Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 26

by William Gladstone

  BILL: What is the happiest moment you have had working with Master Sha?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Actually, every day I am extremely happy working with Master Sha. It is an honor and I am most humbled to have been given this task at this time no matter for how long. I have been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. To me I have been given one of the most blessed opportunities and I don’t take it for granted ever. My life has been changed. My life has been saved. My soul has been forever granted an opportunity that I may never have again. This is what brings happiness to me every moment.

  BILL: You work with Master Sha closely. Could you tell me what is Master Sha’s true mission and what is his heart service?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Master Sha’s truest mission and heart service is to serve you and every soul, all of humanity as an unconditional universal servant in order to create Love Peace Harmony World Family. He truly wants to empower souls in every aspect of their lives. He is tireless in that service and devotion. His devotion to remove the suffering of humanity and Mother Earth, and his love, forgiveness, compassion, and light to transform humanity, Mother Earth is beyond comprehension as he gives immediately back in service with whatever he has received in wisdom, knowledge, power, frequency, and more from Divine, Tao, and Source. His generosity to share the sacred ancient wisdom and new wisdom from the Divine and Tao, as well as his willingness to uplift his disciples’ and students’ healing power, has touched his thousands of students’ hearts and souls. There is not one selfish part of Master Sha that holds on to anything. He is a unique channel who does not think about receiving from others, but only what it is that he can do to empower and serve you!

  BILL: Why do you think you were chosen both as a personality and as a soul to work as Dr. Sha’s assistant?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: That is a hard question to answer. I think Master Sha should answer this question, not me. But you asked me and I will answer. I believe we all have specific roles in our lives and a specific task to offer to humanity. I feel that I have a lot of service to offer to many, many, many souls on Mother Earth. As I have explained, I knew as a child I had karma and that this was not my only lifetime. I believe I have been granted the opportunity to work as Master Sha’s assistant so that I can know firsthand what it means to serve unconditionally, love unconditionally, and forgive unconditionally. I feel as I travel around the world with him, I too am in service to any soul and all souls asking for their forgiveness and offering my love as a return for anything that I have done that has hurt or harmed them in any way. This is one of the golden opportunities that Heaven has given me. I am extremely honored to be Master Sha’s assistant.

  Master Sha’s mission is my mission. Master Sha has thousands of totally devoted students who think the same thing. I have devoted my life to serve Master Sha’s mission. I serve from my heart and soul. Master Sha has given me so many blessings. I am growing every day. I have been empowered more and more to be a better servant. I have gained deeper wisdom for my spiritual journey and for my physical work. I am extremely grateful.

  BILL: What questions are you most asked by people about Dr. Sha?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: I am often asked by new people, “Is he really like this all of the time?” I smile and say, “Yes, what you see with Master Sha is what he is 24/7. He is an endless stream of boundless love, offering all that he has to every soul.”

  I am also asked, “Can I see Master Sha, or will he offer me any personal time to bless me?”

  I again smile and explain to them that I will try my best to help.

  BILL: What changes have you seen in Dr. Sha since becoming his personal assistant?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Master Sha has grown deeper in his dedication and his devotion to his disciples and students, as well as to everyone with whom he comes into contact. His heart has expanded beyond what I can put into words. Master Sha has no boundaries. He can’t say “no.” He just continues to give. I have recognized more and more over these last few years when new people come into his presence, they are astounded and are quickly moved to tears. Many have expressed that they have looked for many, many years and sometimes their entire lifetime to find a master or teacher. They often remark that when they see and hear Master Sha their soul immediately knows “he is the one” and their great joy and their emotions are heart-touching.

  His desire over the years to teach and empower each of his disciples and students to be the best and most powerful teacher and healer is priceless. He guides, teaches, and offers unparalleled wisdom to open each of our hearts more and more, removing our own blockages that we have within our soul, heart, mind, and body.

  He takes no credit for anything that he does or for what he receives. He gives every credit for everything he has accomplished and for what he receives to the Divine, Tao, and Source. In turn, he teaches that same principle to each of his disciples and students. We truly are not the ones offering anything, be it wisdom, a teaching, or a blessing. We are able to offer the wisdom, the teaching, the knowledge, or the healing and blessing because we have received the opening of our spiritual channels and been given a spiritual ability through a Divine and Tao Order and blessing from Master Sha’s Divine and Tao Channel.

  BILL: Master Sha is a tireless worker. I heard that he often works fifteen hours or more a day. It is hard to understand how a normal person can work such long hours. He has worked like this for many years. Can you explain how Dr. Sha can work these long hours?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Master Sha is truly divinely guided. I have been witness to it and seen as he has worked twenty hours a day and more, he is totally recharged from a higher power. For example, during retreats that last two weeks and sometimes longer, he is continually uplifted and recharged through a higher power that feeds him a source of energy that we are not able to see with the normal human being’s sight. Every part of his body is recharged and nourished, down to the tiniest space, constantly from Heaven. Master Sha shared with the public and said, “People charge their cell phone every day. I am receiving the charge from the Divine and Tao all of the time. If I do not receive this kind of special nourishment, the way I work, I would not be here on Mother Earth anymore.”

  BILL: Master Sha tells everyone that giving unconditional service is the highest virtue. I have observed that you also have given unconditional service to Master Sha’s mission. Could you explain how you feel about your role?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Again, I can honestly say I can only give unconditionally because I stand beside Master Sha, who gives and serves unconditionally more than anyone I have ever known. If I am tired, if I don’t want to serve, I could ask myself, “What would Master Sha do?” But I don’t do that. I only know deep within what I have been given. I don’t take it for granted because I could be in a different position tomorrow. So I must take every opportunity I can to serve to the best of my ability and serve unconditionally. I have no expectations. I have no desires. I have no attachments. That is also part of the purification process you asked me about earlier. It is only to serve and be the channel of what service I am to give at any moment. Master Sha is the embodiment of Divine and Tao service on Mother Earth. I want to emphasize again that:

  •I have never known anyone who works tirelessly and for so long as he does. He never complains. He is truly an unconditional universal servant.

  •I have never known anyone who is totally committed to serve and empower his students to gain their healing abilities and life-transformation abilities to serve.

  •I have never seen anyone who is so extremely generous and shares the sacred wisdom so easily with everyone. In ancient times, true masters kept their sacred wisdom their whole lives until they transitioned only to give the secrets to one or two disciples.

  •I have never seen anyone who is fearless when he offers Divine and Tao Karma Cleansing. I have seen numerous times Master Sha being attacked from the darkness when he offers Divine and Tao Karma Cleansing including having chest pains, difficulty in breathing, and difficulties in thinking.

p; Master Sha’s unconditional service has deeply touched my heart and soul. He is the great example in my heart. I always feel that I cannot serve enough. I will continue to learn and serve together with Master Sha. I am so honored.

  BILL: Dr. Sha has taught that divine love melts all blockages and transforms all life. Describe how you have seen Dr. Sha provide divine love to humanity.

  MASTER CYNTHIA: This question actually brings tears to my eyes. Divine love is something I feel every soul since the time of inception has wanted. As we grow up, throughout all of our years we only want to receive a pure love that will nurture and feed us, wrapping us in a blanket of this unconditional love. I believe Master Sha was chosen as a divine servant because of his ability to embody pure love and divine love, which is unconditional love. I believe that all of his testing and his deep tenacity to learn all of the ancient arts such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Kung Fu, I Ching, and feng shui were stepping stones for the higher power to come in and accelerate. I believe his training as a doctor of modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine were the preparation for him to create Soul Mind Body Medicine and co-create Soul Mind Body Science with Dr. Rulin Xiu.

  It is because of his deep purity and desire to serve unconditionally that he has been able to embody this divine love. Therefore, he receives higher and higher frequencies and vibrations of divine love that souls who come into contact with him can actually feel. This divine love that Master Sha embodies is real and cannot be forged. He has shown his deep love, divine love to humanity and all souls as he has offered approximately ten divine treasures to all humanity and all souls without asking anything in return. This includes pets and all inanimate objects. They too are being served unbeknownst to their own soul, heart, mind, and body. Unconditionally he serves all souls at any time through his blessings.

  BILL: In my personal experience, Dr. Sha is almost always smiling and laughing, even when providing great healings. Why is he laughing most of the time?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Master Sha feels great joy in service to you and everyone. His soul is so very happy. Therefore he is always smiling. You rarely ever see Master Sha not smiling. He is like the young child offering his innocence and love to the world, not caring what he receives in return. The purity of his heart shows in his smile and the joy that comes from his laugh. I have heard so many people say in the events, “Master Sha’s smile has healed me.” Some people also say, “I came to this event just to see Master Sha’s smile.”

  BILL: When Dr. Sha is faced with a major blockage with a healing, what does he do?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: When faced with a major blockage with healing, Master Sha will continue to offer services. He never gives up. No matter what, he will do what he can to help a soul with unhealthy conditions. I have witnessed this many times. Sometimes he has spent a few hours offering healing blessings to one person for their condition, not stopping at all. This kind of devotion is amazing because he offers this kind of service daily.

  BILL: A year ago when Dr. Sha first started to learn calligraphy, did you have any idea that the calligraphy would become one of the most powerful healing methods?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Yes, I actually did. I saw the power through my Third Eye images and experienced the healing power myself as he created the Source Ling Guang Calligraphies. When Master Sha was writing the book Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies my body started to go through deep purification. As Master Sha started to flow the book all of a sudden things started to happen to me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The purification process started immediately when the guidance was received that Master Sha had to start flowing. There were times I could hardly get up out of the chair. Master Sha would stop and write a calligraphy for me and ask me to chant. I saw the enormous power in the calligraphy and would chant, receiving immediate results. This continued throughout the writing of the book. I am most grateful for the healing, for I was able to experience firsthand the extreme power of all of the calligraphies as they were created. I was shown beautiful images of the future and how these calligraphies would assist humanity in their own healing process. It was very, very beautiful.

  Master Sha’s Source Ling Guang Calligraphies are extremely powerful. Calligraphy is artwork. The uniqueness of Master Sha’s calligraphy is that Master Sha is the channel of Divine and Tao. He has been given Divine and Tao authority to offer Divine and Tao transmissions to the calligraphies. He sent Divine and Tao Orders to gather countless saints, countless saint animals, countless soul treasures, and for some extremely special calligraphies his Divine and Tao Order has gathered countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes to the calligraphy. Imagine the power within each of Master Sha’s Source Ling Guang Calligraphies.

  BILL: I have observed that Dr. Sha is always evolving and growing. Do you have any idea what he will do next?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: Master Sha is always in flow. He is the only person I know who follows exactly what the guidance is from the Divine, Tao, and Source. He does not question anything. He trusts totally in every aspect of what is given him and because of that he is able to receive more. I believe what is coming next is the awareness within more people and their own acknowledgment of what Master Sha has to offer to them to transform their own lives. I also believe that as other great masters walked this earth many years ago, having every obstacle thrown at them from nonbelievers, that more non-believers and those who have questioned will realize that within our midst is a true Master who gives tirelessly from his heart and soul to awaken and empower each of us in this most desolate time on Mother Earth. As the words of one well-known Indian government official stated after attending a seven-day retreat of Master Sha’s in 2013:

  I have traveled all over India, been to many ashrams and visited many Masters. I have had the opportunity and been asked to live in my own private housing, which would have been built for me at these ashrams and have politely declined. But being here at this retreat with Master Sha for these last seven days, I want each of you to know he is the first Master I have encountered who is without ego.

  That statement was huge and made each of us stand up with great honor in our hearts for having been in the presence of this great Master for one hour, one day, or for years. We were in the presence of a master who serves without ego and loves without ego. This was finally recognized and acknowledged by someone else who had great integrity and wisdom. This soul was able to see and feel and know within seven days the essence of this master I so wonderfully and humbly serve.

  Master Sha, being without ego, will not plan what is next, but will receive his guidance. He will continue to follow that guidance. He will continue to love and offer all that is given selflessly and unconditionally.

  BILL: My last question. What does your heart and soul want to share with the readers of this book?

  MASTER CYNTHIA: My heart speaks volumes when I share my experiences about Master Sha. I often, if not all of the time when I speak of him, cry. It is because my heart has truly been opened and touched by this divine soul who loves each of us so purely and gives unconditionally. My soul has been nourished. My soul has been fed. My soul continues to be fed and stripped of what is no longer of use. I am becoming what I have always desired deep within the recesses of my heart and soul, a human being free of the blockages that have bound me, kept me from accelerating in my previous lifetimes and in this one. Divine and Tao have heard my cries and calling. I have been granted the greatest gift of working beside a very, very, very special soul, a master who selflessly embodies what is the essence of Divine and Tao. To sit at the feet of the master is to be cleansed and to feel and become the truest essence of his or her soul.

  Master Sha has embodied the essence of his soul for many years now and it is only becoming more and more powerful. His soul exudes more and more love and forgiveness, more and more the burning desire to serve even endlessly. It touches my heart deepl
y to see how he offers this and more to souls he has just met as he connects deeply with his eyes, his soul, and his heart. His great soul is everywhere, deeply moving about, searching and giving what is needed at any moment that will best serve appropriately.

  Time and space are nothing. What matters most is the saving of all souls; the saving of Mother Earth and beyond. That is the goal of this most beloved and highly evolved master that humanity has walking in their midst. I am not delusional or making flowery statements, but am speaking my truth in what I have witnessed and experienced. We are blessed. Humanity is truly blessed to have a soul who offers hope to those who have nowhere to turn, who offers wisdom to those who desire more answers, who offers a journey that will bring their soul higher and higher to a path that will bring transformation at the deepest and most profound levels.

  Yet in the end the ultimate is to live on this most beloved planet and with one another in the greatest love, the greatest peace, and the greatest harmony. When we can have that, then we will know and experience even more from this most beloved spiritual teacher and master, Master Sha.

  For that I am forever grateful and will serve all I can endlessly and unconditionally to awaken each soul to this awareness. Master Sha is leaving huge footprints upon this Mother Earth. We only need to step onto this path and realize as we do the door and keys will be given for the greatest and most profound transformation, healings, blessings, and wisdom to be received. We are all truly blessed.

  Thank you for the opportunity to share a small part of my experiences with my most beloved spiritual father and teacher, Master Sha. It is my desire that all souls can experience his greatest love, his greatest forgiveness, his greatest compassion, his greatest light, his greatest humility, his greatest commitment, and his unparalleled greatest and most magnanimous heart to create Love Peace Harmony World Family and Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.


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