Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 27

by William Gladstone

  I love my heart and soul

  I love all humanity

  Join hearts and souls together

  Love, peace and harmony

  Love, peace and harmony

  Love you. Love you. Love you.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to my most beloved Master, Divine, Tao, Source, my colleagues, humanity, and all souls.

  Because Master Cynthia is the person who in my presence has given the Akashic Record readings, I also wanted to ask her about those readings. Interestingly, just as this book was about to go to press I received a phone call from Naada Guerra, the young woman we met at the start of my journey whose left eye had been injured while riding in an open-air double-decker bus. This chapter will end after a brief analysis of Cynthia’s relationship with the Akashic Records with the account from Naada of her reading from Master Cynthia and her acceptance both then and now of the seeming correctness of her reading. I am happy to report that Naada continues to make progress and expects to regain full use of her eye.

  In 2009 as part of Cynthia’s training she was taught how to access the Akashic Records. This is an essential component of the teachings Dr. Sha provides to the four hundred Divine Channels he is training to help heal and teach self-healing. I asked Cynthia if she is ever wrong when she accesses the Akashic Records, and how she would know if she is right or wrong.

  “I am not in a trance when I access the Akashic Records but I have no memory of what I report to others. I have no direct way to know if I am right or wrong in any specific reading and I assume that I cannot be 100 percent accurate all the time, but the results of my readings have never been challenged to me personally, so I think at some level I am mostly accurate. What I see in my Third Eye is what I share. I trust my readings but I cannot claim I have 100 percent accuracy. I only access the records with a pure heart and intent to help those who seek healings with Master Sha.

  “I personally believe in the law of karma and think my readings help people. Dr. Sha encourages all of his Divine Channels to do readings, and when there is a retreat, there are often as many as six Divine Channels who will do readings for a single healing. We are all trained as healers to read the Akashic Records and we work together to provide the best possible advice we can. I do not think we are infallible, but we provide our services with a pure heart and pure intent,” she explained.

  Update on Healing of Naada Guerra’s Left Eye

  I had not contacted Naada at the time I started writing this book and did not have her contact information until just a few days before this book had to go to press. When I reached Naada she reported that her eye was healing nicely and that she was scheduled for another surgery in just a few weeks. She explained the experience of the healing in the Beverly Hills Hotel as follows:

  “As you know, it was a very last-minute decision to see Dr. Sha. My friend Amish called me at the last minute and said he was meeting with an oriental healer and that I should try to join him for lunch. I did not recognize the name Dr. Sha but I have always trusted Amish, so thought why not. It was only while I was walking into the hotel that I realized that I had actually read one of Dr. Sha’s books about three years ago and even done some of the exercises in the book. I had felt good about the exercises but had stopped doing them and had not thought about Dr. Sha for at least two years before the accident. On October 27 I had been riding on the upper deck of a bus when a tree branch crushed the bone in my left eye socket. The doctors had done emergency surgery on October 31, inserting titanium mesh to prevent my eyeball from sinking into my sinuses. I met with Dr. Sha in early December, and at that time I could not look down at all and there was tremendous swelling above and around my eye. In addition to the discomfort, I felt anything but beautiful when I or anyone else looked at my face.

  “The actual healing was almost comical. We were in the Beverly Hills Hotel, right in the lobby just a few hundred feet away from the registration desk. People were coming and going, but Dr. Sha just ignored the traffic and with his assistant Master Cynthia took me aside and explained that the problem was my karma. Master Cynthia did a karma reading and told me that in a past life I had been an abusive overseer in a factory and been unkind to many of the employees. She also told me that I had been a soldier in another lifetime and whipped my horses so mercilessly that several of them died. My karma was indicating that I was destined to go blind not only in this lifetime but in an additional seventy-two future lifetimes. Having read Dr. Sha’s book I was not unfamiliar with his concept of karma cleansing and the law of karma, so I thought that this might be correct. I was initially heartbroken but then Master Cynthia explained that Dr. Sha had the ability to heal not only this lifetime but future lifetimes as well. He did a karma cleansing for me and then had me hold the calligraphy in his new book Soul Healing Miracles to my face while he held his hands above my head and yelled ‘spiritual transmission’ right there in the lobby of the hotel. He was so intense in his efforts and so innocent in his approach to healing me. I was touched and also thought the whole episode somewhat humorous.

  “Much to my surprise and delight, immediately after Dr. Sha applied an acupuncture needle I was able to move my left eye for the first time since the accident, and the swelling noticeably shrank. I am scheduled for surgery now several months ahead of schedule and anticipate a positive outcome. I am so grateful to Dr. Sha. There is no doubt that my prognosis is far better today because of his intervention. To have so much karma cleared is truly a miracle.”

  Master Peter Hudoba’s Enlightenment Experience

  THE GOAL OF many world religions, especially Asian religions, including Buddhism, is to attain enlightenment. I have spoken with Dr. Sha about the purpose of his own journey, and when he is ready Dr. Sha will reveal to his students and others who he is and what he represents from the perspective of an enlightened being. I do not want to define enlightenment in this book, as the subject of enlightenment deserves at least a book or several books to just touch the surface of this elusive topic.

  I also do not want readers to lose the focus of Dr. Sha’s message. Dr. Sha can do soul healing miracles. You can do soul healing miracles. Together we can do soul healing miracles and create a healthier and happier world.

  But I recognize that for those readers on a spiritual path, Dr. Sha is not just a miracle healer but also a spiritual teacher. Dr. Sha can and has assisted others to reach enlightenment. Peter Hudoba is the first of Dr. Sha’s disciples to publicly share his enlightenment experience. Dr. Sha asked me to include this experience in this section of the book to help his students and others better understand the ultimate reward of being of unlimited service to others. Without ever focusing on your own reward or achieving enlightenment, you may actually achieve this rare state. I thank Peter for sharing this account, which was previously published in his own book. Before presenting his story I present some background information about Peter so skeptical readers can better evaluate that this story is grounded in fact and not fantasy.

  One of the most interesting of Dr. Sha’s students is Peter Hudoba. Peter was trained as a neurosurgeon and had a thriving practice in Canada when he decided to seek a spiritual master to allow him to pursue his spiritual goals. Peter is married with a child and lives a harmonious and peaceful domestic life. Although Peter had an academic appointment at a major Canadian university hospital to continue his profession as a neurosurgeon, he chose instead to resign his position and study exclusively with Dr. and Master Sha. This career change occurred in 2000. Since that time Peter has learned how to perform soul healing miracles himself and become an expert on the techniques Dr. Sha teaches and practices. Knowing more about how and why Peter made such a massive career shift will help us better understand Dr. Sha and his unique teaching.

  Peter Hudoba was born in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. His parents were teachers and there was nothing extraordinary about Peter at birth. He was born a few weeks premature, and as a toddler was little and weak. At the age of five he caught the flu, was given p
enicillin, and had an allergic reaction that nearly killed him. Other than that incident Peter had an uneventful early life. His parents were extremely loving and kind to both Peter and his younger brother. He was secretly baptized soon after birth.

  At the age of ten Peter and his family moved to a new subdivision where there was a street gang, just young kids into bullying others, not the kind of street gangs that were killing people and dealing drugs, but still a challenge for the new kid on the block. Peter’s father saw how frightened Peter was when he ran home one day just barely escaping the wrath of the gang. “What’s wrong?” his father asked.

  “Those kids are after me. If they catch me I know they are going to beat me up. Other kids at school have warned me of what they have done to them. Why did we have to move here?” Peter sobbed.

  “Peter, you do not need to be freighted by these bullies. I noticed there is a gym down the street that teaches judo. Judo is an ancient Japanese art. Once you learn judo you will be able to defend yourself and never have to worry about these bullies again,” his father reassured him.

  Within two months Peter had learned rudimentary judo. His judo teacher was amazed at Peter’s rapid progress. Peter was the youngest student in the class and was often competing against boys five or even six years older. One day at school one of the bullies from the street gang attacked Peter. Peter, who has a devilish sense of humor, laughed and smiled at the memory as he told me, “There was blood and teeth on the floor. That bully never approached me again. None of the bullies did. I did not know it at the time, but I was using the energy that Dr. Sha has taught me as Tao. I have never felt physical fear since my early mastery of judo.”

  An indirect consequence of learning judo was that Peter also learned to meditate at the same time. Only ten years old, Peter was full of energy during his judo classes, and his teacher realized that Peter had to learn to channel his excessive energy. Meditation was the teacher’s solution for Peter, and Peter incorporated meditation into his daily practice. He would only meditate a few minutes at a time, but the meditation practice connected Peter with his inner stillness. One day a year later while reading a book about Christmas, Peter experienced an awareness that years later he would recognize as “unity consciousness.”

  Peter recounts his experience vividly. “As I was reading the book I started to notice that the snow was falling gently outside my bedroom window. There was complete silence and stillness all around me. I had a sensation that the scene I was reading in the book and the moment I was living in my bedroom was the same moment. There was no difference and there was a feeling of complete peace and awareness of the interconnectedness of all life and all matter. I felt a kind of emptiness that was also a sense of complete knowingness. In that moment I felt a complete bliss and calm that I have been seeking ever since.”

  “Did that experience immediately change your life?” I asked.

  “Not immediately and to some degree not at all,” Peter responded. “I was still only eleven years old. I did what eleven-year-olds do. I had lots of hobbies and interests. A few years later I learned how to play the bass guitar and joined a rock band. I studied classical guitar, had girlfriends, played soccer, and led a normal life.”

  “What kind of a student were you?” I inquired.

  “I was always an excellent student. My favorite subject was biology. When I was thirteen I read an article that explained how to make amplifiers and speakers for my rock band. I was fascinated and even more intrigued when I read there an article about a neurosurgeon in New York State in America named Dr. Cooper. Dr. Cooper was putting wires in his patients’ brains as a way to stop tremors in their hands. His success amazed me, and after reading that article, while still a teenager I resolved to become a neurosurgeon and to move to America, where I would teach and perform surgeries just like Dr. Cooper. Much to my surprise, within twenty years I had accomplished these goals,” Peter recounted.

  “You must have been driven as a student,” I commented.

  “Not really,” Peter replied. “I just loved learning about the human brain and doing research on advanced topics on the frontiers of science. In 1978 I wrote a research paper in which I analyzed how electrodes could be used in neurosurgery. The paper was submitted for a science contest that covered the entire university. My paper won first prize. Later the paper was submitted to a science contest for all universities throughout all of Czechoslovakia. Again my paper won first prize. With so much recognition I felt a greater sense of responsibility toward my studies. I gave up my rock band, playing soccer, and even judo and karate. It did not seem to be a sacrifice. I loved what I was doing and was soon enrolled in a Ph.D. program to become an expert on strokes and how to treat them. The political situation was less and less tenable in Czechoslovakia, and together with my family we migrated first to England for a year and then to Canada. The least expensive plane tickets were to the town of Hamilton, Ontario. There was a university there, and I applied at the Department of Neurology for a research position. The professor interviewing me asked me questions about my reasons for wanting the position and how I had become interested in neurosurgery. I explained my fascination with the research of Dr. Cooper. My interviewer laughed and told me, “Almost all of the patients on whom Dr. Cooper has done his electrode surgeries have been my referrals. Dr. Cooper and I are not just colleagues but close friends. I am sure you will be successful working here.”

  And sure enough that was the case. Peter thrived, and by the time he was thirty he was considered one of the top neuroscientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He was working with his boyhood idol, Dr. Cooper, who was still active, and he was offered additional training first at the University of Toronto and then a major staff position at the University of Saskatchewan, also in Canada. He had married, and with his wife had a beautiful home, a son, a dog, and all the family and material success that a refugee from Czechoslovakia could have dreamed for. Peter had even been able to arrange for his mother to come and live with his family after his father had passed. Life was complete in almost every way and Peter was able to nourish his second passion—to study Tao and learn the ancient Buddhist and Taoist teachings. He would race home after work and translate ancient texts and practice meditations. But one thing was missing. He did not have a spiritual teacher to guide him on his path.

  Peter decided he needed to find a teacher. He approached several teachers ranging from Qi Gong experts to Buddhist masters. After each encounter he would consult the ancient Chinese Oracle of the book of I Ching and ask if he had found his teacher. Each time the I Ching said “no.” Peter had been using the I Ching since he was a teenager and trusted in the answers he received. In each case he turned down these teachers and continued his search. But he could not find the right teacher. Finally he consulted the I Ching and asked the I Ching where his teacher was. The I Ching told him he would find his teacher in Vancouver, Canada. Peter believed so strongly in the I Ching that he immediately put his home on the market and told his wife that she should make arrangements to move to Vancouver. Peter was going to dedicate himself to his spiritual path and being a stay-at-home dad. The I Ching had told him his teacher was in Vancouver, and he had faith he would find his teacher there.

  Shortly after making this commitment Peter was told to call a man named Dr. Sha. Peter flew to San Francisco to meet Dr. Sha, but Dr. Sha had an emergency meeting and had to fly to Canada where Peter had been. Peter waited in San Francisco and met Dr. Sha in the San Francisco airport. Despite the public venue, Peter immediately felt a tremendous peace in Dr. Sha’s presence and had an inner knowing that Dr. Sha was in fact the teacher he had been seeking. The year was 2000, and Dr. Sha was using acupuncture to heal and had not yet received Divine power to offer divine healing to the masses. But even in 2000 Dr. Sha had discovered the principle of karma cleansing. He explained to Peter that the unhappiness that Peter was experiencing in his life despite his material and career success was due to past karma. Peter explains his fir
st real teaching with Dr. Sha in the following words:

  “I went to his apartment and we had a few words and tea. He asked me why I came to see him. I said there was an evil force that was destroying my life. I had peaks of joy and then big disasters. I explained that I felt fragmented by this evil force and wanted his help. ‘There is no evil force. It is just you,’ Dr. Sha explained. ‘You have done wrong in past lives and this negative energy is coming back to you now. All you have to do is to ask the Divine to forgive you.’ It seemed too simple, but I respected Dr. Sha and accepted his advice. I began to ask for forgiveness every day. I began to see positive results.

  “Two years later I realized that just asking for forgiveness was not sufficient to truly save my soul. I asked Dr. Sha what I must do to save my soul and his answer was again very simple. ‘You must chant every day and dedicate your life to a life of service. Every day you must find a way to heal and help others. These acts will bring light to your soul and nourish your soul,’ Dr. Sha told me.

  “Ever since that day I have dedicated my life to healing others and to performing the chants and teachings that Dr. Sha has given me. I now have the ability to heal others, and what is most fascinating to me as a scientist is that Dr. Sha is always evolving his techniques and his knowledge. The basic premise of karma cleansing is simple, but there are many ways to achieve this goal. Every time I see Dr. Sha, he has elevated his own vibration and I am challenged to raise mine. The way I raise my vibration in my knowledge of healing is to learn what Dr. Sha is teaching. Just recently he has begun using ancient calligraphy as part of his soul healings. I would never have imagined calligraphy as part of the therapeutic process, and yet I see the results and realize that Dr. Sha is ever evolving as a healer. In my dedication to Dr. Sha and to healing I have found true joy. I enjoy my wife and family. My home is full of love and laughter. Every home can be full of love and laughter when those in a family are aligned with their soul’s purpose. Not everyone is inclined as I am to be a healer. That is my soul’s purpose. That is Dr. and Master Sha’s soul purpose. Each of us must find our soul purpose and in finding that purpose align ourselves with the purpose of the Divine. This may seem too simple for your readers but it is the truth of my experience.”


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