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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 9

by William Gladstone

  As I spent more time with Dr. Sha, I learned that his healings can address not just physical and emotional ailments but financial and relationship issues as well. Since Dr. Sha believes he does karma cleansings, these cleansings can, according to his belief system, have immediate positive impact on every aspect of an individual’s life. To put this belief to the test, I suggested to Dr. Sha that we celebrate my sixty-fourth birthday by inviting some of my good friends to my birthday party and having him offer them blessings or, if requested, karma cleansings. “Wonderful idea. Just let me know where and when. Let me serve your friends.”

  I invited twenty or so people to my party, most of them couples. I told them they would have an opportunity to meet with Dr. Sha for a private blessing but did not give them any other information and made it clear that it was voluntary and not required, just my reverse birthday gift to them on my birthday. There was champagne and good food, and Dr. Sha created some calligraphy in the middle of the party to demonstrate how he places healing energy in the calligraphy he creates. Those who were interested in having private sessions with Dr. Sha were able to do so throughout the afternoon.

  One couple that chose to have a session with Dr. Sha was Greg and Allyn Reid. Greg and Allyn are good friends with whom my wife Gayle and I play tennis once a month or more. Greg is the best player in the group, but Gayle and I try harder and actually win most of the matches. We won almost all the matches during the last six months of 2012, as Allyn was very pregnant with their first child, Colt. Greg is a motivational speaker, filmmaker, and best-selling author. His books, Three Feet from Gold and Stickability: Think and Grow Rich, were authorized by the Napoleon Hill Foundation and appeared on many best-seller lists. Allyn and Greg put on special events for entrepreneurs called Secret Knock that are highly successful. Allyn also runs a small publishing company that she created with Greg to help other entrepreneurs. Greg is currently producing a major film about the creation of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

  I was somewhat surprised that Greg and Allyn were willing to meet with Dr. Sha. They are both Christians, and Allyn went to Catholic school. Allyn believes in the miracles of Christ but does not believe in reincarnation in the sense that Dr. Sha does. Allyn believes that Christ did perform miracles and did rise from the dead. Greg does not. Greg believes that the individual known as Christ was an actual person but that he was not any more the son of God than you or I are the son of God. As Greg has stated to me, “I believe in Christianity and that Christ is an important symbol of how we should behave as Christians, but I am a hands-on guy and do not believe in miracles or any new-age baloney. I live in the real rough-and-tumble world of business and finance. I was a salesman doing telephone sales for twenty years before I sold my first marketing company. People are often gullible, but I am not.”

  I decided to interview Greg and Allyn separately to see what experience they had had with Dr. Sha. Greg was clearly a skeptic and non-believer. Allyn was, if not a total skeptic, certainly not a believer. I found their interviews enlightening, especially in terms of Dr. Sha’s claim that he can heal people whether they believe in him or not and whether they believe in reincarnation, karma cleansing, or energy healing of any kind.

  I started interviewing Greg by asking him, “So Greg, do you believe in reincarnation?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he chided. “We may inherit cellular memories from our parents and grandparents, but there is no proof of reincarnation and it seems improbable that everyone you ever meet who does believe in reincarnation thinks they were a king or queen or Napoleon or Jesus. Just a bunch of kooks if you ask me.”

  “What about karma?” I ventured.

  “Sure. I believe in karma in the sense that what goes around comes around. If you treat people well they will treat you well,” Greg told me.

  “What about karma from past lives?” I then asked.

  “Nope, no way, no how,” he asserted. “Why am I going to suffer for something I didn’t do myself? And why would I benefit from the acts of a stranger I never met?”

  “Well, if you believed in reincarnation, might you think differently?” I asked.

  “Well, I don’t believe in reincarnation, so let’s just stick to karma in this life. I am not sure there is any science to karmic retribution since I have seen plenty of people do bad stuff to others and not get punished or have a whammy put on them. Nonetheless, I do agree the more good I do, the better for me and everyone else,” Greg explained.

  “If that is the case, why did you agree to meet with Dr. Sha?” I next queried.

  “Well, it was your birthday and you seemed to think Dr. Sha was a cool dude. As you know, we had to leave our event in Vegas a day early just to get to your party. I was actually pretty bummed because the day we left was the day I could have lined up the most business contacts. With Colt and the new film venture, I am more concerned than usual about finances, and it was not ideal to miss that last day of the conference from a business angle, but Allyn insisted we had to come,” Greg answered.

  “Were you planning to take advantage of having a private session with Dr. Sha before you arrived?” I asked.

  “No. From what I had heard, I really thought Dr. Sha was just some kind of witch doctor. You represent such a range of people and some of them are a little weird. The idea of meeting this oriental healer was not resonating with me, and I would not even have showed up if not for Allyn offering to drive. It was a three-hour drive from Vegas, and I was pretty tired when we arrived even with Allyn doing the driving. I was thinking we would stay an hour and take off early,” Greg answered.

  “What did you think when you first saw Dr. Sha at the party?” I next asked.

  “Well, I love art, and I just found it fascinating how intense and talented Dr. Sha was while he was doing the calligraphy. He was really into it and clearly so was everyone watching. It actually reminded me of stoner parties when I was a kid. Everyone was hoping they would get a copy of the calligraphy just like us kids used to hope to get a toke when we first experimented with drugs. It was actually very cool watching the calligraphy being created and it made me think I should go ahead and take advantage of the opportunity to have me and Allyn meet privately with Dr. Sha later that afternoon,” Greg explained.

  Separately I asked Allyn about why she had come to the party and why she ultimately agreed to meet with Dr. Sha.

  “I was not really expecting anything, but in the back of my mind I had this feeling that it might be beneficial to meet with Dr. Sha,” Allyn started to explain. “You and Gayle are such good friends, and I thought it important we come to your party. I was not really attached to meeting or not meeting Dr. Sha, but by the time we arrived after such a long drive I was beat and really thought we would just stay a few minutes and then head home. I actually suggested to Greg that we leave, but after watching the calligraphy demonstration he seemed to get a second wind and was having fun talking with some of our other friends who were also at the party who we do not get to see that often. It was funny because Greg was the one who had been dragging his feet, not even wanting to come to the party and complaining the whole trip about what a waste of time the drive was and all the business he could have been doing if we had stayed in Vegas.”

  “So what was your impression of Dr. Sha when you first met him?” was my next question.

  “He seemed to be a gentle-looking guy, not at all intimidating and very approachable,” Allyn answered. “When you came up to us and told us that Dr. Sha was available for me and Greg to meet with privately, I felt why not and Greg felt the same, and we went to the guest house where the sessions were being held and sat down.”

  “What happened next?”

  “Well, Dr. Sha had an assistant with him. I believe her name was Master Cynthia. Dr. Sha explained that it was important to get a reading from the Akashic Records about past lives Greg and I may have had together. Dr. Sha said Master Cynthia could read our past lives, and she started telling us about many lives Greg and I ha
d had together. At first it didn’t make any sense to me. I was not believing anything she was saying, and I could tell from Greg’s expression that he felt it was all just a bunch of baloney without any foundation in reality,” Allyn explained.

  When I asked Greg to explain his initial reaction to the session he was even more outspoken. “Just total BS from my perspective. I found Dr. Sha’s assistant threatening. She didn’t seem to have anything positive to say and I was just about ready to walk out, but then Dr. Sha started asking a couple of questions and I was hooked. At the time I thought we might explore some of the issues I was having related to finances. I’m not sure if it was because I had just come from a business conference and my focus was on money, but I was thinking that if this Dr. Sha had any magic powers that he might be able to help me with my business ventures. But by the third question Dr. Sha had zeroed in on my relationship with Allyn. I had not told anyone, but Allyn and I had not been getting along ever since Colt was born. We were not communicating. Not enjoying each other’s company and not even liking each other. I was thinking we might even get divorced. I am not sure how but Dr. Sha immediately focused on our relationship, asked us some additional questions, explained that we had had past-life issues together which were causing our relationship problems, did some strange hand movement, sang a song or chant, shouted in a loud voice ‘Transmission,’ and told us he had removed dark entities that had been plaguing us and that our relationship would improve immediately. I was not sure I believed any of what he was telling me, but he was cheerful and smiling when we left and gave us each an autographed copy of his book Soul Healing Miracles.”

  “So did the session help?” was my next question.

  “It is still hard for me to admit, but it did. By the time we were back in San Diego it was almost like Allyn and I had reached an entire new level in our relationship. We have been getting along great for the last six months, and even if our relationship takes a turn for the worse I have to admit that the session with Dr. Sha has totally improved our lives. We have a greater appreciation for each other and we just enjoy being together so much more. The love that we have always felt for each other is there more than ever and the bad stuff just seems to have gone away.”

  Separately I asked Allyn to describe her experience of the session and its impact on her life.

  “After the Akashic Record reading by his assistant, Dr. Sha started asking us questions about our relationship,” Allyn began. “It was almost as if Dr. Sha could read our minds. He focused on the exact issues that were troubling us and within a few minutes he was doing a chant, blessing us, asking the negative entities to leave, and ending the session with a loud shout of ‘Transmission.’ It all seemed so silly to me that I could hardly stop from giggling. At the same time it was pleasant enough and I felt his questions were helpful. Greg and I had reached such a low point in our relationship that I was seriously contemplating taking Colt and going back to live with my mother. It was that bad.”

  “Do you think the session helped your relationship with Greg?” was my next question.

  “Absolutely. Greg and I are getting along better than ever. The last six months have been the best six months of our lives. Colt is thriving, and we are for the first time a truly happy family,” Allyn happily shared.

  “Was there anything else going on with you and Greg that might have been responsible for your improved relationship?” I asked, wanting to be sure that it was truly the session with Dr. Sha that had “healed” their relationship and no other factors.

  Allyn pondered for a minute and then responded, “Not that I can think of. Besides, the impact really was immediate. While we were driving home I started thinking about some of the questions that Dr. Sha had asked. I even started thinking about some of the past lives that his assistant Master Cynthia had detailed as lives Greg and I had lived together. At the time Master Cynthia explained these past lives I really was thinking she was just making them up. But as I reflected I noticed a pattern. In each of the past lives Greg and I had lived together, my role was always that of the beautiful woman who was to be seen but not heard. I had had very specific roles that had confined me in ways that felt disrespectful. I reflected on the life I was living right now with Greg and started realizing that to some extent Greg and I were still in that pattern. I am still not sure I believe in reincarnation or that Greg and I have shared any past lives, but the session with Dr. Sha lifted some heavy energy between us and has allowed me to move more into a position of power as Greg’s equal and given Greg the ability to let me play a more active role in our business as well as our social lives.”

  “Yes, I noticed in the last Secret Knock event that for the first time you had your own hour onstage as moderator. It was no longer just the Greg Reid show,” I interrupted.

  “Yes, that was fun, and now I am helping Greg with the movie and planning future events as well. We are much more in balance,” Allyn confirmed.

  At the end of the separate interviews, I asked Greg and Allyn together my final question: “So what do you think? Was it a miracle soul healing of your relationship?”

  Greg just laughed. “You know, buddy, I don’t believe in miracles, but if Dr. Sha wants to call this a miracle relationship intervention, then he’s got my vote. He saved my marriage and even though it still seems like a lot of hocus pocus to me I can’t argue with the results.”

  “If you had lived with Greg before Dr. Sha’s healing you would know this is a miracle,” laughed Allyn. “I would recommend Dr. Sha to anyone with any type of problem. I still do not really understand how Dr. Sha helped us and it does not really matter to me. I would advise anyone to just keep an open mind and not judge themselves for seeking such an unusual approach to healing or relationship problems. I had to let go of my dogmatic beliefs in my own religion while meeting with Dr. Sha, but I have not altered my core beliefs in any way. It is not really important to me if Dr. Sha’s concepts are in alignment with my own beliefs or not. What is important is to allow the impossible to be possible. I am just really glad we went to your party and truly grateful for all the joy Greg, Colt, and I now experience every day.”

  I know that this relationship “miracle” is not as dramatic as some of the healing miracles we have discussed in previous chapters or that are posted on the Dr. Sha channel on YouTube, but the essential truth that I have taken away from this interview is that Dr. Sha’s assertion that he can heal and help people whether they believe in him or not is confirmed. A full scientific investigation will require dozens of such examples and not just one, but the case of Greg and Allyn is highly insightful. Allyn was born in Manila in the Philippines. She came to Long Beach, California, when she was only eleven years old with a single mother and two younger siblings. Her mom had to work three jobs to support the family. Allyn was awarded a scholarship at the University of California, Irvine. She worked part-time jobs while still in college and eventually became an executive working at 20th Century Fox. Greg dropped out of college when he was just twenty to start his own business. He was a bit of a hell-raiser in his teens and early twenties but overcame his addictions and created a highly successful business and then started a second highly successful career as an author. He is now producing events and films. These are two people who are practical and hardworking. They do not allow themselves to be conned. They are not gullible. Do they believe in reincarnation and karma cleansing? Absolutely not. And yet they believe in their own experience with Dr. Sha. Call it a miracle or call it whatever you want, there is something very special that happens to those—whether open or not to such concepts—when they receive blessings from Dr. and Master Sha.

  The Importance of Belief and Emotion

  ONE OF THE most notable characteristics of every healing I observed is the significant emotion demonstrated by all those who have been healed. I was also impressed with the emotion released by Dr. Sha himself, as well as by his student healers, during a healing. These practitioners really cared about helping those they heale
d. They were in a sense “getting off” on healing others. So was Dr. Sha. He giggled like a schoolboy whenever he healed someone. His smile when someone was healed was genuine and infectious. Normal doctors are pleased when they have positive results but they are taught to be reserved and not to show their emotions. There are exceptions, but this is often the case. Not so with Dr. Sha and his student healers. They come right out and tell you they love you and in the moment of healing they are present for you in a way that is unique. It really is in the moment of healing as if you are the only person in the universe. Everyone’s attention is focused on you. Dr. Sha is communing with what he believes is the Divine, and magic happens. Miracles happen.

  The other component that seems necessary for these miracle healings, despite Dr. Sha’s protestations to the contrary, is that everyone involved does in fact believe in the Divine. Dr. Sha states that he has healed people who do not believe in the Divine but he confessed that with belief the healing is stronger. “Of course, for healings to be permanent, it is important that after the healing people study my books and practice the specific chants related to healing their condition. It depends upon their karma, but for those with very bad karma it is unlikely that a single healing will resolve their condition unless they continue to do the forgiveness chants and express gratitude to the Divine for their healings.” I do not think that the necessity of belief for maximum benefit negates the power of Dr. Sha’s healings or the reality of them. My own studies of other treatment modalities as well as those of many anthropologists and some medical researchers have found strong correlations that the greater the belief a patient has in his or her healer or doctor, the greater the effectiveness of the therapy or operation. In the case of Dr. Sha and other energy healers, I suspect that this correlation is even higher. This is a hypothesis that can and I hope will one day be tested. The test would involve recruiting a significant number of patients who do not believe in karma or reincarnation and having them receive healings and then measuring the results. Hopefully someday medical researchers will undertake this research. In the meantime we can continue to analyze why these soul healing miracles are occurring with ever-greater frequency, why Dr. Sha is able to train others to do them, and why scientists such as Dr. Rulin Xiu are convinced that these healings are supported by scientific analysis and scientific principles.


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