Book Read Free

Operation Midnight

Page 15

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “Yeah. Travis is here somewhere. Have him or either Hank to meet me out front.”

  Minutes later, Wiz and Malik walked out the front door just as Olivia’s car came around the corner. She pulled into the circular drive.

  Wiz was at her door before she could come to a complete stop. “Hey.”

  She practically leapt into his arms. He didn’t know what the hell had spooked her, but the way she trembled against him it was something serious.

  “Okay. Does anyone want to tell me what’s going on? First Olivia was acting weird and now you guys are hovering,” Natasha said when Malik helped her out of the car.

  Before Olivia could respond to Natasha, Travis showed up.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, his gaze going from Wiz to Malik.

  “I need you to pull Olivia’s car into the garage. Put it in the employee’s section,” Wiz instructed, maintaining his hold around Olivia.

  Travis moved around the car to the driver’s side. “No prob.”

  “Do you need anything from the car before he takes it?” Wiz asked Olivia, placing a kiss against her temple, anxious to find out what happened.

  “We have a couple of bags in the trunk.” Olivia’s voice was a little shaky, but that could’ve been caused by the wind that had just picked up.

  He and Malik grabbed the bags and escorted her and Natasha inside. The moment they walked in, Natasha’s cell rang and Malik escorted her to his office.

  With his hand at the small of Olivia’s back, Wiz guided her into his office, not surprised to see Raeanna still there.

  “Hey, Olivia.”

  “Hi, Raeanna.” Olivia walked across the room and gave her a hug. “It’s good seeing you.”

  “You too.” Raeanna closed her laptop. “I’ll get out of the way so you guys can have some privacy.”

  “Actually, maybe you should stay.” Olivia moved back to Wiz’s side and grabbed hold of his hand. “I didn’t want to say anything around Tasha, but someone was following us.”

  “What?” He tensed. He closed his office door while Olivia told them about the SUV.

  “God, baby.” He cupped her face between his hands and brought his mouth close to hers. “I’m glad you’re all right. Let’s see what we can find out.” He kissed her again, and then moved to the conference table where Raeanna had her laptop. “See if you can tap into the city’s cameras in that area.”

  Olivia gasped and moved closer to them. “You guys can do stuff like that?”

  “For me, only sometimes,” Raeanna said, “but your husband is a wiz.” She grinned, her fingers flying across the keys as she typed.

  A few minutes later, they were in.

  “Okay, there.” They switched from one frame to another following Olivia’s car.

  “I think we might be able to speed up the footage some.” Raeanna’s fingers went to work again.

  The three of them watched. There were plenty of opportunities for the driver to go around Olivia, which made it clear that the truck was following them. A hard knot formed in Wiz’s stomach when the vehicle pulled up on the side of Olivia’s car. They drove along the side of her, speeding up and slowing down whenever she did for at least a block. When Olivia made one of her right turns, the SUV almost caused an accident to get back into the other lane to follow her.

  Wiz cursed under his breath. He was trying like hell to keep his rage intact, especially when the SUV rode her bumper, getting too close.

  Wiz pulled Olivia back against him, needing to touch her.

  “How long did you notice him following you?” he asked close to her ear.

  “Maybe after we were a couple of blocks from the bridal shop. Then again when we exited the expressway. He followed us until we pulled up in front of the building.” She snuggled closer. “At first I wasn’t sure if we were being followed, but when I did those two right turns and he was still behind me, I was pretty sure.”

  “You did good, babe.” He kissed her cheek, glad she had kept her cool—not that he was surprised. She was an amazing woman.

  Someone knocked on the door before it flew open.

  “So what’s going on?” Malik stepped in, closing the door behind him.

  “Where’s Tasha?” Wiz asked.

  “In my office on the phone.” He walked over to Olivia. “You okay?” He hugged her.

  Olivia nodded against his chest.

  Wiz filled Malik in on everything, watching his jaw twitch the more he heard.

  “Olivia didn’t say anything over the phone for fear of spooking Tasha.”

  “I appreciate that. She still has occasional nightmares from her ordeal.”

  “Rae, pull up the cameras on the east and south side of this building,” Malik instructed, and sat in the chair next to her. “I want to see if we can get a plate number on the SUV.”

  When they couldn’t get a good shot, Wiz had Raeanna go back to the city cameras.

  “Why don’t you lie down on the sofa,” he said to Olivia. She looked exhausted. He ushered her over before she could refuse. When she laid down with no argument, he knew the adrenaline was starting to wear off.

  “I was so scared.”

  “I know.” He caressed her cheek. She’d had one too many scares in the past couple of weeks and he didn’t like it. “Do you realize you called me Wiz earlier?”

  Her mouth twisted, trying to hide a smile. “Figures you’d catch that.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I caught it. That’s what first tipped me off that something was wrong.”

  “It wasn’t intentional. It just flew out of my mouth when you picked up. I have never been so happy to hear your voice. It actually helped me relax a little, like you were there with me.”

  “Stop. There.” Malik’s voice carried across the room. “What is that? G, 3, 2 …” His voice trailed off and Raeanna went back a couple of frames.

  Even with a partial plate number, they might be able to find the vehicle with the help of some friends at the Chicago Police Department.

  An hour later, Wiz and Olivia were heading home. Besides the swooshing sound of the windshield wipers swiping away the snow, soft jazz played through the speakers.

  Stealing a glance at Olivia, Wiz wondered what she was thinking about. Her eyes were closed, but the death grip she had on the door handle told him that she wasn’t asleep.

  “Do you think this has anything to do with Keisha?” Olivia asked without opening her eyes.

  “Am I driving too fast for you? Why are you still tense?” he asked instead of answering her question. At some point, he was going to have to ask if she knew why Keisha was in town.

  “No, you’re fine. I’m just really tired.” She finally opened her eyes. “I noticed you didn’t answer the question. So that means you do think she had something to do with the person following me this afternoon.”

  Wiz cracked a smile. Very little got by her. “Maybe.”

  “So that’s a yes.” She sat up a little straighter, wringing her hands in her lap.

  Wiz checked his mirrors, making sure there wasn’t a repeat of earlier.

  “No, that’s a maybe. I’m not sure. We had someone keeping track of Keisha while she’s in Chicago, but she disappeared.”

  “I have her telephone number. I can call and see if she’s still in the city.”

  A little taken back, Wiz wondered what else he didn’t know.

  “Yeah. I want you to call her, but don’t use your cell. I have an encrypted one at the house.”

  “I should have listened to you about her. I should have known she was involved in something.”

  “Why do you say that? Did she say something to you?”

  Olivia hesitated. “A few weeks ago I got a call from Donna from the old neighborhood. She said someone had left a note for Keisha and she wondered if I had seen her lately. Since I hadn’t, I was a little curious about the note and went by there and picked it up.”

  Wiz mentally braced himself before he asked the next question. “What di
d this note say?”

  She glanced out the passenger side window. “I didn’t read it until last night. It said, You have something that belongs to me.”

  Wiz gripped the steering wheel tighter, struggling to maintain control. He knew there was more to Olivia’s request to find her sister. He should have pressed her harder, but at the time, all he could think about was blocking anything relating to Keisha out of his mind. What he couldn’t figure out, though, was why Keisha hadn’t told Olivia about that night he held a knife to her throat. He knew her well enough to know that she would use it against him at some point. Which is why he needed to tell Olivia himself … soon.

  “I should have told you about the note weeks ago, but I knew you would freak out.”

  Yeah. Like he hadn’t almost lost his mind at just the mention of her sister.

  “You’re right, I would have.” He stopped at a traffic light and squeezed her hand. “Had you showed me that note, we wouldn’t be here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I would have hauled ass and taken you far away from here, disappearing like Q and Alandra. Olivia, that note might’ve been meant for your sister, but it could easily turn into a threat toward you. The last thing I wanted when you first mentioned Keisha’s name was to drag her drama back into our lives.”

  Silence fell between them. Wiz still entertained the thought of getting Olivia out of town. Maybe even out of the country. He had already lost his mother because of a senseless crime. There was no way he was going to lose his wife due to some nonsense brought on by her sister.

  “Did the note say who it was from?”

  “It was a couple of initials, but I can’t remember what they were.” She released a frustrated sigh. “Cameron, I’m sorry … for everything. I know I’ve apologized in the past for Keisha, but I had hoped,” she paused, “I guess I had hoped that by now she was doing something with her life. That she could be the sister she was before our parents died.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me. I know you have a big heart, which is one of many things I love about you. But, sweetie, sometimes I think you forget that you and Keisha are identical twins. As it relates to that note, if someone is after her, but see you, they’re going to think that you two are one in the same.”

  By the faraway look on her face, it was safe to say that she hadn’t thought about that.

  “Before your party, most people didn’t know you had a twin. And I doubt Keisha has broadcasted that bit of info to anyone she knows.”

  “So you think she intentionally started dressing like me because of whatever she’s involved in?”

  “Yes, and whatever trouble she’s gotten herself into, she’s brought it to our doorstep.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Olivia kept glancing at the clock, anxious for her afternoon session to end. This was the last day of class before final exams. But that’s not what she was anxious about. She and Wiz were spending the evening together, starting with stopping by a bakery that would be making their wedding cake. In a few weeks, she would be walking down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams.

  “All right, you guys. That’s it for today.” She placed her palms on her desk and faced the class. “You have everything you need to be successful on your exam next week. If you have any questions, feel free to email me anytime leading up to Monday. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Her students filed out of the classroom, except for two who came up to the desk and Travis, who was camped out in the back of the room. At twenty-three, he blended in with the other students in the class and even dressed similar. Needless to say, that with his bad-boy persona, he had caught the eye of many of the female students. If anyone thought it weird that he’d been hanging around her the last few days, no one said anything.

  After the SUV incident the other day, Wiz told her that he wanted someone with her at all times. Considering how freaked out she had been, she didn’t argue. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t as inconvenient as she thought it would be. When she wasn’t in class, either Wiz or Victoria shadowed her around town. She was enjoying the company and not having to drive herself anywhere made the arrangement something she could easily get used to.

  “Mrs. Miller, here is the assignment from Monday,” Terry, one of her more vocal students said, handing her a drawing and a report. “I know it’s late, but figured better late than never.”

  “Thanks, Terry. Yes, it’s better late than never, but seeing that it’s two days late, you’re starting with a C, so hopefully this is an A paper.”

  “Yeah, I hope so, too.” He turned, his slow gait heading to the door.

  Olivia shook her head. He had so much potential and talent. Too bad he didn’t apply himself.

  “Hey, Amanda. What can I do for you?” Olivia asked as she stuffed papers into her oversized bag.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I contacted your agent and I have a meeting with him in two weeks,” she stated, the grin on her face spreading as wide as a rainbow.

  Olivia moved around the desk and hugged her. “That is wonderful! I’m so glad you followed through and sent him some of your work.”

  “Me too, and I know it didn’t hurt that you put in a good word for me.”

  When Olivia stepped back around her desk, she noticed Amanda’s creepy brother standing in the doorway.

  A chill crept through her and she cast a discreet glance at Travis who was sitting up straighter. He looked as if he was focused on the papers in front of him, but she knew better. The agency had some of the most elite security specialists in the business and Travis was one of the best.

  Olivia’s eyes went back to their visitor.

  Amanda followed Olivia’s gaze and glanced over her shoulder, sighing dramatically.

  “Corin, I told you I’d come out right after class.” Her brother continued to stare at Olivia, making her even more uncomfortable.

  Travis slowly made his way to the front, pretending to be looking over the papers in his hand.

  “Well, I guess I better be going.” The sparkle in Amanda’s eyes had dimmed now that her brother was there. “Thanks again for everything. I’ll let you know how the meeting goes.”

  “I’d like that. Take care and good luck on your exams next week."

  One last glance at the door, and Olivia made eye contact with the brother. She hated the way he looked at her, causing goosebumps to pop up on her arms. When he moved away from the door, Olivia released a deep sigh.

  “Are you okay?” Travis asked, his voice low and calm.

  She nodded. “He makes me so uncomfortable.”

  “You’ve seen him before?”

  “Yeah, Amanda, the student who just left, he’s her brother and she introduced us weeks ago. That first time, he stared at me as if he was trying to figure out where he knew me from, but I know we’ve never met. But this time the way he looked at me …” She shivered and waved it off. “It doesn’t matter. He’s gone.”

  Travis studied her a while longer, giving her one of those I’m not convinced looks that she often got from Wiz.

  “All right,” he finally said. “If you’re ready to go we can head out. I’ll make sure your admirer is not around before we leave. Oh, and I just got a text from Wiz, he’s outside.”

  “Okay, give me a minute.”

  She hurried and put the remaining papers into her bag, excited about spending the rest of the day with her man. She had some surprises planned for him this evening that were making her more eager than a kid on Christmas Eve.

  “I’m ready.”


  Wiz pulled up near the door where Olivia would be exiting. Until Keisha was out of town and out of their lives again, he wasn’t taking any chances with Olivia’s safety.

  Thanks to the help of a friend with the CPD, they did determine the vehicle that had been following Olivia had been stolen. Of course. Wiz wanted to believe that the SUV had some kids in it who were just goofing around, but his gut told him otherwise

  He glanced back at the university’s entrance, wondering what was taking so long. They should have been out by now.

  His cell phone chirped. Travis.

  On our way. A student’s brother seems interested in O. Makes her uncomfortable – more than once. Tattoo of serpent on right hand.

  Wiz lifted his head and stared out the front window. He filled in the blanks of Travis’s messages. Olivia possibly has an admirer. An unwanted admirer. One who makes her uncomfortable. The part that made Wiz uncomfortable, though, was the tat on the hand.

  Cidal Boyz.

  Okay. He texted back. He was definitely going to have to talk to Olivia. It rubbed him the wrong way that any man would be showing a blatant interest in her, but one of the Cidal Boyz’s interest triggered all types of warning bells.

  He glanced back at the building’s entrance in time to see Travis and Olivia exit. He appreciated how vigilant Travis was being, taking in their surroundings while staying close to Olivia as they made quick work of getting to Wiz’s truck.

  Wiz climbed out of the vehicle.

  “Hi, baby.” Olivia walked into his arms, greeting him with a kiss.

  “Hey yourself.” He gave her a hug before helping her into the truck. He closed the door and met Travis’s gaze, giving him a fist bump. “Thanks, man.”

  “Anytime.” Travis lifted the collar on his black jacket, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and headed down the street in the opposite direction.

  “So how was your day?” Wiz steered the truck in the direction of the bakery. He had finally given in to the cake tasting that Olivia wanted to do. Now all he had to do was try not to complain about it for the next hour.

  “It was pretty good. I can’t believe the semester is almost over.” She snuggled deeper into the soft, leather seats, hugging herself.

  Wiz turned up the heat and slowed at a traffic light, checking his mirrors without being too obvious. No one was following them, but now that he knew one of the Cidal Boyz was interested in Olivia, he planned to be extra cautious.

  “Seems the semester went pretty fast,” he said, splitting his attention between her and the road.


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