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Glorious Companions

Page 53

by Summer Lee

  “We both came here as slaves,” said Aaron. “There is nothing to tell.”

  Rachael nodded as she had known many from her parents’ home that had the very same story. “I believe you, and that is sad.”

  As they all sat together, Rachael told the tale of her father and his abduction. She told the strange tale of how her parents met. “My parents carried Tyro, my brother, back to my father’s birthplace. He was just a baby,” said Rachael. “He had a different father.” They continued to visit and exchange stories about their lives. She felt that she could consider Aaron and Hannah as her friends.

  After their visit, Rachael ate a small meal and went back to her room. She wrote details of her journey and of the other things she had been experiencing. Rachael spent the day writing and sleeping, not paying much attention to things going on around her until evening.

  Rachael suddenly felt that she was not alone.

  She nervously drew in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and thought that she felt the strength of her husband’s hand on hers, reassuring her of his love and protection. Yet, it could not be true, because he was supposed to be gone. It had to be her imagination.

  Momentarily, she silently prayed that Sammael would have wisdom and guidance as he led his people and angelic beings. “May he find his replacement soon.”

  With prayer came faith. She had to believe that the God of creation would take care of her. She just had a hard time trusting a God that she could not see.

  She heard footsteps and then the voice. “Are you well, darling?”

  Sammael. She turned and smiled as she went to her husband. Drawing him in to her embrace, she said, “I thought you were still at your star.”

  “My substitute will be training to take over.”

  “Oh! You have found someone!” Rachael could not help but be excited for him and admire Sammael. She loved her angel, no matter what lay ahead of them. She wanted to believe that God had given him to her, and she would assist him during his trials. He was a strong man, a strong angel. He was a caring person, not self-centered like most men. He deserved her attention. She wanted to be with him now and stay close to him always.

  “Yes, he will take full charge soon.”

  The natural attachment she had for the prince caused her to trust him more and more. Despite the amazing life he lived, he did not parade his virtues. Still, Rachael secretly hoped to know exactly what it was that he did when he went away. One day he will tell me everything.

  “I expected you would be excited.” He grinned.

  “That is very good news!” She hugged him tightly. She felt loved and free but why didn’t she feel the exuberance from Sammael that she thought she should? Something was missing. Was it her own heart?

  Chapter Twenty-three

  She had been home for a month now.

  Her eyes were drawn to the copse of olive trees, which were swaying hypnotically in the breeze, their branches groaning.

  Rachael had always been magnetized by the wind. She believed it had various ways of enticing her. She loved the sound of it, the haunting call of it, and the restless nature of it. The freedom. She thought, Blow me away, oh wind. Take me with you and show me the heavens. Give me strength and courage like that of Sammael. I want to fly away like he does.

  The wind had a voice. It was as if there was a message for her in the howling currents of air. She did not need to fear, because Sammael was inside. If she needed him, he would come.

  Sammael had proven himself to be much more than just a prince. Rachael’s love for Sammael was held deep in her heart, and he loved her just as much. That was what she truly believed. Prince Sammael was a reality in her world. He had a dual personality, but Rachael was learning to live with it. She too had her own fears.

  Dealing with her fear was difficult. Whenever she tried to hold her emotions inside, they would burst out by themselves. She knew it was terrible, but she did not know yet how to control anxiety. She had been assigned a guardian angel for such a time as this. Right now she wished her lifetime friend and guardian angel would come to comfort her.

  While the thoughts were in her mind, a blinding light flashed around the yard, and when her vision cleared, Aurora, the elusive angel was standing by her, looking even more beautiful than Rachael remembered. Aurora floated over to her. “I know of the danger that you fear.”

  Momentarily, the silver glow of her guardian angel comforted her. “You do not have to be afraid. Let God guide your life. The guidance that God gives you can lead you to a safe life,” said Aurora. “Humans make decisions that are contrary to God’s will. If only you would choose to seek Him, He will help you find His way through your tribulation.”

  Rachael listened. She would try.


  Later, Rachael looked up toward the ceiling and prayed. “I want to understand everything about Sammael. I have worried about him so much when he was away.”

  Lying in bed, Rachael thought about the good times she and Sammael had together. Her mind whirled with thoughts. She thought of the two them laughing together. She had an image in her mind of the tiny cot on the boat where she and the prince slept in each other’s arms. She now wondered why he hadn’t come to bed, and could not shake the feeling that he was not doing well. Was he training his replacement?

  She got up and went downstairs. She found him sitting in the dark. “Are you all right?” she asked.

  He looked at her unblinkingly, lovingly. His ebony mane took her breath away. “I want to always protect you.”

  “You will.” Rachael hugged the powerful being as hard as she could. As he returned her hug, she felt his spirit surround her, engulf her. It was in his embrace that she knew she was his, and he was hers.

  “I have worried a great deal,” Rachael admitted to him, acknowledging the sickening feeling that had gripped her since her wedding. “So many times I have not been able to find you.”

  He smiled warmly, “I don’t plan to be gone anymore, my darling.”

  “I trust not.” Rachael sighed deeply. “I just wish I knew our future.”

  He reached out and took her hand, pulling her to him. As he wrapped his arms around her and said, “It is El who conceals a matter, but the glory of kings to search it out. I am a searcher, my dear. I search for wisdom and knowledge and peace. We will have a happy life together.”

  The angel-prince had a serene look on his face as only a man from Heaven could have. Rachael did not have the same kind of faith that he had. She felt sick and afraid, and just as she began to wonder if her angel would leave again, Sammael picked her up and flew her up the stairs. “You need to sleep, my love,” he said as he placed her on the bed.

  It seemed like she was in a trance, but she did not care. She loved him with all her heart. He had made her believe she was special, that a relationship did not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

  As she lay there thinking about him, he lay down beside her. Beckoning to her with a finger, she rolled over toward him, nuzzling deeply into his strong arms. They made love again for the first time since Sammael had learned about her friendship with Buck Cruz.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Rachael found Hannah and asked her to walk with her. “How are the wedding plans coming along?”

  “Quite well,” said Hannah. “There are some beautiful flowers blooming in the garden. Would it be all right if I use some to decorate?”

  “Of course. Use anything you want in the palace,” said Rachael, giving her maid a hug. “The flowers would be a beautiful contribution.”

  Within the next couple of days, Rachael was able to help Hannah and Aaron arrange for the wedding ceremony in the temple.

  Finally, the day for the ceremony arrived.

  Aaron and Hannah went to the temple early in the morning. Aaron had invited servants from other households to the wedding. Benches were set up for the guests.

  “Do you have everything you need?” asked Rachael.

  “Yes, thank you.” Hannah blush
ed. “I want to thank you for all you’ve done.”

  “I was glad to help.” Rachael hugged her devoted servant and friend. “I think it is wonderful, and I wish the two of you many years of happiness.”

  “You will be at the ceremony won’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it!” said Rachael excitedly.


  It was midday, and the sun was shining brightly. The ceremony was performed by the holiest man in Babylon, and the proper clay tablets were signed. All who witnessed the blessed event awaited their opportunity to congratulate the new couple.

  While Rachael spoke of a honeymoon to the newlyweds, the other servants went back to their duties.

  Rachael told Aaron and Hannah that they could have a few days off as a wedding gift. “Take the small oxcart and go to Alalakh if you want. My mother will take care of you when you get there. I’ll prepare a message for you to deliver to her.” Laughing, the two girls hugged each other, and then they parted. Rachael said goodbye, and as she watched them go, a tear ran down her cheek.


  Rachael had dealt with servants since she was just a small child in Alalakh. Years ago, she learned that kindness to servants made her life easier. She had picked up on that idea while dealing with her personal maids as a girl. Her mother had always tried to be kind to her servants, as well. It worked well with the servants here in Babylon whom she had met after coming to live with Sammael at the palace. In retrospect, she realized life with Sammael was not bad at all. When she had left home to marry Sammael, she had hoped for more. Perhaps she had expected perfection.

  She was learning that perfection was impossible.

  The door opened behind her and Sammael entered. “Did you see off the newly married couple?”

  “Yes,” she said, “but I must admit that I was jealous of them.”


  “I gave them the trip as a wedding gift,” she said. “But I would have loved to have gone with them. I was tempted to stow away in the back of the cart.”

  “That would not be necessary.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “What stops us from going to Alalakh ourselves?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, laughing. “What is stopping us?”

  “Absolutely nothing.”


  “We can go. When would you want to leave and go to the land of your childhood?” asked Sammael.

  “Are you really offering to take me back to my parents’ home?”

  “Yes.” Sammael laughed. “Do you need clothes?”

  “No, I have a trunk full of clothes back there.”

  “All right then, prepare to go.”

  She smiled and said, “I’m ready.”

  Interlude - The Watcher

  Sammael had many private thoughts as he carried her back to her childhood home. Once she was busy chatting with her former maid, he left to spend time with his replacement. He believed that he had been given a chance to be alone, so he took it. He needed the time to meditate and reflect on his life. He needed to plan.

  He knew that Rachael would be busy talking to her mother, trying to counsel her about her unwise attentions to Tall. He waited for the angel that would replace him. There were only a few more details to work out.

  From here, he could hear Heaven’s music. While resting on his star, he heard music in the distance and wanted to feel the effects of it in his soul. In that location, he saw the splendor of Heaven. He watched angels sing for joy. He would miss the peace he had found on the stars.

  Ecstasy radiated from it. He felt the vigor of the blissful place. Heaven was beautiful, and only a fool would break the rules and have to leave. Sammael believed he was a fool.

  He needed to encourage those under his care in the sky. How could one give away something he did not have? How could he encourage other angels when he needed an angel to come and encourage him?

  He took a moment and meditated on the love of God—a love so great that he had not been able to experience it properly. He prayed for courage to give that kind of love, which was true… even though he did not feel it. Sending out shock waves to the angels, he shot streaks of light. He sent the dispatch from his own star to others.

  Rachael had the ability to make Sammael feel like a king in his very own castle. He had promised Rachael that he would love her forever, which he intended to do. But he sensed that he would only be able to see her for a little while longer. He could love her in his heart forever. What made him sad was that he could not show her how much he loved her. The day would come soon when the music would change, and the present dance would stop. He felt it deep within himself that their life in Babylon would come to an end.

  Until then, he would love Rachael in the manner that she deserved. Only El knew all the answers. He only revealed those things which he chose to reveal. He wanted Rachael to experience serenity, the same serenity he had once been a part of when he had enjoyed the righteousness of El. It was a time in the past before he went his own way and fell from relationship with the God of the universe to pursue human women.

  He gave it all up for Rachael. How could Sammael describe Rachael? She was amazing. She was precious. She was sensational—not to mention sensual. Why could he not cross the great divide and take her as his eternal companion? Why were angels not supposed to search the earth for a lover? He did not want his love for Rachael to be a sin.

  The thought caused his rage to rise.

  As he felt his face turn red hot, he became aware that he was dropping to Earth again, back into the palace in Alalakh to do God’s will. He was bound to the task, even though it was breaking his heart.

  Back at Rachael’s childhood home, he dropped like a bolt of lightning. Sadly, he struck Rachael on the head, knocking her out.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Rachael had to forgive her mother. How easily she could have had an affair with Buck Cruz. Now, she enjoyed her time with her parents.

  As they walked in the gardens chatting about how life had changed, Kenana stopped and turned to Rachael. “Rachael, there is something I need to say.” Kenana clasped her hand. “When word reached us that you had fled to Babylon to marry, I was worried beyond anything I’d felt in many years. I was terrified that someone had kidnapped you.” Queen Kenana barely choked out the words.

  “I sent out a dozen of my palace guards to search for you,” said King Asher. “The best thing that happened was having your own guards return to tell us what had happened to you.”

  “I am sorry that I caused you worry, but I felt I had to go and you both would have stopped me. I had to find my own way.” Rachael hugged her parents as she continued to apologize for worrying them. “I’m happy you came to my wedding, though.”

  Asher hugged her and said, “My daughter had a lonely life as a young girl. I hate to admit it, but I was not much of a father to her.”

  “You were exactly the father I needed,” Rachael said, laughing. “And though I hate to admit it, I needed all of that discipline that Mother dished out.”

  Suddenly, with no warning, there was a blinding flash of light and Rachael lay on the ground.

  “What was that?” Rachael asked, stunned.

  Sammael stood above her, weeping silently, and then he kneeled down by her.

  “What happened? You could have hurt me.”

  He smiled gently. Everything he did was gentle these days. That is, unless Rachael was threatened. He would then go out of his way to protect her. The trip on the ship had matured him. Sammael kissed her cheek.

  Rachael grabbed the back of her head. “I hurt my head when I fell. I feel dizzy.”

  Her eyes closed into unconsciousness and her breath stilled.

  Kenana gasped and Asher cried out, “No!”

  Moments later, Sammael picked her up and placed her on the bed. Kenana sat by her side.

  He pressed his lips to hers and blew. Breath filled her lungs with a huge gasp and exhalation. Rachael opened her eyes, r
eached for her mother’s hand, gripped it weakly and brought it to her lips. When she kissed Kenana’s hand, Kenana reached over and kissed Rachael on the forehead. “You gave us all a terrible scare! You need to rest.”

  Rachael closed her eyes momentarily and asked, “I wonder what really happened?”

  “You were struck by a lightning bolt,” said King Asher. “We don’t know why. It is not raining.”

  “It felt like I was dead for a moment.” Rachael spoke in soft tones.

  “Why do you say that?” asked Kenana gently.

  “There was a blue light that flashed and then, I was in another world. I saw a sea of smooth transparent water and a choir dressed in white. Angels were all around me, singing, and there was love. So much love! I will never forget it as long as I live.”

  “You saw Heaven,” said Sammael as he took Rachael’s hand in his. “That means that your heart stopped and the blood stopped flowing through your veins. You were physically gone.”

  “Gone? What do you mean by gone?”

  “You were dead for a short time.”

  “So, did I come back from the dead?”

  Sammael quickly said, “Yes.”

  “We are so glad that you did not stay in Heaven,” said her mother with tears in her eyes. “We need you here on Earth. We were worried!”

  “I am thankful to be alive, but Heaven was more beautiful than I could have imagined.”

  “How do you feel now?”

  “Other than a bad headache, I’m all right.”

  “You should rest now,” said the queen, patting her daughter’s hand. She and the king walked out of the room, leaving Sammael alone with her.

  Sammael gently took her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it. “I wish you well, my dear,” he said.

  “I would like to stay well always,” she said. “And always have you by my side.”

  “But you must sleep now.”

  “First, tell me, was there a demon from your star that had the ability to strike me?”


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