Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 4

by William Gladstone

  I was later to learn that Sylvia also has a heart of gold. She is one of the most generous and kind human beings I have ever met. In some ways she fits the stereotype of the “dragon lady” Chinese businesswoman when she is challenged, but unlike the stereotype she has a level of compassion and humility that is rare and admirable. Dr. Sha explained to me that Sylvia has played a vital role in developing the mission worldwide. “Sylvia is a very special person. Sometimes, I do not always understand her 100 percent, but you will see that she is my strongest supporter and advocate now for more than twenty years. I trust her business judgment completely and she allows me to focus entirely on teaching and healing,” Dr. Sha explained to me.

  I have always been impressed by loyalty. Over twenty years is a long time to maintain a business relationship, especially when based not on personal gain but belief in a mission’s giving and service. I was even more impressed that the person showing this level of loyalty was someone like Sylvia, who was fully committed to overseeing her own business interests and who as the matriarch of her family was extremely busy with her own active and full life. Dr. Sha was attracting people of purpose and substance at all levels, not just those following a spiritual path. This was a good early sign as I pursued my exploration of the true nature of Dr. Sha and his associates. I knew I was dealing with competence, integrity, and high standards in every aspect. I learned more about these qualities, and Sylvia’s unique contribution, as Dr. and Master Sha explained to me the relationship between himself and his own spiritual master and teacher, Dr. Guo.

  Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo

  IN 1988 WHEN Master Sha was in the Philippines, his father sent him a book titled Dong Yi Gong. Dong (pronounced dōng) means using. Yi (pronounced yee) means thinking. Gong (pronounced gōng) means practice. Dong Yi Gong is one kind of Qi Gong in China. Qi Gong is the ancient energy practice to boost energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity; to rejuvenate the body and prolong life as well as heal sickness. As I shared earlier, Master Sha studied Qi Gong at the age of ten. He taught foreign physicians at the Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center under the World Health Organization. Dr. Sha’s father was very proud of his son’s teachings and knew that this book by Dr. and Master Guo would be of interest to him.

  Master Sha read Dong Yi Gong. In this book Dr. and Master Guo shared many miracle healings created through thinking. Dr. Sha was intrigued. Dr. Sha was fascinated that Qi Gong had such unbelievable power to create such miracle healings. Dr. Sha wanted to learn from Dr. Guo. Shortly after reading the book Dr. Sha sent a group of people who were sick to Dr. Guo’s clinic because Dr. Sha was not able to go himself at that time. One of the patients had been shot in the shoulder and suffered constant shoulder and neck pain. Miraculously, after just one session with Dr. Guo, the pain disappeared. When Master Sha heard of this result, he could not wait to learn from Master Guo. He phoned Master Guo’s center in China and was able to speak to Master Guo and said, “Guo Lao Shi [Lao Shi means teacher], I was so moved by your book and so many miracle healing stories within the book. I truly want to learn from you. I have such a desire to become your disciple. Can you accept me as your disciple?”

  Master Guo replied, “Just be a student.”

  Dr. Sha was not satisfied with that answer and in an interview he explained why. “Being Chinese, I understood in my heart if you are a disciple you learn the true secrets. If you are the student you could study for thirty to fifty years and may not learn the secrets. How many thirty to fifty years does one have in their life? I had personally experienced when I studied Tai Chi at age six that disciples learn the true secrets. My master’s daughter was slight and young, but because my master taught his daughter the self-defense power, she could throw a tall, powerful man very far because she learned the secret from her father. The student could take ten to twenty years to win the teacher’s trust first. Unfortunately this kind of condition has lasted thousands of years in China. Some great healers and great spiritual masters wait to pass on their secrets and power until just before they transition. They usually only pass the secrets and knowledge to one lineage or a maximum of two. That is why I desired to be a disciple, not just a student, because I wanted to learn the secrets. I wanted the power to help and heal others the way that Dr. Guo was helping and healing others. I did not give up when he told me to just be a student. I called one week later. Master Guo was in Xin Jiang Province holding an event with over fifteen thousand people. I was lucky to have a conversation with him again. I said, “Guo Lao Shi, since childhood I studied Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Shaolin Kung Fu, and love Chinese ancient arts. The profound secrets and power of Chinese ancient arts have touched my heart so deeply, but when I read your book and sent the group of people to you, I was so fascinated. I wanted to be your disciple.” I spoke passionately with tears in my eyes, and said, “Could you accept me?” Master Guo paused a moment on the phone and said, “I wrote a letter to you. I seldom write a letter to anyone. Prepare to receive the letter.” I was so moved I instantly bowed down to the floor. Master Sha explained to me that Chinese custom requires students to bow down and put their head on the floor to show respect to the teacher. So Master Sha bowed down to his teacher, showing his love and respect to Master Guo even though Master Guo was in China thousands of miles away.

  One week passed. Master Sha did not receive the letter. He called back again and said, “Guo Lao Shi, I have not received your letter yet.” Dr. Guo said, “Patience, the letter is on the way.” Three days later Dr. Sha received the letter. He was excited and instantly opened the letter. The letter was only one page with a few sentences. It said, “Zhi Gang, disciple.” Dr. Sha picks up the story: “I instantly bowed to the floor without reading any further. I was sobbing with joy. I felt such honor. I read his letter again after crying. The letter said, ‘Do not forget your mother.’ I felt, ‘Wow!’ The next sentence was ‘Do not forget your country.’ The letter continued, ‘Use 3396815 to communicate between you and me.’ I thought, ‘What is 3396815? Is this a telephone number?’ The letter did not explain what this number was for in terms of communication. The letter concluded, ‘Serve humanity and serve wan ling.’ ” Master Sha explained that wan means ten thousand. In Chinese, ten thousand means countless. Ling means soul. Wan ling (pronounced wahn ling) means countless souls including countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

  Master Sha told me, “I was so moved and touched that I could not express fully the deep gratitude and honor I felt when Master Guo accepted me as his disciple.”

  In 1993 before Dr. Sha met Master Guo in China he started offering his service in other countries. Sylvia Chen arranged workshops for Master Sha in Los Angeles. One of the largest Buddhist temples is named Buddha Mountain. Master Sha gave the monks and Buddhist followers amazing healing and he received their admiration. Right away, Sylvia helped Master Sha to give a teaching in Taiwan. This was before Master Sha went to mainland China. In Taiwan Master Sha gave teaching and healing to two of the biggest Buddhist organizations. At that time his workshops reached more than one thousand people. Three major television stations in Taiwan and more than thirty newspapers broadcast Master Sha’s healing. There was a man in Tao Yuan City who suffered from serious psoriasis. The doctors said that the next step was liver psoriasis. He was very pale, very tired, and very sick. Master Sha gave him acupuncture and taught him how to do a special Qi Gong practice. He recovered very quickly and it surprised everyone. According to Dr. Sha, to this day he has remained free of psoriasis.

  During Master Sha’s one-month visit to Taiwan, every day from 9 A.M. to midnight he was completely booked with appointments. He gave healings to many of the country’s leaders and business leaders in Taiwan. During this month many within Taiwan were talking about the healings of Master Sha.

  In October 1993 Master Sha and Sylvia went to Master Guo’s healing center in China. They brought fifty people to join them at Master Guo’s center. In Dr. Sha’s words, “Master Guo offered daily teaching for ten da
ys. There were twenty thousand people packed in the courtyard of his center. There were so many people at the center that at night people would sleep in the hallway of the four-story center. There was a lack of money to complete the construction of Master Guo’s center. Sylvia gifted Master Guo the monies to complete the construction of the center. Master Guo asked Sylvia if she wanted a share of the center or some land around the property. Sylvia said, ‘No, I want nothing.’ When I went back to Taiwan later, one of Sylvia’s relatives told me, ‘Sylvia is crazy. She gave all of her savings unconditionally to Master Guo, with no interest, and did not know when it would be returned.’ I asked her why she did this. She said, ‘There are so many people suffering and they are sleeping in the hallways. I felt such compassion that I wanted to support Master Guo. There were also so many miracle healings that were seen with so many people that had chronic pain and cancer.’ “

  Master Sha continued his own story:

  In the second year, October 1994, I returned to Master Guo’s clinic for ten days. Master Guo had two annual gatherings, one in April and the other in October. Sylvia and I brought another seventy people to the center. Master Guo gave a healing for twenty thousand people. His center could only hold twenty thousand people and it was completely packed. Master Guo raised his hands and moved from left to right and then right to left. He did this three times. He kept silent. I stood in the audience to face Master Guo. Every time his hands faced my direction, my body shook uncontrollably. I saw many people’s bodies shake uncontrollably during Qi Gong practice, but my body had never moved. I did not know why, but my body started to shake uncontrollably when Master Guo’s hands were facing me. My body had heat and I was sweating everywhere. I had a “Wow!” feeling in my heart and my heart opened. I thought, “Wow, such power.” I could not express it enough. During that year Master Guo taught Soul Language. He asked twenty thousand people to chant 3396815 (sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo). He asked them to chant fast. His technique was to ask twenty thousand people to chant 3396815 (sahn sahn jeo leo bah yow woo) as fast as they could and to bring out their own Soul Language. Soul Language is so dynamic and so fast. Everyone was wild and shouting. It was dynamic and powerful. Everyone carried a different voice. For me I chanted so fast that my soul voice could not come out. It did not matter how hard I tried, it did not come out. Now I would like to share what 3396815 is.

  In 1978 one morning at around 3 A.M. Master Guo received the number 3396815 from the Divine. He woke his third daughter and asked her what number she might receive from the Divine. She received the same number, 3396815. Divine taught Master Guo that this is the divine sacred code to bring out Soul Language. This sacred code carries divine sacred healing power and the power to transform all life, including relationships and finances. There are thousands of soul healing miracles that have happened in Master Guo’s Center. People have thrown their canes away. People have recovered from chronic pain, cancer, and blindness. The miraculous results had totally shocked me. I was in such an exciting situation and was so fascinated all of the time. The most amazing feeling happened in my heart when Master Guo waved his hands in the air a few times and miracles happened. How did he do this? I truly wanted to learn. Master Guo only performed his power and did not share his secrets with anyone.

  In 1998, I went back to Master Guo’s clinic for the third time. I brought another group of people with me. I witnessed more soul healing miracles. I still did not know how to offer the healing like Master Guo.

  In 2005 I went back to China for the fourth time to visit Master Guo. I brought about one hundred students from all over the world with me. We were making a film documentary called Soul Masters: Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha. One day I had a private consultation with Master Guo in his office. He said, “Zhi Gang, for twelve years I have tested you on your love, compassion, commitment, and loyalty. Now I am passing the secrets to you on how to offer and do soul healing to the masses and do remote healings.” I was moved to tears and bowed down, touching my head to the floor. I did not want to get up. I felt the wisdom and sacred power was priceless. Millions of dollars could not buy this power and sacred wisdom, this sacred soul healing power. They were truly priceless in my heart. Therefore, my head was on the floor and I could not get up. I was deeply moved that I could use this sacred power to save people’s lives. People’s lives are priceless.

  Then I returned to Canada from China. I communicated with Master Guo and he said, “I am going to give you regular teachings for two hours per day.” It was summertime in China when I arrived, with temperatures going over 40°C. There were no air conditioners in China. They only used fans. It was so hot, but Master Guo gave me the teaching daily. He taught me “what is the soul.” In Master Guo’s teaching, the soul was called the subconscious. It was not proper to use the word soul in China. Master Guo explained to me the characteristics of the subconscious and the power of consciousness and how to communicate with the subconscious. He also taught me how to interpret dreams. It was such profound secret teaching. The dreams are the message. We know some people have such powerful dreams. For some people dreams are prophetic. There were profound secrets on how to interpret dreams. It was twelve years after meeting Master Guo that I started to learn the secrets of the soul and the power of the soul. I have shared a lot of essence from his teaching in my last series of ten books in the Soul Power Series. I would like to share with humanity that to meet a true Master is a great honor. To receive the true teaching and delivery, the sacred power from the true Master is beyond a blessing. The testing was very serious. I followed Master Guo for twelve years after my first face-to-face meeting with Dr. Guo. During a break after one of my early meetings, I came out from one building and Dr. Guo came out from another building. We walked toward one another. I am his adopted son and first disciple. I smiled to my teacher as I was walking toward him. As we almost met one another, his face became cold and he turned his head away from me and walked away. I felt such pain in my heart. How could my adopted father and spiritual father give me such an angry face, treating me like this? I had given my heart and soul to him. I was afraid to say anything. Before I left his center, he was playing Ping-Pong. I went to him and bowed down. He did not even look at me. I said, “Baba, I am leaving.” He did not say anything. It hurt me so deeply. I did not know that he was testing me. He told me twelve years later, “Zhi Gang, I gave you a cold face and tested you in every way for your loyalty to me; your love, compassion to humanity, and your kindness, your persistence with no fear in moving forward; and now your compassion has moved me. You have passed my test and therefore, I now pass to you my secrets.”

  Master Guo, Mama Guo, and all five daughters and their teachers have given me such love, blessing, and teachings. What I shared is when Master Guo purposely tested me, he did so with great compassion and love for me. The entire Guo family gave me so much love all of the time. For Master Guo, Mama Guo, the five daughters, and all of their teachers, I cannot give enough love and blessings. And for Master Guo’s three months of daily teaching to me in such hot weather, I am forever grateful. I am speechless when I contemplate the great gifts I received from my teacher. I want to share with the whole world the ancient Chinese teaching, “One day teacher, whole life father.” He is my most honored, respected spiritual father, and his wife is my most beloved spiritual mother. His five daughters are my most loved sisters. Their teachers are also my teachers and friends. I honor them forever.

  The more successful I am now and in the future, the more I remember their teachings and the teachings from other masters. I want to share with your readers a most powerful ancient Chinese phrase:

  Yin Shui Si Yuan

  Yin means drink. Shui means water. Si means think. Yuan means source or origin of the water. Yin Shui Si Yuan (pronounced yeen shway sz ywen) means when you drink water, think of the source. Now I am serving so many people worldwide. The source is from Master Guo and all of my great teachers, the Divine, and the Source, are all the source of the wisdom and the power
of my service. How can I thank them enough? I am the humble servant to them and humanity.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.

  Dr. Sha’s Divine Encounter

  ONE OF THE most interesting aspects of Dr. Sha’s story and his emergence as a miracle soul healer is that even as he was completely dedicated as a disciple of Dr. Guo, he continued to have his own direct experience of the Divine. Dr. Sha was teaching a workshop in Soquel, California, at Land of Medicine Buddha in April 2003 when he had a direct encounter with the Divine.

  Dr. Sha remembers the time and place vividly. In the words of Dr. Sha, “During my teaching of the workshop, the Divine appeared. I told all of the students that I grew up in China and bowed down to my Tai Chi and Kung Fu Masters. Divine is here. Please allow me to bow down to Divine and let me show my respect. Please sit and allow me these few minutes. I bowed down and saw the Divine above my head.”

  I interrupted and asked Dr. Sha, “What did the Divine look like?”

  Master Sha said, “The Divine looked like a human being.”

  BILL: Was it a man or a woman?

  MASTER SHA: It looked male. The Divine was short and handsome. He wore a golden robe. There was Medicine Buddha, Guan Yin, and a few other Buddhas were with him.


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