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Unexpected Daddies

Page 97

by Lively, R. S.

  In a way, Pops is the adult version of the kid I was back when I'd been at St. Aggie's. He built a reputation that sustained him. One that kept people in check. He takes no shit from anybody, but he's not gonna drive you out to an abandoned field and put two in the back of your head. He's not that guy anymore – though, people still think he is.

  Truthfully, I don't know if he was ever that guy, or if it's all just a reputation he manufactured, a myth he perpetuated about himself – a lot like I did back at the home. You do just enough to set that reputation in people's minds, and then let their imaginations fill in the rest of the blanks. True or not – manufactured or real – though, having that sort of cred keeps people in line.

  Today, Pops runs a legit business. He owns the bar I was coming out of when I ran into Darby and Jade. Pops is a good man. The best, most caring, and generous man I've ever known – which might be counterintuitive, given his past. But, when I came to him after I left St. Aggie's, he gave me a job. He gave me a place to live. He took me under his wing and became more of a father figure to me than anybody ever before.

  He's also the only one who ever saw something good in me. Something inside of me worth nurturing and developing. He's the only one who saw that I'm great with numbers. After a year of being a runner for him, I started crunching numbers for him. I’m great at analyzing a mountain of information and predicting the outcome of games.

  In the back room of Pops' bar, he has a little betting parlor. He hosts some card games now and then, but most of that back-room business is sports betting. And it wasn't all that long after he took me in that he saw my talent for setting lines and picking winners. And a short time after that, he had me running his little back room.

  It's not exactly legal, but it's kind of an open secret around the neighborhood, and even some of the off-duty cops come in pretty regularly to lay a bet.

  Like I said, it's not the kind of job you write home about.

  But Pops was never one who wanted me to settle for being a bookmaker. He's always pushing me to do more. Always pushing me to aim higher. Dream bigger. He wants me to make something of myself.

  So, about a year ago, he introduced me to a man named Doug Woods, who runs a hedge fund. He's got a successful office on Wall Street and makes money hand over fist. The guy knows his stuff and is just dripping with cash. He definitely enjoys the finer things in life. He lives a good life – which is why I suspect Pops pushed me into meeting him to begin with.

  Ever since then, I've been interning with Doug, learning the ins and outs of the stock market. I soak up all of his wisdom like a sponge, and combined with my own natural talent with numbers, it’s resulted in me doing really well. I've made Doug a pile of money – some of which he's funneled my way as thanks.

  It's just a small taste, but it's more than I ever dreamed of back when I was a kid at St. Aggie's – and it's left me hungry for more. I want everything Doug has, and then some. I want to build the life of my dreams. I want to work hard, play harder, and live that good life.

  Darby listens to my story and takes it all in. And when I'm finished with my tale, her smile is brighter than the tree in Rockefeller Center, or the ball that drops in Times Square on New Year's Eve. Seeing that smile lights me up inside and makes me feel emotions I don’t know that I’ve ever felt before.

  “Wow,” she says. “So, you're a stockbroker?

  I shake my head. “Not yet,” I say. “Still learning and studying. I'm going to have to pass some tests to get certified and all.”

  “Sounds like you're on your way, though.”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  “Do you like it?”

  I never would have dreamed of having a career like this back at St. Aggie's. Back then, I thought I'd be running drugs, or on the street hustling every day, just to get by. But, I'm on the verge of something so much bigger, thanks to Doug. Thanks to Pops.

  Thanks to both of them, my life is going to be so much better than I ever hoped it would be, all those years ago.

  “I love it,” I say. “Playing the market is an absolute rush. It’s a lot of data analysis, and predicting trends, and picking winners. There's a lot of similarities between stocks and sports betting, when you stop and really think about it.”

  “I have to say, I'm impressed,” she says.

  “Why's that?”

  She shrugs. “Back when we were in the home,” she says, “I'll admit to wondering if you were going to grow up to be one of those thugs we saw out on the street in front of the place. I thought you'd be some kind of a gangster, to be honest. I mean, the way you controlled everybody in that place – it was a bit scary.”

  A rueful chuckle crosses my lips. “It was the only way I knew to survive in there,” I say. “It was all smoke and mirrors, honestly. I pretty much just wanted to be left alone.”

  She nods. “I also thought, even back then, that there was more to you than what I was seeing. I saw more to you than just that tough guy facade you put up,” she says. “I noticed the way you were always reading. I'd never seen anybody tear through books like you. You always were buried in a book. Always. It was like you couldn't get enough.”

  “It was an escape.”

  “Maybe,” she replies, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Now that I’m thinking about it, I think there’s a lot more to you than the brooding badass you pretend to be. You’re a lot more intelligent than you let on.”

  “What's that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that you’re so busy projecting the tough guy image, it seems like you hide your intelligence. Like you're afraid to show it or something,” she says. “It's almost like you're ashamed of your intelligence, so you do everything you can to bury it. Right down to changing the way you speak.”

  “The way I speak?” I laugh. “Now you're just making stuff up.”

  She nods. “It's true though. The way you spoke in front of Jade is completely different than the way you're speaking to me now that we're alone,” she says. “With me, you sound different. Less like some guy from the streets.”

  “I am a guy from the streets though,” I remind her.

  “Yeah, but you're more than that,” she says. “It just so happens that I can see right through your facade.”

  “Facade, huh?” I say. “I don't really know about all that.”

  “I do. And let's not forget, there's also the very valid point about you actually knowing what the words presumptuous, cretin, and gauche even mean. You know, the very words you threw in Jade's face, and said only somebody from a posh private school on the Upper East Side would know,” she says. “And yet, despite not attending a posh private school on the Upper East Side, you knew them anyway.”

  Her smile is as dazzling as the sun, and stretches across her face. I have to physically fight the urge to lean forward and kiss her. God knows I want to, but I don't know if it would be well received or not. So, I control myself as best as I can.

  I look away and laugh softly. What can I say? I mean, I'm no Einstein. I'm never going to cure cancer or invent something that will change the world. I know I'm never going to be the smartest guy in any room. But, I'm at least intelligent enough that I know what I'm doing and can do it well. And yeah, maybe I do hide it because in the world I run in, smarts aren't something people notice or respect. Strength is. As long as you can put people in their place, you're golden around here.

  Until Darby, nobody has ever called me out on it. It's leaving me a little flat-footed and disconcerted – to be honest – and I don't know what to make of it.

  “This is the strangest day I think I've ever had,” I say.

  She smiles. “Hopefully, not in a bad way.”

  I turn to her and stare into those green eyes, feeling like I can lose myself in their depths. Whereas eight years ago, they'd disconcerted me – and to some extent, still do – now they seem to beckon me. I find them utterly intoxicating, and they fill me with feelings I can't explain.

  Without stopping to think ab
out what I'm doing – and completely unable to hold myself back – I lean forward and press my lips to Darby's. Her body stiffens for a moment, but she melts into me, her arms sliding around the back of my neck as her lips part.

  Our tongues swirl and dance together as I pull her to me, relishing the feel of her body pressed to mine. I run my fingers through her silky red hair, taking hold of it and pulling her head back as I lower my mouth and kiss her neck, drawing a soft moan from her.

  “Is this ok?” I ask, hesitant.

  She nods, giving me all the confirmation I need. Sliding my hands up and underneath the hoodie I'd given her. Our kiss grows hotter, more intense, and she raises her arms, helping me to take the sweatshirt off of her.

  Tossing it to the side, I kiss her with an unbridled passion I don't know that I've ever felt before. I quickly unbutton her shirt and push it back, exposing her shoulders. Planting a line of soft kisses down her neck, I slide the tip of my tongue across her collarbone. She moans softly, pulling and tugging on my hair as I kiss her soft, delicate skin.

  Sliding her shirt all the way off, I drop it onto the blanket next to us. I then unclasp her bra. I cup them, relishing the feel of her soft, cool skin. She murmurs something as I take her nipple into my mouth. When I give it a playful little nip, she draws in a sharp breath.

  Her green eyes catch mine and hold me fast. Her cheeks are flushed with the chill in the early evening air, her lips parted. Her pure, stunning beauty nearly steals the breath from my lungs as I gaze at her. My desire suddenly flares, but it's more than just a physical want. It's more than just lust that's fueling me. I want to consume everything about Darby.

  I feel my cock stiffening as I look into her face and see absolute desire etched upon it. I see an animalistic hunger, with a healthy dose of caution thrown in. I have a feeling she's a good girl. That she doesn't do things like this.

  But, what does it mean? It's not like we're together. We just stumbled into each other – literally – after eight years, and have been together for what now, a couple of hours? It's not like we've had time to build some deeply intense connection, and I suddenly start feeling like I might be taking advantage of her. I realize that she's still younger, and doesn't have the experience I do.

  “We don't have to –”

  She puts her finger to my lips, cutting me off, and shakes her head. “I want to,” she says, her voice barely more than a whisper. “I have no idea why – this isn't something I normally do, believe me. But, I want to. I want this, Carter.”

  I don't understand it either but I want her so bad, I'm just going to go along with it. There is something about Darby that makes me crave and desire her in ways I've never experienced before.

  Getting to my knees, I pull Darby up to hers as well. I press my mouth to hers as our kiss grows more urgent. Hotter. Filled with more passion. Her skin is as cold as the air outside. She doesn't complain, though. In fact, she gives no sign of caring about how chilly it's gotten anymore. All of her attention is focused on me. I unbutton her pants and slide my hand inside. She gasps, and her body spasms, when my fingertips brush against the warm center of her.

  “Oh, God,” she gasps when my fingers find her clit.

  I look around quickly, making sure we're not being observed. We're sitting in front of a large air conditioning unit, so I don't think anybody can see us.

  I know I should probably take her back to my place, but we're already in the middle of it, and I don't want to stop right now. My entire body is humming with a carnal electricity, and I want her – need her – right fucking now.

  I rub her as I kiss her neck, drawing soft murmurs of pleasure from her. Darby digs her nails into my shoulders as I plunge my fingers deep into her warm depths. She moans a bit louder as I start to push my fingers into her with more force and focus.

  “Yes, Carter,” she whispers.

  She kisses me, her tongue as frenzied as her heartbeat. I quickly slip my fingers out of her and then remove my hand from her pants, eliciting an unhappy pout from Darby.

  I have other plans for her.

  My eyes still locked onto hers, I quickly push her pants down. She quickly takes her shoes and pants off for me, then waits for my next move. Gently, pushing her down onto her back, I slip between her legs, and then lay down. The moment my warm breath and the tip of my tongue hit her, I feel Darby's body tense up before a long, loud moan bursts from her throat.

  I run my tongue around her wet, swollen lips and her body shudders in response. She moans and calls my name softly as I plunge my tongue into her, savoring the taste of her. I slip a finger inside of her as I take her clit into my mouth, sucking hard on it. Darby writhes beneath me, a choked gasp erupting from her. Her hands are in my hair, pulling on it, pushing my face deeper into her.

  “Jesus, Carter,” she moans softly. “That feels so good. Amazing.”

  I slip a second finger in, and her eyes grow wide. She lets out a strangled gasping moan, as I drive them into her, sucking on her at the same time. Darby's body tenses up. Her cries start to grow louder, and as I flick her with the tip of my tongue, she calls out my name so loud, I'm pretty sure half the damn neighborhood is going to hear her.

  She has both hands in my hair, pulling it hard enough that it makes me wince, but infuses me with a profound rush of pleasure at the same time. Her thighs clamp tight around my head, and her body spasms as she comes for me. Slowly though, as her orgasm loosens its grip on her, Darby's body eases, and her breathing returns to normal. She looks down at me and I can see the desire burning in her eyes, clear and strong.

  “Come here,” she says.

  I slide up her body and kiss her. There's so much heat and passion in the kiss, it almost takes my breath away. Pulling back, I give her a smile.

  My body is aching with need, so I stand up, slipping my socks, shoes, and pants off. Fishing a rubber out of my wallet, I drop my pants on the blanket, and hand her the condom.

  “Put this on me,” I command, unable to wait any longer to feel her hands on me.

  Never taking her eyes off mine, Darby tears open the package and slips the condom out. Placing it over the tip of my cock, she lets her hand slide all the way down my length, unrolling the rubber as she goes.

  “I want to feel you inside of me, Carter. I need it now,” she says, a seductive gleam in her eye.

  I push her down onto her back and she parts her thighs for me as I settle down over her. I lean down and press my mouth to hers. Our kiss is full of fire and passion – filled with unexpected, but mutual, desire for each other. My whole body is alight with sensations, and my every nerve ending feels like it's on fire.

  Darby cries out, digging her nails into my shoulders as I thrust my hips, my stiff cock piercing her core. I drive into her, relishing how warm and tight she is. Her eyes are wide, and she lets out a small gasp.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  She nods but doesn't say anything. Her cheeks are flushed and her breath is starting to come out in wispy plumes as the temperature drops, and she looks like she's in pain.

  “If you need to stop –”

  She shakes her head. “N - no,” she stammers. “Keep going. Please, keep going.”

  I roll my hips forward, slowly driving myself into her as Darby cries out, digging her nails so hard into my shoulders, it forces me to suck in a sharp breath. She looks at me, biting her bottom lip as the sudden rush of pain she'd inflicted on me blends with the pleasure of being inside of her. That humming in my body grows even stronger, and I feel like a live wire.

  Gradually, the pained look on her face melts away and is replaced by one of pure rapture. She squeezes me with her thighs, her body rising up to meet my thrusts as she encourages me.

  “Yes, Carter,” she moans.

  In all the time I've been coming up here to my little hideaway, I've never brought a girl with me. And I most certainly have never had sex up here. But, being up on that roof, in the fresh night air – as damn chilly as it is – deep insid
e of this amazing, beautiful creature, gives me a rush of pleasure unlike anything I've ever known before.

  I thrust my cock into her, her breathing is growing ragged, and she has an almost dazed look in her eye as her body tenses up.

  “You're going to make me come again, Carter,” she gasps.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  She stutters and gasps beneath me. Digging her nails into my back and tightening her thighs around my waist, Darby cries out, calling my name, her entire body seizing up as her orgasm crashes down over her.

  The muscles inside Darby tighten around my cock as I thrust forward one final time. The pressure boils over and my cock throbs and pulses as I fill the condom inside of her.

  “Fuck, Darby,” I gasp. “That feels fucking amazing.”

  I kiss her reveling in the warm afterglow. Eventually, I slip out of her. I lay on my back and look up at the stars, Darby resting her head on my chest, tracing small circles on my chest with her fingertip.

  Despite the briskness of the air, we lay there, looking up at the endless black of the sky above. Somewhere I hear holiday music playing, and then people shouting at them to turn that shit down – another day in the hood. Gotta love it. The stars above – the few we can see anyway – twinkle like small Christmas lights on the tree, and our breath is coming out in thick plumes of steam. I know we should get dressed so we don't catch frostbite or pneumonia, but just being there, so close to her, feeling her naked body pressed to mine – it's a level of intimacy I've never experienced before, and I want to enjoy it as long as I can.

  “So, were you just looking for something different like your friend?” I tease her. “Slummin' with one of the bad boys in the Kitchen?”

  She playfully slaps me on the chest and laughs. It's a high-pitched sound, like crystal wind chimes – or Christmas bells, if I want to be seasonal– flowing in a gentle breeze. It's a beautiful sound, and one I could get used to hearing a lot more of.


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