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The Wonder Bread Summer: A Novel

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by Jessica Anya Blau

  The Wonder Bread Summer

  A Novel

  Jessica Anya Blau


  For David Grossbach



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  About the Author

  About the Book

  Read on

  Also by Jessica Anya Blau



  About the Publisher

  Chapter 1


  Allie was in a fitting room with a thirty-three-year-old man named Jonas, pulling pinches of cocaine out of a Wonder Bread bag that was more than three-quarters full. It was the first time she had tried coke. Her heart was rat-a-tat-tatting and her limbs were trembling like a small poodle’s. Clearly, this had been a poor decision.

  Her best friend, Beth, had been doing coke all year, particularly at the end of each semester as she and Allie studied for exams. Beth was a French major, too. She was fun, she was happy, and she didn’t seem to mind that Allie stayed straight while Beth did any kind of drug that was handed to her. It was an ideal college friendship: the two girls balanced each other like a perfectly poised seesaw—and they laughed together at everything, no matter what their mental state.

  Worse than the jitteriness from the coke was the fact that Jonas (who was perched on a little copper-footed stool exactly like the one on which Allie sat) was now holding out his bare dick, which was black as espresso, blacker than his face, and as thick as a pair of tube socks rolled up. “Ever see one like this?” Jonas asked. He seductively rolled his voice as if Allie should have been happy to view his offering.

  “No,” Allie said. This was true. Jonas’s was only the second penis Allie had ever seen in her life (she’d never even seen her father with his shirt off). And although the general form was similar to the one penis she knew, Allie was shocked by it—as shocked as if Jonas had pulled out his small intestine and laid that on his palm.

  Jonas owned Miss Shirley’s Dress Shop on a shabby corner of Oakland that bordered Berkeley. Allie and Beth had met him three months earlier, after he approached them in Carlos Murphy’s Eatery. Sitting up at the bar with her fake ID and her dark red curls blown out into a sheet of silk, Allie had thought that for the first time in her life she might be bordering on cool. Jonas sat down beside her, dressed like someone from the pages of GQ, with a slick black beeper attached to his belt, and said, “You’re Allie, aren’t you?” And then he offered her and Beth jobs right then and there, without even asking if they were qualified. Of course Allie said yes. She had been looking for a job for months and hadn’t been able to find anything that was less than a forty-minute bus ride from her apartment.

  At that moment, with a hot, flirty bartender calling her name and a summer job she could show up at the very next day, Allie thought her good luck was ramping up. But now, looking at Jonas’s dick waggling out of his fly—half-up, as if it were being held by an invisible wire—Allie wondered if what little luck she had was starting to run out.

  “I’ve gotta get outta here.” Allie could hear the quaver in her voice.

  “No, you don’t,” Jonas said, and he waved his dick from side to side, then pulled his balls out from his underpants—conjoined black kumquats.

  “Yes, I do.” Allie reminded herself to breathe. She wiped her nose with the base of her palm, then stood and pushed the fitting-room curtain aside.

  “What the fuck?!” Jonas reached out from the stool and pulled the curtain closed again. “Someone could see us back here.” It was a straight shot from the fitting room to the display window and glass door.

  “So maybe we shouldn’t be back here.” Allie wished she could worm her fingers up her nose, down her sinuses, through the ventricles of her heart, and rub out all the coke she had done, like erasing chalk from a blackboard. She wished she could swirl her hands in the air and erase Jonas, too. “What if a customer comes in?” Her voice teetered on a precipice. It seemed like crying would make things worse, so she swallowed away her instinct to do just that.

  “I locked the door.” Jonas picked up the slouching bread bag from the floor, spun it shut, then fastened it with a wire twisty that he had pulled from his shirt pocket. “Now sit down. I won’t touch you, I swear. I just want to look at you.”

  Allie sat, because she had yet to figure out how not to do what she’d been told. In fact, Allie assumed that it was her obedient nature that had kept her focused throughout high school, never going out or dating (not that her father would have allowed it), and doing more than what was expected in her classes so that she earned straight A’s, and then a scholarship to the University of California, Berkeley.

  “Why don’t you take off your clothes and let me really see you?” Jonas’s right hand was now lifting his dick up and down like a handshake.

  “I can’t.” Allie looked toward the curtain so she wouldn’t have to look at Jonas.

  “Beth took off her clothes for me,” Jonas said.

  “No way.” Allie tried to imagine Beth sitting naked on the delicate stool with the floral padded cushion. Beth’s hair was long and shiny, as dark as Jonas’s skin. Everyone said she looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor, or like Nastassja Kinski in the movie Tess. There were times when Allie found it hard to be out with Beth, because she was so pretty that no matter how good Allie felt she looked, she always concluded that her red hair and big butt, which men loved but women rarely envied, couldn’t compare to Beth’s sleek, polished beauty.

  “Yeah, way.” Jonas’s handshake with his dick became a stroke. “And she sat right there where you are while I played with myself.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Allie whispered. She could barely speak—there was an apple in her throat.

  “Believe it. I saw that mole just inside her thigh. I saw her dark brown nipples.”

  Allie tried not to gasp. Beth loved that mole. She called it her third eye and claimed it watched everything that went on between her legs.

  “We’ve done it every time you’ve left work early,” Jonas said. Often, if no one came into the shop all morning, Jonas sent one of the two girls home at lunch. Today, Allie worked alone, because Beth hadn’t felt like going in and had told Jonas she was sick.

  “That’s crazy.” Allie shut her eyes. The Earth felt like it was spinning in the wrong direction. She grasped the sides of the stool as if that would help her regain balance.

  “Her nips are big. And they pop out like pencil erasers.”

  Allie forced herself to look at Jonas, to see what Beth had seen. She watched his hand, watched his dick, and tried to imagine that she was Beth.

  Beth was rich. Really rich. She worked for fun. She worked because she didn’t want to be left behind while Allie was at the dress shop, blasting the soundtrack from Flashdance and dancing in front of the mirrors. Beth could have bought the shop from underneath Jonas, so why would she have chosen instead to sit naked in it while he masturbated?

  “Exactly how many times has she done it?” Allie turned her head away from Jonas, but her eyes kept flicking back to him. Was doing this normal, she wondered? Was every college girl s
itting around and letting strange, grown men look at her while jacking off? Often Allie felt like she was five steps behind other people—as if the protocol for being twenty (and all other ages, too) had been whispered down from mothers to their daughters. And Allie, who hadn’t seen her mother in two years, and hadn’t lived with her since she was eight, was always at a disadvantage. It was like the coffee thing. Most of her friends had coffee pots in their rooms, or French presses. Allie would watch them make a pot, casually dumping in the damp-looking grounds as if they knew by instinct exactly how much to use. While Allie sipped the brewed cup that had been handed her, she’d wonder how they came to know how to make this so perfectly right.

  “I guess Beth’s done it, like, three times.” Jonas made a little grunting sound in his throat.

  “Oh,” Allie said, because there were no other words that would come to her.

  “But I’d rather look at you,” Jonas said. “Beth’s too white for me.”

  “You don’t think I’m white?” When she was a little girl, Allie’s grandmother, Wai Po, told her that if she pretended she was white, the whole world could be hers. Faking it took no effort on Allie’s part, as most people proved to have little imagination. Until they met her black father (whose own father was white) or her Chinese mother (whose father was Jewish), everyone assumed Allie, with her loopy-curled hair, raindrop-splattered freckles, and light brown eyes that weren’t slanted much more than some of the Mexican kids’ eyes, was white.

  Of course, Wai Po’s fake that you’re white advice had a little coda whispered in her granddaughter’s ear: “But no matter what, marry Chinese.” Only once (the year Wai Po died, when Allie was eight), was Allie brave enough to point out that Wai Po herself did not marry Chinese.

  “This is true,” Wai Po had whispered. “And look at your mother. She all trouble.”

  “I can tell you’ve got black in you.” Jonas laughed. “And some Chinese, too!” His hand picked up the pace.

  “Someone must have told you I’m black and Chinese,” Allie said, although since neither of her parents had ever shown up at Berkeley, even to drop her off when she started school two years ago, no one in town knew her true racial identity. Maybe because he was black, Allie thought, Jonas could see it in her.

  “Nobody told me nothin’,” Jonas said, and he craned his neck out as if to look at Allie more closely.

  Allie was wearing tight stone-washed jeans, pink Candie’s mules, and a Flashdance-style off-the-shoulder pink shirt (it was Beth’s) over a black tank-top. But she felt completely naked, or like she might as well have been naked. The feeling was revolting, terrifying, and yet there was a sense that something thrilling was happening. The fact that Jonas was doing what he was doing while looking at her gave Allie a small frisson of excitement. She was utterly ashamed, and yet compelled. There was a chance that if she moved too quickly, she might throw up.

  “Just show me your tits,” Jonas said. “Nothing more.”

  “No, I can’t,” Allie said, but she didn’t get up from the stool.

  “Be a good employee,” Jonas said. “It’s payday today.”

  A shimmering tremble ran through Allie’s body. Jonas had been claiming he was in the middle of financial restructuring and could pay Allie and Beth in cocaine each week, or with a lump sum once things had settled. Beth took the coke but Allie had been holding out and waiting for the cash. After two months of not having collected a paycheck, Allie saw her debts growing into a stone wall that was about to topple and squash her flat. She was behind in rent (she had been using the hundred dollars her father sent each month for food and bus fare, rather than putting it toward her $250 rent), but that was the least of it. More important, she was behind in her tuition payment. If Allie didn’t pay last spring’s tuition and this coming fall’s tuition by August 16, five days from now, the University of California would drop her from their roster. All her hard work would add up to nothing. She knew she should blame herself for her troubles, but really, Allie wanted to blame her ex-boyfriend, Marc.

  “Just take off your shirt and sit there in your bra,” Jonas said. “No big deal. It’s like wearing a bathing suit.”

  “I really need you to pay me today,” Allie said. “If I don’t give school at least half of what I owe, I’ll be kicked out.” Allie had thought about asking Beth for the money, but just couldn’t bring herself to do it. All she could hear was Wai Po—who, when she wasn’t whispering, only spoke in a shout—say, NO MATTER WHAT, NEVER BORROW MONEY FROM FRIEND OR FAMILY. Allie had first been told this at the age of six, when she had asked Wai Po if she could borrow eight dollars to buy a wooden croquet set at the garage sale next door to her grandmother’s house.

  “Why don’t you get the money from your dad?” Jonas asked.

  “He’s not that kind of dad,” Allie said. When she had told her father, Frank, that her boyfriend, Marc, had borrowed both her scholarship and her student loan money, then had broken up with her before paying her back, Frank had said, “If you’re ignorant enough to give a man money then you better teach yourself real quick how to get it back.” Frank was a firm believer in self-reliance, a skill he had pushed onto Allie over and over again as she spent her childhood navigating the impossibly slow and unreliable bus system in Los Angeles, getting herself to dentist’s appointments, checkups, school, Camp Fire Girls meetings, and the Boys and Girls Club, where eventually she worked as a volunteer. He also, Allie knew, probably didn’t have the cash.

  “Take off your shirt, sit there for thirty seconds, and then, I swear, I’ll pay you everything I owe you and you can even go home early.”

  Allie hesitated. “How early?”

  “One o’clock, how’s that?”

  Allie glanced toward Jonas and saw that he was pumping his hand now, squeezing and releasing his dick as if it were attached to an air mattress that needed to be blown up.

  “Okay, I’ll count to thirty,” Allie said, and she felt tears streaming down her cheeks. The initial, tiny, clandestine thrill that she had felt knowing that she could turn a man on like this had dissipated with each sleazy, coke-hyped moment. How did Beth do this?

  “You can’t start counting until your shirt is off,” Jonas said.

  “One,” Allie said, and she flipped up both of her tops so they were over her face, revealing the last thing her mother had bought her: a delicate, sheer bra, with embroidered pansies over the nipples. “Two.” Allie pretended she was alone in her bathroom and continued the count in her head.

  “You can put your shirt down now,” Jonas said, when Allie was only up to twenty-five.

  Allie flipped down her shirts. What she saw then was so foreign she didn’t have the wherewithal to look away. Jonas was holding a linen handkerchief near his dick and spasming into it. In all the time she’d been with Marc, Allie had never seen his penis in orgasm. It was always inside her, hidden, mysterious.

  “I’ve gotta go.” Allie felt breathless, like she had just witnessed a car crash, or a beating, or some other act of violence. She was nauseous with regret. She ran out of the fitting room to the glass front door. A woman stood outside waiting, a soft, patchwork leather purse hanging from her forearm. The key was dangling in the lock and Allie turned it, opened the door, and kicked down the doorstop. The woman silently passed Allie as she entered the store. Three more women were right behind her.

  “How are you today?” Allie said, to the last one through the door.

  “Just looking,” the woman said, and she rushed toward the sale rack in the back where Jonas had hung a few poorly stitched madras frocks he had bought by the pound from a South American merchant who couldn’t speak English. Although she always knew there was cocaine in the back, had seen people walk in then out after “visiting” Jonas, and knew Beth and Jonas did coke together, Allie hadn’t understood that was the real business until the day that she’d witnessed Jonas buying dresses without regard to what they looked like.

  Allie watched the customers for a moment, althou
gh she wasn’t sure why. She placed herself behind the glass-top counter in her customary position, elbows down, butt waggling behind, in an effort to force her body to feel comfortable. Jonas sauntered out of the dressing room and stood before Allie on the other side of the counter. Allie’s stomach bumped and recoiled.

  “That was reaaaaaly fun,” Jonas said, and he winked as if they’d shared a tender secret. “Ain’t nothin’ sweeter than a yummy little Jewish-Asian-black girl.”

  “How do you know I’m part Jewish?” Allie asked. It seemed impossible that Jonas could perceive this tiny bit of her.

  “I can see it!” Jonas laughed. “Just like I saw the black and Asian.”

  Allie couldn’t even fake a smile. “Okay, so you said you’d pay me and I could leave at one, remember?” Was the barbed-wire feeling in her veins from the coke or remorse? How long would it take for all this to wear off?

  “Yeah, yeah,” Jonas said, just as his beeper went off. He flipped the beeper up from his belt so he could see the number, then said, “I’ll write you a check as soon as I finish some business in the back.”

  Jonas went to the stockroom, where his desk was. Two more women came in. It was unusual to have so many customers. Miss Shirley’s was on a shady intersection with a liquor store across the street and a rib joint two doors over. No one would have driven there to buy a dress—the customers were mostly people who lived in the neighborhood, wandering in because they were curious, or bored, or because they didn’t have the energy to go elsewhere. But that afternoon, Thursday, one followed the other in and out the door, keeping Allie busy while she tried to ignore her shaking hands, her heart beating in her stomach, and the stone of regret in her throat.

  At one thirty, Allie was ringing up what would be the last sale of the day. Jonas still hadn’t come out of the stockroom and Allie didn’t want to go back there, where she might once again be alone with him. She made conversation with her final customer, a middle-aged, dreadlocked woman with the soft, pillowy body of TV grandmothers, in the hope she would stay until Allie had her paycheck in hand.


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