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Spring at Blueberry Bay: An utterly perfect feel good romantic comedy

Page 4

by Holly Martin

  Bella thought about this, or more specifically what she could tell him. But there was something about Zach that made her want to spill her deepest secrets.

  ‘Life dealt me a crappy hand from a very early age but fortunately for me I had my aunt and uncle to look after me. I had someone to help me out and not everyone has that. If it hadn’t been for them, my life would have turned out very differently and I guess I want to be that person, maybe in some small way, for someone else.’

  ‘That’s why you want to take Alfie on?’

  He understood.

  ‘He was abandoned by his owners just like I was abandoned by my parents.’

  She looked down at her knees, so she wouldn’t have to see the pity in his eyes. She quickly moved on before he could ask her any questions or make any comments about that.

  ‘Working for a charity means I can help someone just like I was helped and whether that is Magic Wishes, helping people to create some special memories with a loved one before they died, or the Umbrella Foundation, helping people not as lucky as me to find a way back into work and off the streets, I want to do something to help people.

  ‘I’d be great at this job; I have experience as a fundraising events manager. I’ve done it for five years and I love it. A lot of people think that if they have experience in events management then the skills are transferable and I suppose they are, but events management for a hotel or other corporate events organisation is a different ball game to a fundraising events manager. Corporate or banqueting events is about giving the customer exactly what they want; the flowers, the food, the seating plans. Fundraising events management is about creating events that people want to be a part of. It’s about inspiring people to join in. It has to be imaginative and fun and uniquely different and I love stuff like that. Honestly, this job was written for me.’

  Zach was smiling by the time she finished speaking, his grin growing as she explained her passion for the job. ‘You need to say all this in the interview. Your passion is what is going to stand you apart from the rest of the interviewees. Tell them where your desire to help people comes from. They need to see that it comes from the heart.’

  ‘You want me to tell my prospective employers that my parents abandoned me? That my dad walked out on me when I was five and then my mum ditched me with my aunt and uncle for the weekend when I was six years old and never came back for me. I don’t think that showing my new employers how unwanted I was is going to help them to want me. They might think that something is wrong with me if both my parents walked out and left me. I know I do.’

  Good lord, the secrets were spilling forth tonight. Next she’d be telling him what age she was when she started her first period and how she had cried for a week when her pet goldfish had died. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just watched her. She felt her cheeks flame, probably going as red as her hair.

  She decided to change the subject quickly. ‘So Mr Umbrella, the question is not what I can do for you. I’ve already told you why I am absolutely the best person for this job.’

  ‘That’s true, you have.’

  ‘The question is, why should I work for you? What would you be offering me if, if I decided to work for your company?’

  Zach burst out laughing. ‘You’re not going to ask that in the interview?’

  ‘I might,’ she smirked. ‘It has to be an equal partnership.’

  Zach nodded seriously, a smile tugging on his lips. ‘Yes you’re right. Well, Miss…?’


  ‘Oooh nice, French?’

  ‘I have no idea. It’s my dad’s. The only thing he left me with.’

  Zach hesitated for a moment but clearly decided not to pursue it. ‘Well Miss Roussel. I’d offer you a company car, maybe something like a Ferrari or a Porsche.’

  ‘I’m listening; this sounds like a very fair offer to go alongside my million-pound-a-year salary.’

  ‘Plus bonuses,’ Zach clarified.

  ‘Oh yes, I’d forgotten about the very generous bonus, private healthcare, and one of the best pensions around. What else are you offering me?’

  ‘You want more than a million pounds a year and a Ferrari?’

  ‘Porsche. Chauffeur-driven. Yes, I think I’m worth it.’

  ‘A beach house in Florida?’

  ‘Generous. Anything else?’

  ‘You name it, it’s yours.’

  ‘I want…’ She thought about it for a moment. ‘A housekeeper and cook and maybe a hot butler, to, you know, answer the door for me if I get too tired to do it myself.’

  ‘OK, deal.’

  ‘Wait. I’m not finished.’

  ‘You have more demands?’

  Bella nodded. ‘My own boat.’

  ‘A hundred-foot yacht with a crew of fifty to cater to your every whim?’

  ‘Well, no, that sounds a bit greedy.’

  ‘And a salary of a million pounds and a beach house in Florida isn’t?’

  ‘No, that’s just practical. Just a small boat with an engine, something simple to operate by myself so I can visit the other islands whenever I wanted. I’d like it to be purple and have her name written in silver down the side.’

  ‘I feel I’m going to regret asking, what’s her name?’

  ‘Boaty McBoatface.’

  Zach laughed loudly. ‘You got yourself a deal, Miss Roussel.’

  He held out his hand and she reached out and shook it, enjoying the warmth of it, the softness of his skin. There was something special about Zach, the ease with which she could talk to him. It was a pity she only had tonight with him, she would have enjoyed getting to know him more.

  Oh this girl was going to be trouble. Isaac watched her as she moved to the fire to add more logs. She was smart and funny and cute as hell. He really liked her.

  He frowned. But if she came and worked for the Umbrella Foundation, he would be her boss and he knew he could never let anything happen between them. That could be unbelievably tricky and messy at work. Never mix business and pleasure; that was something he always stuck to.

  Unless of course he didn’t hire her. Although talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face.

  She turned back to him with a smile and he found himself frowning slightly, which had her smile fading away.

  ‘I think I might head to bed, it’s getting late. Let me get you some blankets and pillows.’

  She disappeared out of the room. She had been completely honest with him that night and in return he had lied to her. How was she going to react when she found out the truth? Would it be better for him to tell her the truth now? Apologise profusely and offer to make it up to her by buying her a decent meal out? Something that wasn’t porridge. Sure she’d be pissed but at least they could start the interview back on honest ground and she’d have a day to get over her anger with him.

  He stood up as she came back in and she immediately set about making up a bed for him on the sofa.

  She stood back up when she’d finished. ‘Will you still be here when I get up or do you intend to get the five o’clock ferry?’

  Isaac didn’t say anything for a moment, the truth getting stuck in his throat. ‘I think I’ll get the early ferry. I might be able to get a few hours’ work down at the harbour in St Mary’s; they pay cash in hand and don’t ask for references.’

  Bella nodded and he saw the look of disappointment flash across her face. ‘I understand. And the offer still stands. If you change your mind and want to sleep here tomorrow, I’d be happy to have you back again.’

  He nodded. He knew he had to tell her, but he liked the easy relationship they had right now and he couldn’t bring himself to break the spell.

  She seemed to hesitate, maybe hoping he would change his mind. A lock of hair fell across her face and she absently pulled out her ponytail, letting her red curls tumble over her shoulders. It was so long and all he could suddenly think about was what it would look like when it cascaded over her naked body as he made love to her. C
rap, where the hell did that come from?

  ‘It was lovely meeting you tonight,’ Bella said, scooping her hair back up into a ponytail again, though this did nothing to diminish her effect on him. ‘It was really nice chatting and getting to know you. If I don’t see you again, then I wish you all the success for the future.’

  He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to step forward, take her in his arms and kiss her and he didn’t know what to do with that feeling, because he sure as hell couldn’t act on it.

  ‘You’ll see me again,’ Isaac finally said. ‘I promise.’

  Her face brightened at that and she gave him a little wave and left the room.

  He sighed as he took off his hoodie. He certainly wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight knowing she was sleeping just a few feet above him.

  Bella stood outside the door to the lounge for a second. There had been chemistry between them and she was pretty sure he felt it too. She wanted to go back in there and kiss him but she’d never been brave enough to make the first move in a relationship. He could easily have kissed her if he’d really wanted to and he hadn’t, so maybe he didn’t feel the same. She sighed. He would be going back to St Mary’s tomorrow and she’d probably never see him again. Just because she had enjoyed talking to him that night didn’t mean they had any kind of future together.

  She sighed and had started to head upstairs when she remembered about the spare logs for the log burner. There was a huge pile in the kitchen but he wouldn’t think to look for them in the cupboard.

  She quickly went back into the lounge to find Zach completely and gloriously stark naked.

  Chapter Four

  She yelped. He swore and grabbed a cushion to hide his manhood. Bella quickly clamped a hand over her eyes and turned to get out the room, bouncing head-first off the doorframe and landing on her back on the floor.

  ‘Ow!’ Bella said, her hand still over her eyes.

  ‘Crap, Bella, are you OK?’ came Zach’s voice from somewhere just above her. She didn’t dare look.

  ‘I’m so sorry, I just wanted to tell you there were spare logs for the log burner in the cupboard under the microwave. I should have knocked. I didn’t realise you’d be naked and, erm…’ All she could think about how delicious he looked. ‘Why are you naked anyway? Where are your boxers?’

  ‘I normally sleep naked. Well, I used to before I ended up on the streets. Force of habit, getting undressed for bed,’ Zach said.

  ‘You sleep naked?’ There was something so sexy about that thought. ‘God, that’s hot.’ She peered through her fingers at him. He was standing over her, thankfully still holding a cushion with one hand. He smiled at her comment. She flushed, clamping a hand over her mouth. She’d just told him he was hot. Was there no filter on her mouth at all? ‘I can’t believe I just told you I think you’re hot. I must have banged my head harder than I thought.’

  He offered a hand to help her up, she took it and he pulled her to her feet. He gently swept her hair off her forehead to look at her bruise, his eyes clouding with concern. ‘I think you’ll live.’

  ‘Not if I die of embarrassment first.’

  ‘There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If I told you I think you’re incredibly sexy would that make you feel better?’

  She stared at him, finding it impossible to believe that they were standing there having this conversation when he was stark naked.

  ‘You’re attracted to me?’

  ‘Of course I am; you’re smart, funny, passionate, incredibly beautiful.’

  She literally felt her mouth fall open though there were no words to fill the silence. No one had ever said those things to her.

  ‘I’m attracted to you too,’ she said, quietly.

  Neither of them said anything for a moment and she found her cheeks burning red again.

  Eventually he took a step back away from her. ‘Goodnight Bella.’

  Feeling stung and confused she took a step away from him and then, when he didn’t say anything else, she left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Her day had started off so normally and now it had ended in a very bizarre way. But one thing was for sure, her life was suddenly a lot brighter now that Zach had crossed her path.

  Bella woke the next day to a bright spring sun bursting through her curtains. She opened the window and smiled at the blackbird that was going into full song right outside her window. The sea glistened like gold as the little white boats in the harbour bobbed about in the gentle spring tide.

  She stood up and stretched, guessing from the complete silence in the house that Zach had already gone but she couldn’t help smiling when she thought of him.

  Something had passed between them the night before and she somehow knew she would be seeing him again.

  She padded downstairs into the lounge and sure enough there was no sign of him. The blankets were neatly folded on the sofa but the smell of him lingered in the air and it made her stomach clench with need.

  On the coffee table there was a pink peony on top of a piece of paper. She scooped up the flower and sniffed it, relishing in the wonderful smell, then picked up the note and read it.

  Thank you for letting me stay. Good luck tomorrow at the interview, go show that Mr Umbrella that Bella brilliance. They’ll be very lucky to have you and even though I know you’ll hate Isaac Scott when you see him, don’t let that put you off the job. You’ll be perfect at it. You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. My biggest regret is not grabbing you and kissing you last night and also not being brave enough to tell you why.


  She smiled even though the message left her thoroughly confused. She focussed on the bit she did understand. He had wanted to kiss her. She wanted to leap up and let out a little whoop of joy at that fact. But what was the reason that held him back?

  She looked at the big kiss and little kiss at the end of the note and thought that perhaps it was symbolic of Zach and her together. She shook her head at her silly romantic whimsical nature.

  Bella read the note again. He had never mentioned that he knew Isaac Scott the night before when they had talked about him; why would Zach think that she would hate him? Had something happened between them in the past? Was Isaac Scott responsible for Zach being on the streets? She doubted Isaac would even be there at the interview so why would she even see him, let alone hate him?

  She sighed as she fingered the soft petals of the flower for a moment, before walking into the kitchen and putting it in a bowl of water.

  She guessed she would find out what the note meant soon enough, but for now she had lunch with Rome to deal with and she knew her brother wouldn’t make it easy for her.

  Bella let herself in through the back door of Rome’s thatched cottage and called out to him. He called to her from the dining room. There was a wonderful smell of lasagne and garlic bread in the air. Her favourite. She smiled that Rome had been thoughtful enough to make that for her but the smile faded from her face when she walked into the dining room and saw her aunt, uncle and her sister Eden sitting at the table too. She glared at Rome as she moved to greet her aunt and uncle though her brother remained unmoved by her stares.

  ‘Hi Lucy, Finn. What a lovely surprise,’ Bella said. ‘I didn’t know you’d both be here.’

  Eden smirked at her and Bella returned her smile. Whereas Rome had always taken his job of protective older brother very seriously, she and Eden had become best friends very quickly. They had slept in the same room, shared their toys and clothes growing up. Bella adored her. And while she adored Rome too, it was a different kind of love.

  Bella sat down at the table. In the middle, propped up against the hugging salt and pepper pots, was an envelope with her name on it. She didn’t need to be psychic to know there was money inside it, quite a lot judging by the thickness of it. Rome took her hand, distracting her from deciding how best she could turn it down.

  ‘I’ve filled these guys in,’ Rome said.

  ‘I though
t you might have,’ Bella said. ‘Finn, I’m sorry about the rent.’

  Her uncle’s eyes widened and a flash of hurt crossed his face.

  ‘We don’t care about the rent. Why didn’t you come to us?’ Her aunt Lucy immediately went in for the kill.

  ‘I was doing OK, I had savings to fall back on. It was only in the last week or so that things started getting a bit tight.’

  ‘And that’s when you should have come to us,’ Finn said. ‘We’re your parents. We would have helped you.’

  ‘This is a tiny little blip. I have a job interview on Monday and I’m going to get it. This is my problem to sort out not yours. I didn’t want to burden you with it.’

  ‘You’re our daughter, and we love you so much. You are not a burden. You never have been,’ Lucy said.

  Bella smiled. The love she felt from her adoptive parents was unconditional, unwavering and more than she ever deserved. She often thought that she was showered with more affection than her older siblings and she knew it wasn’t just because she was the youngest. Her real parents had never loved her and her aunt and uncle had spent the last twenty-one years trying to make up for that, as if they somehow felt guilty for the behaviour of Lucy’s younger sister.

  ‘If we were in the same situation and were struggling to pay our bills and pay for food, would you help us?’

  ‘Of course I would,’ Bella said. ‘But it’s different.’

  ‘Why is it different?’ Rome argued.

  ‘Because… Because you’ve all supported me my whole life. I’m like the cuckoo chick, unwanted by my own parents and dumped in someone else’s nest to be looked after. You took me on when I was six years old, gave me food and clothes and a roof over my head. Rome, you paid off all my student loans and debts after I came back from university and I know that wasn’t cheap; Eden, you shared all your clothes and toys and never once raised any objection and – more important than that – you all gave me this endless love which my own parents never did. It was more than I ever deserved. You’ve all done enough.’


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