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Frost Fire

Page 6

by Emma Layne

  They reached a small pond at the rear of the property.

  "You planned all of this?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Earlier, Blaze had stopped by the store and purchased two sets of skates. He’d left them on top of two enormous stumps on the edge of the lake, along with a blanket to keep Molly warm. Blaze didn’t have much experience dating, and he wanted to make this one memorable. Trysts were far more casual than an outing.

  Ice skating was one of his favorite activities. As a young child, he’d spent hour’s blading on the lake beyond the castle. Gliding along the cool surface had calmed him down when he’d been enraged, or angry at his situation or one of his brothers.

  If only I’d gone skating instead of fighting with Favian.

  No, don’t think on it, now.

  “Do you skate?”

  “Not since I was a kid.”

  “Are you game?”

  “Why not?”

  “Then let’s get started.” His boots slid off easily. The leather was buttery to the touch from years of hard use. Blaze made short work of the task, lacing his skates up in a matter of moments.

  Molly’s movements were slower, and she struggled to get her boots off. To help the process along and because he wanted another excuse to touch her, Blaze knelt at her feet. Before she could protest, he grasped the back of her calf and placed her foot on his thigh.

  “Let’s see if it fits, I had to guess at the size.” After removing her footwear, he put the skate on. Slowly.

  She shivered.

  He drew out the process as long as possible, running his hand down the length of her calves. Blaze had been dying to caress Molly again. She had long, slender limbs and he couldn’t help but picture her legs fastened around his waist, as he plunged inside of her.

  Molly didn’t protest, but she held her breath the entire time. He could tell she was just as affected as he was.

  What would her naked skin feel like against his? Blaze could almost feel her touch.

  When he could find no more pretexts, Blaze diligently tightened her laces, and then tied them off.

  “Let’s go.”

  Earlier, he'd checked the ice, and it was frozen solid, so there was little chance they’d plunge through it. While the cold wouldn't bother him, he worried about Molly’s safety. He gathered her hand in his and led them onto the ice.

  Molly clutched him for support in the most delightful way. Her movements were hesitant at first. They leisurely made their way around the outer rim of the pond, taking it easy while she got used to it, once more. After a couple more rounds, she moved swifter, and more easily.

  “Is it coming back to you?”

  “Yes, I still have the muscle memory, but don't let go."

  “If you like.” Blaze would much rather keep his hands on her anyway. As a matter of fact, he could do this all night, and it would be just fine with him.

  They glided together, skating faster, and faster, looping the pond several times. Blaze closed his eyes, and let his head fall back, as the snow began pouring down, blanketing them both in white clouds.

  The air was sharp and clean in his lungs. The scrape of their skates against the hard surface felt so familiar. He hadn’t felt so carefree, so content, in a long time.

  "Whoa." All of a sudden, she wobbled, clinging to his arm once more.

  “It’s all right, I've got you." Blaze steadied Molly once more, with a hand on the small of her back.

  With a shriek, her feet flew out from under her. Blaze pulled her into the circle of his arms before Molly hit the ground.

  It felt so natural.

  Unable to stop himself, Blaze pressed his mouth to hers, and she leaned in, giving him access. It was tentative at first, and then more insistent, as he cradled her face, and then plundered her mouth. Molly wrapped her arms around his waist and held him close. Blaze stroked her cheeks with his thumbs, relishing the softness of her skin.

  The kiss was tinged with lust, of course, but also something more. The yearning, which had nothing to do with the needs of his body.

  When he finally pulled back, they were both breathing hard. She was wide-eyed, with swollen crimson lips. Blaze barely resisted the urge to kiss her again, but he needed to get his equilibrium back. His world was off-kilter, somehow askew.

  “That was…” Molly trailed off.

  “I know.”

  Words eluded him. The kiss had been breathtaking, devastating and he couldn’t wait to do it again. Yet, he was almost afraid of getting caught up once more, losing himself in her.

  “Maybe we should head inside?” Molly held her hands up and her palms promptly filled with snow. “It’s really coming down.”

  Blaze was loathe to end the evening, but they couldn’t stay outside any longer. Molly was shivering, and his conscience prodded him to attend to her needs.

  “Yes, let’s go.” Blaze helped her to the stump, and they removed their skates.

  “I noticed some libations in the kitchen earlier. Would you like a nightcap before we head to bed?”

  Molly said nothing, searching his face.

  He held his breath, praying she’d accept.

  “Um, sure, maybe just one drink.”


  “You’re handsome. I mean, really good looking.”

  Molly leaned forward, getting a closer look at Blaze, as though she’d never seen him before. They sat in front of the fireplace in the Great Room, in adjoining leather chairs, and the logs in the hearth crackled and popped. Outside, the wind howled and raged, but they were warm and cozy indoors.

  She felt good, better than she had earlier. Molly wasn’t sure why, perhaps skating had helped. It had been exhilarating.

  Or it could be the fire?

  Molly had read somewhere that fires gave off negative ions, which were comforting. It sounded like some more New Age crap, but science backed it up. And the ions certainly seemed to be working on her.

  Or maybe it’s Blaze in conjunction with the hot buttered rum, of course?

  She snickered. Molly hadn’t felt this free in, well, ever.

  “Why, yes, I am. Thank you for noticing.” Blaze lifted his glass in approval, before downing the rest.

  She leaned back in her chair, and for once, Molly didn’t give a rat’s behind about her to-do list, or what commitments she had in the morning. Molly lived in a near constant state of anxiety, worrying about everything she had to accomplish. It was nice to simply be in the moment.

  Molly had taken off her winter outerwear, but she was draped in a blanket. He’d suggested drinking, in her room, but Molly had shot the idea down. While she wasn’t ready to end the evening, Molly didn’t want to take it any further either.


  “Have some more, my dove.”

  Blaze poured her another shot, as well as one for himself. They made batches of hot buttered rum for the tourists. It was delicious, full of tempting flavors like brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. There was something comforting about the mixture, like homemade waffles or pumpkin pie. It was even warm from being re-heated in the microwave.

  Why haven’t I tried this before?

  She took a sip, savoring the warmth as it spread down her throat. The rum had burned at first, but Molly had gotten used to it. She had no idea how many she’d had already, and Molly didn’t care.

  “And did you enjoy my company this evening?”

  Molly thought about it a moment, but her thoughts were muzzy. She could still feel his kiss on her lips, as though they’d been burned. Worse yet, she wanted another one and then another.

  His mouth was even more addictive than the rum.

  “Yes, I did.”

  Molly still couldn’t believe the turn of events. And yet, he’d been so kind, considerate this evening. Blaze cared whether or not she got a good night’s rest. And he’d bought her a pair of skates, for pity sake.

  What if I’ve been wrong about him this whole time?

  “I’m glad you can ad
mit it, which means we shall have to do this again.”


  He nodded.

  Molly hadn’t been sure this wasn’t a onetime thing. After all, Blaze had the attention span of a gnat. She thought he might lose interest, and go back to screwing every other woman in the county.

  Evidently not.

  “So you actually want to date me?” Molly had to ask, to be sure.

  Blaze slanted a cautious look her way. “I think so, yes.”

  She could see he was astonished too. It was a relief to know he was just as disconcerted by the arrangement. They didn’t make sense together. From what Molly could tell they were polar opposites, and yet it seemed to work. Once she’d gotten past all his shallow, playboy persona, of course.

  “You haven’t done much dating, huh?”

  “No, I’m afraid not. When it comes to women, my interests have been fleeting. Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not proposing a serious relationship, but I’d like to spend some time with you, exclusively.”


  “Indeed.” He quirked an eyebrow. “This is new for me, but I think you and I could have a lot of fun together.”

  Okay, he wants to date me. A giddy surge of excitement raced through her, followed by panic.

  Thank God I’m drunk. If she’d been sober, Molly doubted she could navigate this situation without sounding like a complete idiot.

  “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Consider my proposal then.”

  “I am.” Molly hiccupped. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re, um…”

  Thank goodness she’d stopped herself. She’d almost said something rude.

  “Yes? Finish your thought, dove.” His tone was teasing.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Kind of slutty?” Molly clapped a hand over her mouth. “Yikes. That was a bit judgmental, huh?”

  He frowned. “You mean promiscuous?”


  “A tad, but I deserve it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  His face sobered. “Never apologize for being truthful.”

  Molly figured she’d hit a nerve, but she didn’t know why. Did his reaction mean he’d been lying to someone?

  “So, we’ll both be in unchartered territory?”


  “Why don’t you do commitments?”

  His expression clouded. “It’s a very long story, one I might tell you someday, but for now, I would have your answer.”

  Molly had the feeling there was a story there, a closeted skeleton which had never been brought into the light.



  “Are you game?”

  And sitting there, looking into his eyes, Molly couldn’t bring herself to refuse.

  “I think so.” Molly peered at the rum in her glass, wondering if the alcohol had somehow betrayed her.

  Blaze beamed. “Excellent.”

  And yet she didn’t want to take it back.

  “I should probably go to sleep.”

  “Will you be able to rest, dove?” Blaze laid a hand on the side of her face.

  “Yes, thanks to you.” Molly closed her eyes, savoring his touch. When he pulled away, Molly stood, but she swayed. Instantly, Blaze was on his feet, swinging her up into his arms once more.

  “Allow me to carry you to your room again.”

  “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Molly covered a yawn with her hand.

  “Perhaps I make you weak, too?” He climbed the staircase, holding her as if she weighed nothing.


  “It’s for the best anyway, I cannot leave you unattended in such a state.”

  Molly was about to answer him, but she couldn’t make her lips work, and her eyes kept drifting closed.

  “Sleep well, I shall care for you.”

  It was the last thing Molly heard before she drifted off.


  Kill me now.

  Light streamed through the open curtains, and it hurt her eyes.

  Molly had a dry mouth, and a terrible, pounding headache. She’d never felt so awful. This was worse than the bout of flu she’d had a couple of years ago. The radiator sounded like an airplane for some reason, and she pulled a pillow over her head.

  What the crap happened to me?

  Molly tensed.

  And then it came back to her, every moment from the past evening. Blaze had knocked on her door and convinced her to go ice skating. Afterward, she’d gotten drunk with him by the fire.

  And had she really promised to go out with him…?

  She was drawing a big blank about the rest, though. How’d she get to her room?

  “Good morning, dove.”

  And then she saw Blaze, bare-chested and lying next to her. His hair was tousled, and even more stubble than usual dotted his square jaw.

  “Oh my God.” She scrambled out of bed.

  Blaze gave a dark, bemused chuckle.

  Molly groaned as her temples throbbed a constant beat. She probably shouldn’t have moved so fast.

  “What happened? Did we, er…?”

  “What do you think?” He stretched languidly, like a cat laying in the sun, and then placed both hands behind his head.

  Molly glanced down at herself. “I’m still dressed.” Thank God.

  “Of course.”

  “So you didn’t…?”

  “Sleep with a comatose woman? No.”

  “Then why are you half naked?” She pointed to him, in case he’d missed it.

  “No, dove, I’m completely naked.” And with that, Blaze stood but made no move to cover himself.

  And he wasn’t wrong.

  Molly stood there, gaping at him. All she could see was skin, lots and lots of naked male skin. When Molly finally realized what she was doing, she whipped around.

  “Why did you take off your clothes?”

  “The answer is simple. I was warm, so I disrobed.”

  Did I just see, what I thought I saw? Does he have two cocks? Or maybe I’m so hungover, I imagined an extra one?

  No, it couldn’t be.

  She’d heard of diphallia, but it was extremely rare, and both penises were hardly ever functional. And for some odd reason, she really cared if his were.

  Before she could sneak another peek, Blaze had already bent over and retrieved his trousers from the floor. Although she was treated to a spectacular view of his sculpted backside.

  Why does he have to be so freaking attractive?

  While she was reeling, he retrieved the rest of his clothing.

  “I’m afraid I can’t dawdle. I have to meet Link before work.” Blaze bent down and kissed her, and she melted into him, clinging to his shoulders, wanting more.

  What’s gotten into me?

  “I’ll see you later on tonight, dove.” With a wink, he was out the door.

  Chapter Seven

  “Forthwind is doing quite well.”

  Blaze joined Link at the shuttle controls.

  Leaving Molly’s bed had been difficult, but he’d somehow done it. Blaze wasn’t one for duty above pleasure, but he mustn’t lose sight of the mission and as much as he’d love to lay about all day with her, he had commitments.

  At least he was making progress on his campaign to win her affections. Although, Blaze wondered if he was making this harder on himself, ultimately. And yet he couldn’t stop either. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he had Molly and not in the physical sense either. Blaze needed her in some nameless, urgent way.

  I’ve never been in such a bloody bind.

  “Yes, he has adapted to the new environment.”

  Blaze shook his head, focusing on the moment.

  “I’m glad he’s all right.”

  A few weeks ago, Faro and Amy had rescued the bird from the elements. The owl had been placed in stasis by the Trovians for shipping. The Trovi
ans bred animals and ran an interstellar menagerie, and they were always on the hunt for new specimens. Presumably due to its broken wing, they’d left the owlet behind. Link had pulled it out of stasis, healed the wound, and now it appeared to be his pet. It rested on a small perch, located on the ship’s console. After eyeing Blaze, the bird preened its feathers, unconcerned with his presence.

  While other people on his planet didn’t keep companion animals, it didn’t seem to bother Link. Then again, Link wasn’t humanoid.

  “I think Forthwind enjoys being with me.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, but what of the future?”

  “What of it?”

  “We’ll head home soon, and he’ll be left behind.” Blaze didn’t know if he was trying to convince himself or Link about the dangers of getting attached to an alien.

  “His life will be short on this planet so leaving him behind is not a wise course of action.”

  Short, like Molly’s life would be.

  His gut clenched.

  Don’t think on it. No good will come of brooding about her fate. That way lies madness.

  “You intend to take him with us?”

  Link nodded. “This creature is adaptable so he will adjust.”

  Blaze knew the decision had been based on careful deliberation, rather than feelings. Like the Knights, Link was a combination of both magic, and machine, so he had a soul or an essence, but he was logical, empirical and thoughtful.

  He had the capacity for emotions, but he also retained control of his computer-processing systems and preferred to keep his emotive center switched off. He went back- and-forth between envying Link’s emotional control and pitying the loss. Drake emotions are volatile, intense, and soared to impossible heights, but then plunged into unimaginable depths as well.

  It was a mixed bag, to be sure.

  “Can you do some research for me on earthly human dating practices? Specifically on what activities are suitable for dating.”

  Blaze could spend hours researching the ship’s computer records, or he could have a chat with Link, who was basically a walking and talking database.

  So the decision was easy.

  He spent most of his time on a battlefield, not in a classroom or library. Blaze was used to taking orders and dipping his blade in blood.


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