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Passion in the Heart

Page 5

by Diane Thorne

  Melanie stayed near her side as she strolled from her cubicle. “Get with me after lunch and let me know how it turned out.”

  “Curious about him?”

  “He’s kind of cute and now that we know he’s single…”

  Gwen paused several feet away from Travis’ office. “Maybe you should ask him out for lunch.”

  “Depending on how your lunch goes, I might.” Melanie shrugged.

  “Why wait? If you’re interested, just ask him.”

  “I don’t know. I might. Get with me later.”

  “Count on it.”

  After Melanie had left, Gwen proceeded to Travis’ door. She stopped outside his office and found him sitting behind his desk, staring at his computer. She lifted her hand to knock on the frame, but halted when he saw her.

  “Hey. Come in,” he said.

  Gwen entered his office. “Staying busy this morning?”

  He pushed back his chair and stood. “Yes. I’m working on a special petition on a nasty case. I didn’t think the paralegal would be able to handle it properly.”

  “Ick. I guess that’s one reason why you make the big bucks.”

  He stepped around his desk then gazed down the length of her body. “You look very nice today.”

  “Well, black and white always works well together.”

  “That it does.” He stretched his arm out toward the door. “Shall we?”

  Gwen headed for the exit. “Do you have a preference as to where we go?”

  “No, I’m open to anything.” He stayed beside her as they left his office.

  “There’s a nice deli about a block and a half from here. It’s decent and we can sit outside since the weather’s nice.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  They passed through the office before leaving from the main door. Travis opened and held it like a gentleman. Gwen reached the elevator first and hit the button.

  “Are you liking it here, so far?”

  “Oh yes. Everyone’s great to work with.”

  The elevator dinged and a group of people carrying bags exited. Gwen took a step out of the way. She stood next to Travis as the employees passed. Travis put his hand on Gwen’s side and the light touch surprised her. A chill zinged through her. Once the people had left, his hand slid lower to her ass and he gently nudged her forward.

  Gwen entered the elevator then stopped on the side farthest from the panel. She gripped the handles of her purse as anxiety coursed through her. Why would he touch her ass when they barely knew each other? Was he hitting on her? She swallowed hard as he punched the button for the ground level. She hoped like hell that he wasn’t going touch her intimately during lunch.

  Chapter Five

  Gwen stood in line at the deli. Chatter from the customers in front of her along with the jazz music from the sound system filled her ears. She stared at the menu even though she’d eaten there enough times over the years to have every item memorized. Travis stood behind her and she didn’t know what to say to him. He’d touched her ass and it had left her uncomfortable.

  “Do you have any recommendations?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  She twisted to face him. “Everything is good.”

  “I take it you’ve been here plenty of times.”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “I hear you’ve worked for the firm for a long time.”

  “I have.” She wondered what else he’d heard about her. Had he been asking people for information about her?

  “You must like it.”

  “I do.” Again with the short replies. She really needed to calm her unease. “What are you having?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “I think I’ll have the turkey and bacon wrap.”

  “That’s one of my favorites, but there’s not a bad entree here. Trust me.”

  The line moved and she stepped up to the counter. She gave the server her order then followed the train of customers. After she’d paid for her food, she waited for Travis by the drink station.

  “I’ll find a place outside,” she said.

  He gave a nod of understanding before she headed for the exit carrying her tray.

  Gwen pushed the door open with her hip. She spotted an empty table in the far corner and hurried to claim it before the guests behind her did.

  The sun was bright and warm, but the dark awning above kept the area shaded and a few degrees cooler. Gwen sat facing the customers so Travis could spot her easily. The iron railing sectioning off the tables from the sidewalk was behind her. While she waited for her lunch buddy, she leaned back and gazed at the sky. Her thoughts returned to Phillip and his blue eyes. The man was incredible. She admired his kindness, liveliness and his determination. He’d tried over and over again to get her to take time off from work. If she didn’t have obligations to pay for, she would have given in to his request in a heartbeat.

  “You find a good spot,” Travis said as he set his tray on the table.

  “I got lucky.”

  He settled into the seat next to her instead of across. “It’s a beautiful day. Isn’t it?”


  “Good weather. Great company. What could be better?”

  “A life without bills and taxes,” she said as she unfolded a napkin and laid it over her lap.

  Travis chuckled. “Now that is better.”

  Gwen had ordered a wrap similar to the one Travis had. As they ate, they chitchatted about her favorite restaurants and other locations in the city such as wineries and museums. Travis admitted he hadn’t been out to many local establishments since he’d arrived in town. Gwen was more than happy to supply suggestions for places to visit. She confessed she hadn’t gone to many while her daughters had been young, and she’d never stopped at the wineries, but she at least provided him with word of mouth feedback she’d gained from her friends.

  “So you never went to the winery here, downtown?” he asked.

  “No. I know it sounds funny, but since my daughters couldn’t go I never bothered.”

  He placed his hand on her knee. “What are you doing Friday night?”

  Gwen stiffened. “I’m…not sure.”

  “Why don’t we meet for dinner at the winery?”

  Her pulse raced as he traveled his hand along her thigh. The stirring in her belly wasn’t a result of the food, but rather discomfort. She had a loving man waiting for her at her house and now Travis wanted to hit on her. Her co-worker’s touchy feely moves had to stop.

  “Travis…” She took his hand and gently removed it from her leg. “I appreciate the invitation, but I have to decline.”

  “I’m sorry. Am I moving too fast?”

  “Well, yes. But I’m also involved with someone right now.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were single.”

  “Technically, I am. My friend dropped by to stay for a few days. Actually, I’m not sure how long, but we’re…involved.”

  Travis narrowed his gaze. “Involved? So, he’s not a boyfriend.”

  She looked away, searching for the right words to say. Phillip wasn’t a boyfriend, but she did have a fondness for him in her heart. And she thought he might like her a bit more than a lover too. He’d said he’d missed her and had been quite determined to see her. Then, he’d tempted her repeatedly to stay with him. Those things alone showed he longed for her and wanted to be with her. Did he care for her and have heartfelt feelings for her? She couldn’t be certain, but she figured she was either a great lover he wanted to visit more often or maybe a person to have a relationship with. Either way, she wasn’t going to screw up her chances with Phillip. The man made her happy.

  “Is he a friend with benefits who comes for a booty call?” Travis asked.

  Her jaw dropped. Phillip had come to visit for sex, but she thought him to be more than a friend with benefits.

  “He’s more than that.” And she meant the words. “He’s a great guy and I don’t want do anything that might cause a
rift in our relationship.”

  “I see. Well, I like you and I’d really enjoy getting to know you better. If it doesn’t work out with him, keep me in mind.”

  Gwen checked the time on her phone. “I think we should head back.”

  “He’s a lucky man, whomever you’re seeing.”

  “Thank you.” She rose with her purse and tray.

  Travis pushed his chair back then stood. “Does he live here and work downtown?”

  “No, he’s the owner of Connor Industries. He travels a lot. I’m not sure where his headquarters are located. I’ve never asked.” She passed by him and headed for the way out. By the exit, she dumped her garbage in the trash container then set her tray on top of the bin.

  “You’re kidding. Right? About the guy you’re with.” Travis emptied his tray in the garbage.

  “Oh no. I met him on a flight to London when I was starting my vacation. He’s in town to visit me.”

  She walked out of the café’s confined area and didn’t stop until she’d reached the crosswalk at the stoplight. Travis came to a halt next to her.

  “You’re telling me Phillip Connor, a billionaire, flew into town to visit you.”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  The light changed and she started crossing the street.

  “Wow. The competition is fierce here. How can I compete with a world renowned billionaire?”

  Gwen chuckled. “He’s a great guy. He’s not arrogant or into fame. He works very hard and this is actually the first time he’s taken time away from his job.”

  She leaped onto the curb.

  “If what you’re saying is true, then he’s here for more than a visit. And I envy him. He obviously cares for you.”

  Gwen paused in the middle of the sidewalk. She looked at him. “Do you really think so? You don’t know him and I haven’t told you too much about him.”

  “You’ve said plenty. Think about what you said. I’m betting he cares deeply for you.” He gestured forward. “Come on, let’s get back to work.”

  After the ride up on the elevator, Travis headed for his office and Gwen returned to her cubicle. She sat in a daze, staring at her computer screen and thinking about Phillip. To give up time from his job meant he was interested in her far beyond that of a mere lover. While the idea made her heart thump faster, the notion also made her nervous. She thought she wanted a relationship with him, but could she handle it? He traveled constantly, which had its benefits and downsides. It gave her the independence she enjoyed, but if she wanted him in her bed he might not be able to make it there for weeks. Maybe longer. How long could their relationship last?

  The buzz of her phone distracted her. She lifted the cell to her ear. “Hello.”

  “How is my horny woman fairing?”

  A smile formed in an instant. “I’m doing all right.”

  “Is she ready to come home to her equally horny man?”

  She bit her lip. Yes. Yes! “I’m counting the hours.”

  “Good. I made reservations for dinner. I’m taking you out to eat, and yes, I will eat you. Then we’ll return to your house where I can fuck you properly.”

  She chuckled. “I like the sound of your plans. Do I have time to clean up before we eat? And yes, I will devour you too.”

  “I like the sound of that. Yes, I made sure to allow for bathing time. Of course, I’ll be helping.”

  “Of course.”

  “Hurry home, my horny woman.”

  “See you in a few hours.”

  Gwen lowered the phone and held her smile a bit longer. A sense of happiness filled her—horniness too. Her fast beating heart and damp panties clearly showed her eagerness to return to him. She had a sexy man pining for her. How could she resist him? She couldn’t. For the first time since her divorce, she felt she had a chance at a good relationship with an honorable man. She only hoped she could get it to work and that it would last.

  Chapter Six

  Gwen passed Phillip’s rental car parked in the driveway and steered her vehicle into the garage. The minute she cut the engine her heart gained extra beats. The man she wanted to kiss and hold was waiting not far away inside her home. She grabbed her purse and keys then left her car.

  Filled with excitement, Gwen unlocked the door and pushed it open. Phillip sat on one of the chairs at the center island. He had donned a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and was staring at his laptop screen until Gwen entered. A smile spread quickly across his face. He stood as she strolled toward him.

  “My lovely horny woman has returned home,” he said with his arms stretched out as an invitation to hug.

  She plopped her purse and keys on the counter then entered his embrace. He squeezed his arms around her.

  “I would enjoy coming home to this every night.” She pressed her mouth to his.

  “Mm…” He kissed her. “I would enjoy having you in my arms every night.” His dick hardened against her stomach. “Did you have a busy day?”

  “Very busy. But I made it through a box of files and had a nice lunch with the new attorney.”

  “Oh, really?” He arched one of his eyebrows. “A new guy?”

  “He asked me to go to lunch so we could get to know each other. He relocated here from Arizona and wanted to know where to find a good gym.”

  “Why would he think you would know about a gym?”

  Gwen inhaled a deep breath. The situation she was about to explain would undoubtedly cause some jealousy or anger. But she needed to tell him the truth and let him know she’d handled everything.

  “He said I had shapely legs.”

  “He did, did he?” His tone was deeper. He slackened his arms and took a step back.

  “I really didn’t think too much about it, so I agreed to have lunch with him. We went to eat at the deli that’s a block and a half from our job. Well, he tried to hit on me. I quickly told him I was involved with someone and put an end to his friskiness.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “Who is this person you are involved with?”

  “You, silly.” She took a step away from him and lifted a shoulder. “Unless you don’t want to be involved with me. I mean—”

  He gripped her hips and tugged her to his body. “Woman, I want you.”

  His words revved her heartbeat. She coiled her arms around him. “Good. It’s settled then. We’re involved.”

  “We’re more than involved.” He kissed her lips. “You’re mine.”

  He covered her mouth and invaded it. Fire blazed below her navel and spread through her body. She tangled her tongue with his while she clawed at his back and kept him hard pressed to her. His rigid cock felt so good against her. She moaned softly as she rubbed her body to his, her breasts to his torso. She more than enjoyed the large bulge in his jeans poking at her belly. He slid his hands to her ass and squeezed it. He was gasoline to her inferno, fueling her desire. He’d said she was his and she’d gladly play the part.

  The kiss ended with them both seeking air. “What time are the reservations for dinner?”

  He brushed his lips over her cheek. “Six thirty.”

  “I need to shower and change.” She eased out of his arms.

  “I’ll help you after I finish what I’m doing on my laptop.”

  “You know where to find me.” She licked her lips and winked.

  “Oh, yes I do.”

  Grinning, she strode from the kitchen. Her steps were fast as she climbed the staircase. Three words he’d said repeated in her mind and they excited her. She was his. His claim rejuvenated her, filled her with joy, love, and gave her hope they could have a real relationship. She wasn’t just a lover. She meant more to him.

  She reached her bedroom and quickly undressed. After she’d left her shoes and clothes by the door, she strode into the bathroom. She turned on the taps and as soon as the water heated to a comfortable temperature, she entered the shower.

  Gwen was floating in the clouds as she stood under the spray and lathered shampoo i
nto her hair. She couldn’t believe the incredible luck she’d had since the day she had started her European vacation. She’d met an amazing man and loved spending time with him. Now that she knew he wanted her and not for just a lover, well, it seemed too good to be true.

  “Is my horny woman ready to be washed?” He tugged the curtain aside.

  She tilted her head back under the shower. “I’m so dirty. Be sure you clean me thoroughly.”

  He disappeared for a moment. Gwen rinsed her hair while she waited for him to reappear. And he did, naked. He entered the shower and moved in front of her. He sported quite the hard-on.

  “Dirty and horny is exactly how I like a woman,” he said, hands on her hips as he held her close to his erection.

  She grazed the tips of her fingers over his cheek. The little bit of stubble she’d felt in the morning was gone and his face was smooth. “Be gentle with me.”

  “Oh no, I intend to make you come with my tongue. It’s the only way to properly cleanse you.”

  His words made her body tingle with need and her pussy hungry for him. He took the bath gel from the shelf and poured a dab in his palm. After he’d returned the bottle to its spot, he rubbed his hands together. Bubbles formed then fell to their death in the water. When he placed his soapy hands on her breasts and began massaging the suds into her skin, her body shivered with anticipation.

  “Relax, baby,” he said as he caressed her tits.

  The gentle touch was soothing but oh so exciting. Her nipples pebbled, and he made sure to tease them with his thumbs.

  “You’re good with your hands,” she said.

  The corner of his mouth curved. “I’m good with a few other things, too.”

  “You’ll have to show me so I can confirm that you are.”

  He pinched her perky buds and she gasped slightly. “I’ll show you in due time.”

  He smoothed his hands in circular motions down her body. Gwen parted her legs wider as he neared her apex. Her temperature was rising and not from the heated water. When he slid his palm over her mound and started rubbing it, her desire for him increased tenfold.

  “I’m very dirty there,” she said.


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