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About That Kiss

Page 21

by Cindy Miles

  Tears welled in Sean’s eyes. Fear clutched at her. She did. God, how she did.

  But what would the price be?

  This is about Willa, she thought. Only Willa.

  Didn’t matter now what the Malones found out about her past.

  As long as her daughter had a fighting chance.

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded.

  Nathan took not another second. They turned and, hand in hand, followed Matt and the other man down the stairs and out the side entrance they’d come through. Once outside, there were no vehicles waiting. On foot, they crossed the estate, until they came upon a wall that Matt, after passing Willa to Nathan, quickly scaled with the help of a few ropes he’d thrown. It all happened so fast, it was like a movie.

  Was this Matt’s secret life?

  Nathan shoved Sean toward the rope and boosted her up to Matt. Nathan followed, carrying Willa, then the guys Matt had brought along. Soon, they were hurrying through the adjoining woods, until they met the four-lane road leading to Black Hills. A Tahoe awaited them, and Nathan hustled Sean inside then climbed in with Willa in his arms, and they took off.

  The interior of the Tahoe was completely silent as they made their way to the main interstate leading to George W. Bush International Airport. Sean’s pulse never would slow down. She could only stare out the window, watch the shadows dance across their faces as they passed streetlights and try to swallow the fear.

  Fear of what was now to come.

  “He’s going to come after us,” she finally said quietly to Nathan.

  He didn’t answer at first. Instead, he sat there, silent.

  “Let him,” Nathan finally said. “Let him come.”

  “Mama,” Willa crooned sleepily, tucked, as she was, between Sean and Nathan. He’d buckled Willa in, and her head had slumped over as she’d slept against his shoulder.

  Her eyes blinked open, and she looked around. “Mama, where are we going?”

  “Hey, you,” Nathan said quietly.

  “Captain Nathan!” Willa cried out, and threw her arms around him. “Mama, it’s Captain Nathan!”

  “I know, sweetie,” Sean said, fighting tears as she watched the exchange.

  Willa rubbed her eyes and turned her face to Nathan. “Did you see my daddy?”

  * * *

  NATHAN’S STOMACH LURCHED at the thought.

  “No, baby,” he said softly, and chucked her under the chin.

  “Are we going back home?” she asked. “I miss King Jep.”

  “He misses you, too,” Nathan assured her. “Do you want to go back home?”

  She nodded. “I do! Mama, don’t you want to?”

  Nathan’s gaze slid to Sean’s in the darkness. He’d been unable to read anything from her, other than the sheer and absolute terror in her voice. Even now, her eyes were wide, unsure.

  “I do, sweetie,” Sean answered, and her gaze lifted to Nathan’s. “I do.”

  Then Sean turned her head and continued to stare out into the darkness.

  What had happened to her?

  Willa fell asleep once again, and Nathan could do nothing but keep his gaze trained on Sean. He hadn’t seen her in nearly a month, and he ached to hold her, to kiss her. He wanted to ask her everything. Ask her nothing.

  He wanted to know who she really was.

  He wanted to know only the Sean he’d been introduced to.

  After Jep had received a hang-up call the week before, it had made Owen suspicious, and Matt had checked out the number. It had originated from Houston, and on further investigation, he discovered it was the estate phone of Chase Black, a big-shot developer. They’d thought it was nothing, at first. Until Nathan had done a Google search on Chase Black, and once he’d laid eyes on his photograph, from the cover of one of Houston’s city magazines, Nathan had immediately recognized Willa’s face in his features. Same nose. Same brilliant blue eyes. Same mouth. Had Sean gone to him willfully? Or had she been forced? Nathan still didn’t have those answers. Maybe he didn’t want them.

  Maybe he would not like what she’d have to say after all.

  Maybe all would have been better left as it was.

  They made it to the airport in record time, and thanks to Matt’s acquaintances, ex-black ops guys, they boarded a private plane without incident and started for Cassabaw.

  Once settled, with Willa fast asleep—as well as the guys, save Matt—Sean finally turned to Nathan, tears in her eyes.

  “I’ll tell you everything. I’m warning you, though,” she said, and pain laced her words, shook her voice as she spoke. “You’re going to have a very different opinion of me, once I’m finished.”

  He stared at her. “It’s only fair to let me be the judge of that.”

  She nodded and looked fully at him.

  Nathan braced himself.

  “My name isn’t Sean Jacobs.”


  SEAN STARED AT the man she loved.

  She hadn’t told him as much. She was too scared.

  Scared of a lot of things.

  Mainly, that they’d all jeopardized the safety of the people she loved in Cassabaw.

  She saw the question in Nathan’s eyes, and she continued.

  “The name I grew up with on the streets was Sean Anderson. Everything I told you before—that night on the island—was true,” she confessed. “I was abandoned as an infant. I’m not sure from who and when I obtained the name, but I can remember it as long as I have, maybe? I was raised in foster care. Ran away. Alcohol. Gang. Drugs. Bars. Theft.” She looked at him, and his expression was emotionless as he waited for more. “What people perceive to be a textbook, messed-up foster kid, I was. All that’s true, Nathan. I led a very rough life, not because of bad foster parents. But because I was rebellious. Hardheaded. Without leadership.

  “I was...” She swallowed, so ashamed. “I didn’t have anyone to tell me quitting school was a terrible thing. I just knew I didn’t want to go anymore, and when the foster family I was with at the time disagreed, I ran. I...was dancing at an escort’s bar when Chase Black first saw me,” she admitted. “He, for whatever reason, liked me. Became almost infatuated with me. I was a month away from turning eighteen. So, I admit I was infatuated with him, too. He had money—lots of it. Gave me...everything. Jewelry. A car. He took me out of the bar, cleaned me up, so to speak. Got me off the streets.” She sighed, threaded her fingers together. “He bought me an apartment, set me up there in the city. Most nights, he stayed. He...had me dance for executives. Private dances.” She looked at him, and his jaw clenched. “Not sex. Dance. And back then, that seemed fine with me. I’d get paid a ridiculous amount of money. I saved it. I saved nearly all of it.

  “Chase asked me to marry him. To this day, I have no idea why, other than...” The shame she felt roiled to the surface of her skin, but she kept on going. “His...sexual appetite isn’t—” she chanced a glance at Nathan and could see the pain, the disbelief in his eyes “—normal. The things he’d do, have me do...” She sighed, looked out the window. “I agreed to marry him. I thought it was my way to stay off the streets. He promised me a good life. One where I’d never have to scrounge through Dumpsters to find a meal, ever again.” She looked at her nails, twisted her hands together.

  “It wasn’t until the eve of our wedding that fear and pride got the best of me. I’d found out that day I was pregnant, and decided to do something special. I’d gone to his office to surprise him with a wedding gift—the test, wrapped in a glittery gold box. What I walked in on was Chase blackmailing one of his competitors. I hid and listened, learning things I didn’t want to know, didn’t want to be a part of, didn’t want my unborn child to ever, ever be a part of.” She laughed acerbically. “But I inadvertently was.

e threatened the man—chairman of another large Houston developing firm—with photographic proof of infidelity with a minor,” she said. “He claimed to have proof of not only that man, but several others, all participants at his underage escort bars. He kept the names, photographs, in a safe-deposit box—along with the deeds to the buildings in his name.

  “I hid until the man left. I was going to steal the photos and proof, but didn’t get the chance. Instead,” she confessed, “I left. I emptied my bank account, chopped off my long red hair and dyed it dark brown, changed my name with a fake ID and ran as far away as possible. I just...kept moving, town after town, for fear he’d find me.” She leaned forward, holding Nathan’s steely, silent gaze. “He told me he’d send photos of me to your family,” she admitted. “And...other things. He recorded our personal sex life, and I had no idea, but Nathan, please,” she pleaded. “He’s going to come after us. He’ll know it was you.” Tears rolled down her cheek. “I can stand a lot of things, Nathan. Pain. Humiliation. Starvation—I’ve done it all. But I can’t stand the thought of my daughter or your family being hurt. Not because of me.”

  * * *

  NATHAN FELT LIKE an absolute ass.

  His heart broke for Sean. For the pain she’d suffered for so long. For her fear.

  Fears he was determined to put to rest once and for all.

  Chase Black of Houston, Texas, wasn’t the only person with connections.

  He grasped Sean’s hand and tucked it against his chest. Her eyes widened when he leaned close.

  “Remember that night on the island? Foreverland?”

  Tears welled in Sean’s large hazel eyes. She nodded.

  “I meant what I said, Sean,” he continued. “I don’t care about...before. Before is what made you this selfless, beautiful person you are now. Trust me.” He repeated his words from that night on the island in a hushed whisper. “I’m the last man you’ll ever have to meet.”

  Tears spilled over her cheeks, and so much emotion built inside Nathan, he could hardly contain it.

  “I love you, Sean,” he said harshly—almost angrily. “Do you hear me? I’m crazy in love with you, and nothing—especially some idiot ass like Black—will change that. He’s not scaring me off. Neither are you. Do you understand?”

  Sean nodded, tears rolling down her face, and Nathan could still feel hesitation, shyness, shame in her gaze.

  Reaching down, he flipped her seat belt off, yanked her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face in his neck and sobbed, and it was all Nathan could do, in the company of his brother and four black-ops marines on a secret civilian mission, not to crow.

  Pushing Sean back, he dried her tears with his thumb. “I’m going out on a limb here, but it’s customary when someone tells you they’re in love with you, that you—”

  Sean fell against him, pushed her lips to his and wrapped her arms completely around his neck. “I love you, Nathaniel Jebidiah Malone,” she whispered for only him to hear, to feel the vibrations against his mouth. She pulled back, just far enough so that they weren’t looking cross-eyed at one another. “I’m crazy in love with you,” she said, and a stray tear escaped. “I want to stay on Cassabaw. Me and Willa. If you’ll have us.”

  Nathan’s heart turned to liquid at the request, and he couldn’t stop staring at this strong woman before him. The one who’d been through hell and back, then back again. She’d stayed in the company of a sadistic ass who wanted to control her, all for fear he’d harm Nathan’s family.

  Chase Black wasn’t going to hurt anyone. Ever.

  He situated Sean in his lap, and together they held hands, staring out the window, and soon Sean’s even breathing indicated she’d fallen asleep. As much as Nathan wanted to, he couldn’t. This woman loved him.

  And he loved her with his whole heart.

  He’d do anything it took to keep her and Willa safe.

  “Nice, bro,” Matt said, leaning over the seat. “You must’ve learned all that smooth talking from Jep.”

  Nathan smiled, wanting to swat his brother but not wanting to disrupt Sean’s sleep. “Shut up,” he said. “We have some work to do. This guy’s not going to leave Sean alone, Matt.”

  Matt’s gaze turned hard. “I know.” He patted Nathan’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. You can bet your ass we’ll do that.”

  Nathan continued to stare at his little brother. “You’re...pretty impressive, you know that?”

  Matt grinned with pride. “Ooh-rah,” he said, and the other ex-marines quietly repeated the same.

  Nathan gave a respectful nod.

  Soon, they landed in Savannah, and made the journey to Cassabaw. It was nearly 7:00 a.m. by the time they pulled into the Malones’ drive, and Sean’s eyes welled with tears at the sight of Jep on the porch, waiting with Owen.

  “King Jep!” little Willa said sleepily, climbing from the Tahoe and hurrying over to the old man, who pulled her onto his lap and hugged her tightly.

  Sean turned to Matt, threw her arms around him tightly. “Thank you,” she said. “You left your wife and baby Rose to come for us. I have no other words.”

  Matt winked. “You get rested. Take your time. But Em’s dying to see you,” he said. “And so’s Rose.”

  “Tell her I’ll be over soon,” she said.

  Nathan led Sean up the porch, where Owen, then Jep, pulled her into tight embraces. They accompanied her and Willa inside, and while Willa had breakfast, they all discussed issues in the living room.

  Nathan told Owen and Jep all they needed to know.

  The very private and humiliating facts that Sean had shared with him? She need not ever feel that way again. They’d take care of Chase Black without that knowledge.

  “So,” Jep said, rising from the chair he’d sat in while Nathan filled him and Owen in on Chase Black, his power over Sean and Willa, and the very real threats he made toward this family. He started for his room.

  “Dad, where are you off to?” Owen asked.

  “Well,” he said, and glanced over his shoulder, “you don’t expect I can keep track of all the numbers I need, do ya? I’m ninety years old, son.” He winked at Sean and disappeared up the hall, and Sean turned a questioning gaze at Nathan, who could only smile.

  Minutes later, Jep ambled into the room, sat down, put his glasses on and flipped open a small black book. Grasping his cell phone, he tapped in a number, took his glasses off and cleared his throat.

  “It’s me,” he grumbled into the phone. “And I’m here to collect that favor you owe me.”

  Nathan, Sean and Owen all exchanged looks, while Jep, looking like a wolf in a chicken coop, wiggled his eyebrows and continued his conversation.

  Nathan could only sit in sheer awe.

  He’d always known his grandfather knew some highly powerful people.

  He’d had no idea just how powerful, apparently.

  Jep gave a speedy recap of the conversation they’d just had with Nathan on Sean’s behalf. The man on the other end had apparently asked Jep if Sean was with them, because Jep looked right at her, winked and nodded. “Yep. Chase Black. Black Hills Estates. Black Enterprises, Houston. And she ain’t goin’ anywhere. Not until that jackal is in cuffs, Gabe. Only then, and I’m serious.”

  Everyone exchanged looks, and Nathan’s hand squeezed Sean’s.

  Her eyes were full of gratitude as she looked at him, and his heart felt like it would explode.

  Nathan couldn’t wait for this nightmare to be completely over.

  So they could get back to their very ordinary, extraordinary lives on Cassabaw.

  * * *


  Sean’s eyes fluttered open to stare into Nathan Malone’s emerald gaze. He grinned at her, kneeling by her bed.

  He hadn’t le
ft her side for a solid second since they’d returned to Cassabaw.

  Now he grinned. “Black’s in custody,” he said. “FBI took him in this morning.”

  Relief swamped her, and she threw her arms around Nathan’s neck, burying her face in the warmth of his throat. His strong hands pulled her close, nearly out of the bed. He kissed the top of her head.

  “Go back to bed,” he said softly. “I’m going to help Dad on the boat this morning, now that I know Black’s in cuffs.” He smiled at her, looking boyish with his long curly waves falling across his forehead. “Can you stand being without me for a bit?”

  “Only for a bit,” Sean teased, and stretched across the bed. “But hurry back.”

  “We’ll celebrate tonight,” he said.

  “You got it.”

  After Nathan left, Sean lay there in the early-morning hours, and her mind raced over the events of the past couple of months. Everything from the day she and Willa first saw Nathan sailing by, to the night Nathan and his brother broke into Chase Black’s estate and rescued her. Had it all really happened? In such a short time? It seemed more like a dream. One she wanted to be real so very badly.

  How the FBI had gained access to Chase’s secret documents and photos stunned her. It had seemed almost...too easy. He’d fallen, in a very short time. And fallen hard.

  An envelope had arrived at the Malones’, post-stamped in Houston. Owen had brought it directly to Sean. She’d peeked, and true enough, Chase had tried his last hand at controlling Sean by mailing the photos of her. Provocative, half-nude photos of an almost-woman thinking she was making it in the world. Sean had promptly burned them in the fireplace. She wanted those memories to go up in smoke so badly.

  Now? Now Chase was in custody. His property had been seized, and he was at long last beaten.

  Sean could hardly believe it was true.

  As the days passed, Sean laid her fears to rest and resumed the idyllic life she and Willa had discovered on Cassabaw. The only difference was Nathan stayed with them at their cottage. He funny. So chivalrous. He insisted on sleeping on the sofa, for Willa’s sake. When she was older and looked back on him, he’d said, he didn’t want her feeling he had disrespected Sean in any way, shape or form.


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