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Page 10

by Carroll, John H.

  That was very useful new information. “Oh, that would make sense wouldn’t it? You must think me a silly fool for not figuring that out.” Liselle acted embarrassed.

  “Not at all, Milady,” Talia replied with a genuine smile. “You couldn’t know there was a stronghold there and the ways of the Rojuun are strange after all.”

  Liselle liked this woman a lot. Not only had she provided them with information, but more importantly, she had been pleasant and eager to please. It was refreshing after dealing with the Druids who had been stand-offish. Looking back at the items on the table, she said, “I was looking to buy a piece of jewelry, but I just don’t know what to get.”

  “You know, I think I have just the thing for you,” Tiala replied with a finger on chin and a thoughtful look on her face. “Not long ago, I was passing by a garden and found inspiration in some flowers.” Talia pointed at the blossom in Liselle’s hair. “You seem to like flowers, so let me show this to you.” She moved to her workbench and opened a drawer, pulling a simple wooden box from it.

  Talia brought it to them and opened it. Inside were a necklace and earrings made of exquisite gold, set with amethyst gemstones arranged in the shape of flowers. Each inset was a brilliant round amethyst in the center with five more shaped as petals around it. The necklace had one flower in the center with two smaller ones on either side. Looking closer, Liselle noticed the intricate work that had been done to make the rest of the necklace appear to be leaves and branches intertwined. The earrings were smaller flowers with golden leaves hanging down.

  “Ohh . . .” Liselle reached out to touch them gently. “Oh, oh, oh those are so nice. I love them.”

  “Oh yes! They are beautiful, dearest,” Vevin agreed, looking over her shoulder. “The gems are fine and the gold work is extraordinary. They would look amazing on you.”

  “When I passed the flowers, I had an urge to create these,” Talia said with a smile. “I haven’t put the set out as I didn’t want to sell them to the wrong person. I believe it was a good decision. You are who these pieces are meant for, Milady.”

  Liselle frowned in thought. “My ears aren’t pierced, so I wouldn’t be able to wear the earrings.” The thought of poking holes in her ears made her uncomfortable, though she had noticed many men and women with piercings in the city and among the Druids. Tathan had his ears pierced as well. It seemed to be a popular thing to do. Even the Rojuun liked piercings.

  “I can pierce your ears for you, Milady. Don’t worry, it’s a quick procedure and there’s only a small pain, which goes away immediately,” Talia assured her with a gentle smile, gesturing to a chair near the workbench.

  Liselle looked at Vevin to get his opinion. He eagerly nodded. “They would look pretty on you and it’s very clever to keep one’s treasure on the ears.”

  She smiled and blushed before turning to Talia. “Alright, let’s do it.” She began to follow the jewelsmith to the chair then stopped suddenly. “Wait . . . I haven’t purchased them, and I promised Tathan I’d bargain . . .” Liselle realized she had just given away the fact that she was supposed to bargain to the very person she would haggle with. Her hand moved to her mouth in embarrassment.

  Talia giggled. “I would expect nothing less, Milady. In all honesty, I forgot that I needed to sell them to you,” she said with a blush upon her dark cheeks. The jewelsmith crossed her arms, still holding the box in one hand and thought briefly. “This jewelry was made for you, though I didn’t know it at the time, therefore I can’t sell it to anyone else. I also really like you, which isn’t something I should admit to when trying to make a bargain,” she informed with a wink and smile. That put them both on a level playing field.

  “Well, if I have enough money I’m going to buy it anyway, regardless of whether or not it’s a good deal,” Liselle said, sabotaging her own position further. “My cousin will just have to be cranky with me.” She really did hope she had enough to buy the set. The flowers were just so beautiful. If only the gold leaves could be green, it would be perfect.

  Vevin giggled at their game and joined in. “I would buy it for you, and if I don’t have enough, we’ll combine our money,” he said with a big grin. Talia finally pierced Vevin’s illusion enough to see how sharp his teeth were, causing her to take a step back.

  “It’s alright, he doesn’t bite,” Liselle told her hurriedly. “Well . . . he does bite, but not you. I promise,” she said, nodding reassuringly.

  Talia did not look at all reassured and took another step back. Liselle sighed, worried she might not get the necklace after all. Then the jeweler took a deep breath to fortify her resolve. She stepped forward once more, bowing to Vevin. “I apologize, Milord. I did not mean to offend you,” she said with amazing resilience.

  “Oh no! You didn’t offend me. I don’t mind at all,” Vevin said with another dance. “I try not to scare people, but sometimes I just can’t help it.” Liselle noticed that Talia’s guard wasn’t paying attention to them, which showed that Vevin’s illusion was still strong. He had just let the jeweler see his real self, which was somewhat of a compliment.

  “Very good, Milord” Talia responded with relief evident on her face. Liselle wondered why she kept calling them ‘Milady’ and ‘Milord’. It was probably something all merchants did. The vendor they had gotten the treats from did the same thing, as had others in the past. “How much is the jewelry, Talia?” Liselle asked.

  “I purchased the amethyst from a vendor in Alluu and it only cost me eight gold uun. There’s a great deal of amethyst and other gems to be purchased there. The gold in the necklace is pure and worth three gold uun in weight,” she told them in a businesslike tone. “I won’t charge you for my labor as it was a pleasure to make them and an inspiration as well. Therefore, the cost is eleven gold uun,” she said, holding the box out to Liselle.

  Instead of haggling, Liselle immediately grabbed her purse to pay. However, Vevin had fifteen gold already in his hand and gave it to Talia. “I’ll purchase the jewels for my mate,” he said quickly. “And they are worth five times the price you ask.”

  “Thank you, Milord,” Talia replied, taking the gold while handing the box to him. Then she grabbed Liselle’s hand and pulled her over to the chair, smiling the whole time. “Come, Milady, it’ll be a quick sting to pierce the ear.” She tossed the money on the desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a sharp object as Liselle sat down.

  Vevin came over and opened the box for Talia. The jewel smith grabbed one of the earrings and leaned next to Liselle’s right ear with the sharp needle. Liselle watched the needle suspiciously, pulling away when it came near.

  “Shh, shh. It’s alright, Milady.” Talia took Liselle’s chin and turned her toward Vevin, then moved the needle to the earlobe. It was a sharp pain, over quickly. It reminded Liselle of the time Vevin had nibbled a little too hard on that lobe. Then the weight of the earring pulled at her ear.

  “Here, hold this for a moment,” Talia told her, pressing a small piece of cloth to the piercing and bringing Liselle’s hand up to hold it. She moved around to the other side.

  “You could pierce my ears for me with your teeth, darling,” Liselle said, grinning at Vevin. Talia paused and looked at him once more with eyes wide. She opened her mouth, but Liselle interrupted gently. “Don’t ask, Talia.”

  The jewelsmith’s mouth closed and she nodded, moving back to the left ear. She quickly pierced that lobe as well before reaching out for the other earring that Vevin handed to her. An instant later, she had a cloth at that ear too. “Hold this one now, Milady,” Talia told her.

  “Let’s see them, dearest,” Vevin said. He danced from foot to foot in anticipation. Talia had gone to stand next to him, but took a step to the side instead.

  Liselle removed the cloths and stood, turning her head each way for Vevin to see. The feel of dangly earrings swinging from her lobes felt strange. He set the box on the workbench and took the necklace out. Liselle turned and held her hair up so he could clasp it.
Talia fetched a mirror for her to see.

  They were beautiful. The flower in Liselle’s hair moved forward to look in the mirror as well. It was pleased at the effect. Talia’s eyes widened at the flower’s motion. It occurred to the jewelsmith that this was not an ordinary couple by any means.

  “They look wonderful, dearest,” Vevin told Liselle with his hands on her shoulders. She smiled back at him through the mirror then turned around and put her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.

  “I love you, Vevin,” Liselle said, looking fondly into his eyes. They held each other for a moment as Talia looked on in embarrassment, feeling like an intruder in their special moment. “Thank you so much for this, Talia. The jewelry is absolutely beautiful,” Liselle told her.

  “You’re welcome, Milady,” Talia replied. “If you could tell others where you purchased it, I would appreciate the business.”

  “I will most definitely do so,” Liselle reassured her.

  “Oh yes!” Vevin exclaimed. “We’ll tell everyone where we purchased it and that the rest of your work is high quality.” He was doing a happy dance, careful not to bump into any of the tables. “Good business to you, Talia.”

  “And good journeys to you, Milord, Milady,” she said, lowering her head to each of them. They walked back into the market, Vevin grabbing the box for the jewelry to put it wherever he kept such things.

  Chapter 11

  They strolled through the market plaza with arms linked. “Vevin? Why does everyone keep calling me ‘Milady’?” Liselle asked. It had been bothering her for a while.

  “Because you are a lady, dearest.” Vevin appeared puzzled by the question. “It’s easy for everyone to see.”

  “But I’m not a lady. I’m . . .” she trailed off. Liselle still didn’t know what she was.

  “You’re a flower child. A princess among flowers,” Vevin responded. “If anything, people should be calling you ‘Highness’.”

  “No! I don’t want people calling me that. ‘Milady’ is bad enough,” she exclaimed in alarm, hitting him in the shoulder with her free hand. He laughed out loud and gave her a fake bow. She smacked his shoulder again as he tried to duck away.

  They continued walking, Vevin’s laughter settling into a grin. “You are a lady among flowers then,” he told her. “In truth, you look fine enough to be a lady. It’s in the way you walk and hold yourself. You’re also extremely beautiful. The world becomes brighter whenever you smile.”

  Liselle was certain a blush covered her from head to toe. She couldn’t help grinning like a fool and had a hard time looking him in the eye. He said things that made her feel so good. When he put his arm around her shoulder, she reached around his waist and held him as they walked through the market.

  They stopped at different stalls, looking at the items for sale. Liselle purchased a new shirt for traveling. When she pointed at a shirt she thought would look good on Vevin, he explained to her that all his clothes were magical constructions.

  She did purchase a small, well-crafted, silver dragon statuette that had purple gems for eyes. Vevin liked it, as it was the opposite of his purple hair and silver eyes. He did a dance with a somersault when she gave it to him, causing her to laugh. The merchant who sold it watched the display in astonishment.

  Sir Danth arrived while Vevin was pointing out design flaws on a dragon’s head staff to a craftsman who was becoming cantankerous. “You aren’t going to bite that merchant if he doesn’t get it right are you, Master Vevin?” the knight boomed, startling the craftsman. Sir Danth put a friendly hand on Liselle’s shoulder and smiled at her. She smiled back and wondered how the knight smiled when he didn’t have a face.

  Vevin sighed and gave the craftsman a frustrated look. “No, I’m not going to bite him, though it’s tempting.” Turning around, he grinned at the knight. “I’m not allowed to nibble on people, though I want to sometimes. Speaking of nibbling, I’m hungry.” His stomach roared in agreement, causing the craftsman and a few others nearby to jump in surprise. People suddenly gave the three of them a wide berth. Liselle giggled. She was used to the fact that his stomach roared instead of rumbling, though she had jumped the first time she heard it too.

  “I saw a vendor with those drumsticks you like so much, Milady,” the knight informed them. While in Garrrn Caverns, Liselle had eaten drumsticks from a flightless bird. They were extremely juicy and she became fond of them. She was chagrined when Hulda didn’t have any at the inn.

  Her face lit up. “Where?! I must have some, Sir Knight! I charge you with leading me to them,” she ordered, pointing her finger imperiously. If everyone was going to call her ‘Milady’ she would act like one. However, a giggle broke the commanding tone, which was made worse when the knight and dragon burst into laughter.

  “Aye, Milady!” Sir Danth said between laughs. “I shall heroically lead thee to drumsticks. Any who attempt to stop me in my holy quest shall fall beneath my great blade.” The few remaining bystanders instantly moved far out of the knight’s way after seeing the great sword attached to his back. They didn’t know if he was joking, but wisely chose not to find out.

  The three marched arm in arm the short distance to the stall with the drumsticks. Liselle was delighted to discover the merchant had added different kinds of seasonings to some, giving them new flavors. She tried each one, finding she liked Rojuun seasonings the best, but there were a few others that tasted delectable as well.

  Vevin ordered five batches of different flavors for himself. The vendor looked at his thin frame doubtfully, but shrugged and handed them out. Sir Danth helped the two of them carry their food to a small, tree-shaded fountain at the edge of the plaza. Vevin and Liselle sat down on a bench and began eating while the knight scanned people walking by.

  Sir Danth handed a silver uun to a young woman who walked by with a new baby in her arms and two young children in tow. “To purchase treats for your children, good woman,” he told her.

  “Uh . . . Thanks? . . .” The woman took the money with a frown and hurried her children along a little faster. She looked back over her shoulder at Sir Danth as though afraid he might try to follow her.

  A great sigh escaped the dark armor as he watched the retreating woman with her children. “There just aren’t enough impoverished peasants suffering in this city,” he pined with a sorrowful tone that rang from his metal body.

  Liselle and Vevin exchanged glances to see if the other understood that statement. Their shrugs were in perfect unison. “Yes, it’s terrible,” Vevin said empathetically. There was a solemn expression on the dragon’s face as he tried to understand the knight’s position. “People should suffer in the streets and live in poverty . . . umm . . . why?” Understanding did not shine through as he had hoped and Liselle shrugged once more with arms out. She had a drumstick of different flavor in each hand. Vevin took a fast bite out of the one nearest him and was rewarded with a glare.

  Sir Danth ignored their play, gesturing toward the plaza and the people bustling about their business. Liselle had always wondered what people looked like when they were bustling. There just wasn’t any of that going on in the valley while growing up. The knight sounded exasperated as he explained. “They are all doing well, some better than others, but nobody in Puujan is suffering. Every city I have ever been to had peasants begging for food and hoping for relief from injustices of cruel and evil entities.”

  “Oh yes, I’ve heard of those things,” Vevin said eagerly. “Cruel and evil entities, peasants suffering, cities and that sort of thing. It’s terrible that Puujan doesn’t have any of that.” He scratched his head, thinking about what he just said. “Except cities. Puujan is a city, so it has . . . I mean Puujan doesn’t have cities. That would just be silly, cities can’t have cities, because they wouldn’t fit . . . unless it was a big city, then other cities could fit in it . . . although why you would want to put other cities in one big city is beyond me . . .” he trailed off, staring at Liselle in hopes of clarification. Sh
e just shrugged and bit into another drumstick, making sure to keep it away from her food-thieving lover.

  Sir Danth was silent for a moment before turning to Vevin. “What?” he asked in confusion.

  Vevin composed his thoughts and said, “It would be silly to put other cities in a city, which would have to be large in order to fit the other cities . . .”

  The knight waved off the explanation and interrupted Vevin. “That’s not what I’m talking about,” he said with exasperation in his voice. “In fact, I don’t even know how you got going on that.” Sir Danth shook his head as though trying to shake off Vevin’s random confusion. “Anyway, the point I’m making is that I am a knight,” he said definitively.

  “Ahh yes, that clarifies things,” Vevin said with his finger in the air. He pulled it back down and stared at it with brow furrowed. “No . . . actually, no. It does not clarify things. Sorry,” he said, letting his finger fall in his lap dejectedly. Liselle giggled unhelpfully.

  “It is my job to help the poor and downtrodden,” Sir Danth informed him, leaning forward with arms spread wide while staring at Vevin to get the point across. “If there are no poor and downtrodden, I can’t very well help them, can I?”

  “Oh no! You definitely can’t help poor and downtrodden people if they refuse to be poor and downtrodden.” Vevin nodded seriously then changed it to shaking his head. Liselle giggled unhelpfully again.

  It was amazing how deeply Sir Danth could sigh without a body to clog up the air in his armor. “I have all this money and nothing to do with it.” He pulled his money pouch off his utility belt and rattled it at them. “I have no need for wealth. I do not want a home or treasure.” There was despair in the dark knight’s voice. “I do not need jewelry, food, lodging or anything else. Therefore, the money is useless to me.” He put it back on his belt.

  Vevin considered everything the knight was saying then summed it up. “So you want all of these people to become poor and homeless so you can buy them food and homes. I definitely understand now . . . It still seems very silly, but I understand,” he said with a frown. Liselle progressed from giggles to outright laughter. Sir Danth sighed again and folded his arms, glaring at Vevin who sat there staring innocently. Liselle’s laughter became harder and she gasped for breath.


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