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Wicked Obsession

Page 13

by Ray Gordon

  Thinking that she should have charged him double, Anne gripped the sides of the desk as her young body jolted with every thrust of the priest’s huge cock. He was good, she thought dreamily as her clitoris swelled against his pussy-wet shaft. He was so good that she reckoned that she should pay him for sex. But this was business, and she was going to earn a small fortune from her teenage body. Dirty old men would line up to pay her, she knew as her orgasm neared. To get their hands on an attractive teenage slut with a hairless pussy they’d pay almost any price.

  The vicar gasped as his face grimaced, and Anne knew that he was about to flood her inflamed vaginal duct with his lubricating sperm. Her own orgasm welling from the depths of her rhythmically contracting womb, she cried out as his sperm gushed and her pleasure exploded within the pulsating bulb of her erect clitoris. His male cream overflowed and ran down to the small hole nestling between her rounded buttocks as she writhed and shook uncontrollably in the grip of her climax while she imagined his purple knob driving deep into her hot bowels.

  Her head lolling from side to side, her eyes rolling, Anne whimpered and writhed as her orgasm peaked and shook her teenage body. She was having better sex than she’d ever imagined possible, she reflected in her delirium as the vicar increased his shafting rhythm. She was enjoying different men, huge orgasms, and she was being paid for it. Her pleasure finally subsiding as the vicar’s swinging balls drained, she panted for breath after her amazing climax. She’d definitely be calling on the vicar again, she thought dreamily. And taking his money.

  ‘Have you finished with me?’ she asked him, propping herself up on her elbows and gazing at the creamy liquid oozing from her gaping hole.

  ‘For the time being,’ the priest replied, grinning at her. ‘Next time I’ll tie you over the altar and fuck your tight little arsehole.’

  ‘Is that what you do to my sister?’

  ‘Hayley doesn’t come here,’ he said, chuckling softly as she clambered off the desk.

  ‘What? But you said—’

  ‘I lied, just to get your knickers off. I don’t have any girls calling on me.’

  ‘Well, you have now,’ Anne replied, clutching the money and pulling her knickers on. ‘I didn’t think that young girls would come here and … When do you want to see me again?’

  ‘Sunday, after the morning service.’

  ‘OK, I’ll be here.’

  ‘It would be nice if you were here for the service. I could look at you from the pulpit and think about fucking your tight little arse over the altar.’

  ‘OK, anything you say. I’ll listen to your hypocritical sermon, and then take my knickers off for you.’

  ‘That’s my girl. Now get out of here before some old busybody sees you.’

  ‘See you Sunday, then,’ Anne said as she left the office.

  Walking out of the cold church into the bright sunshine, Anne made her way home with sperm filling the crotch of her tight knickers. She wanted to talk to Hayley, drop a few hints about the girl’s secret life, but she knew that she was going to have to be careful. If she said too much Hayley would become suspicious. Life was good, she thought as she opened her front door and bounded up the stairs to her room. She had a good sex life, plenty of money … Her thoughts turning to Jack, she wondered whether Hayley would marry him. He’d make a good brother-in-law, she mused as she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  ‘Oh, it’s you,’ Hayley said as she emerged from her room. ‘What are you up to?’

  ‘I’m about to have a shower,’ Anne replied, grinning at the girl. ‘There was a phone call for you earlier. It was some man about the export business.’

  ‘Export …’ Hayley looked concerned. ‘I’ve had calls like that before,’ she murmured pensively. ‘I have no idea what they’re about.’

  ‘You mean you don’t know?’ Anne said, frowning at her sister.

  ‘No, no, I don’t. I have no idea why these people ring me. They’re always men and they want to meet me but … They obviously have the wrong number.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose so,’ Anne said, sure that her sister wasn’t lying. ‘He mentioned your name, which is strange.’

  ‘They usually ask for Hayley. But some ask for Miss Bradbury. There’s obviously a mix-up somewhere. If you answer a call like that again, tell them that they’ve got the wrong number. I’ve told mum to do the same.’

  ‘Yes, I will.’

  Confused, Anne went into the bathroom and locked the door. The vicar had admitted that he’d been lying about Hayley visiting him, she reflected. Perhaps her sister wasn’t a prostitute, Anne mused as she slipped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower. Hayley would never have given clients her home phone number so … Realising that she’d been very wrong, Anne wondered nonetheless why Hayley had behaved like a common slut with Brian in the old house. Washing the sperm from her swollen pussy lips, she turned her thoughts to Jack. Perhaps Hayley was going to marry him, but she’d had a final fling with Brian before tying the knot.

  This was a mess, Anne thought as she left the shower and went into her bedroom. Closing the door, she thought about the money she’d earned. Did she really want to be a prostitute? she asked herself. In her quest to steal her sister’s boyfriends, she’d gone way too far and had become a common whore. Wishing that she’d never gone to see the vicar, she knew that she was going to have to do some serious thinking about her future. Who were the men who rang the house asking for Hayley? Was there a mix-up? Or was Hayley trying to hide the shocking truth about her private life?


  ANNE WANDERED DOWN the lane to the pub at six o’clock. She was still confused, trying to work out what was going on. Where had the men got the home phone number from? Hayley wasn’t a common name so was it coincidence or was she really working as a prostitute? Walking up to the bar, Anne ordered a large vodka and tonic and settled at her usual table. There weren’t many people in the pub, but she did notice Alan lurking in the corner at the end of the bar.

  He was a nice chap, she thought, wondering whether to go to his house and pretend to be a salesperson as she watched him laughing and joking with the barman. Brian had loved the scam but would Alan be up for it? she wondered wickedly. If his wife found out that he’d been screwing a teenage girl in the marital bedroom while she, his missus, had been downstairs, she’d go mad. But it would be fun. Brian had given her fifty pounds for the pleasure. Would Alan pay her? Smiling as he walked towards her, she asked him whether he’d enjoyed himself with Hayley in the derelict house.

  ‘You were right,’ he said, sitting opposite her. ‘She really is a horny little slut. You should have seen her. She was into everything and—’

  ‘I saw …’ Anne began, almost dropping herself in it. ‘I mean, I went to the old house and saw the front room and thought of you two.’

  ‘I can’t thank you enough, Anne. She really is a horny girl.’

  ‘Are you seeing her again?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so. She was talking about some chap or other and I got the impression that she’s going to marry him.’

  ‘I can’t see Hayley getting married,’ Anne said, with a giggle. ‘Still, you never know. Did she mention other men? I mean, did she say anything about meeting other men for sex?’

  ‘No, she didn’t. I got the impression that she was only with me because … oh, I don’t know. I thought that it was some kind of last fling before she commits herself to marriage. Shame, really. I’d have liked to have seen her again.’

  ‘You’ve still got me, Alan. Mind you, I might have to charge you fifty pounds.’

  ‘You are a naughty girl. You’re also a dirty little girl and I’m glad I met you. You’re well worth the money. Tell me, do you do this for a living?’

  ‘Well, I … no, not really. It’s a long story. I thought that Hayley was on the game so I—’

  ‘She’s not on the game,’ Alan cut in, chuckling. ‘She was telling me that I was her first real sexual encounter. She’s had b
oyfriends, of course. But she was saying that none of them have turned her on. She reckons that I’m the first man she’s had an orgasm with.’

  ‘Ah, that explains it,’ Anne murmured. ‘I’m discovering quite a lot about my big sister. I’m also discovering a lot about myself. It will be strange if she marries and moves out of the house.’

  ‘You’re not going to get married yourself, then?’

  ‘No, no way. I have fantasies to live out and …’

  ‘Tell me about them.’

  ‘Well, my main one is being with three men. Three cocks … you get the idea?’

  ‘Yes, I do. You really are a naughty little girl, aren’t you?’

  ‘I try to be.’

  ‘I have a couple of friends who would be interested. Are you up for it?’

  ‘Yes, definitely.’

  ‘I’ll contact them and suggest it.’

  ‘Fifty pounds each?’ Anne said, grinning at him. ‘A young girl has to survive, Alan.’

  ‘No problem. I’ll let you know when I’ve spoken to them, probably tomorrow.’

  ‘OK, that’s great.’

  ‘Oh, there goes your sister,’ Alan said, looking through the window.

  ‘I wonder where she’s off to,’ Anne murmured, watching the girl head down the lane. ‘I’ll be back in a while. I just want to …’

  ‘Follow her?’

  ‘Yes, I’ll be back soon.’

  Leaving the pub, Anne knew that Hayley was going to see Jack. She was probably going to try to put things right with him, she thought, watching the girl ring his front doorbell. Wishing that she hadn’t told Jack a string of lies about her sister, she hid in the bushes beneath the lounge window as Jack invited Hayley in. She could hear them talking as they went into the lounge. They were arguing, and she reckoned that the relationship was over.

  ‘I told you on the phone,’ Jack said. ‘I’m not going with a two-timing slut like you.’

  ‘Jack, listen to me,’ Hayley sighed. ‘It was a one-off. A final fling before marrying you. I know that it was wrong, I know that I shouldn’t have done it and I shouldn’t have lied to you, but—’

  ‘There are no buts, Hayley. I know that you’ve been seeing several men.’

  ‘I should never have gone to that old house. Who told you about it?’

  ‘As I said, a girl I know came to see me. She told me everything.’

  ‘What’s her name?’


  ‘I don’t know anyone called Rachael. All I can think is that someone followed me to that old house and …’ Hayley paused, her eyes wide as she thought about something. ‘My sister,’ she finally gasped. ‘I’ll bet it was my bloody sister. What did she look like?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter what she looked like. You were in that house fucking some man and … As I said on the phone, our relationship is over. I’ll pay the rent to the end of the month and go back to London.’

  ‘OK, if that’s what you want,’ Hayley sighed. ‘My sister … Did she come on strong to you?’

  ‘No, of course not.’

  ‘You’re lying, Jack. If it was my sister, and I’m sure that it was, she’d have dropped her knickers.’

  ‘No, she—’

  ‘You’re as bad as me, Jack. You’re a hypocritical …’

  ‘Hayley, let’s talk,’ Jack said, taking her hand. ‘OK, so we both made mistakes.’

  ‘You did fuck her?’

  ‘Yes, I did.’

  ‘She’s a bitch and you’re a … I suppose we’re quits, aren’t we?’

  ‘Yes, we are. She told me about you and the other man and I thought … We’ll put it behind us, OK?’

  ‘OK. Look, I’d better tell you this before my sister does. Men have been calling my home phone number and asking for me. I don’t know how they know my name or where they got the number from but …’

  ‘What do they say?’

  ‘They want to arrange to meet me. It has something to do with an export business.’

  ‘It’s nothing to do with your sister, is it?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so.’

  ‘For a quiet little village a hell of a lot goes on here,’ Jack said, with a chuckle. ‘It’s like a soap opera.’

  ‘Even the vicar is dodgy,’ Hayley said, shaking her head and grinning. ‘He’s always looking at young girls. I’ve seen him chatting to them, cuddling them and … He’s approached me several times and asked me to meet him in the church.’

  ‘Perhaps he’s behind the phone calls?’

  ‘It’s possible, I suppose. To be honest, I’ll be pleased to get out of this village. The things that go on in that derelict house are … I’ve often seen two girls going into the woods. I reckon that they go to the house. I’ve seen other people, too.’

  ‘I’ll have to take a look at this place.’

  ‘Don’t go there, Jack. Keep away from it. Look, I have to go home for a while. I promised mum that I’d help her with the garden. My dad spends all his time in the shed and … Why don’t you come round later?’


  ‘Yes, come and meet my parents.’

  ‘OK, I will.’

  Leaving the bushes and walking back to the pub, Anne knew that Hayley was going to have a right go at her. There again, Hayley had screwed Brian. She was as guilty as Jack and she couldn’t blame her little sister. Hayley was right about the old house, she reflected as she neared the pub. The things that went on there were amazing: the vicar was a sad pervert, Brian and Alan were old men who leched after young girls … It was an interesting village, she thought, noticing Brian leaving the pub.

  ‘Where are you off to?’ Anne asked him.

  ‘I was looking for you,’ he replied, grinning at her. ‘Do you want to go to the old house in the woods?’

  ‘Well, I suppose I could … I was supposed to meet Alan but—’

  ‘I’ve just been talking to him. He told me about your fantasy and … I have two friends who are up for it.’


  ‘Alan said that you’d come back to the pub. He’s had to go home – he said something about his wife. My friends are on their way to the woods now.’

  ‘That was quick!’

  ‘I thought that as you were coming back to the pub you might be up for it. I told my friends to go to the house and wait for us.’

  ‘Let’s go,’ Anne trilled, imagining three hard cocks shafting her tight holes.

  Brian was fun, she thought as they headed back down the lane. He was an old man but he was good company and damned good at sex. And she was a slut. But she didn’t care what she was. As long as she was having fun and earning money, nothing mattered. Following Brian along the narrow path through the trees, she felt her stomach somersault as the house came into view. Three cocks, she thought excitedly as they went in through the front door.

  Brian’s friends hadn’t arrived, so Anne gazed out of the window with expectation reflected in her wide eyes. She’d had two men, she reflected. But to have three using and abusing her naked body would be an amazing experience. She didn’t think that the day might come when she’d regret her actions. She wasn’t thinking of the future – her thoughts were centred around the excitement and satisfaction of the present. Three men groping her teenage body, three cocks sliding in and out of her holes … The future was a million miles away.

  ‘Here they are,’ Anne said, watching two old men approach the house.

  ‘Are you ready for this?’ Brian asked her.

  ‘Yes, yes – of course I am.’ She began to unbutton her top but Brian stopped her. ‘What’s the matter?’ she breathed.

  ‘Let them do that,’ he said, smiling at her. ‘They’d prefer to strip you naked.’ He turned as the men walked into the room. ‘This is Anne,’ he said. ‘Anne, these two are Harry and George.’

  ‘Hello,’ the men said in unison, looking her up and down.

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ Anne said as they each passed her some cash. ‘Right, wel
l … I’m all yours.’

  Wasting no time, they ran their hands over her young body, tugging her skirt down, releasing the buttons and slipping her top off her shoulders. Within seconds she was standing completely naked in front of them. One of them had a full head of grey hair and a suntanned face – and he reminded her of her grandfather. But Anne couldn’t imagine her grandfather stripping and fucking a teenage girl. Were all old men like this? she wondered as hands ran over the petite mounds of her firm breasts. Would they all fuck teenage girls if they had the chance?

  Judging by the crude comments the men made as they knelt before her, she knew that they loved her hairless pussy. As fingers parted her bald pussy lips and massaged the wet flesh within her open sex valley, Anne felt proud of her naked body. She was like a model, she mused dreamily. Old men stripping her naked, admiring her feminine beauty, exploring her mounds and crevices … Although they were only using her to satisfy their lust for teenage girls, she felt wanted. This was cold sex, she reminded herself as two fingers drove deep into the tight sheath of her sex-drenched vagina. But she felt wanted.

  One of the men moved behind Anne and parted her rounded buttocks, and she felt a quiver run through her contracting womb as he teased the tight ring of her anus with his fingertip. Brian concentrated on her ripe nipples, sucking each in turn, as the other men attended to her sex holes. A wet tongue swept over her anal eye as another drove into the hot sheath of her tight vagina and she let out a rush of breath. Three tongues, she thought happily as Brian licked the elongated teats of her firm breasts. But it was three cocks she was really looking forward to.

  Anne watched in anticipation as the men rose to their feet and slipped out of their clothes. Finally eyeing their erect cocks, she smiled. They were big, she observed. Brian had also stripped naked. Big, hard, long … Following their instructions as one man lay on the floor on his back, she placed her knees either side of his hips and lowered her young body. Holding his cock, she guided him in, gasping as the sheer girth of his organ stretched her young sex duct open to capacity.


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