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Evince Me

Page 10

by Lili Lam

Tristan's POV

  We were preparing to take off again to finish what we started, after personally bringing Lise back to the Manzanares territory I entrusted her safety to Axel. I advised Axel that his duty as protector, which is to keep Lise out of harm's way was far more important then joining us in the fight.

  Ensuring that Axel comprehended my direct order of Lise not being allowed to leave his sight no matter what, I finally managed to peel myself away from her side. I've been following her around like some pathetic lost puppy and I'm not ashamed to admit it either.

  "I'll be back as soon as I can." I promised, pulling her tightly into my arms. My face buried into the side of her neck as I inhaled her scent deeply. I've missed her so damn much, I don't know what I'd ever do without her.

  The thought of having to let go of her only made me wrap my arms around her waist even tighter. "I love you, baby." I murmured, hoping she heard me as I was overcome with emotions. Never in my life did I ever imagine one single person would be my entire world, the reason for my very existence.

  In a way I could relate to Marco, Lise and I were only separated for four days. It was the longest four days of my entire life. I can't imagine losing your mate, the love of your life, never being able to see their face again. I seriously think I'd end up going crazy too.

  Lise stood flushed against me with her arms wrapped around my neck loosely in a stubborn stance. "I love you too." Lise responded quickly. She was angry at Rico, Alonso, and I for the damage we did to Marco. Can you blame us though? He's been nothing but trouble since losing Mia. I can't honestly say that I liked the guy, he was a threat to that I was dead set on eliminating.

  Fortunately for us, he's still alive. He was barely breathing when she landed on top of him. I don't think Lise would ever speak to us again if we ended up killing him. I still can't grasp the fact that she threw herself over Marco, shielding him from us. It only made me wonder what the hell happened between them during her four days of captivity?

  What possessed him to suddenly have a change of heart and help her escape, when it was his doing in the first place? It took every ounce of control in my body to not throw Lise off of Marco and snap his neck! It was her broken expression that stopped me in my tracks.

  I haven't been able to get much out of Lise, she's been pretty much giving the three of us the silent treatment. Her main concern focused on Marco and his well being, making sure he survived. We carried Marco back in his wolf form, the pack doctor is tending to his wounds.

  The only thing Lise disclosed to Alonso was that Maria is behind all this and plotting to kill her. That's as far as Alonso got with her before the pack doctor emerged from the room with Marco's prognosis. The doctor's expression was grim, causing my heart to drop to the pit of my stomach.

  As much as I hate the bastard, I was praying for his survival for the sake of my relationship with Lise to survive. She's a stubborn little mule and knowing her, Lise will never stop hating us or blaming herself if Marco died.

  He was going to live, the doctor announced causing a huge weight to be lifted off my shoulders as I gushed out an enormous sigh of relief. At the moment all four of his legs were broken, he has three broken ribs, and a collapsed lung. Marco was also bleeding out from numerous wounds, which required a blood transfusion, but overall only time would help his wolf heal. The doctor has him heavily sedated so he can heal properly.

  "C'mon we need to get a moving, Max says Maria's getting ready to make a run for it." Luke's hand came slapping down on my right shoulder as I watched Lise listening intently, hanging on to each and every word the doctor uttered. Some of the guys moved forward to keep watch of Marco's pack, but they were under no circumstances to make a move until we arrived.

  Lise's got a heart of gold, even after all Marco's done to her and she still didn't want him to die. As soon as Lise heard Luke's announcement her head snapped in our direction instantly. A determined look washed over her expression as she took a strong stride towards us.

  "I'm coming along, that bitch is the reason why my sister's dead and no one...I mean no one...kills her besides me!" Lise ordered taking her power of being Princess to an entirely different level. I've never seen her so angry or determined before and it was a complete turn on.

  By the tone of her voice, not Rico...Alonso...nor I dared to deny her. Not that she was going to let us say no anyway. Lise was already on her way out the door before I could open my mouth and suggest that it was a bad idea and that she should stay here with Marco. Guess she's coming along with us then.


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