paige let her head fall back against the wooden door. There was nothing she could do besides let the pleasure take over her like her body ached and pleaded for her to do. It pleaded for her damn head and heart to stop worry about what would happen afterward.

  Nothing would happen afterward. They had to return to the dinner party, and Luke knew where her values were. He wouldn’t press her if she told him no.

  Except, that was the problem. Paige sucked in a shaky breath as she felt sweat drip down the back of her neck. He could trap her in the middle of her own desires. He knew how to coax things like that out of her.

  She was skyrocketing upward with Luke’s hand guiding her along the way. His lips were all over her breasts. Sweat dampening his own skin as her fingers clutched at him to hold herself steady.

  “That’s right,” Luke said, lifting his head from her chest. “I can feel you that you are so close. Just let yourself go. Give in to it, Paige.”

  It didn’t take much coaxing. Her hips were moving against his hand of their own accord. The friction was too much, especially when his fingers parted her to rub even harder. The delicate bundle of nerves twitched helplessly as a searing orgasm, hotter than anything she ever could have imagined, came barreling down upon her.

  A cry escaped her lips, followed by a hazy and sated feeling. Tears pricked the back of her eyes as Luke’s hand left her center to pump himself frantically. The hand on her right breast tightened as a low-throated moan left his mouth. His body twitched violently a moment later as he released himself onto her thighs and his hand.

  They sank against each other in relief. It was Luke who pulled back first to grin down at her with a hand on the door above her head.

  “Just imagine what the real thing will feel like, sweetheart,” he said. “Just imagine it before you start to doubt and think what we did was wrong, because this,” he gestured between them, “isn’t wrong. I refuse to not let myself feel attracted to you. You shouldn’t feel like that either.”

  She realized, deep down, that Luke was right to a degree. Still, she couldn’t give in to him just yet. There were other things they needed to do first.


  “I’m starting to regret that I brought you here.”

  A storm of jealousy and possessiveness swirled through Luke as he gazed out across the oil rig to where Paige had settled herself in the grass to draw. The cold wind fluttered her brown waterfall curls that were loose and pretty about her petite shoulders. She had opted for a nice pair of jeans, UGG boots, and a chunky purple sweater to fend off the cold.

  She was an attractive sight to look upon. Many of the men on the rig were glancing over at her as well.

  It had been a mistake to bring her to North Dakota. The whole arrangement with Paige had been a mistake on his part—not because he didn’t think she looked the part of a dutiful and loving fiancé; only because he couldn’t have her the way he wanted her.

  Footsteps approached him from behind. He looked up right as Toby looked over to where his attention had been focused on. A knowing grin tugged at his lips.

  “I think you both are doing good,” Toby said. “The publicity is up. Everyone is talking about how you two appear to be in love.”

  “We aren’t in love,” Luke said flatly. “I told you this is purely business. This was your brilliant plan to help me get what I want.”

  Toby arched an eyebrow at his testy tone. “What is it that you want exactly? You had every right to tell me that it wouldn’t work out with Paige.”

  “You were also the one who said my father would like her. I agree with you on that. I just—”

  He ran an aggravated hand through his hair. He enjoyed sex, a lot. More than he should. Attracting women into his bed had never been an issue up until meeting Paige. He had never had to work hard at it since most of the time the opposite sex came willingly into his bed. Not with Paige. She was determined to uphold her end of the agreement, which was no sex.

  These urges he had developed for Paige over the past couple of days felt entirely different than the previous ones. He had gotten a taste of those sweet lips on occasion, but nothing to satisfied his baser urges. Sex had been causal to him for the longest time, but now it was transforming into something he wasn’t sure he was entirely comfortable with.

  Paige cupped a hand over her eyes to look up in their direction. Turning abruptly, Luke stepped out of her line of sight.

  Sex was meaningful to Paige. It also thrilled him to think that he could be the one and only man Paige ever sought pleasure with if he stuck with the marriage.

  “I’m going blue all over,” Luke said, shifting himself out frustration. “I can’t keep going at this pace without finding a release somewhere.”

  “Don’t find a random woman to sleep with,” Toby warned, wagging a finger at him. “We have way too many people snooping around for a good story. That type of story would scare Paige away and ruin everything you are trying to do.”

  What was he even trying to do at this point?

  Marriage and monogamy had never been Luke’s thing. Even when his father, an oil tycoon, had lectured him repeatedly for never settling down, he hadn’t cared. He just couldn’t fathom spending the rest of his life with only one woman.

  He glanced back over the railing to find that Paige had risen from her spot on the ground and was no longer alone. One of his employees had found the courage to stride right up to her.

  Jealousy surged through Luke fast and hard when Paige let out a small laugh at something that was said. He shoved the clipboard he had been holding into Toby’s unexpected arms.

  “I’ll be right back,” he barked, and slid his way down the metal stairs with an ease that came from years of working on this rig for his father.

  Wind ripped at him as he came around the corner of the small trailer the managers used as an office. The second his employee, a baby-faced newbie, saw him coming toward them, his face visibly paled. He scurried away without looking at Luke before anything could be said.

  Paige watched him go in bafflement before turning to look at Luke. “What is going on? Why are you—”

  “I don’t want you talking to these men out here,” Luke said sharply. “They aren’t talking to you to be friendly. They are talking to you—”

  “He was just being nice,” Paige said, shaking her head at him. “Why are you acting like such a possessive jerk all of a sudden?”

  “I just know how it is out here is all. You are gone for weeks at a time, so it has a tendency to make someone horny.”

  “And you thought I was going to sleep with him in this wide-open field here where everyone can see us?”

  She swept a dramatic hand at the landscape. Horny himself, Luke grabbed ahold of her hand to tug her in the direction of a trailer that was empty. He ignored the tension in Paige’s arm as she followed him up the rickety steps.

  He slammed the trailer door shut and locked it before turning to face her with a passionate gaze.

  “If you are going to sleep with anyone,” he drawled out, “it’s going to be with me. I’m not working this hard for nothing here, darling.”

  Her eyes widened in a mixture of alarm and something different. Passion, he realized with an excited jolt, lingered in her eyes. None of the times Paige had kissed him back had been clumsy, as he had expected in an inexperienced woman when it came to the art of arousing. She was a virgin, but not naive by any means. She knew what she was doing to drive him wild with desire.

  “What are we doing here?” Paige asked, her voice a quiet murmur in the stillness of the trailer. “What do you want?”

  Outside, there was a clatter of oil pipes followed by robust conversation. He knew they didn’t have all the time in the world to fulfill what he lusted f
or. Toby would come looking for him soon, or one of the mangers would return to the trailer.

  He decided honesty was the best answer when it came to pleasing someone like Paige. She knew when he was lying.

  “I want you,” he said. “That is what I want. You are what I want right now.”

  Paige’s head snapped back in shock at those words. She swallowed nervously as she took a step back to put some distance between them.

  “We can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “Not unless—”

  “We are getting married, per the terms of my father’s will,” Luke said. “That is also your requirement too.”

  “Beforehand,” she corrected.

  “What difference does it make? I don’t even know if I can let you go after all this trouble you are putting me through.”

  “Trouble?” Paige sighed at him in irritation. “It’s not trouble when you’re in a relationship. Even if it’s a fake one.”

  “It’s a headache then,” he snapped. “I’m tired of feeling like I am going to burst.”

  “What if someone comes looking for you?”

  He could see her defenses crumbling quickly. Seizing the opportunity, Luke took a small step forward.

  “I’m not saying we are going to have sex right here,” he said. He knew sex would have to come at a later date, when he had time to make sure Paige never forgot it. No, he had something else planned to release tension.

  “What are you saying then?” she asked.

  Without warning, he darted across the room in a couple of seconds and wrapped his arms around her in a strong, fervent kiss. The force of it knocked Paige back against the wall, but he kept his grip firm to keep her upright. His hands went to either side of her head, and they melted into each other. Their mouths fought against each other’s for dominance.

  Their tongues slipped in and out of each other’s mouths. Paige’s fingers ghosted his jawline and then trailed down the sides of his neck. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He was hard and ready to go, and he rubbed ardently against her thigh that was trapped between his legs.

  Paige broke the kiss with a gasp. “Luke—”

  “This is how much you drive me wild,” he groaned. “Please, Paige. Just touch me. Just touch me is all I’m asking you to do at this moment.”

  “People could—”

  “They won’t,” he growled, and he kissed her hesitation away again. “I’m going to go insane with you if you don’t do something quickly.”

  “I…” She trailed off, a red hue filling her cheeks. “I’ve never doing something like this before.”

  Her fear softened the lustful haze that had taken over his mind and body. Tracing her jawline with his fingers, Luke pressed a soft kiss against her lips.

  “I can show you,” he said. “Then you can rest easy. I won’t bother you again for maybe a day.”

  “A day?” she repeated dubiously. “That’s not very long.”

  “I’m a man, sweetheart. A hot-blooded man.” He shrugged his shoulders before letting his fingers slip down to her collarbone and then to the swell of her breasts. “You feel so good, Paige. It’s hard not to be attracted to you.”

  The sound of voices passed by the trailer. Luke refused to let up his grip on her when she squirmed. He watched the conflict play out on Paige’s freckled face before, much to his joy and surprise, she gave a nod.

  “It may not feel that good,” she said, and her eyes darted down to the bulge in his pants. “I don’t know what I’m doing or—”

  “I’ll help you. Don’t worry so much.”

  He reached down to release himself with a relieved groan. Finally, after all this time of figuring out a way to get her to touch him, it was going to happen. He took ahold of Paige’s hand, and after pressing a tender kiss to her fingers, he wrapped her hand around his hardened shaft.

  The sensation of her fingers gripping him tightly nearly did it for him. He nearly tipped over that blissful edge into a much-needed release, but he fought for control as he guided Paige’s soft fingers up and down himself. If he hadn’t been so fixated on how good it felt to finally have her touching him, he would’ve laughed at the wide-eyed look on her face.

  To savor the feeling a bit longer, Luke leaned forward to occupy her mouth in a kiss. He swept his tongue into her mouth as he pressed her up against the wall with their hands working together between their bodies. He poured everything he could think and feel into that kiss, because a selfish part of him wanted her to give him permission to go the final step.

  Paige’s kiss tampered off from the intensity though. He felt hesitation and nerves shoot through her again as voices approached and then disappeared. He needed to let himself go before someone did walk in on them. Not that it mattered. They all had watched Luke bring her into the trailer. They were all aware of what was probably going on, so he let that thought go.

  His heart rate increased to a frantic pace that left him winded and dizzy. Unable to control the pleasure any longer, Luke tore his lips away to nip and suck at the exposed skin of Paige’s neck until he was confident there would be a mark—a mark that would show everyone that she was only his for the moment. His legs felt wooden as every bit of blood in his body pooled to that one organ that craved release.

  That was when he felt the first signs of an impending release shoot up his spine. Luke let go of Paige’s wrist as she continued to pump him while watching his face with rapt fascination.

  “That’s right,” he groaned, resting his head on the wall next to hers. “Keep going. For the love of god, do not stop.”

  She didn’t, even though he was sure her fingers ached from the unfamiliar rhythm and motion. The tension in him coiled up before one last stroke over the tip of him finally, and rather violently, threw him over into the choppy sea of one of the most intense orgasms he had ever experienced in his life.

  Paige’s hand continued to milk him until there was nothing left to give besides the lingering pleasure. Sweat poured down the back of Luke’s neck as her fingers fell away, but he refused to let her go just yet. He could sense the uncertainty building up in her again, so he gathered her up in a tight embrace to soothe that part of her.

  “Don’t freak out,” he gasped, trying to regain control his racing heart. “It’s okay, Paige. That was the best feeling.”

  “I don’t doubt it was,” she said, letting out a wavering breath. “It just…”

  Luke lifted his head to look at her. It wasn’t hesitation that he sensed. The entire thing had aroused some sort of interest in her. Another rush of lust went through him when he realized that Paige had potentially been stimulated by watching him cave into his desires.

  “You’re aroused,” he said. “Am I right?”

  Paige chewed on her bottom lip. “I don’t know if that’s what I would say it is.”

  “It is that. And I better return the favor then.”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head when he let his hand meander down her back to grab at an ass cheek. “You don’t have to do anything. Let’s not push it today.”

  “It’s not pushing anything. Do you doubt my abilities to give you pleasure? Because I sure as hell don’t doubt yours now.”

  “It’s not about that. We shouldn’t even be doing this in the first place.”

  Not willing to let Paige talk herself out of what she felt, Luke kissed her to distract her from that logical side of her brain that often got her into trouble. It worked after a few minutes, when he felt the tension leave Paige as she kissed him back with just as much passion. While their tongues tangled again, he let his hand grip at her hip sensually before sliding down to rub at her through the fabric of her jeans.

  A gasp filled his mouth in response. He reached for the button of her pants when someone pounded on the trailer door, dousing the both of them in ice.

  “Luke?” Toby yelled. “You in there with Paige?”

  Luke pulled back as he gazed down at Paige. There was no mistaking the roar he felt deep within hi
s chest.

  He was going to have her by the end of the thirty days, even if that meant exhausting every trick in his playbook.


  Tied to Him: Sample

  I've always been tied to you.

  I wanted you even when I shouldn't have.

  I desired you even when it was wrong.

  But I've been waiting for you to become a woman.

  And now I'll have you.

  You'll be alone with me on my private island.

  You'll forget you're there to pay off your father's debt.

  You won't even remember your own name.

  You won't feel the ropes I tie around your wrists.

  You won't miss the light when I blindfold you.

  All you will feel is my mouth on yours, my skin against yours, and my hardness as I slowly slide in to you.

  And when you scream my name, I'll know you're mine.

  Tied to me.


  Chapter 1


  “You know, Nancy, this is a fantastic apartment,” I said as I turned my head away from the window and faced Nancy.

  “You think so? It’s a corner apartment and a funny shape,” Nancy said as she checked her uniform for her summer job.

  “Hell yeah. Look at it from this side. We have a perfect view of the campus. I can see everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off, getting ready for the last day of college.” I smiled as I pointed from the window. “And from this window, I can see my parking spot.”

  “Do I look okay in this, or do I look like a complete dork?” Nancy asked as she stood there in her Papino’s uniform.

  “You look fine. Everyone looks like a dork at Papino’s. It’s just that yellow and red aren’t your best colors,” I said as I stifled a laugh.

  “So, what you do you mean your spot? There is nothing there but the beach,” she said as she brushed her hands against her yellow pants.

  “Exactly. Three months in my spot, the center of the beach, soaking up the rays and spending Dad’s money. What could be better?” I said as I placed my hands on the window frame and rested my head on the glass.


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