Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 5

by William Gladstone

  BILL: What color eyes and hair did he have?

  MASTER SHA: He had black hair and his eyes were brown. He was Asian looking. He had such dignity.

  BILL: In other spiritual traditions, they have said they could not look into the eyes of the Divine. But you could?


  BILL: What did you feel?

  MASTER SHA: I felt a vibration. I also felt such love and compassion from his eyes.

  BILL: Was he floating in the air?

  MASTER SHA: Yes, he was a light being in the air. It was a human being form that was standing in the air.

  BILL: Even though he was short, he was above you?


  BILL: So you bowed down?


  BILL: What happened next?

  MASTER SHA: Divine started to speak with me.

  BILL: What did he say?

  MASTER SHA: “Zhi Gang, today I came to share with you a spiritual law. This law is named the Universal Law of Universal Service. It is one of the highest spiritual laws in the universe. It applies to the spiritual world and the physical world.” Then he continued. He pointed to himself by using his right hand and said, “I am a universal servant.” Then he pointed to me. I was bowing down. He said, “You are a universal servant.” He swept his hands over everyone. Then with additional slight movements for emphasis the Divine continued, “Everyone including everything is a universal servant to share universal love, forgiveness, peace, healing, blessing, harmony, and enlightenment.”

  I looked at the Divine in awe of this revelation and the Divine continued, “If one offers a little service, receive a little reward from the universe and me. If one offers more service, receive more reward. If one offers unconditional service, receive unlimited rewards.” Then the Divine added, “In history there are unpleasant services including killing, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, and more. If one offers a little unpleasant service, one learns a little lesson.” I interrupted the Divine and said, “What kind of lessons does one learn?” He asked, “Are you a doctor?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Sicknesses are the lessons. People have relationship challenges, financial challenges, challenges with children, and many challenges in their lives. These are the lessons also. If one offers more unpleasant service, one learns more lessons. If one offers huge unpleasant services, one learns huge lessons.” I instantly asked the Divine, “Dear Divine, are you teaching me the karma law?”

  Divine replied, “The Universal Law of Universal Service I am sharing with you now is the karma law. This is how Heaven operates with Mother Earth and humanity.” I said, “Thank you so much for the teaching.” I instantly bowed down and made a vow. “Dear Divine, I want to be an unconditional universal servant. I am giving my life for service. If I cannot accomplish the task that you and Heaven give to me, I am willing to learn the heaviest lessons, including sending my soul to the deepest place. I am okay.” Divine smiled and instantly disappeared.

  What had Dr. Sha agreed to do, and how can we possibly ascertain that what Dr. Sha believes was an actual encounter with the Divine was not a hallucination or some form of self-delusion? The reality is we cannot scientifically prove that this event happened. The moment was not recorded. I know that Dr. Sha believes the encounter actually occurred. More important, Dr. Sha began to act on the vow that he undertook and miracles started to happen in his healings.

  Just three months later, in July 2003, the Divine appeared again to Dr. Sha at a conference in Toronto.

  According to Dr. Sha, the Divine spoke to him with these words: “Dear my son Zhi Gang, today I come to choose you as my direct servant.” I replied, “I am honored to be your servant.” The Divine said, “This service is unique. From today you offer the healing. I will do the job.” I was moved to tears about how blessed I was that the Divine was going to do this. I asked, “How?” The Divine said, “Choose a person with a challenging condition.” I chose a person named Walter, who had a new medical diagnosis of liver cancer with a three-centimeter malignant tumor that had been diagnosed from a biopsy. Walter stood on the stage and the Divine was above our heads. I said, “Divine, please do it.” Divine told me, “You share with the public and say Divine Order, Divine Liver. Transmission. I said, “Divine Order, Divine Liver. Transmission.” I saw the Divine’s heart radiate a beam of light to Walter’s liver. I saw the dark shadow leave his liver and a golden light ball rotating in his liver. I asked the Divine, “What is this golden light ball?” The Divine said, “This is a golden new soul of the liver. Tell Walter to chant Divine Liver for two hours per day.” I told Walter that the Divine wanted him to chant Divine Liver repeatedly for two hours a day. He could divide the time into ten minutes, twenty minutes, and more per day to equal two hours a day. I asked him if he could do two hours a day and he said he could do more than two hours a day. The Divine said, “If Walter can chant two hours a day, his liver cancer could disappear.” Walter did more than two hours a day of practice. Two and one half months later he went to have a medical checkup with CT scan and MRI and his cancer had disappeared. He has been cancer-free up to this day.

  The practice of soul healing miracles had begun.

  It is curious to me that the information received by Dr. Sha from the Divine was focused on healing and learning lessons. Dr. Sha would later formulate his concept of “karma cleansing” to describe the mechanism that he believes empowers soul healing miracles. In the brief encounters with the Divine, the message was that the more you give, the more you get, whether it be giving love or healing energy. Those who give unconditionally receive unconditionally. The ultimate gift is to be able to be of unconditional service to others. When in this state, miracles can and do happen. This is Dr. Sha’s belief and practice. In fact, the generation of unlimited abundance and joy through giving is not a belief for Dr. Sha, but a law of the universe, a law that governs his every waking moment and action. Dr. Sha believes that we live in a world of unlimited joy and abundance. Dr. Sha believes that the universe itself abounds with joy. It is only human beings misbehaving that creates illness and sorrow.

  In this context I am reminded of the author of The Master Key System, Charles Haanel, who was the first Western writer to describe the law of attraction. The popular film The Secret oversimplified the presentation of the concepts of the law of attraction. For Charles Haanel the law of attraction was the law of love. Haanel wrote of his belief that the universal law of the universe was that like attracted like. Love attracted love. Goodness attracted goodness. For Charles Haanel, this was the basic principle upon which he developed his Master Key System, which was later modified by Napoleon Hill and others to create programs for creating material wealth and health.

  From a very different source, Dr. Sha discovered and emphasizes the law of karma. Given his background as both a medical doctor and acupuncturist, he has been able to apply this law in a practical way to enhance his own life and those of all he teaches and heals.

  But is this concept of being a universal servant as the key to creating soul healing miracles verifiable on any scientific or measurable level? Is there any scientific data that might provide greater evidence that Dr. Sha has in fact communicated with the Divine and that his soul healing miracles are based on universal laws and not just the power of suggestion? We will explore these questions in future chapters, but in the next chapter we need to provide some of the basic principles upon which Chinese medicine in particular and energy medicine in general are based.

  What Is Energy Medicine?

  DR. SHA’S SOUL healing techniques have been developed from ancient Chinese practices of Qi Gong, Tai Chi, acupuncture, and other traditional healing practices that are often considered “energy medicine.” When I first heard the term energy medicine, I had visions of nuclear-powered contraptions sending energy to our bodies and healing us with the latest and greatest technology. Energy medicine is, however, completely low-tech. No machines are used and in some cases there
is barely even any touching. Reiki is perhaps the best known modality of energy medicine, but many practitioners have developed their own techniques under a variety of names ranging from vibrational medicine to white magic. From a traditional Western medical perspective none of these practices are medicine at all, and many would prefer that the name energy medicine not be used. I am fine with that and will just use the term energy healing.

  While still a young boy in China, Dr. Sha was exposed to energy healing. There are many such traditions within ancient Chinese practices including, of course, the acupuncture techniques that Dr. Sha later learned. The principle behind acupuncture and other energy healing techniques is that we all possess qi, or energy, and that when our qi is blocked, we become ill. The essence of all energy healing is to remove the blockages and get our qi moving again. Many herbal remedies throughout Asia are based on this concept of qi and removing blockages. The difference between herbal remedies and pure energy healing is that much can be accomplished with mental and emotional intentionality even if the herbal concoctions are not available. For many healers, having a positive intention is essential for any form of herbal or energy healing to be effective. This positive intention is ideally shared by both healer and patient. There is no conflict between herbal remedies and movement work or acupuncture work when the healers are in agreement. In many healings, including those performed by Dr. Sha’s own teacher Dr. Guo, both herbal and energy movement therapies are performed by the same therapist.

  Modern scientists have studied the impact of intentionality. Removing stress enhances health. Focusing your mind can have a direct impact on improving the health of your body. Experiments by modern Western physicians have demonstrated a positive correlation between emotional therapies and the reduction of cancer cells in patients playing specially created video games. There is clearly a connection between emotional health and physical health. Traditional Western physicians are not sure how strong that connection is and have not been able to scientifically prove that for every patient the emotional component is significant. Few medical physicians have studied the emotional component of healing. The majority of practitioners and medical research dollars are devoted to finding and testing new drugs and exploring the ability to create new remedies based on cellular and even molecular research.

  Holistic medicine is practiced by doctors who are traditionally trained MDs who feel that a patient’s entire situation needs to be treated, not just the symptoms being presented in any specific moment. For these doctors it is important to treat the whole person, even if they are suffering from cancer or heart disease. The perspective is one that includes body, mind, and soul when treating a patient, not just the body. Dr. Sha’s techniques are in this tradition of holistic medicine, and within this approach to healing it is clear that meditation, stress reduction, and other “soft therapies” have had and continue to have profound healing impact.

  Paraphrasing Dr. Sha, the world is made of matter, energy, soul, and mind. Western medicine has not yet recognized the soul and focuses on matter in the physical body. Master Sha teaches there are three bodies in the human being: matter body, energy body, and soul body. Western medicine only focuses on the matter body. Dr. Sha told me, “When there is focus on the physical there can be healing on the physical, but that healing is often limited to the physical symptoms only and not the spiritual cause. In many cases the physical problem will return. When I focus on the spiritual cause of illness, that is the root cause of sickness.”

  “But how do you know when you are correct with your treatment?” I asked Dr. Sha.

  “I offer divine soul readings to find out the soul mind body blockages of the person and offer divine soul healing” was his answer.

  “But how do you know it is the divine giving you this information?” I pushed.

  “I am with the Divine. The Divine chose me as a servant. He is with me all of the time” was his matter-of-fact reply.

  “But for a scientist that is a subjective feeling that cannot be measured and codified,” I insisted.

  “I use Einstein as the example. In the later stage of Einstein’s life he could not explain the phenomenon of the law of relativity and his findings. Then he started to believe in the Divine. There are many renowned scientists who cannot explain the phenomenon in a scientific way and then they turn to the Divine. What I want to share with humanity is the Divine is the creator for us. The Divine is the spiritual father and mother for us. Science is developing. Science will continue to develop. Science is always behind the spiritual development. You may agree with me. You may not agree with me. That is my internal understanding,” was Dr. Sha’s explanation.

  “I believe you, but in this book I want to be able to explain your technique in a way that will pass scientific scrutiny,” I explained.

  “Well, scientists can study my patients. I have healed leukemia, cancer, heart disease, deafness, and stroke. I have healed thousands of chronic and life-threatening conditions,” Dr. Sha went on enthusiastically.

  “Can anyone learn how to do soul healing miracles?” I asked.

  “Yes. Everyone can create soul healing miracles. They need to learn the secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques to create their own soul healing miracles,” Dr. Sha explained.

  “Okay. Let’s explore in more detail what you call karma cleansing and how you heal people.”

  Karma Cleansing

  SO DR. SHA, tell me about karma cleansing. What is it and how does it work?” I asked.

  Karma is the record of services in all lifetimes, including previous lifetimes and this lifetime. Karma is divided into two kinds: good karma and negative karma. Having good karma means a person has offered service to make others happier and healthier. The person has offered love, care, compassion, sincerity, honesty, kindness, generosity, integrity, grace, and much more to others. Negative karma means that a person offers unpleasant services to others including killing, harming, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, and more. How does karma work? If one accumulates good karma one receives good health, good relationships, flourishing finances, good children, good intelligence, and they flourish in every aspect of life. If a person has accumulated negative karma the person could learn lessons from challenges to their health, relationships, children, finances, intelligence, and every aspect of life.

  I asked Dr. Sha, “Some people like me believe in karma from this lifetime, but I am not sure I believe in karma from past lifetimes. Does a karma cleansing still work for me?”

  Dr. Sha explained. “When you speak about karma, it includes past lifetimes and the current lifetime. How karma works? The past lifetimes of negative karma affect this lifetime. The negative karma from this lifetime affects this lifetime. They all also affect the future lifetimes. If some people have very heavy karma, the person could learn lessons in hundreds or thousands of lifetimes. If you only believe negative karma for this lifetime, karma cleansing will work for you. If you do not believe in past lifetimes of negative karma and you do not clear the negative karma, you will learn lessons. This is the karma law regardless of whether you believe or not.

  I then interjected and said, “As long as I am of service in this lifetime, I receive the benefits of karma cleansing even if I don’t believe in reincarnation?”

  Dr. Sha answered, “Yes, if you offer unconditional service you will clear negative karma naturally regardless of whether you believe in negative karma or not; regardless of whether you believe in reincarnation or not. If you do not believe, it does not mean it does not exist. Karma is one of the most important spiritual laws. It operates by itself.”

  “This is very reassuring and makes me feel somewhat more protected because I and the majority of people I know do not believe in reincarnation, so it is very reassuring that if we do not believe in reincarnation we can still receive the benefits of karma cleansing,” was my answer to Dr. Sha.

  When I expressed my desire to learn more about the science behind karma cleansing, Dr.
Sha suggested that I meet with his student Rulin Xiu.

  Dr. Rulin Xiu

  IN MY PURSUIT to learn of the science behind soul healing miracles I asked Dr. Sha to introduce me to Rulin Xiu. Rulin had been mentioned to me as a former academic with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of California at Berkeley. Rulin was one of the world’s leading authorities on string theory and grand unification theory. The study of grand unification theory is the domain of the great physicist Albert Einstein and other luminary physicists. This is not the type of endeavor for people with little brainpower. Rulin had written many scientific papers on string theory while at Berkeley. Dr. Sha was attracting some of the best and brightest minds in the world to learn and study his soul healing practices. Rulin at the time I met her was a fit, attractive, petite woman with black hair in her early fifties. She looked much younger and at five feet two inches could not have weighed more than 105 pounds. She dressed simply with the cheerful colors typical of the clothing worn in Hawaii, where she now lives.

  Rulin was able to fly to the mainland for our meeting. I thought it important to learn as much as I could about Rulin’s personal history before delving into the science, so I did my normal ethnographic background study of who she was, what type of family she came from, and what her key values were. I learned that Rulin had been born in Yulin, a city in northwest China next to Inner Mongolia. Her father had been a geologist and her mother taught at a university. She was born in the 1960s, so Mao’s Cultural Revolution had ended prior to her entering high school. As a young girl her favorite hobbies were picking herbs, reading, singing, and dancing. In elementary and high school her favorite subject was mathematics, and in college and graduate school she pursued theoretical physics. She learned English in middle school in China, and by the time I met her thirty years later her English was impeccable, no doubt because of the time she had spent at Berkeley and living near Hilo on the island of Hawaii.


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