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Page 29

by Carroll, John H.

  As they came closer, Tathan could see the source of the creaking noise. A massive waterwheel was attached to the five level building, moved by a river alongside the inn. The road had a wide stone bridge for the water to flow under. They walked over and discovered an enormous intersection where the trees were far back.

  “I bet that’s the Ancient Road we traveled on from Aaltdiin to Brondaggiin,” Vevin said excitedly, pointing to the other wide highway. “Kethril will be about a week further west on the Lost Road.” He suddenly stopped dancing. “I’d really like to stay here a few days before we continue, Tathan. I need rest.”

  “We’re definitely staying here a few days. All of us need extra rest,” Tathan assured him.

  “It’s like our house,” Liselle said quietly.

  Tathan examined the building more closely. The inn was made of the same stone their house was. The roof looked to be stone shingles and there were three rows of multiple chimneys built like the one on their house. He could make out the silhouettes of other buildings behind the inn. The idea of exploring them interested Tathan as much as it did his companions.

  The Lost Road Inn, as he mentally named it, sat at the southeast corner of the intersection with the main double doors on the Ancient Road side of the building. Trees were carved into each of the stone doors with a pattern of vines surrounding them. When Tathan pushed on them, they opened without so much as a squeak.

  The common room was huge, with four stone fireplaces lining the far wall. To the left, was an enormous bar with stone kegs behind it. To the right, was a large stage. Tathan couldn’t help but think that any Rojuun would absolutely fall in love with it.

  Dominating the center of the room was a double staircase that led to an inside balcony. There were no chairs or tables in the room, just an open floor. It still felt warm and inviting, as though the inn wanted visitors.

  Sir Danth headed up the stairway while Vevin and Liselle went left toward a set of large doors on the far wall next to the bar. Their footsteps and voices echoed in the empty space. Tathan turned to the princess who was trying to look at everything at once. “Where do you want to explore?” he asked.

  Anilyia pointed at the kegs behind the bar. “I would like very much to have a glass of wine. Can we see if there’s anything here?” she asked hopefully.

  Tathan nodded. “I seriously doubt there will be, but with a building like this it’s worth a look.” He followed her to the kegs. They were made of stone just as ancient as the building. When he tried one of the spigots, nothing came out. They ran along and tried every one of them to no avail, but the princess laughed and it became a game. Then they checked all of the cabinets to find them empty as well.

  Liselle and Vevin came back out of the doors. “The kitchen is amazing, Tathan,” Liselle said. “It must be large enough to serve hundreds of people, and there’s running water too.”

  “Running water?” Tathan said in surprise. “That’s rare, usually reserved for noble houses and most of those don’t even have it.”

  “Morhain was known for their aqueducts,” Sir Danth said, coming down from the stairs. “I believe there is a stone reservoir behind the building that holds water. This is an extraordinary place.” They all met at the bottom of the stairs. “There are no beds or any other furniture, but the inn feels welcoming.”

  “I agree,” Tathan said. Everyone nodded. “Let’s stay here for at least three or four days, possibly a couple more if needed until everyone is well rested.” The nods became even more vigorous.

  They went up to the third floor and found a suite that overlooked the intersection. There was a fireplace on the front wall, which would keep them warm. Four rooms gave them each their own space with Vevin and Liselle sharing a room. Even though it was only noon, everyone laid out their sleeping bags and went to sleep. Sir Danth took his leave and went to sit on the grand stairway. Tathan had noticed the knight liked to sit still for long periods of time and wondered if it was his way of resting.


  Tathan felt lips on his neck. He woke without opening his eyes or moving. Her lips touched his neck again, sending thrills down his body. The smell of Anilyia’s hair, which tickled his cheek, was lovely. He opened his eyes and turned to his back to look at her. Moonlight came in through the open shutters, gently illuminating the room.

  Princess Anilyia was kneeling next to him, one hand running through his hair and the other on his arm. She stared intensely into his eyes. He looked into hers. They were such a deep blue, like the ocean. Her platinum hair glistened ethereally in the moonlight making her all that more alluring.

  She leaned down and timidly kissed his lips. He felt her trembling as he reached one hand around her waist and the other behind her neck. She lay down atop his chest as he kissed her strongly. They separated for a moment and looked into each other’s eyes again. Tathan knew she was willing.

  “We can’t,” he whispered, not really meaning it. Tears instantly welled in her eyes. He hated it when she did that. “Let’s take a walk. The air feels nice and Siahray is full tonight,” he suggested. She stood up and wiped away tears with an arm. Tathan didn’t get out of the sleeping bag right away. He had become aroused and had to think about carnivorous fairies to settle things while getting his pants and shirt on.

  A moment later he was up and ready to go. Anilyia was wearing a sturdy nightgown Vevin had bought for her to go with the traveling outfit and a nice dress. The glow of the moon highlighted her curves underneath, causing Tathan to take a deep breath and think about carnivorous fairies again.

  He put an arm around her waist and led her out of the room. Instead of heading toward the main staircase, she pointed him down a side hall. It led to another hallway along the back rooms. They walked the entire distance down that hall to a stone door that opened onto stone stairs zigzagging on the outside of the building from the ground to the top floor. The moon lit the grassy yard through a light mist that refused to go away.

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I explored a little bit and found this exit. I didn’t want Sir Proper telling us we’re bad for being together,” she explained as they walked down the stairs.

  Tathan chuckled at that. “You couldn’t sleep? I thought you would be exhausted.”

  She shrugged. “I was alone in that empty room and I heard Vevin and Liselle growling from theirs.”

  Tathan raised an eyebrow. “Growling?” They walked toward one of the buildings away from the inn. A nearby owl hooted at their passing and the tranquil splashing of the river helped him to relax.

  “Yes. I think they’re having sex again, but it involves a lot of growling and snarling,” she said in disgust. Tathan barked out a loud laugh. She stuck her tongue out and pointed at the building they were approaching. “I think this was someone’s house.” She pointed at a long building along the Ancient Road. “I think that’s a barn, large enough to fit all the steeds belonging to my father’s personal guard.” She pointed to two buildings on the other side of the river, upstream a ways. “I don’t know what those are for. There’s another bridge crossing the river, but I didn’t feel brave enough to get that far away.”

  They were at the door of the house. “I’ve only seen a few inns so big with this many buildings. This must have been a major crossroads. I bet those are servants’ quarters,” Tathan said, pointing at the buildings on the other side of the river. “I’m not sure what the rest are.” Anilyia shrugged and opened the door. Tathan followed her inside.

  Surprisingly, there was a stone table and chairs near the riverside window. “I opened the shutters when I was exploring. I like it in here,” she said.

  Tathan looked around. The living room was to their right with a cold fireplace on the far wall. Anilyia stood next to one of the chairs at the side of the table and looked at him. He pulled it out for her to sit and then took the one next to her. “It’s nice,” he agreed.

  Anilyia rested her elbows on the table, but quickly pulled them off. She looked around with a blush on h
er face. “If my nanny were here, she’d smack my hands for putting my elbows on the table.” The princess put them back in a moment of disobedience. She looked guilty for doing so, but there was a smile on her face.

  Tathan put his on the table as well. “I’m a rogue. I do this all the time,” he said with a wink. She giggled and then became serious, searching his face with her eyes. “What?” he asked in curiosity.

  “I love you, but I don’t understand you,” she said quietly.

  His heart about leapt out of his throat. Love was a strong word and he believed she really meant it. Tathan wasn’t sure whether or not he loved her, but suspected he might. Instead of addressing that, he asked the easier question. “What don’t you understand about me?”

  She smiled sadly and looked down at the table. He knew her feelings were hurt when he didn’t reciprocate her love. The princess took a deep breath and looked at him again. “I don’t understand you or your friends. None of you make any sense.”

  Tathan opened his mouth only to close it again. She had a good point. He wasn’t sure he understood his friends or even himself. “Well . . . I’ll agree with that.”

  Anilyia raised a pretty, platinum eyebrow and giggled. “Why did you rescue me, Tathan?” she asked seriously. “You, not the others. Why did you rescue me?”

  Tathan thought for a moment before shrugging. “Everyone wanted to do it. I didn’t have anything else to do and it sounded like something that would be difficult and fun, so I agreed.”

  The eyebrow rose again, this time with a bit more attitude. “So you saved me because you didn’t have anything else to do?”

  He pointed. “And it sounded like fun. Don’t forget that.”

  She glared, but only for a moment before bursting into laughter. It didn’t last long though. “I think I heard about you at court one time. Somebody mentioned a ‘Tathan of the Shadows’ as being a famous thief who was creating a lot of trouble.”

  “That was another Tathan of the Shadows. It’s a very common name you know,” he replied with a smirk.

  “Uh huh. I’m sure. Why do you travel with them?” she asked, abruptly switching subjects. “I understand Liselle is your cousin and you both lost your family, but why do you travel with the knight and dragon?”

  “We met them in Aaltdiin. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but Liselle said we should take them.” He took her hands in his. “I don’t trust many people in this world, but I do trust Liselle. Her instincts have been exceptional.”

  Anilyia frowned, not convinced. “There is something wrong with the knight. He’s disturbed and I don’t think his sanity is intact.”

  “You may be right. Sir Danth has been a good friend and valuable ally though,” Tathan said, trying to reassure the princess. “If he is going through trouble, I think he needs friends and we’re the closest he has.” Tathan didn’t make many friends, but was fiercely loyal when he did.

  She nodded. “I can live with that, but the dragon . . .”

  “I know dragons are supposed to eat princesses, but he promised not to,” Tathan protested. “He’s kept his word.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said intensely.

  “I honestly like Vevin. At first, he scared me, but he’s a lot of fun to be around. I’m not going to lie, being friends with a dragon is pretty awesome,” he told her with a grin.

  Anilyia was not amused. If anything, her frown became even more severe. “But he’s purple.”

  Tathan stared at her, not knowing why that mattered. “Purple is a nice enough color . . .”

  “Don’t you know anything about dragons?” she asked.

  “Umm . . . they have sharp teeth and lots of treasure,” he replied, hoping to lighten the mood.

  Anilyia’s voice lowered to a whisper. “Purple is evil.”

  Tathan stared at her, not understanding. Still speaking quietly, the princess explained. “There are four colors of dragons: white and orange are good and pure, though they still like to eat princesses. Purple and black are evil. Your friend Vevin is purple. Purple dragons are evil. Vevin is evil.” Anilyia’s face was right next to his. The terror in her eyes was strong. “Vevin is evil,” she hissed.

  Cold fear struck Tathan’s heart. He did know that there were good and evil dragons, but very little else. The princess had received a royal education and would know for certain.

  That meant he was traveling with an evil dragon. That meant his cousin was in love with an evil dragon. That meant Liselle was lying with evil at that very moment.

  Anilyia gripped his hands tightly. “Vevin is evil.”


  Books 3 of the Willden Trilogy, “Kethril”, is available where you found this book.


  About the Author

  John H. Carroll was the youngest of seven children and was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1970 where he was kept in a dresser drawer with the clean socks. Luckily, he wasn’t kept with the dirty socks or else he might have grown up to become slightly warped.

  As a child, John spent most of his time wandering through the Mojave Desert in an attempt to avoid people. He would stare at the sky, imagining what it would be like to explore different worlds. One of his favorite memories is watching his dad build the fuselage of Evel Kneivel’s skycycle in their garage. One of his least favorite moments was watching that skycycle fall into the Snake River. (Not his dad’s fault and he has documentation to prove it, so nyah)

  As a teenager, John spent most of his time driving wherever he could in an attempt to avoid people. He would stare at the road, imagining what it would be like to explore different worlds. He was the captain of the chess team, lettered in golf and band while in high school, and wasn’t beaten up anywhere near as much as one might imagine.

  As an adult, John spends most of his time staring at a computer screen in an attempt to avoid people. He stares at the monitor for hours, imagining what it would be like to explore different worlds. He has been married to his wonderful wife for sixteen years and they have three obnoxio . . . wonderful children who always behave . . . when they’re asleep.

  Emo bunny minions surround John at most times. He is their imaginary friend and they look to him for guidance. At one point, they took over the world. No one noticed because they left everything exactly as it was. They gave the world back after a week because it was depressing.

  The Willden Trilogy is his first endeavor into the field of writing. Other series and standalone works will be forthcoming. In addition, John has written a number of short stories that can be found at most eBook sites. He writes in the evenings and weekends whenever possible. Regrettably, the family mentioned in a previous paragraph desires food and shelter, requiring the author to possess a full time job until his writing makes him rich.

  If you would like to be alerted of new releases, you may sign up for his newsletter. Your email will never be shared with anyone else. You may unsubscribe at any time.

  You can follow his blog where he discusses writing, emo bunnies, family and various other topics of insanity.

  Follow him on twitter if you like insane ramblings and random comments.

  Find him on Facebook where he discusses current projects and writing in general:

  His Goodreads Page:

  Stories for Demented Children:

  Odd tales of anti-heroes doing their best to survive odd circumstances.

  The Emo Bunny that Should (Illustrated)

  Zachary Zombie and the Lost Boy

  Drippy the Peg Legged Rainbow

  Unholy Cow

  Attack of the Sugar Plum Fairies

  Naughty Nanoworms

  Zachary Zombie and the Wicked Worm

  Novels of Ryallon:

  My full-length novels are set in the world of Ryallon
. They are high fantasy with rogues, knights, dragons and flower children. You can get them at the store where you found this one.

  Willden Trilogy (Written first)




  Dralin Trilogy (Set in time before the Willden trilogy)




  The Wyvern Trilogy (Parallel to the Willden Trilogy, set in time after the Dralin Trilogy)


  To Be Announced (Coming 2014)

  Cloudswept (Coming 2014)

  Stand-alone Novella

  Rain Glade

  Coming soon:

  The Crazed Trilogy (Set in time after the Willden Trilogy)

  The Morhain Trilogy (Set in time after the Willden Trilogy)




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