Back Road Chances (Roughneck #2)
Page 10
“Sit,” she said, as she pointed to the rocking chair next to hers.
“Ok, damn.” I said with a giggle.
“Spill it,” she said. Shit, she didn’t even give me time to gather my thoughts.
“Fuck, you’re kind of a mean pregnant woman.” I laughed.
“I’m tired of you giving me the run around. Something’s going on with you and you’re gonna tell me right now.” Well, damn.
“Fine. You want the good news or the bad news?” Although I still wasn’t completely convinced one of these was good news. I was getting there, though.
“Oh my God, shit. Ok, give me the bad news first,” she said, as she rubbed her belly.
“Kash is coming to town,” I said and looked at her, watching her facial expression.
“Kash Bennett?” She said with those blue eyes wide.
“The one and only,” I said, as I pretended to stick my finger down my throat.
“Ugh.” She groaned.
“Exactly. You’re not gonna tell Jase, are you?” I said with a laugh I couldn’t contain.
“About high school? I mean, I have to. I tell Jase everything. Shit. Maybe he won’t kill him?” She said with a worried look.
All I could do was laugh. Jase loved Lainey with a fierceness you didn’t see very often. He wanted to protect her from everything. He was also a jealous mother fucker and I’d seen his crazy in action. Ol’ Kash better walk the chalk.
“Ok, so what’s the good news?” She asked, Kash leaving her mind just as quick as he came. Here we go.
“I’m pregnant.” I blurted out.
“Shut up,” she said with a laugh “No you’re not.”
I looked at her with complete seriousness.
“Holy shit! You are!” She said, and started clapping her hands with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
“Yep.” I said quietly.
“You’re freaking out?” She said with a sad look, her giddiness gone.
“A little.” I lied. It wasn’t a little; I was scared to fucking death.
“Sam, you can do this! We can do this together! Oh my Gosh! Our kids are gonna grow up together!” she said, with that shit eating grin back in place. I hadn’t even thought about that. Our kids would grow up together. If I had a girl, they would get into trouble together. Oh, man. If I had a boy…damn, I couldn’t even go there. This baby would be a combination of Moon and I. Oh my god, this baby was destined to give me hell.
“I’m really scared.” I admitted.
“Of course you are! Sweetie, that’s normal.” She said with a laugh.
“You’re not scared.” I said and stared at her.
“Are you kidding me? I’m scared to death, every day, about something different. I’ve read enough books to realize that fear and parenting go hand in hand.” Lainey had a pregnancy book near her at all times.
“Really?” I asked.
“Hell yeah,” she said, and squeezed my hand. “I’m so excited!” She squealed again, and the clapping commenced.
And maybe I was, too. For the very first time, I think I was a little excited.
Chapter 16
As I pulled up to the rig, I felt that tightening in my chest. I hated to leave her again, leave them. But I knew this was my fucking job and I didn’t have a choice. I had to do this to give them the life that they deserved. But it fucking sucked. So I locked that sadness up in a fucking box and forced myself to drive through those gates.
2 weeks later
I was like a kid waiting for Christmas as I watched that rig disappear from my rearview mirror. Damn, this hitch sucked and I was so glad it was over. Just a couple of stops and I could see that woman that owned my heart and had the rest of me wrapped around her fucking finger. I missed her.
I pulled into my driveway a few hours later and spotted her car.
“Sam?” I yelled as I walked in the door, throwing my bag on the floor.
“In here!” she yelled from my bedroom.
“Right where I want you,” I said, as I walked that way.
I walked into my room and saw the most beautiful sight I had ever laid eyes on. Sam was sprawled out on my bed, completely naked. I had seen her naked hundreds of times, but this time almost took me to my fucking knees.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” she said, in that seductive voice that she didn’t even have to work at. She was staring at me with those fuck me blue eyes that made my dick hard. My eyes took a minute to drink her in. She was fucking perfection.
“I got here as fast as I could darlin,” I said, as I kicked my boots off and pulled my shirt over my head.
“I can’t do it myself one more time, Moon. I need you,” she said in that raspy voice, as she rubbed her hand over that perfect pussy that fucking owned me.
Mother Fucker. She was going to get me off before I even had a chance to touch her.
“Please,” she whimpered, as I crawled up her body. I hovered above her, a quiet groan escaping from my throat.
“I fucking missed you so much,” I said, as I slammed my lips onto hers, and slid my tongue into her mouth.
“I missed you too, Moon.” she said when we came up for air. “But I need you to fuck me right now, I can’t wait another second,” she whispered as she wrapped her hand around my dick and started to stroke it.
“I missed that pussy,” I said in her ear, as I rubbed her clit gently.
“Please.” Sam cried and bucked into my hand.
In one quick maneuver, I slid into her and watched her face as she let out the sweetest fucking moan I had ever heard.
“Is that what you need?” I said, as I rocked into her.
“Yes,” she said, as she dug her nails into my back.
“Say it.” I demanded.
“Fuck me harder, Moon!” She cried.
“Fuck yeah,” I said as I thrust into her harder and faster. Her pussy was so warm and tight, I knew I was already about to come. I started to rub her clit again as I pumped into her.
“I’m about to come baby,” she moaned, as she looked into my eyes. She knew exactly what I needed.
“Come for me,” I said, just as she let out a scream. Damn, this was the loudest I had ever heard her. It only fueled my fire. I moved inside her harder and faster as I felt my release building.
So. Fucking. Good.
“I’m so glad to be home,” I said, once I caught my breath and rolled off of her.
“Me too,” she said, after a loud exhale.
“How ya feeling?” I said, as I scooped my arm around her waist and pulled her into me.
“Really good,” she said with a smile, as I rubbed my hand over her stomach.
“Hold on,” I said, as I scooted to the side of the bed and reached down into the pocket of my jeans.
I held the little black box in my fist and said a quick prayer.
“Marry me,” I said, as I sat the box on her stomach.
“What?” Sam said as she looked at the box, then back at me, then back at the box.
“Marry me.” I repeated.
I knew I was taking a huge leap, a risk almost. But I didn’t care. I loved her with everything in me and I wanted to marry her. We were having a baby and I wanted to do this shit right. I wanted the whole package.
“Are you doing this because I’m pregnant?” she asked suspiciously.
“Darlin, I’ve loved you for so many years. I wanted to marry you way before this baby came along. We’re going to be a family and I want you to be my wife. I’m sorry I didn’t get all romantic and shit, but I want to spend my life with you, Sam. Marry Me.”
“I love you, Moon,” she said, as she opened the box and stared at the diamond ring.
“Is that a yes?” I asked.
“Yes.” she said with tears in her eyes.
“I love you, Sam,” I said, as I took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger.
Chapter 17
I stared at that little w
hite blob on that picture for the entire ride home after we left the doctor’s office. When I heard that little heartbeat for the first time, I thought my own heart was going to explode as the tears started falling down my cheeks. It wasn’t the reaction I expected out of myself. Hell, I don’t even know what I was expecting. But it wasn’t that. I had started coming to grips with having a baby. But when I heard that sound, it became the thing I wanted more than anything in this world. I was going to be a mom.
Moon reached over and squeezed my hand.
“Fucking amazing, huh?” he said, as he looked down at the pictures before turning his eyes back to the road. I don’t think I will ever forget the look on his face when we heard the heartbeat. His icy blue eyes were wide and the smile that came across his face melted me. We were really doing this. My eyes glanced over to the ring on my left hand. I was going to be a wife and a mom. Holy shit, I was turning into Lainey, I thought to myself and couldn’t help but giggle.
“What’s so funny?” Moon asked, as he squeezed my hand again.
“I just can’t believe all this is happening.” I said with a smile.
“Me neither,” he said with a smile, and shook his head.
“When are we going to tell Joe?” Moon asked, as we pulled down the dirt road leading to my house.
“Soon.” I said. He had been so busy with work; I hadn’t been able to talk to him much lately. But I also needed to tell him I was getting married. I hope I didn’t give the old man a heart attack.
I hadn’t been home much since Kash came to stay. In fact, I hadn’t even seen him yet. He was on a seven on, seven off rotation with work so I just left a key under the mat when I knew he was coming to town. We exchanged a couple of texts, but that was about it. I didn’t hate him, he was family after all, but I sure as hell didn’t like him. I didn’t want anything to ruin my mood, but when we pulled up in my driveway and I saw his truck sitting there, my attitude immediately started bubbling over.
Moon just started to laugh as he watched the snarl creep over my face.
“Be nice darlin,” he said, as he patted my knee and put the truck in park.
“I’m always nice.” I lied.
“I’m gonna spank you for lying,” Moon said, and smacked my ass as I got out of the truck.
I reached up and gave him a kiss before we started walking towards the house.
When I opened the front door Kash was sprawled out on the couch watching TV. He was in a pair of basketball shorts without a shirt. Not that him being shirtless grossed me out, but the fact that his chest was lined with hickies all the way down to those shorts is what made me want to vomit. He really was a man-whore.
“Hey Sam,” he said, as he stood up when we opened the door.
“Hey slut,” I said, with a snarl as I walked past him. I saw him shake Moon’s hand and make small talk as I went to my room to grab a bag of clothes. His hitch didn’t start for a few more days so I would be staying at Moon’s.
When I walked out of my room, Moon and Kash were laughing and cutting up.
“Ready?” I asked Moon, as I walked to the door. Moon got up and walked over to me.
“Thanks for letting me stay, Sam.” Kash said with a smile.
“Dad pulled rank; I didn’t have a choice,” I said in an extra bitchy tone.
“Damn, why are you so fucking mean all the time?” he said with a laugh. My attitude never really fazed him.
“Because I don’t like you,” I said with a fake smile, as I started to walk out the door.
“Tell Lainey I said hi!” Kash yelled from behind me and I could tell he was laughing.
This mother fucker.
“What did you say?” I said, stopping in my tracks, my blood boiling. I was hormonal, and he was teetering on the edge of my wrath. I looked at Moon, who was doing his best not to crack a smile.
“I’m just fucking with you, shit. You’re so pissy all the time,” he said with a laugh, as I glared at him.
Moon just shook his head and put his hand on the small of my back, leading me out the door. Once we got in the truck, I was fuming. I wanted to kick him straight in the nuts. Moon was still trying his best not to laugh as he started the truck.
“You know he just likes fucking with you.” He said with a chuckle.
“I can’t stand him.” I said with my arms crossed. I was being a little dramatic and I knew it.
“You never had a brother to give you shit, Kash is the closest thing. That’s what family is for.” Moon laughed.
“To piss you off?” I said sarcastically.
“Exactly.” Moon said.
But once I glanced down and saw those pictures sitting in the seat, my bad mood fled. My stomach got butterflies. That was our baby right there. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and a snapped a picture of the sonogram and sent it to Lainey. She was already taking her maternity leave, so I figured she was at home. Jase insisted that she rest and not push herself too hard. He was always worried about her. As soon as I sent the text my phone rang.
“Hey mo…” Lainey cut me off.
“Ok, first, oh my gosh, so precious Sam. I’m so excited for y’all. But what is that on your finger?” Shit. I didn’t even realize my hand was in the picture.
“Um, it’s an engagement ring?” I said as if it were a question.
“Are you serious? Don’t mess with me right now, Sam, I can’t handle it,” Lainey said with a laugh.
“I’m serious,” I said and then laughed.
“Jase! Baby! They’re getting married!” Lainey yelled in my ear. Then I heard Lainey gasp and then there was silence for a second.
“Holy Shit.” Lainey whispered.
“What’s wrong?” I said.
“I think my water just broke,” Lainey said with a shaky voice.
“Shut up! You’re lying.”
“Jase! Get in here!” Lainey yelled.
“You’re serious!” I yelled, and motioned for Moon to turn the truck around and head in the other direction. Moon was giving me a confused look but slowed the truck down and turned around.
“Sam, we’re heading to the hospital.” It was Jase on the phone. He sounded nervous.
“Shit, we’ll meet you there. Y’all be careful.” But I think he had already hung up.
“Lainey’s water broke.” I said. I was so excited and nervous for her. And then it hit me, in a few months, I would be doing this, too.
Moon and I walked into Lainey’s hospital room a few hours later. I was so anxious to meet Emma Grace Foster. Lainey was beaming; she looked beautiful, just watching Jase hold that tiny pink bundle. I didn’t even think they noticed us open the door because neither of them looked our way.
“Hey,” Jase said, but he wasn’t looking at us. He was too busy smiling at his daughter. He was mesmerized. And Lainey couldn’t peel her eyes away from the two of them. I walked over to Jase and tried to get a peek. He towered over me, so I had to stand on my tiptoes just to see into the blanket. She was absolutely perfect with those chubby little cheeks as she just stared at her daddy. My eyes welled up with tears and I did my very best to hold them back. This pregnancy shit was kicking my emotions’ ass.
“She’s beautiful,” I whispered through the lump in my throat.
“She’s perfect.” Jase said quietly.
I walked over to Lainey and gave her a gentle hug.
“Good job, momma,” I said, as I kissed her on the head.
“Piece of cake,” she said with a smile.
“Really?” I said, hoping she was right.
“Hell no. It hurt like a bitch,” she whispered, as if Emma would pick up the on the cuss words. I hated to bust her bubble. She was being raised around a bunch of roughnecks and me; she was bound to pick up some colorful language.
“Couldn’t you have lied to me?” I said with a laugh, as I put my hand on my stomach. Moon walked behind me and put his arms around me, placing his hand on mine as he kissed my neck.
“She’s so tiny,” Moon sa
id, as Jase walked over to the hospital bed.
“I know,” Lainey said, as she beamed at her family.
“Congratulations!” she said with a huge smile when she looked back over at us. “Let me see the ring.”
I put my hand in hers as she smiled.
“Good job, Moon,” she said.
“Bout damn time.” Jase said quietly.
“Thanks.” Moon and I said in unison.
That night as we were lying in bed I decided it was time to call my dad.
“I think I’m just gonna tell him we’re getting married first. I’ll wait a while before I tell him about the baby.”
Moon just scrunched his eyebrows at me.
“I don’t want to give the old man a heart attack, plus I don’t want him to think I’m doing this because I’m pregnant.” I said.
“Because we’re not,” Moon assured me, as he kissed my lips gently.
“I know,” I told him and then dialed my dad’s number. He picked up immediately.
“Hey daddy,” I said.
“Hey angel,” he said with a yawn. He always seemed so tired lately.
“Lainey had the baby,” I said.
“She sent me a picture,” he said with a laugh.
“She did?” I asked.
“Yeah, a little while ago. She’s a purty little thing.” He said.
“She’s perfect,. I said. Ok. Out with it. Just say it.
“Yeah?” He asked, sounding worried.
“Moon and I are getting married,” I said, unsure of what he would say.
“It’s about damn time.” he said. Of all the things I was expecting, that wasn’t it.
“Huh?” I said. Moon was so close to me, I know he heard my dad’s response. I looked over at him and he was wearing that cocky little smile that I loved so much.
“I told you before, that’s boy’s been in love with you for years. I don’t know why the hell it took y’all so damn long. He’s good for you, angel. I know he will treat you right.” he said.
“He sure will,” I said, and my voice cracked as Moon put his finger inside me.