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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Allyson Young

  Alex shivered. She felt incognito back in the kitchen, cleaning up and washing dishes. It was hot, demanding, and noisy work and kept her from thinking too much as well, as the cooks and waitstaff bantered back and forth with her. She did enough thinking at night despite her resolve not to, and her sleep was full of complicated and distracting dreams.

  She had disembarked from the train before her destination. The train had stopped. She had assumed it was her station, and she was watching it pull out before she realized she was standing on the side of the tracks, alone with the exception of an elderly man. Alex panicked. She didn’t know where she was, and there was no sign of a town. The elderly man looked at her quizzically.

  “Where you heading, girl?” he asked.

  “Isn’t this Estonia?”

  “Nope, this here’s New Bushnell, at least, just down the road.”

  Alex began to cry again. She was exhausted, she was hurting, and she couldn’t go on. She sat down and held her head in her hands.

  “There, there, girl, it’ll be okay,” the old man said as he awkwardly patted her shoulder. “My son’s coming to pick me up, late as usual,” he grumbled. “We’ll give you a ride to town and fix you right up.”

  She sat there in the cool morning air, dependent upon yet another man. She didn’t care what happened to her. Fortunately, Mr. Hubbard, call me George, girl, was kind to the bone. His son Howard arrived a few minutes later and, true to his word, George had her driven to New Bushnell. Both the Hubbards told her that there was work in the diner or at the hotel, cleaning and probably other things, too, because they had the post office and a bank, plus a clinic with a real good doctor, too. Drew folks from miles around, he did. They took her to the diner and introduced her to Max, the owner, who offered her a job washing dishes, money under the table. Alex took it and agreed to start the next morning at six.

  The hotel provided a room, but Alex had little money left. The young woman working the desk told her about a couple of furnished places and even placed the calls for her, setting up times for her to go meet the landlords. Alex was overwhelmed with the kindness of the people in the small town. She didn’t look like much, she knew, with a swollen, cut lip, shuffling walk, and what was probably a scared demeanour. But they helped her and accepted her, and here she was.

  Her life had shrunk into a narrow, predictable pattern. She would get up at five thirty, make her way to the diner, set the tables, and fill the sinks, and clean the floors. If she had time, she would help the cook clean the grill. The customers filtered in at seven, mostly regulars but also a few folks passing through. The camaraderie was evident, and while she tried to stay clear of all connections, man was a social animal by nature, and Alex found herself included in the small family of servers, cooks, and owner. She knew they saw her as the quiet, withdrawn, little-sister type, and they fussed over her as much as she would allow it. The soreness went away, and her color came back a little. Her heart and soul were another matter.

  To be honest, the kindness of these hardworking people touched her, and she responded in kind. And to their credit, they stayed out of her business when she avoided their interest. Alex knew they speculated behind her back but didn’t press her for information. After the news she had received yesterday, it wouldn’t be long until they might feel entitled to get in her business, and she was debating her next move. Damn it all, it was all too much. She was settled in her little place, if abysmally poor and with limited future aspects. And now she didn’t know if she could even stay on. A bit of resentment and rage sparked within, fuelled by the news, and it lifted the exhaustion for a short while.

  * * * *

  Devon picked the lock on Alex’s apartment, easing through the door silently. He and Jeff knew she was at work but didn’t know if she lived alone. Devon started tossing the bedroom, cursing under his breath at the dearth of personal belongings.

  “She has nothing, Jeff. Shit, less than nothing,” he said. “A couple of changes of cheap tees and sweats, underwear, not even a coat.”

  He moved into the bathroom and stared at the shitty towels, the small supply of soap and other toiletries. The big bottle of vitamins was the only concession to spending.

  Jeff was in the living room, standing in the middle of the space.

  “She has a library book, man. There’s no television, no radio, no computer, nothing. She left with nothing and has been living hand-to-mouth, probably under the radar as we didn’t get a flag on her social security number. What the fuck did we do to her, man? Our girl is next to living on the streets.”

  Devon answered, “Not any longer, Jeff. We’re here now, and this gets fixed. I don’t know whether to shake her or kiss her. I think I’ll do both. Now let’s go get Alex. Her shift is supposed to be over soon.”

  Jeff replied, “What if she doesn’t want to come with us? She’s had months to change things around in her head so they don’t hurt so bad.”

  “She’ll come, don’t you worry. I’ll arrest her if I have to. I know you think I’m too hard on her sometimes, but hard is going to work today. And I know she’ll have done mental gymnastics, but she loves us, and it can’t have been easy on her being away from us,” Devon said bitterly.

  Jeff shrugged. Devon was so certain, and that was good because Jeff was afraid Alex had talked herself out of loving them. Jeff knew there were unplumbed depths in Alex Devon didn’t see, or didn’t want to see. She had a flint in her, buried deep, he was sure, and she would have drawn on that to escape that night. How else could she have made it this far? And survived? Jeff worried that Alex hated them for what she must believe they made her do that night. And she had done it because she loved them. Their fucking fault.

  “Time to quit thinking on it, buddy. We are making this right. Saddle up.”

  Devon headed out the door, Jeff on his heels. They climbed into their SUV, and Devon drove to the diner, carefully choosing a spot out front to part that had easy exit space. Always the cop.

  * * * *

  “Here, Alex. Take this tea and sit down before you fall down. Good thing you have a couple of days off. You’ve worked seven days straight.”

  The gruff voice of the oldest waitress, Annie-Lynn, intruded on her thoughts, and she looked up, startled. Then she smiled in response to Annie’s gesture. Alex knew that there would be a buttered scone at her little table to go with the tea. She’d devoured the special that employees were allowed for free at mealtimes, but a midafternoon snack was something she rarely afforded. Annie had picked up on that right away and finagled something for her without fail.

  Alex was a reliable, well-liked employee. She filled in for the other dishwashers when they called in sick or walked away from the job, working double shifts at least twice a week and often working seven days a week. She figured Annie knew the boss wouldn’t object to the excursion into the baked goods for Alex, particularly when they all knew Alex probably didn’t eat many suppers if she wasn’t pulling a double shift.

  Alex ate the meals provided at work and only the basics at home. Cash under the table, and a high cost of living precluded the luxury of a lot of groceries. She had the clothes she brought with her and had bought another pair of shoes to alleviate the ache in her feet from standing all day. And she had thought her body ached after that night at the Club…oh, God, quit thinking about that, forget that life. Alex finished the tea and scone and took the dishes to the sink, automatically washing them.

  She heard raised voices beyond the swinging doors of the kitchen and idly wondered if someone had hit the local bar early and now was out looking for trouble. It had happened before, but not this early. Then she went still, frozen in place like a cornered animal, barely able to breathe. She recognized those voices and felt faint, her little world collapsing around her. Oh, God, she needed to get out of here.

  Annie pushed back through the doors and stared at her.

  “Alex, you have company. They said that you had better not think of leaving out the back, as they know w
here you live. What the hell, girl? Who are those fellows?” Annie asked.

  What could she say that would make any sense to this salt-of-the-earth woman? How would any of them understand that she had whored herself out to two men who lived by some kind of protocol that dictated they close out the relationship? For why else would they be here after all this time?

  “I didn’t take anything or owe them money or anything like that, Annie. I’d better go and see them,” she said.

  “If you want to leave, you get going, girl, and head to my place. We’ll figure something out,” said Annie with a determined glint in her eye.

  Andrew drew himself up to his grizzled height and picked up his cleaver.

  “I’ll buy you a little time, Alex,” he said, “and I’ll help if I can.”

  Alex’s eyes filled with tears, and she bit down hard on her lip to suppress an acceptance of the offer.

  “It’s okay. They won’t hurt me.” At least not in the way you’re probably afraid of, folks, she thought giddily. “I’ll take care of this and see you the day after tomorrow. Thanks. I appreciate you both.”

  Alex squared her shoulders and pushed through the doors to the diner. Jeff and Devon stood there shoulder to shoulder and their gaze nearly was her undoing. She fought the urge to run to them and beg them to take her back, to love her. She’d perform with anyone for them if they had to have it that way, and somehow manage it. As quick as those thoughts raced through her head, Alex crossed her arms over her abdomen and strengthened her resolve.

  “Hello, Jeff, Devon,” she said quietly. “What do you want?”

  Devon’s eyes flared, but otherwise his expression was neutral, almost bored, but she knew better. He was at his most dangerous when he looked that way. Jeff was quicker to show his hand, and the one to step toward her, not bothering to mask his astonishment at her appearance.

  “What the hell did you do to your hair? And why are you so thin, Alex?” he demanded.

  Devon stepped to her other side and took her arm. Jeff took the other. Together they walked her out the door, leaving both regulars and visitors alike staring after her. If Alex hadn’t been so anxious, she might have laughed at the expected uproar that would ensue once she was out of sight.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  Devon said, “We’re going back to that pokey apartment of yours. And I think for now you’d be well advised to stay quiet and not rack up any more punishments.”

  Alex stiffened and tried to pull away but to no avail as Jeff opened the back door of the SUV parked near the diner entrance and handed her inside, sliding in beside her and allowing no escape. Devon climbed into the front seat and drove without comment toward her apartment. Alex looked out the window, away from Jeff, and avoided the rearview mirror, concentrating on her breathing and willing her desperate need for them to dissipate.

  Devon parked in the side drive and got out to open her door, hauling her out as though she were a feather. He escorted her to the door and pushed it open. Alex didn’t waste her breath to ask how they had gotten in. Both Devon and Jeff could open most any lock, and the pathetic one on her door would have dissuaded neither. Jeff followed them, carrying a large black duffel. Alex swayed on her feet, and her heartbeat escalated further. She knew what was in that duffel and trepidation warred with strong need and desire.

  “Take off your clothes.” Devon said the command quietly and turned to walk farther into the living space without looking to see if she had done as she was told.

  And just like that, like the proverbial Pavlov’s dog, Alex fumbled with the white uniform top’s buttons, her vagina moistening, her nipples beading. Alex fought the directive briefly, but the past training simply took over. She was so tired. She shrugged the top off, folded it and set it on the table by the door. Pulling off the sports bra and then stepping out of the uniform pants, she watched Devon come out of the bathroom.

  “The panties, too, Alex,” he rasped, staring at her with his dark blue eyes, narrowed now with some unidentifiable emotion.

  “I’ve started the shower. Go get clean and wash your hair. You smell of diner.”

  Alex complied, placing the panties on top of the other folded items. She hurried into the bathroom, aware of their gazes, trying to hide her secret. Alex stepped into the stream of water, almost groaning with the relief of the heat against her tired body, and reached for the shampoo. She could hear metallic noises grinding through the roar of the water as she rinsed her hair and let the water sluice the suds off her body. Alex pulled the shower curtain back and stepped from the tub only to find they’d taken out the towels. She stood on the bath mat for a few minutes until the worst of the moisture had dripped away and then walked into the bedroom.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The bed was pushed against the wall, and Devon was latching restraints into hooks he’d obviously installed in the ceiling. Her landlord was going to have a fit. And there were matching hooks in the floor. As she watched, Devon tested them, leaning his weight and looking for any give. Like Jeff, he had stripped to his jeans, the top button open. Both looked incredibly buff and sexy, and she swallowed against the swell of emotion.

  “You had to know, darlin’.” This from Jeff as he took in her expression.

  His tone was sexy and low and vibrated within her vulva, she’d swear it did. She was weak and useless, and her inability to think straight pissed her off. Alex had not found the need to suppress her temper of late, and the demon rose dangerously close to the surface from lack of practice.

  “We have a lot of stuff to express, and you are going to have to move through this as well. You know the drill, at least you used to, and this is way beyond where we were nearly a year ago when you challenged us.”

  Jeff’s eyes flashed with hurt and anger, and maybe disappointment before he turned back to sorting through the black duffel bag. He studiously avoided looking below her face. Alex’s stomach hurt, and she struggled with the recognition that she had hurt him.

  Devon’s back was rigid, and Alex couldn’t read him like she could Jeff, but there was no mistaking that she was in trouble. Alex then felt mutinous and a barrage of words began to collate within her head. She wanted to demand they leave her alone and get out of her house. Yet another flicker, deep within, signalled something she thought had died back on the night of the Club, beginning to resonate in her private parts and spread.

  “There won’t be a safe word, Alex.”

  Startled, she focused on Devon’s granite-like features.

  “We will take what we need from you tonight and give you what you need. We’re going to push you, and you’ll just have to trust us. Like we thought you did.” Devon nearly bit the words out as he stared down into her face, anger warring with tenderness on his features.

  “I can’t do this, Devon. Please,” she said.

  “Please what, Alex? Please forgive you for leaving without a word and making us sick with worry? Please forgive you for not telling us what was going on that night?” Devon turned back to his work.

  Jeff pulled her to him, resting his chin on the curve of her neck, his erection grinding into her lower back. “You have so much to answer for, and all of this could have been avoided if you only—”

  Alex cut him off, squirming away and backing up to the opposite wall, folding her arms across her abdomen. “I’m not explaining anything. I don’t owe you anything.”

  She immediately was faced with two irate, dominant men, invading her space, crowding her.

  “You will be explaining by the end of the night, Alex,” Devon promised.

  Jeff took hold of either side of her face, leaning his forehead to touch hers, fixing her with those sea-green eyes of his. “We own you, Alex, just as you own us, and we’re getting this sorted.”

  Alex blinked. “Own you? Own you? I don’t understand.”

  “You will.” This from Devon as he stepped between her and Jeff, holding a silk blindfold his hand.

  Alex tried to d
rag more air into her suddenly constricted lungs. She opened her mouth to protest, even weakly, but Devon placed the fabric over her eyes, simultaneously fixing his mouth over hers, and all coherent thought died. She felt Jeff tie off the blindfold and then pull her arms behind her back. The kiss ended, leaving her gasping and disoriented.

  She was aware of the rustling sound of clothing being removed, and the grasp on her arms was replaced by a different set of hands. Devon. She knew his scent just as she knew Jeff’s, and despair churned her gut. More rustling sounds, and then she was moved.

  * * * *

  Devon regretted having to hold her arms to allow Jeff to pull his own jeans off, but Alex seemed different, and he didn’t know if she would take the opportunity to remove the blindfold and push them further into punishing her. God knew he wanted to beat her ass raw, but his heart wanted her even more, wanted her heart and soul. When he saw her in the diner, butchered hair in that defeated, shit-brown color, yet with the shining blonde roots, looking so gaunt and sad yet so beautiful, his insides had flooded with such a mixture of emotions that he thought he might double over with it. The last four months had been hell on earth when he actually thought she might have died, uncounted amongst the many lost and missing women in the country, and he didn’t know how he would go on without her. He tortured himself imagining the terrible things that had probably happened to her. Like one of the worst hadn’t happened that night at the Club right in from of him, right where he let it happen, didn’t stop it.

  He felt Jeff lock eyes with him and nodded. They had strategized this plan and many others on the trip down to this godforsaken town after getting the confirmed sighting the night before. Depending upon Alex’s response, they had decided how to move forward with this relationship, and both were fully committed. Her acquiescence in the diner fit with Plan C. Jeff didn’t hide his feelings as easily as Devon did, and it was good that Alex was blindfolded. He needed to have her understand what her disappearance had cost him, cost them, and not get sidetracked when she read the love and devotion on Jeff’s face. He couldn’t go through this ever again, and it was make or break time. Jeff was determined to have their Alex back, and Devon was right there with him.


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