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In Too Deep (Doing Bad Things Book 2)

Page 4

by Jordan Marie

  That’s when I hear it.

  At first I think I’m imagining it—part of the fantasy playing in my head. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to let the moment go. I don’t know whose face I expected to flash in my memory. Gloria maybe. I may hate her, but she was a decent fuck and the latest one I’ve had. Strangely, it’s not her face that comes to mind. For just a split second it’s the hotel girl…Hope. I’m so surprised my hand stops mid stroke.

  Then I hear it again and realize it’s not my imagination or a fantasy. It’s a woman’s moan. My gaze cuts in the direction of the bed. The room slightly spins around me because I move my head so quickly. I see movement on the sheet. I walk slowly towards the bed, my steps staggered. I realize I’ve probably passed out. It’s a fucking fantasy, but I can’t find it in me to care. I haven’t had a woman in a year. It’s been almost that long since I’ve even indulged with my own hand. Even if it’s a dream, it’s a damn good one.

  Shock spreads through me when I make it to the bed and see the hotel clerk…no… Hope. If I’m going to fantasize about her, she deserves her real name—at least until I wake up.

  Then I can go back to calling her a bitch.

  I frown when I see she’s in some fuzzy pajama pants with fruit all over them. Obviously the whiskey has rattled my damned brains. You would think she’d be naked or at least in silk lingerie in my head. Maybe it’s because I’ve not seen her body before. I shrug off the minor concern. I barely realize I’m still stroking my cock.

  Hope moans again and rolls from her side to her back. Her breasts sway under the thin white tank that she’s wearing and I can see the imprint of hardened nipples through it. I’ve been a bitch to her, but she really is beautiful—or hell, maybe my mind has softened her features and made her more appealing. She’s got soft caramel colored hair that falls just past her shoulders. It’s currently lying against the white sheet of the bed. One lone strand has fallen against her face, caressing her cheek. Her eyes are closed and I try to will them open so I can see the color. They don’t so much as flutter. You would think I could at least control my own fantasy. It angers me that I can’t. I’m sure this is somehow Hope’s fault.

  I decide to take charge and show her who, exactly, is in control of this fantasy.

  I lie—really I fall, but whatever—on the bed beside her. She whimpers softly, her white teeth biting against the deep red bottom lip. It’s sexy and a sign she wants me as much as I want her. I move my hand slowly under her shirt. She tosses gently, never really rolling away from me and sadly, still not opening her eyes.

  The skin on her stomach is warm and soft and as I drag the pads of my fingers against the soft flesh her forehead wrinkles and she rubs her lips together, wetting them. I can’t remember seeing anything as sexy as that tiny movement.

  What would her lips taste like? Vanilla? Is that the reason for the scent in the room?

  I untie her pants, loosening them so I can slide my hand inside them. Hope’s eyes flutter, and slowly open.

  “Aden?” she whispers, her eyes closing again before I can determine the color. I graze my fingers against her warm skin and then with a pleasure-filled sigh from her lips, I let my fingers slide further.

  At first touch I’m surprised to find the neatly trimmed thatch of hair against her pussy. I can’t remember taking a woman like that. All the women I’m used to are waxed, painted and had some kind of work done. Whether adding to the boobs, sucking the fat out of their asses, and injecting it into their lips, you name it and I’ve seen, touched, felt and probably fucked it. That’s life in Hollywood.

  Is that why this fantasy contains Hope? Am I so desperate to get away from my past that she’s the woman I chose to dream about? Plausible and once my fingers slide between the lips of her pussy, I find I don’t care. It’s time to let fantasies do what they do—and take me away from reality completely. I seek out her clit first, touching it carefully with my finger, circling along the wet flesh. I can practically feel her pulse beat through it. I push against it, before gently painting across it again with her sweet juices that have gathered on my finger. This time Hope moans louder. My attention moves to her face, my gaze locked there as I push two fingers inside of her, leaving my thumb to pet her clit. Instantly, liquid heat gathers on my fingers, coating my digits. She’s so fucking tight. I’ve never had tighter and her body goes pliant, sinking into the mattress, as her legs widen to grant me access. Her eyes open again and my heartrate kicks up in speed, because I know I will finally see the color of her eyes. Why I want that over more pressing matters, I’m not sure, but it’s a fantasy and I’m done questioning.

  I withdraw my fingers, pinching her clit, while managing to use my other hand to shove her pants down past her knees. The jarring move causes her eyes to widen. She stares at me and her dark pupils are dilated.

  “What’s going… Aden?” she gasps my name—probably because I choose that exact moment to roughly thrust my fingers deep inside of her. “What are you… Why are…oh God…What are you doing to me?”

  “I’m fucking you,” I growl sounding and feeling like an animal.

  “But… we can’t…”

  “We can and we are, Hope. It’s a dream, we can do anything in a dream.”

  “A dream?” she whispers, the last word coming out as a moan as I continue fucking her hard with my fingers. Her hips are thrusting up in the air to try and keep me where she needs me. She’s eager for me, but not as eager as I am to get inside of her.

  “A beautiful dream, that tomorrow we’ll forget ever existed.”

  “But we don’t like each—”

  I move her shirt up, her large, rounded breasts pop out, the nipples hard and the skin surrounding them pebbled and contracted.

  “At this moment I like you very much.”

  “You do?” she cries, as I bite down hard on her nipple, pulling on it, as my fingers fuck her forcefully, all thoughts of softness gone as need has taken over completely.

  “Mmm… I do. I’m going to like leaving my mark all over your body—like I just did on your tit.”

  “I don’t think…”

  “If you tell me you don’t want this, I’ll stop. But, you and I both know you do. Your body sure as fuck knows you do. You like what I’m doing to you,” I growl.

  She doesn’t answer for a minute, but then she widens her legs and her body relaxes for me.

  “I like what you’re doing to me,” she murmurs, biting down on her lip.

  “I’m going to like shoving my cock in your tight little cunt and fucking you so hard you taste me for weeks,” I growl.

  Her eyes widen in shock at my frank words. Is she going to be like every other woman I’ve had; soft, sweet and boring as hell? What kind of fantasy is that?

  “We probably shouldn’t,” she gasps, but I feel the gush of wetness that greets my fingers at my words. She likes the way I’m talking to her. That’s the great thing about fantasies. You don’t have to worry about saying the wrong thing, you don’t have to hold back. You can be dirty. You can be as fucking filthy as you want to be, and you don’t have to worry about it winding up on the news when some wanna-be-glamor-queen decides to chase her fifteen minutes of fame.

  What’s even better is, I think I’m going to like dirtying up Hope. Fuck. This might be a fantasy I relive for months.

  “There’s nothing wrong in a fantasy. You need fucked and I’m here to fuck you. I’m here to give you every fucking thing your mind can think of,” I rumble, pulling my fingers from her body.

  “How did this happen?” she murmurs. I bring my fingers to her mouth, they’re wet and glossy with the creamy wetness from her hot little snatch. Somewhere in the back of my mind I have to worry that anything I do from this moment on will pale to this forbidden play my mind is conjuring.

  I use my fingers to paint her lips in her own cum. I make them glossy, smiling as her breathing hitches and stalls before she exhales in a long shudder that shakes her entire body.

�Taste yourself, Hope. Taste how fucking hot and sweet you are for me,” I order, pushing my fingers past her lips. Immediately she sucks on them, her tongue wrapping around my fingers as she tastes herself like a greedy little kitten finding milk. Before I wake up I’m going to make sure that little kitten plays with my cock just like this. I’ll thrust in her mouth so deeply she’ll gag on me for a week. Just the thought causes pre-cum to run down my shaft. If I don’t get in her soon, I’m going to explode. Which might not be a bad thing.

  “You want my cock, Hope? You want me to fuck you hard and make you explode on my shaft…”


  “Or would you rather I jerk off against your tongue and mouth and shoot my cum all over your body?”

  “I… Oh God…”

  “Then after I’m done coming I’ll feed it all to you. Make you lick it off my cock and my fingers.”

  “Fuck me…” she gasps, and I can’t tell if she’s inviting me to actually fuck her or if she’s imagining me doing exactly what I’m telling her. Either way, the words are magic to my ears.

  “You want to lick all my cum, Hope? Are you going to be my greedy little kitten wanting all the cum I can give you?”

  “I’ve never had anyone talk to me like this,” she cries, while I thrust my fingers back inside of her tight little cunt.

  “Make your mind up, kitten, because I can’t hold back much longer,” I warn her, about to take the choice out of her hands.

  She kicks out with her legs. At first I think she’s trying to get away from me. Then, I realize, she’s just kicking her pajamas from her legs and letting them slide to the floor. I grin, positioning myself over her body, feeling like a fucking conqueror—and I am. I’m Hope’s conqueror… At least tonight.

  “You swear we won’t remember this in the morning?”

  “Does it matter?” I growl, already positioning my cock at her entrance.

  “I’m going back to hating you tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good,” I bark as I thrust deep inside of her, in a surge so powerful her entire body bows beneath me. I don’t stop until I’ve sunk all the way to my balls. Hope cries out from the fierce invasion. She’s so fucking snug that she’s choking on my cock. “Son of a bitch,” I growl “You’re so damned tight, you may kill me.”

  “And you’re so big, if you’re any good I’m going to have trouble walking tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? You underestimate me, Hope. I’m going to make it so you feel me between your legs for weeks,” I promise her before I pull out and thrust back into her, beginning to fuck her hard and fast, because I can’t not do it. I have to.

  Like every good fantasy she’s there with me already, every step of the way. I explode inside of her at the same exact moment she comes and then I fall beside her on the mattress.

  My eyes close as I pull her body into mine and just before I drift off to sleep I know a moment of regret.

  Regret that when I wake up in the morning the dream will be gone and Hope won’t be here.



  “What in the fuck are you doing here!?!?”

  The words are angry and loud, not to mention scary. One second I was warm and comfy, every bone in my body relaxed and aching in all the good ways and the next…

  I jerk awake with a start, clinging to the sheet like it’s a lifeline.

  I had planned on being gone this morning. Last night was cloudy, and I was weak, but he said we would forget last night happened. I shouldn’t have caved in. I knew better. Did I learn nothing with Jack’s father? Men are great until they get what they want.


  “Answer me! What the fuck are you doing in my bed!?!?!”

  That’s when the sinking feeling hits me and I remember. The new medicine I took, how sleepy I was, coming in here to change his sheets…and then…after.

  “I think I’m going to throw up,” I mumble, when I look up into Aden’s face and see the anger and the hate shining back at me like some huge beacon.

  “The feeling is mutual! Is this how you get your men, you crawl into their beds when they’re drunk and can’t remember what you are?”

  “What I am?” I ask, anger beginning to override my humiliation.

  “A bitch!”

  “Oh my God! Seriously?” I cry, jerking out of bed with angry movements, and keeping the sheet close to my chest. I wrap it around my body as best as I can. Despite what he did to me last night, there’s no way I am ever exposing myself to him again.

  “I already knew you were a bitch. I just didn’t know you were a conniving bitch! Though I should have! All women are!” he growls and I don’t think. I just react. I slap him. I slap him so hard his face goes sideways and the skin above his beard instantly turns pinks with the print of my hand.

  “That’s rich coming from a bastard! I was changing the sheets on your bed!”

  “And decided to stay around for dick?”

  “I fell asleep!”

  “I don’t think sleeping had fuck-all to do with what we did last night,” he yells. He rubs the side of his face and I hope that means it stings. I hope it hurts like hell.

  “You started last night!” I growl.

  “I was drunk! Which you should have known! I’d have to be drunk to touch you!”

  “I want you out of my hotel!” I growl, turning for the door. I have to get out of here. I can’t breathe and I can feel tears starting to form. I cry when I’m angry and I freaking hate that about me! I do not want him to see my tears. This makes twice he’s made me cry and I can’t allow him to do it again!

  “Too fucking bad! I’m going nowhere unless you refund my money!”

  “I don’t have your money!”

  “Then I’m here until the weeks out!”

  “Fine, but I’m not renting to you next week! The deal is off!”

  “Fine by me!”

  “Fine!” I growl, yanking the door open.

  “You better not turn up pregnant!” he growls. “I’ve had women try that shit on me before and let me tell you, it didn’t work for them, and it sure as hell won’t work for you!”

  “I’m on birth control you pig, but if you gave me anything I’ll come back here, grab my mom’s shotgun and shoot off your dick!”

  I slam the door before he can respond to that. I’m shaking because I’m so mad, but more than that I’m sick inside. I talk a good game, but how could I have had unprotected sex last night? I haven’t had sex since Jack was conceived and he’s two now. It’s been a long time, but Jesus… that’s no excuse for what happened last night. I have to see my doctor. I need to get tested… I need to get…clean. I can smell him on me. Whereas this morning I was enjoying that, now that I’m fully awake and reminded what an asshole he is, it’s making me sick.

  I get inside the office, lock the door and head straight to the small bathroom in my apartment quarters. I turn the water fully on hot, let the sheet fall to the ground and get in.

  The water turns my skin a bright pink from the heat. I don’t care. I grab the soap and just want the smell of him gone. I loved it at first. I loved everything about last night. Hell, last night before I went to sleep I was even hoping for a repeat performance this morning, even though I knew I needed to get out of there quickly. I thought I knew how big of a jerk he was. It turns out I was nowhere close to guessing. He’s the biggest asshole I’ve ever met in my life and when you’ve had the experiences I’ve had with men, that’s saying something.

  I’m out of the shower and dressed, once again smelling like my vanilla body wash. I’ve called Daria and asked if she could keep Jack a little longer and I’ve made an appointment with my doctor. I achieved all of this within record time. Thirty minutes, tops.

  Yet, here I am standing at the front door afraid to open it, my hand on the knob and my heart beating a million times per minute.

  Please don’t be out there. Please don’t be out there. Please…

  I only start to breathe again when I
discover no one is there. It takes everything in me not to run to my vehicle. I take the time to slap a sign on the front door and then walk slowly and calmly to my car. I don’t want him to think I’m running away—even if, in the back of my mind is the thought of picking up Jack and just chalking Idaho up as a total loss.

  I’m driving off, when in my rearview mirror I see Aden walking towards the main office. I hope he reads the note.

  The jerk.



  I watch Hope leave, still rubbing the side of my face. To be such a small girl—a good six inches, maybe more, shorter than I am—she can pack some power. My face is still stinging. I watch her go and I try not to look at the indention of her ass that’s showing as she flees from the room. The sheet has dropped down to reveal the curve of her ass however, and my eyes can’t help but be drawn there. My fucking dick instantly goes hard again. How I can be aroused and hate someone at the same time is beyond my comprehension, but I am.

  Last night is a fogged up mess. I remember parts of it clearly however, and the parts I remember the most are the ones that involve me sinking my dick deep inside of Hope. It has to be the alcohol. There’s no way she feels as good as I’m remembering. There’s no way it’s as good as I remember. It’s just my mind playing tricks on me.

  Besides that, she clearly set me up. Lying in my bed waiting for me to come home. How many times have I seen that old tactic? Too many fucking times. Early on in my career, I took them up on what they offered. Seemed only fair. They wanted to break in my hotel room and share my bed for a chance to say they got a piece of Aden McIntyre’s dick? I was more than down. Later, women in my life tried it to get what they wanted from me, and it worked for a while. It worked for Gloria too fucking long. I played the game, but I never went in without a condom. Fuck, I have never in my damn life fucked a girl raw. That’s probably why it felt so good. It’s because there was no condom, not because of the girl. It can’t be because of the girl. I hate her.


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