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Glorious Companions

Page 46

by Summer Lee

  “What was it?”

  “Another girl.”

  “Is the baby healthy?”

  “She is fine. They named her Dinah.”

  She looked at Leah. “Are you sure she is fine? Forgive me, but you don’t look happy.”

  Her eyes moistening with tears, Leah said, “The baby is fine.”

  “What about your mother?”

  Tyro placed his arm around Leah and said softly, “Sarah died in childbirth.”

  “No, no!” Gasping, Rachael placed her hand over her mouth. She felt Leah’s pain as her eyes started to also fill with tears. She reached over to hug Leah and express her condolences. When she pulled away slightly, she asked softly, “What about the other little girl—the four-year-old? Was her name Sharon?”

  “Yes, Sharon is her name. She has a full-time maid who is raising her,” Leah said as she tried to re-gather herself.

  “Is she well?”

  Tyro said, “She has always been with her maid. She does not know about her mother’s death.”

  “What about the infant?”

  “She is with Leah’s father right now,” said Tyro.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Not much,” said Tyro. “You may try to comfort Leah. Embrace her as only a sister can.”

  Rachael hugged Leah again. “It must be so hard to lose your mother. I am so very sorry.”

  “Thank you.” Leah’s eyes were moist. “I already miss her terribly.”

  “Please tell me there is something I can do.”

  “There is nothing you can do but love us.”

  Rachael nodded. “Thank you so much for coming here to bless me on my wedding day,” Rachael said to her brother. She was truly grateful, especially considering the circumstances. “Have you told our mother yet about Sarah?”

  Tyro shook his head. “No. We haven’t had time to talk to her.”

  “This is your wedding…you should be enjoying it,” said Leah, wiping tears from her eyes. “God will take care of us.”

  “You are so brave.” Rachael hugged Leah and then turned to hug her brother.

  She hoped her husband had returned. Rachael looked around. “Do you see Sammael?”

  “Over there by the window,” said Tyro.

  Rachael returned to her new husband and touched his face. It was smooth, serene, and strong. He put his finger to his lips and then touched hers. She kissed his finger. “Beautiful melody,” he said. He was completely in control of himself, as if he had never left the atmosphere. “Shall we dance?”

  She nodded, “Yes,” as she wrapped her arms around Sammael’s neck. His arms were around her waist. Together, they moved with the music. When the song ended, they sat down.

  Queen Kenana and King Asher approached Sammael and Rachael.

  “May I have a moment of you time?” her mother said. “Alone.”

  Rachael looked at Sammael’s face for an answer.

  Sammael placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. “I will leave you three alone to allow you to talk to your parents in private,” he said.

  “Thank you,” said Asher.

  Sammael said, “I’ll visit with our other guests.” He turned and his subjects approached him.

  Rachael smiled at her mother. “This is quite a surprise.”

  Queen Kenana said sharply, “I’m glad that fallen angel is gone!”

  “That is not what he is.” Rachael tightened her lips.

  “Listen to me,” said the queen angrily. “We have a few things to say to you, young lady.”

  “Why were we not invited to your wedding?” asked the king firmly.

  “There was not time.” Rachael scrunched up her face and shoulders, embarrassed.

  “What does that mean?” asked Queen Kenana. “What kind of time did you need?”

  “I had barely met the prince myself.” Rachael was clueless.

  “What?” Now Asher showed rage.

  “Do not let that worry you. I have spent some time with him and gotten to know him,” she said.

  “How much time?”

  “Two days. How did you know about the wedding?” asked Rachael. “I am confused.”

  “The guards that accompanied you.”

  Rachael frowned. “What about them?”

  Queen Kenana said, “You silly love-crazed girl! They returned to us with the royal horses when you ignored them. They told some foolish tale that you expected them to join the Babylonian royal guard and leave their entire lives behind.”

  “I…I did say that to them.”

  “You are still a child,” Asher said. “I did not know what else to do. They told us what had happened and to come here at once and retrieve you. They sensed that you needed your parents desperately. Apparently, you did.”

  “Oh!” Rachael had forgotten about the guards. “They were supposed to stay with me.”

  “It is a good thing they came and told us what you are up to, young lady,” said her father. “We would have had the entire army looking for you! Except for the guards, for all we knew, you were kidnapped. They had a lot of explaining to do when they showed up with the horses but not you.”

  “I was going to tell you where I was as soon as I got a chance to send word to you.” Rachael tried to remain calm. She knew that her mother had risen in esteem among those who managed large estates. Rachael needed to act like a lady and not embarrass Kenana.

  “How is it that you had even met?” asked the queen, frowning. “We do not marry strangers in this family.”

  “He is not a stranger. He is an angel. He found me in my own bedchamber and put a spell on me. He asked me to marry him and I said yes and came to Babylon. After I got to know him, I fell in love. He said that we must marry quickly.” Rachael beamed as if she had achieved a great accomplishment. “Why can’t you think that this is wonderful? I do.”

  “Do not be so certain,” said King Asher. “The angel that your mother knew did not turn out to be so wonderful.”

  “Angels can be deceitful,” said Kenana, her face turning white. “Mine was.”

  Rachael frowned. “Not mine. I am yet a virgin.” Yet, when she saw Kenana turn pale, she wondered if there was something she did not know. Could Sammael’s evil side be deceitful?

  “Wonderful! Since you are yet a virgin, we can have the marriage annulled,” said the king sternly with a sigh of relief.

  “No! I love Sammael. I really do.”

  “History cannot repeat itself,” said Kenana and sat down, fanning her face.

  “Are you ill, my queen?” Aaron appeared suddenly, concerned about Kenana.

  “I feel faint.” Kenana shook her head. “My mouth is dry. I need something to drink.”

  “Cool water, please,” Asher said, looking worried. Aaron walked away and returned quickly, handing Kenana a cup of water and helping her to lean back on a low cushion.

  “I’ll be all right,” Kenana said, sipping the water. “Asher! You go talk to Sammael.”

  “Do you think it will help?”

  “Yes. It will help.”

  Rachael watched as the King of Mesopotamia found the Prince of Babylon and asked to speak to him alone. She felt betrayed.

  “What can I do for you, King Asher?” asked Sammael.

  “We have reason to worry. Our daughter suddenly disappears, and we find her here with you. She does not belong here. We want to take her home.” He was angry.

  “With all due respect,” Sammael glared back at the king, “Rachael is now legally my wife, sire.”

  “She is my daughter. You just the same as kidnapped her.” Both men continued to glare at one another, and Rachael saw that most people had stopped dancing and had given them a wide berth. Tyro walked over and stood quietly by Asher, his hand on his sword, while Rachael moved to grab Sammael’s arm.

  Prince Sammael said to Asher, “Give us a chance, your majesty. I adore Rachael. I love her. And she loves me. I have not harmed her. She is so happy here.”

  Tears we
lled up in Rachael’s eyes. She looked at her father. “Please, Father. Do not make a scene. I am staying with my husband. He is good to me and Babylon is a beautiful and peaceful place.”

  “If that is the case, your mother and I will be going home now,” said Asher. Turning to Aaron, he said, “Tell our servant to ready our horses for travel. I would appreciate it if you would help my wife into an oxcart. She doesn’t look as if she can ride.”

  “I’ll be all right.” Kenana stood. Turning to Rachael, she said, “I suppose you have to make your own mistakes.”

  Tyro just stood still, looking baffled.

  Rachael was upset with her parents for their display. She turned to Kenana, “Mother, before you leave, Tyro has something to tell you that you will want to hear. You, too, Father.”

  Tyro frowned. He obviously did not want to share his news with his parents at that particular moment but Rachael had put him on the spot. They both looked at Tyro, whose eyes were moist with tears. “What’s wrong, son?” asked Kenana.

  “Sarah is gone,” he said softly.

  “Gone? What do you mean she’s gone?”

  Tyro said, “Sarah died giving birth, Mother.”

  Blood drained from her already pale face. Her breath catching, she asked, “What happened?”

  Tyro shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Complications during childbirth.”

  Leah approached slowly. Kenana put her arms around Leah. “What happened?”

  “The baby was stuck in the birth canal. Mother lost a lot of blood.” Leah sniffed.

  Tears filled Kenana’s eyes. “I am so sorry.”

  “What about your little sister, Sharon?” Kenana asked.

  “She has a personal maid that has raised her up until now. She will stay with her.” Leah’s voice broke.

  “How old is Sharon now?” asked the queen.

  “She’s four.” Leah took in a deep breath to control her grief. “I plan to raise the new baby for Father. Her name is Dinah.”

  “How is Tall doing?”

  “Not well. He misses Mother so much.”

  “Asher and I will go to your father to comfort him.”

  “No. I do not understand why he would say this, but Father specifically asked that you not come at this time.”

  Rachael watched as her mother slowly said, “I know why.”

  “Why?” asked Tyro.

  “It is hard to explain.” Rachael saw that Kenana had dropped her head to hide her expression. She thought she knew what was wrong with Kenana. Back when Rachael was a young girl in Alalakh, she had walked in on Kenana in Tall’s embrace. She had seen them kiss passionately.

  Kenana’s arms drooped to her side. “Today, I have lost a best friend and a daughter, too.” Tears ran down her cheeks. After a short pause, Kenana said, “We must go now, Asher.” She clasped the king’s arm and led him away.

  “Farewell, Father. Farewell, Mother.”

  Rachael stood still as she watched her parents walk out of her life. She looked at her brother, “Tyro, please don’t desert me, too.”

  “I won’t, little sister. But Leah and I must return to Adah immediately to help with the new baby. Also, Tall needs his daughter by his side.”

  “Is he grieving terribly?”

  “Yes,” said Leah. “He loved my mother very much.”

  “Farewell, Leah and Tyro.”

  There was a slow song playing now. Sammael opened his arms to Rachael. She walked in close to him. “What is going on?” he asked.

  “My brother’s betrothed lost her mother.”


  “She died during childbirth.”

  “I am so sorry. What about you? Will you be all right?”

  “I’m fine. She and her husband were my parents’ best friends.” Rachael looked into his eyes. “But something is wrong with the picture. My parents were always best friends with Leah’s parents. But Tall told Leah that he does not want to see them now. Isn’t that odd?”

  “What did your parents say to that?”

  “Mother said she understood.” Rachael said, “I think I understand as well.”

  “How so?”

  “Tall could not keep his hands off my mother the last time he was at the palace in Alalakh.”

  “Do you think they had an affair?”

  “I would hope not, but I think so.”

  “But she has been so strict and protective of you.”

  “It has been her way of dealing with her own guilt and shame. She was raped when she was a young girl.”

  “Who would do such a thing?”

  “You probably don’t want to hear this story right now. It is ugly.” Rachael paused. “I’ll tell you another time.”

  “Don’t think about that now,” Sammael said. He continued to hold her and lead her to the dance floor. “We must relish this night.”

  “Thank you for all that you have done for me.”

  “Are you enjoying your wedding?”

  “The wedding was lovely. Aside from the problems with my family, I am enjoying our special day very, very much.”

  “Tell me this. Where do you want to go to have some time together—just you and me?”

  “You mean a honeymoon?”


  “This may sound odd to you. But I would like to ride on a boat like my mother did when she was young.”

  “You want a sea journey. Where would you like to go?”

  “I would like to go to Egypt, just like my mother.”

  “Sounds interesting.” He rubbed her back. “You love your mother, don’t you?”

  “Yes, even though she is difficult to love, I do love her. And perhaps, just maybe, I am beginning to understand her.”

  With her head on his chest, they moved together as one with the music. They danced off the floor and down the hall. Sammael carried her up the stairs and into his own bedroom. “You will share this bedchamber with me each night from now on. You can use your other room for whatever else you choose.”

  “Perhaps a baby’s room?” she said softly.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sammael picked up his new bride and placed her on the bed where the covers had been turned down, exposing soft salmon-colored sheets. Rachael lay back, closed her eyes and relaxed. She felt warm hands untie her outer garment and remove it. Next, warm hands were lifting her tunic above her knees, around her hips and then over her head. “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Was she ready? Did she want this? Yes was the answer to both questions. “Yes, yes. Although I am a bit nervous.”

  “I will be gentle, my love.”

  Sammael’s hand cupped her breast and she gasped with excitement. Warm lips kissed her cheek, her throat, and her arms. The long wait was over. She readied her body to receive the intimacy that she had yearned for all day…no, not just today—for longer than even she had realized.

  Inhaling, exhaling, and allowing herself to feel was glorious. When she understood what to do, she moved to his rhythm. The act was so fundamental, so tender. She felt so complete now and so feminine. As a wife, there was no guilt in the relationship and she reveled in his passion, his touch and his skin against hers.

  A breeze flowed through the open window, bringing the scent of all the flowers growing below. It whistled through the trees outside the window. It moved her hair. She sighed.

  His strong hand pulled the covers up over them. She felt his ribs and taut muscles next to her. Happily snuggled in his arms, she went to sleep.

  After sleeping only briefly, Rachael was awakened with the warm caressing hands roaming over her flesh again. Rachael caught her breath. This was marriage. This was love.

  There was evidence that morning had come when she heard birds singing and a rooster crowing. The sun radiated across her bed. Her new husband was up and dressed. She felt the kisses on her cheeks and neck. She heard the words, “I packed your things. So, you are ready to go as soon as you’re dressed.”

o?” She made a lazy face. “Go where?”

  “On our trip…just the two of us.”

  “Our honeymoon! Already?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Get dressed quickly, my love, because we have a little jaunt to the docks.”

  She wiggled and giggled. “Now?”

  “Yes. I believe you said you want to ride on a ship like your mother did when she was young. So, that is what we are going to do. We are going to Egypt.”

  The bag with their extra clothes and dry provisions had long handles. He slipped the pack onto his back.

  She put on a clean tunic and a matching cloak.

  He quickly ran a brush through her hair and kissed her cheek. “Let’s go, little bride. Aaron said the ship is in Alalakh now and will be leaving soon.”

  In one sudden motion, Sammael wrapped his arms around her, lifted her up, and carried her out through the bedroom window. He rose rapidly into the sky, and they soared over the farmlands and valleys below.

  Rachael shrieked with excitement, burying her face into Sammael’s chest. A chilling wind thundered through her hair and ears. “This is terrifying!”

  “Don’t be frightened.” Sammael glowed like an angel.

  “Don’t drop me,” she shrieked.

  Holding her tight, he laughed and said, “It’s all right, I have you. I will never let you be injured.”

  Below, the empty canyon grew smaller and smaller until it was just a narrow scar on the land. She tried to relax as they soared rapidly across the sky. She held her arms tightly around her angel’s neck, fingers digging deeply into his back. This was faster than he had ever taken her before.

  She risked looking down, and screamed. Her heart almost stopped from the shock of seeing how high he flew. She gasped and fought for breath.

  “Just relax,” he said. “I have you.”

  “I am trying to.” She said, “This is much faster than I have ever dreamed of traveling.”

  “Are you not enjoying yourself, my dear?”

  “It’s…it’s amazing.” Her voice was barely audible above the howl of wind. “Yes. It is amazing, but I am scared.”

  “You must trust me.”

  “I do trust you. It’s just that I have never been so high before. I am dizzy.”

  “With that thought in mind, now look below, but slowly.”


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