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Past Sins (West Haven book3): Protector, Action Romance

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by Rhonda Lott

  Dark eyes so intense and soulful caused her heart rate to climb. That strong, and oh so dear face of his was cast in shadows from the dim shop lights. And yet, Gabby could make out the tension in his well etched features. Surprise slashed briefly across his face, before a frown creased his brow.

  He dropped his tool and came towards her, moving across the space with a fluid masculine swagger. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. Well-formed would be downplaying the physically impressive male. Golden tan skin over rock like muscles. Deeply dark hair that begged for a good run through with her fingers. Would it feel as soft as she imagined.

  The feature she loved the most about El was his eyes. Intensely dark, almost black, they caught her in a spell of desire every time she gazed into them. Right now, they seemed to devour her. Yep, he was a sexy, sexy male. Her male. In that moment, she knew that her heart wasn’t wrong about Elliot Fuller, he was hers.

  He was the person she was supposed to stand beside forever, but fate was a tricky bitch. She snatched your love ones away without warning, leaving you empty, alone.

  Her dad and sister were taken away from her all too soon and now she was without any family. Her nephew Chris was her link to Natasha. He reminded her so much of her beloved sister and it brought her immense joy to spend time with him. It was always a short lived happiness, because he had to return home to Dean and Brook.

  Gabby wanted her own family. Someone who cared if she made it home each night. She longed for someone to care for before she shriveled up and died of loneliness.

  “How are you doing sweetheart?” Elliot asked as he came to a stop in front of her.

  Gabby’s insides clenched at the question. “Why haven’t you taken the time to come find out how I’m doing?” She shot back.

  His face fell, eyes shadowed a bit. “Didn’t think you would want to see me.”

  “Right, because you saved my ass and stopped a lunatic from killing me.” Gabby tilted her head. “Or because you knew that guy and you’re hiding from me.”

  Elliot didn’t flinch, his face remained unreadable. She never knew what he was thinking when he wore that face.

  “I didn’t know him Gabby, but the way he looked at me reminded me of another time in my life. A time I want to forget.” He walked over to the car that wasn’t on the platform and leaned against it.

  Gabby stayed where she was, wrapping her arms around herself. He wouldn’t look her in the eyes. Was he telling the truth? Dealing with Elliot she might not ever know.

  “I’m relieved to hear that you didn’t know him El. I know it’s only been a couple of days, but I’ve missed seeing you.”

  His brows shot up. “I thought you were pissed at me from the other night. We had that awful conversation about us being friends. Then the shootout happened. I was trying to give you time to get back to normal.”

  She stepped closer. “Yeah, don’t remind me of that conversation if you don’t mind. I’m still embarrassed about that. To be honest with you Elliot, friend or foe, for the past three years you’ve been a part of my normal.”

  “Never your foe Gabby, not ever.” Elliot ran his hand across his face and closed his eyes for an extended second. “But, you don’t want me in any part of your life. I’m not free to be with a woman like you.”

  “I know you’re with Allison. I’m not asking you to dump her and become my love slave or something. There’s no reason why we can’t be friends.”

  Gabby watched as his body tensed and his jaw clenched that he’d placed his emotional walls up again. He wasn’t interested, she knew it, but that grinding need to be some part of him pushed at her.

  She turned her face away. Like an idiot she’d put herself out there for him to shoot her down again.

  “Come here Gabs.” He said, voice low.

  Gabby didn’t want to get close to him. She didn’t want to see his rejection up close, but she stiffened her spine and stepped into his personal space.

  His fresh evergreen scent with a touch of motor oil greeted her, she closed her eyes, breathing him in. Elliot took both her hands in his and when she opened her eyes, he gazed down at her with a sad expression, almost painfully sad.

  “I broke things off with Allison.”

  Gabby opened her mouth to ask why, but he put a finger over her lips.

  “It didn’t feel right anymore.” Elliot slid his hands up her arms and pulled her towards him so that there was only a breath of space between them. “Gabby, I’m not free, not because of Allison, but because of the person I am. My life before West Haven was a nightmare. I wasn’t a nice guy.”

  “But you’re a nice guy now?” She asked, mouth dry, a bit lightheaded from the power of his embrace. His answer to her question felt heavy, it was crucial to her.

  “No, I’m still that guy, just not as volatile. I believe you deserve so much better than a wreck of a man. I look at you and know that I’ll never measure up. Never think that I don’t want you. I crave you. Gabby you’re special and beautiful and you fill my days with longing and my nights with dreams of how many ways I can make you scream with pleasure.”

  He dipped his head to hers, his breath fanning across her lips before he possessed them. Elliot’s kiss was galvanizing. A light brush of his lips at first, then he tilted his head, groaned in the back of his throat, and devoured her. His tongue came inside, swiping and setting off bombs of unexpected, pulsing pleasure between her legs.

  His arms banded her to him as he pressed her into his hard strong body. The rapid thump of his heart against her breast sent her own heart into overdrive. One hand moved down her back and pulled her tight against his hips.

  Gabby moaned into his mouth, and pushed in closer. She rocked her hips into him, unable to get close enough. His big hands guided her hips as he matched her rhythm. Gabby gyrated against his thick erection. Gabby felt herself climbing towards heaven. His cock pushed against her lower belly, pulsing in time with her aching cunt.

  All too soon he pulled away. Elliot’s breath heaved in and out and blazing fire lit his eyes. He wanted her badly. Hell yeah, the knowledge that she could excite him to such extremes made Gabby drunk with a feminine power.

  “Elliot, what?”

  “Fuck sweetheart. I knew touching you would be like this. Fucking soul shattering shit like this. Gabby you don’t have a clue how sexy you are.” He eased her back and stepped away, as if he feared he would kiss her again and only distance from her would stop that. “But, we’re better off friends. No, not friends, even that would be too much.”

  Anger bitch slapped her raging desire and took her over. Gabby felt heat shoot through her body. Elliot was playing games and she’d had just about enough of it. She stiff armed him and pushed away.

  “Forget this shit Elliot. Make up your mind why don’t you? First, you want me and then you don’t. You desire me, but you’re not the man for me. Oh please. I think you get some kind of sick pleasure from knowing that I’m attracted to you, but knowing you will never be with me.” Gabby advanced on him, finger in his chest. “I’m putting it all on the table. I’ll admit it, I’m more attracted to you than I’ve ever been to any other man. I want to pursue this feeling I have for you to the fucking, bitter end. Whatever you’ve done in your past is over. By your own admission you want to be a better man. I happen to believe you are a better man, but I’m done putting myself out there for you. Done, you hear me? If you want me, come take me to the Winter Festival next week. If you don’t come then I won’t bother you again.”

  Gabby huffed out a long breath and turned towards the door. Elliot grabbed her hand.

  “I can’t Gabby.” He grated out between clenched teeth.

  Gabby’s anger drained out of her and her heart felt like lead. Disappointment was a bitter pill stuck in her throat.

  She stared into his sad eyes for a long painful moment. “No El, you can. You just don’t want to try.” With a shake of her head, she left the shop, head high, and shoulders back. She wasn�
�t about to let him see her falter. Not today, not ever.

  He was a great big coward, but at least now she could move on, put him out of her mind. Despite her longing for him, Elliot Fuller was not the man for her.


  Elliot took his time walking up to his mom’s house. A strange car was parked across the street in front of the Wiggins house. He couldn’t see in the dark windows, but the black BMW was out of place in this neighborhood of blue collar workers and senior citizens. Most families here couldn’t afford a luxury car, especially the Wiggins, who were too old to drive. Elliot shook off his suspicions. Since the incident at the bar, he was looking over his shoulder at everything.

  “Come on in sugar the door’s open” His mom yelled from inside.

  He pushed the door open. The aroma of lilacs and lemon drifted to him. That familiar scent from his childhood slightly lifted his black mood.

  After his conversation with Gabby, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. That little ultimatum she gave him sat like a heavy on his chest.

  His mom was in the kitchen in her bright blue scrubs packing her lunch for work. She looked over her shoulder and nodded to the kitchen table.

  “Sit for a second. I don’t have to be at the Senior Center for another hour.”

  Lidia Fuller worked as a physical therapist at the senior living facility. She was pushing fifty two, but she was fit and as active as ever. Still gorgeous after all these years. She wore her curly black hair tied back off her pretty oval face. A little thicker at the hips, but still the powerhouse of a woman he remembered all his life.

  “How are you today, my boy?” She asked, sitting at the table across from him. “By the look of you, not so good, what happened?”

  Elliot leaned back in his chair. Of course he couldn’t hide anything from her, never could.

  “Mom, there’s a strange car parked across the street and your front door is unlocked. Seriously, you can’t do things like that.”

  “I haven’t looked across the street this afternoon, I forgot to lock the door, and what is wrong with you?” She shot back never missing a beat.

  “No place is safe enough to leave the door unlocked. With us it never will be. You can’t forget that ever.” Elliot grabbed both her hands. “I have to know you’re safe. After the other night, I’m worried about you.”

  His mom’s eyes softened, crinkling at the corners. ‘My boy, I can’t live in fear. The Lord has me under his protection and I have a big strong son who will always look out for his mom. Now tell me the real reason you’re briefs are in a bind.”

  “It’s nothing.” Elliot said, promptly averting his eyes from her knowing gaze.

  “Elliot, are we going to do this back and forth until I’m late for work or are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

  He knew she wasn’t going to rest until he unburden himself.

  “You know Gabriella Avila?”

  “Gabby, who owns the bar? Sure, such a sweet woman. I go over there once a week with the girls from work.” Lidia tapped a nail on the wooden table. “You got the hots for her I take it?”

  “Mom, what the hell?” He shook his head in dismay.

  “My boy, you look like a truck ran over you and I know you don’t get riled up over nothing, so it must be that you have feelings for Gabby and you did something to mess things up. What did you do?”

  Elliot relaxed back in his chair. His mom knew him too well.

  “She is special ma. Like nobody I’ve ever met. She wants more than friendship from me, but you know I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” She asked, folding her arms across her chest, brows arched.

  “Come on. You know, why not. I’m so completely on the other end of the spectrum from her it’s not even funny. The man who shot up her bar the other day, I told Gabby that I didn’t know him. That was a lie. I knew him from Night Corp. He’s a low level hitter, sending me a message.” Elliot stood, paced back and forth a few times then turned to face her. “They know where I am. That means they will come back for me full force. The people closest to me are also in danger, including you.”

  El held his breath, waiting for her reaction, but there was nothing. No whimper of fear, no shocked breath, nothing but a grunt from his mother. Lidia took a sip of her coffee. Her expression calm, determined.

  “I for one am sick of running. There has to be a day when you draw a line in the sand son or else you and I will be running forever. You made a mistake when you trusted Night Corp, but you’ve put that nightmare behind you. You’re a different man now, a better man. If they found you here, they will find you anywhere. The question is what will you do to stop this?”

  Elliot had to consciously make himself close his gaping mouth. She had no idea how deadly Night Corp could be. His tiny, spitfire mother wouldn’t stand a chance. The very thought of something happening to her sent ripples of ice down his spine.

  He rounded the table squatting next to her chair. This close up, he could see tiny wrinkles at the corners her eyes, but she was remarkably beautiful and calm. Elliot placed his hand on her cheek.

  “It would kill me if something happened to you. I don’t know what I would become without you.”

  “It’s killing me watching you turn bitter and cold, constantly looking over your shoulder. That’s no life.” She kissed his forehead, then stared intently into his eyes. “You are a new and wonderful creation, my son. No longer the lost soul you were. This man will find a solution for this problem and go after the woman he wants. She’s a strong one Gabby, don’t let her sweet nature fool you. Get out from under Night Corp now and live. You hear me, live.”

  She stood, pulling him up with her. He hugged her close and she smelled like always, like home. Elliot didn’t know if there was a way to get out from under Night Corp. Three years and they were still looking for him and they would keep coming until they got the evidence that he possessed.

  Night Corp was supposed to be a legitimate international security company when in fact the company was as illegal as a three dollar bill. It provided guns for hire for any person or country with enough cash. He had once believed they were ridding the world of criminals and terrorist, but it was all a lie. A lie that turned him into a weapon.

  The ugly truth about him was that he enjoyed his job up until he found out what he truly was involved in. Now he felt dirty carrying the weight of all those deaths around in his heart every day. His mother was right. He wanted a real life, and he wanted it with Gabby.

  He had to get Night Corp off his back. He had absolutely no idea how, but he had to. For now he would take the beautiful bar owner to the Winter Festival. If she would still go with him. He would steal as much time with her as he could, because tomorrow wasn’t promised to him.

  “Your right mom, I have to start living again. First thing is fixing things with Gabby. Then I’ll work on Night Corp.” Elliot grabbed his jacket off the chair and headed for the door.

  “Elliot,” his mom called out. “I’m proud of you, my boy. Even when you were lost to me, I was still proud of you and love you completely.” Her voice was like a balm to his troubled soul. He was, quite honestly, a man only a mother could love.

  Emotion tightened his throat. “I love you to ma.” He choked out. Elliot gave her a small smile before going outside.

  The dark sedan’s engine roared to life and the car pulled away from the curb. Elliot watched the tail lights as it turned the corner onto Main Street. Was it paranoia or forewarning he felt? Elliot didn’t know, but his gut told him that the driver of that car wasn’t parked outside his mom’s house for nothing. If Night Corp agents were in West Haven then his days as a breathing human were numbered.

  It was time to slip back into the role of Trigger Man once more, this time to protect the ones he loved. The cloak of death that he’d worn for so long had found its way back to him. The weight of it, felt enormously heavy on his shoulders.


  The black ribbon of highw
ay stretched before Gabby like a bleak foreshadowing of her future. Her thirty minute drive from Dean’s ranch seemed to take forever tonight. Sunday dinners with her brother-in- law and his family was usually the bright spot of her week, but tonight, she couldn’t find joy in it. She couldn’t find comfort in their peaceful family.

  Of course she was happy for Dean and Chris. Her nephew was his usual energetic six year old self. Showing her magic tricks he’d learned from Gavin, Dean’s friend/ranch hand. Chris never failed to bring a smile to her face and the sting of loss to her heart. He reminded her of her sister, Natasha more and more with each passing day.

  She and Nat were their parent’s only children, two years apart in age. They were always as close as twins. Gabby’s heart felt hollowed out, missing Nat and her papa, as if some vital part was missing.

  She was happy Dean had found Brooklyn. Brook completed them and both Dean and Chris were happier than she’d seen them in years. Being in the mist of that family brought up the familiar longing for her own. If only Elliot were the man she hoped he’d be, but no. That hope was dead.

  Elliot was absent from the bar last night. If she were honest with herself, she would admit, that it was a relief not to see him. She didn’t have to look into his dark eyes and feel the coldness of his rejection all over again.

  Friends he’d said, but his touch spoke of his strong desire for her. His kiss told her in an unspoken language that his feelings went beyond friendship. His past had a stranglehold on him. An emotional prisoner as surely as if there were actual bars surrounding him.

  Gabby sat up straight in her seat and pushed back her shoulders. She wasn’t the type of woman to beg. Elliot had his reasons for keeping his distance and she would leave it at that.

  Her papa always said she could handle anything life threw her way. She wasn’t meant to be with the only guy in the world that made her heart beat wildly by the sight of him, then so be it. She would find joy in Chris and her extended family, run the bar like her papa wanted, and forget about Elliot Fuller.


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