Book Read Free

Falling Forward

Page 5

by Dawn Robertson

  Maybe I need a dog? I haven’t had one since my childhood dog passed away. Condo living really isn’t for dogs, but maybe this house will be the perfect option.

  “Welcome to The Treylor Park, is this your first time here?” The young guy with dark hair, aviator sunglasses, a Treylor Park neon orange tank top, and a five o’clock shadow leans against the counter giving me his undivided attention. I’d love to take him for a ride, my god!

  “This is my very first time. What do you recommend?” I subtly flirt with him, feeling like a cougar. I’m sure he’s freshly turned twenty-one.

  “Personally, the Pina Coolatta is my favorite, but the specialty drink menu is on the other side of the menu,” he winks.

  “I’ll take one of those.” I smile in his direction and continue to look over the menu. Everything looks delicious! Breakfast all day, chicken biscuits, pot pie, and there they are… The Treylor Park’s Famous Nachos Grande. The description almost floors me.

  Waffle fries, pickles, fried chicken, bacon, cheddar cheese, with chive ranch dressing and balsamic gastrique.

  I don’t even know what that last part means, but, fuck, it sounds like everything I need in my life, and a good hour on the treadmill in the morning. And the best part is, I’m pretty sure that is all I am going to need to eat because it looks like a feast fit for a crowd. The hot bartender makes his way back over with my lime green Pina Coolatta, garnished with a fresh piece of mint, served in a mason jar. I love it, and it tastes just as delicious as it looks.

  “You know what you’d like, hun?” he asks, while making another drink in front of me.

  “I’ll have the nachos,” I say, excited like a school girl.

  “Sweet choice, I’ll get those right in for you.”

  A younger lesbian couple sit next to me at the bar, clearly on a date. They turn their stools to face towards each other, you can tell they are super in love. They look at each other like they are the only people in the entire eatery and it warms my heart. The bartender comes up, addressing them both by their first names, and taking their order. I try not to be too much of a creeper and pull my phone out of my bag. Dozens of comments light up my screen on Instagram and it looks like it has even sparked a text from my ex-boyfriend. Yeah, I know. He hasn’t really been much to think or talk about until now. We shared two years together, and in the end, we just wanted way different things.

  I want kids, and a dog. The whole white picket fence, American Dream. He wanted a high-powered career and a side piece of ass. Different worlds, really. There is no real sordid story of betrayal and cheating, just both of us cutting our losses before we wasted anymore time. I dated around after that, but never really fell into a relationship with anyone else. I open the text to see what Tyler has to say.

  I’m sorry I haven’t texted sooner. I’m sorry for the loss of your mother. I should have come to the services, but I didn’t think it was right. I hope you are having a nice vacation. Your pictures are great.

  Of course, he is fishing for information. Could he make it any less obvious? It’s just how he is. Against my better judgment, I start typing out a reply while sipping on my delicious drink. This place could totally just become my neighborhood bar.

  Thanks for your kind words. I miss her very much. Savannah is beautiful!

  I keep it short and to the point. I don’t think he’ll reply back. I toss my phone back into my bag and head for the ladies’ room before my food comes, to empty my crappy bladder and wash my hands. Another one of my quirks in life. The bathrooms in the back hallway are two single private bathrooms. One for men and one for women, obviously. As I wait for the ladies’ room to open, a man walks out of the bathroom and almost runs me over.

  “Oh, I am so, so sorry! I didn’t even see you there!” his flamboyant tone is familiar. I look up to make eye contact with the stranger, and realize the man standing there isn’t really a stranger at all.

  “I know you,” he squeals. “Your mom…” he starts to say.

  “George?” I ask, struggling to remember his name from mom’s funeral.

  “Edward,” he corrects me with a smile. “How are you?” he asks, concerned for my well-being. The man who revealed his touching connection to my mother, was standing in front of me in a hallway of a bar hundreds of miles away from where we met.

  “I’m… good?” I say, second guessing myself. “I mean, I’m getting there, ya know?” I admit to a complete stranger, but I feel like we aren't strangers.

  “Do you live here in Savannah?” I ask him, wondering how exactly we were crossing paths again so soon.

  “Yes, I left Florida years ago. I came to SCAD for college and realized what an amazing LGBT community they have here, so I stayed,” he chats. The woman hogging the bathroom exits, and I wave the woman behind me to go while I stand and chat with Edward.

  “Looks like I am going to be spending some time here. I needed a change of pace now that mom is gone. Maybe I can give you my cell number? I don’t really know anyone here just yet,” I admit. We both pull our phones out and exchange numbers.

  “Are you here with anyone?” he asks me.

  “No. I am actually sitting out at the patio bar.” I point to my drink sitting on the counter, probably not the smartest idea because someone could totally slip something in it, but it just seems like everyone here so far is just a big family. Everyone knows each other on a first name basis.

  “Why don’t you have them transfer your ticket to my table? We have an open seat,” he insists, while grabbing my arm to drag me in the direction of a large table with quite a few guys sitting there.

  “Come on, let’s go tell Hottie Q Bartender where you are relocating to!” he laughs as he spins in the way of the backdoor. I see him pick up my drink and point inside. Did I just make myself a new gay BFF? I think so!

  The drinks flow for hours, and I take two solid stabs at finishing the nachos. Every bite is just absolute perfection. The mixture of the chive ranch and fried chicken is to die for. The waffle fries have a seasoning on them, that gives them just a hit of kick, and it is literally enough to feed four grown men with ease. I continued to pick at the pickles while laughing over dinner and drinks with Edward, his boyfriend Christopher, and their friend Liam, a sexy bi-sexual Brit from across the pond. All becoming instant friends.

  I thought it would take some time to feel like I am at home in this foreign city, but a chance meeting with someone I could basically consider family because of my mother, was the best welcome to Savannah I could have asked for. When the waiter comes back by, I ask for the table’s tab, picking up for the boys while they weren't paying attention. I would totally need an Uber back to my hotel because there is no way I am making the half mile walk in my current condition. The waiter comes back and I slip him my credit card while Edward requests his check.

  “It’s already been taken care of,” he smiles as he whisks away the tab and my card.

  “You shouldn’t have. If anything, I should have picked up your tab. Welcome to Savannah!” His hands wave in the air as he stands to cross the table and give me a hug.

  “Thank you for allowing me to crash your boy’s night out,” I say, hugging him back.

  “Where are you staying?” he asks, keeping his arm slung across my shoulder. The alcohol flowing through my system from the four Pina Coolatta’s, has me smiling like an idiot.

  “I’m staying at the Bohemian.”

  “Heyyyyyyy big spennnnnnder,” he sings out the line from the musical Chicago. The fact that I recognize that, just goes to show the upbringing I had with my mother. Our house was always full of Broadway tunes. I remember when I was eight, I actually thought I would be Cosette in Les Misérables on Broadway.

  “Just wanted something nice before I close on the house I’m buying.” I shrug my shoulders. The whole money conversation makes me somewhat uncomfortable, which is a new feeling. I’ve always worked hard for everything I've had. Even if I skipped a car payment or fell behind on my mortgage, I ju
st kept trucking. This whole nothing to do and no money problems is a whole new world, something that I’m definitely going to have to work towards being okay with.

  “Buying huh? Where?” Liam asks with curiosity.

  Do I tell them, do I not? Fuck! My mind races thinking of an excuse, or maybe just a vague answer to push the conversation away.

  “East State Street, once I’m all moved in you guys can totally come over for dinner one night. I might even cook," I joke with them, hoping they don’t put too much thought into the location itself.

  “We all would be honored,” Edward answers for the men at the table. I grab my to-go, After Dinner Eggrolls, complete with pie filling for my middle of the night snack. Making our way to the exit, I realize we’ve been sitting at that table just bullshitting for two and a half hours. It feels good to have people I can consider friends again. I’ve always struggled with keeping people close, don’t get me wrong, I have a shit ton of acquaintances. But I’ve never really had a best friend, since my childhood best friend moved to Utah and got married right out of college. We still keep in touch, but our daily conversations have turned into every two-month texts to check in. She’s married with all these kids, and we just… are in different places in life now.

  It’s not something that I’m proud of, I think it has become my downfall in life on a number of occasions. Then again, I never really had time for friends when I was working so much. Of course, I would go out for dinner and drinks with co-workers sometimes, or to the real estate board social events. Working on projects would bring me closer together with certain people and once we would finish whatever work project, we would drift apart. Maybe I just have some sort of fear of getting too close to people because my track record isn’t the best.

  “Earth to Luna! Girl, are you sure you are okay to get back to the hotel on your own?” Edward’s boyfriend, Christopher, teases me.

  “Oh yeah, for sure,” I say, tripping over my own two feet on the way out the door and almost completely eating shit. But, as I fly through the air Liam’s big, strong, muscular, British arms wrap around my waist and save me from ultimate death. Or maybe I am being a little over dramatic, but I saw my life flash before my eyes! Thankfully my dessert is unharmed, which is a sad first thought when a hot guy has his arms wrapped around you. I look up and our eyes meet, I'm a sucker for blue eyes.

  “Do you think I could escort you back to your hotel?” he asks, and my mind goes to dirty places. “I couldn’t live with myself if you didn’t get there safely,” he adds with that sexy accent sending chills to my core. “I insist.”

  “Well in that case, let's skip the Uber and you can escort me to the lobby, kind Sir,” I laugh. Yup, I should have stopped before that last drink. But, whatever, you only live one life, right?

  “Sounds like she’s setting down some ground rules for you!” Edward laughs at Liam, while the poor British Bloke’s face turns three shades of red.

  “Oh, you stop being dirty!” I tease the boys and stick out my elbow for Liam to link into, like we are off to see the Wizard. “You boy’s be safe, and don't be a stranger.” I feel slightly motherly as Liam links his arm in mine, and we head in the direction of the cross walk to make it towards the other side of Bay Street.

  “What brings you to Savannah?” he asks me, smiling in my direction with his perfectly straight teeth. His dark hair is short on the sides, with a little bit of length on the top to give him just a hint of a flop. At least that is what I call it. His hair is styled slightly to the side, and his black Ray-Ban's sit on his head in the mess of hair.

  “Honestly? I needed a change. I don’t know what Edward told you when I went to the ladies’ room, but I recently lost my mother. That’s the connection, we met for the first time a few weeks ago at her service. I wasn’t happy with life, so here I am.” I kind of give him the cliff notes version of my life.

  “What about you?” I ask him, interested in knowing what has him to far away from home.

  “I came to SCAD years ago for architecture. I fell in love with the States, so I got a killer job, and was able to extend my VISA. I’ve traveled all over the world, but my heart lives in Savannah.” I can’t imagine having to go through so much to be able to stay in the country. I sometimes think we take advantage of the little American privileges we have.

  “Was it hard to keep your immigration status once you weren’t a student anymore?” I ask, genuinely curious.

  “Oh, it was almost impossible. That’s how I became the bi-sexual Brit around these parts. Christopher, Edward’s boyfriend? Well, technically, we are legally married.” I trip over my own two feet and almost fall on my face for the second time in ten minutes. Now I am starting to think that flip-flops were not the best choice in footwear for the night.

  “Come again?” I ask with a laugh.

  “It's a really long story, I may be British and bi-sexual, but I’m not a bigot. When he offered, we set up house and Ed didn’t mind at all. For a while the three of us all lived together. I just bought a condo above City Market and moved out on my own. We filed divorce papers about a month ago since I am officially an American citizen now.” I laugh thinking to myself, so many straight people do this and no one blinks an eye. I would never in a million years think a bunch of gay guys would be able to orchestrate this, but then again… if they can put together those drag shows anything is possible.

  “Be careful on these stairs, please,” Liam says, as he takes my hand and we descend down the deadly historic stone staircase onto River Street. This is definitely something I am going to have to come back and see during the daylight. A huge sign hangs against the stone base of the staircase warning danger.

  “Please don’t let me die on these stairs,” I joke with him, as I take one stair at a time like my grandma would have. We both get a good laugh out of it, but I sure am relieved when we get to the bottom of the stairs and safe on the old cobblestone street.

  “You know, during the daylight this is one of the most beautiful streets in Savannah. The entire street is original cobblestone. They’ve had to restore it over the years and seal it better because tourist would actually steal rocks from the street. No joke.” I geek out a little bit at the history lesson. Having a mother who was an American history teacher really rubbed off on me. Looking back, I wish I had gone to college and got a degree in it, and followed in her footsteps. Maybe in a different line of work, but for sure I’m a total history buff.

  “Really? How do you know that?” I’m certainly impressed.

  “One of my senior projects for my degree was the restoration project. SCAD has restored more than sixty historical buildings around the city as well.” Color me impressed.

  “I may have to snag you as my own personal tour guide of the city.” I am only partially joking, because I think in the past ten minutes of this walk, I’ve developed a huge crush on this guy. Not only is he easy on the eyes, but he’s obviously extremely intelligent. That’s a double whammy for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a crush like this.

  “Anytime… well, really I mean any weekend day. My day job puts a damper on things sometimes,” he jokes as we round the corner to the front of my hotel. I’m refreshed because my little legs are tired, but I am almost disappointed for our time to come to an end.

  “Well, I guess this is my stop,” I say pointing towards the hotel we both obviously know I’m staying at. “I hope you don’t live too far from here,” I add, not knowing exactly where City Market is compared to my currently location in the city.

  “I’m gonna grab an Uber, it’s only a few minutes down the road. Most of the ride will actually be traffic.”

  “Thank you for walking me back here. I probably would have gotten lost along the way.” Which is true. I have absolutely no idea where I am, or what direction anything is in. It’s going to take me some time to get aquatinted with the city. I still have to find a Target, I mean… isn’t that the first thing most people look for? I’d literally die without T
arget. That's bad, right?

  “It was my pleasure, Luna. It's also amazing to meet you. I’m glad we had that rare run in tonight. Best Thursday night ever.” When he smiles, his entire face smiles. From his lips, to the small creases around his eyes. I’m sure I look like a doe eyed school girl at this point, so I turn for the doors, only looking back to say goodnight.

  I float up to my room on a virtual cloud nine. But, I’m far too cynical to think the first guy I met in Savannah would be the person I am meant to be with. I certainly plan on having some fun with it for the time being though. Collapsing into my bed, I plug my phone into the charger, open the safe and pull out a joint I packed away to help me sleep. Sometimes the only way I can slow my mind down for the day, or run off a hangover, or get rid of a nasty migraine… is a little bit of pot. Opening up the sliding doors, I walk out onto the balcony, sit down in the seat and spark up.

  The lights over the river are beautiful, as the boats continue to make their way up and down the water. I close my eyes and enjoy a couple puffs, and put the joint out. I scurry back into the room to grab my phone, and head back out onto the balcony. I snap a picture of the bridge, all lit up and sparkling. I throw a filter on and post it to Instagram.

  Goodnight Savannah. #AmazingNight #NewBeginnings #LunaDoesSavannah

  Chapter 6

  Is This the House?

  Instead of getting the valet to pull my car out of the parking garage, I take an Uber to meet my realtor at the house I’ve put under contract. Today we will have the home inspection, and I can decide if I want to move forward or move on to a different house. I don’t know what could come up at this point to change my mind. I fell in love with the pictures when I first came across the listing online. Today is just an added little bonus to see the property before I own it.


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