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Dragon's Lair

Page 4

by Chantal Fernando

  Eyes wide, I freeze and take in the scene in front of me. I step closer to Dex, almost hiding behind him.

  About ten men, varying in age and appearance, are sitting around drinking and smoking. Some are dancing. There are a couple of women about as well, scantily clad. Some are dancing, some are making out with the men, and others are…

  As soon as I see a couple having sex out in the open, I turn around and walk back to the car.

  This is what he wants to bring my child into?

  Fuck. Him.

  No really, fuck him. He’s selfish. He should have just let me be. If he really wanted to help, he could have sent some money for the baby.

  I hear Dex yelling, and the music turns off. I lean against the car, hearing loud voices until it finally quiets down. Dex walks out, looking frustrated, and comes right up to me.

  “It’s not always like that,” he says, avoiding my eyes.

  I stare up at him, unimpressed. “You can’t expect me to live here.”

  “Half those people don’t live here, they just come by for a good time.”

  “I don’t want to live in a place people come to for a ‘good time’,” I reply, hands on my hips.

  He says nothing.

  “Dex,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and lifting my chin up in defiance. He studies me, his blue eyes narrowing slightly, but says nothing. I shift on my feet, his silence making me squirm. His mouth is set in a tight, thin line, and I know he’s far from happy with me. It’s hard not to feel intimidated in his presence, but I refuse to back down. I force myself to look him in the eye and continue.

  “Don’t make me stay here Dex,” I say softly, my gaze darting to the front door in apprehension.

  He pulls out a cigarette, lights it, and takes a draw, taking two steps away from me as he does so. So I don’t have to breathe in the smoke? I have no idea.

  “Do you trust me?” he asks quietly.


  “Faye. Do you trust me? Yes or no?”

  I stare into his clear blue eyes. “Yes, I trust you.”

  His expression softens at my admission.

  “Come on then, let’s get you to bed,” he says, tilting his head towards the door.

  I still don’t move.

  “You let me in, you’re carrying my child. What choice do you have?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at me. “You have no other option Faye.”

  He doesn’t look smug as he says it. Just like he’s stating a fact.

  And I hate that he’s right. Where else am I going to go?

  I have nowhere, and no one left to turn to.

  I lost everything in one night. Over one mistake.

  “Get inside Faye,” he says, turning around without looking back.

  My eyes dart from his car back to him. Rake isn’t even here yet with my car.

  Do I really have a choice?

  “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath.

  Then I follow the Dragon into his lair.

  Chapter Five

  The place is cleared out when I re-enter, but I can still hear laughter, so I know they’ve just moved their party elsewhere in the clubhouse. I appreciate it. The whole place is huge inside. I follow behind Dex, taking in every detail. I sigh when I come across a wall full of mug shots. We pass the party room, a kitchen, and a large living room, until we come to a stop. He opens the door, turns on the light, and waits for me to enter.

  “Get settled, I’ll get your stuff from both the cars,” he says, shutting the door before he leaves. I look around the room. It’s spacious, with a king-size bed, a cupboard, and a desk. The rest of it is bare. Utilitarian even. I open one of the doors which leads to a decent sized bathroom. When I see the claw foot tub, my mouth turns up into a smile. My day just got a little better, it really is the small things in life.

  Dex returns a few minutes later, carrying my bags. He puts them on the bed, turning to me with a contemplative look on his face.

  “You hungry?” he asks, his eyes roaming to my stomach.

  “No, I’m okay,” I tell him. I still have food in my bag if I do get hungry. He steps closer to me, his fingers lifting my chin up.

  “Not the best situation,” he says, lip twitching.

  “You think?” I all but growl.

  “You can study some of your units online, can’t you?” he asks, scanning my features.

  “Yeah I can. That’s what I was going to do. I really want to finish my degree, baby or not,” I tell him. It’s the truth. The degree is for me. It’s what I’ve always wanted. I know a baby changes things, and it might take me longer to do it, but I will reach my goals in the end.

  “You do whatever work you can online, you hang out here for a bit, okay?” he says, his eyes softening.

  “What am I meant to do here?” I ask him.

  “You’ll find your place. Some of the old ladies are nice women,” he says, smiling.


  “You picked up on that, hey?” he comments, chuckling.

  “I’m a lawyer, what do you think?” I say dryly, causing him to laugh harder.

  “Not yet you aren’t,” he points out.

  “Whatever,” I sigh.

  “What kind of lawyer are you going to be?” he asks, eyes still dancing with amusement.

  “Criminal,” I say, raising an eyebrow at him. I don’t really know if I’m going to be a criminal lawyer yet, I just say it to annoy him.

  “Is that so,” he says, grinning like a damn fool.

  “What the hell is so amusing?” I snap, narrowing my eyes on him.

  “Club could use a good lawyer,” he says, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  “Oh, hell no!” I say, lifting my finger and poking him in the chest.

  “Did you just poke me?” he asks, looking like he’s about to start laughing again.

  “Yes, what’s it to you?” I ask belligerently.

  “How would you like it if I poked you?” he asks, trying to keep a straight face.

  “You already did, you asshole! That’s how I got pregnant!” I yell in his face.

  This time, the laughter doesn’t subside. He falls onto the bed, clutching his stomach like a damn kid. The door suddenly opens, two rough looking men standing there. Both are wearing leather vests telling me they are part of the MC.

  “What the fuck,” Dex snaps at their entrance.

  “You all good in here?” one man asks. He looks to be in his late thirties with brown hair and eyes. He has a beard which, I’m not going to lie, he pulls off nicely.

  His eyes find me and narrow slightly. “Who’s this bitch?”

  “This bitch would be Faye,” I answer in the same tone. How fucking rude.

  “I wasn’t asking you, I was asking Sin,” he replies in an annoyed tone. “Learn your place around here, and fast, little girl.”

  Okay, what a jerk.

  “Arrow,” Dex warns. “Faye is under my protection. No one so much as breathes in her direction, you got it? And you can pass that on. I know you fuckers like to gossip.”

  At least he was standing up for me. Arrow scowls but doesn’t say anything.

  Kill them with kindness.

  “Nice to meet you Arrow,” I lie, ignoring his look of surprise. I then turn to the next guy. He has dark hair and eyes, a scar across his neck. It looks like someone sliced him with a knife.

  “Irish,” he says with a slight accent.

  “Nice to meet you Irish,” I say, nodding my head at him. They both look at me like I’m crazy, and I probably am. Good manners were instilled in me, it’s really not my fault.

  “Why do they call you Arrow?” I find myself asking. “Do you have an arrow tattoo?” I search what I can see of his body for any signs of it.

  Silence, then laughter.

  “What the hell is so funny?” I ask, looking between them in confusion.

  Arrow leans against the door and stares at Dex.

  “What?” Dex replies, no trace of laughter on his face.
  Arrow shrugs, and then looks at me in a new light. “Can’t remember the last time I heard you laugh like that Sin.”

  Dex scowls. “Is there anything else?”

  “No, we just wanted to meet your baby mama,” Irish says, looking completely amused.

  I wiggle my fingers at them.

  “Oh darlin’,” Irish says, “You are way too good for him.”

  “Get the fuck out you two,” Dex growls, sending a glare in their direction. They leave, and I can hear their laughter down the hall.

  I turn to Dex. “Do I have to call you Sin now?” That’s going to take some time getting used to.

  “If you want to,” he says, laying back on the bed. His t-shirt rides up a little, showing off his toned stomach. It should be illegal to look this good. He finds me staring but doesn’t say anything about it.

  “I think it would be weird calling you anything other than Dex,” I admit quietly.

  “Few things you need to hear. Your actions reflect on me while you’re here. Respect the other guys, respect me in front of the other guys. You can get mouthy when we’re in private, I kind of like that,” he says with a wink.

  “So you want me… to not be me in public?” I gape, gritting my teeth.

  “No. Not at all—”

  “Fine, I’ll try to keep the browbeating to a minimum. In public anyway,” I joke.

  “Anything else I should know?”

  “You’re lucky I know what that mouth can do. It’s worth putting up with your shit for,” he says, amusement dancing in his eyes.

  I narrow my eyes on him. “You better not say stuff like that in front of the others!”

  “Why not? Sex isn’t some secret thing around here. You’ll learn that quickly, don’t worry.”

  “No one is going to…”

  “Nothing will happen here that you don’t want,” he says, the tension in the room reaching an all-time high. “Yes, the men enjoy women and regularly, but all the women are consenting. We’re not monsters Faye.”

  “I didn’t mean to imply that you are… It’s just, well. I don’t know how things work here,” I try to explain.

  “Everyone will come around with you—don’t worry about that.”

  I wasn’t worried until he just mentioned it.

  “So…” I start. “Where are you sleeping?” I ask, taking in the one and only bed.

  “This bed is massive,” he says, lip curving.

  “It is,” I agree, waiting for him to continue.

  “So, I’m sleeping here with my baby mama,” he says, grinning at me.

  “You did not just call me that,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “I did. Listen here woman, this is how things are going to go. I’m going to sleep here every night, but don’t worry, I’ll be keeping my hands to myself. Now go take a shower,” he says, covering his face with his arm. I ignore the feeling of disappointment at the ‘keeping his hands to himself’ part. It’s probably for the best. Besides who needs hot sex with the sexiest man you’ve ever laid eyes on?

  Me, that’s who.

  I decide to let future me worry about it and jump in the shower. I dress in my pink cupcake pajama pants and a white singlet top. When I walk out, Dex is still on the bed watching a movie.

  “Finally,” he grumbles, heading into the bathroom. Finally? That was me trying to be quick. I wouldn’t say I was high maintenance, but I’m definitely not low maintenance. Feeling thirsty, I stare at the door, wondering if I should head out or not. My thirst winning, I slip out the door and head to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I pull out a bottle of water and smell it first, just to make sure it isn’t vodka or something.

  “May I ask why you’re smelling the water?” comes a highly amused voice from behind me. I turn and come face to face with a very attractive man. Very.

  “Well hello there,” I say, checking him out. Shoulder length blond hair. Wearing nothing but a pair of low slung track pants. Amazing body covered in tattoos.

  “Nice pjs,” he says, staring at my pants.

  “Thanks, I love cupcakes,” I say.

  “So do I,” he says through a chuckle.

  “You guys should make a calendar,” I blurt out, causing the man to grin at me.

  “Who are you?”

  Wait, am I not allowed to ask questions like that?

  His eyes widen at my question as I wait for his reaction. “I’m Tracker, who are you?”

  “Oh good, you aren’t going to kill me or something,” I say to myself.

  “What?” he asks, making a choked sound.

  I shrug sheepishly. “I’ve been warned.”

  “Faye!” Dex calls out.

  “That would be me,” I say, giving him the small wave.

  “You’re the baby mama?” he says, eyebrows reaching his hairline.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” I snap, narrowing my eyes. “Is that going to be my name now?”

  Dex walks out, a scowl etched on his handsome face. “Why the hell did you leave the room?”

  “I was thirsty!” I tell him, waving the bottle of water at him.

  “You were thirsty?”

  “I’m pregnant remember? You were there I believe. Yes, thirsty,” I say. I turn to Tracker. “You were just going to tell me about those tattoos of yours?”

  Dex turns to Tracker, and if looks could kill.

  “Good luck with that one,” Tracker says, his body shaking from laughter. Dex, looking considerably less happy, if that’s possible, takes my arm and pulls me back to the room. He locks the door behind us. He stares at me, as if thinking about what to say. Then he shakes his head.

  “Don’t walk around at night by yourself.”

  “Am I a prisoner?” I ask him, my tone ice cold.

  “No, of course not, but this place is filled with men. You’re beautiful. You do the math.”

  “O- oh,” I stutter. God he can be sweet when he wants to be.


  “Okay,” I say, sliding into bed and getting comfortable. He joins me but stays on his side of the bed.

  Just as I’m about to fall asleep, I hear him say, “I know you think I’m going to be a shit father, but I’m going to try my best. Goodnight Faye.”

  I fall asleep with a small smile on my lips.

  Chapter Six

  I walk out into the kitchen the next morning, rubbing my eyes. I stop in my tracks as I see a man standing over the stove.


  He has an extremely white ass and is frying something in the pan.

  “There goes my appetite,” I mutter to myself. Arrow turns around, completely unabashed.

  “Mornin’,” he says, checking out my pajamas. I stare at his huge penis in horror but am unable to move my eyes away. Suddenly, it gets hard, pointing right at me. Like an arrow.

  Light bulb moment.

  “Seriously?” I say, covering my eyes with my hand.

  “Bit late for that,” he says, chuckling. “I saw you looking.”

  “And I saw you saw me looking,” I reply, pouring myself some juice and averting my gaze.

  “I think I had the wrong idea about you…” he says, turning back to the stove.

  “How so?”

  He shrugs. “Thought you were some tramp trying to trap Dex.”

  “And how do you know I’m not?” I ask him.

  “Good sense of character,” he says. “I’m never wrong.”

  “Bold claim,” I say as he turns around. My eyes straight away lower, I can’t even help it.

  I point at it when he takes a step in my direction. “Don’t bring that thing near me!”

  Dex walks in and sighs when he sees Arrow’s bare state.

  “Fuckin’ hell Arrow,” Dex barks, turning to me and checking my expression. I take this time to check him out myself. Black track pants on his narrow hips and no shirt. I could really get used to the view.

  “I’m traumatized, but I’ll live,” I reply. “At least I know why you a
ll call him Arrow. That thing points at its next victim!”

  Arrow spins to me, his eyes wide with surprise. “I’m actually glad you’re here, this place was getting boring.”

  “Arrow!” Dex growls, clearly losing his patience. “That boner better not be for my woman.”

  Arrow laughs.

  Dex stares him down.

  I puff out a dramatic sigh.

  “I’m gone,” Arrow finally replies, taking his plate of food and leaving.

  “They don’t have to wear clothes on the account of me,” I tell him, wiggling my eyebrows.

  The smile drops from my face, then I run to the bathroom just in time.

  I hate morning sickness.

  In my haste I didn’t lock the door behind me, and Dex comes in rubbing a hand down my back. How embarrassing. I think I could have gone through my life without a man seeing me throw up.

  “Faye,” he says, sounding worried and a little horrified.

  “I’m okay,” I manage to say, bracing myself.

  “What do you need, tell me,” he implores, stroking my hair.

  “Can you get me some water and maybe make me some toast with vegemite?” I ask him, really just wanting a moment’s privacy.

  “Yep,” he says, quickly leaving to do the task. I clean myself up and brush my teeth before he calls out that my breakfast is ready. I see a plate on the bed with two slices of toast and a bottle of water.

  “Thanks,” I tell him with a small smile, sitting down and taking a bite.

  “Do you get sick every day?” he asks, frowning.

  I lift my shoulder in a shrug. “Sometimes.”

  “And you’ve been going through it alone these last few months?”

  “Well, yeah. No one can really help me,” I say, chewing and swallowing. “It’s just something pregnant women go through.”

  “Still, I wish I had been there for you,” he says.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I tell him, looking down at my plate. Maybe I would have told him one day, maybe I wouldn’t. I don’t really know, to be honest.

  “Why didn’t you?” he asks, the atmosphere in the room turning tense.

  I consider it. “Eric told me you were the VP for a motorcycle club, and I realized I didn’t know you at all. We had a one-night stand; that was it. Even though we knew each other growing up—our age gap never really let us know each other. I guess I was telling myself I could do this on my own…”


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