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The Incubus, Succubus and Son of Perdition Box Set: The Len du Randt Bundle

Page 31

by Len du Randt

  ‘Who was that?’ Natasha asked when Jared cut the call. He sat at the edge of the bed, just staring out blankly ahead of him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her sweet aroma almost made him lose track of his thoughts.

  ‘Amy’s father,’ he said. ‘He just told me that she died an hour ago. The memorial service is at nine on Thursday morning.’

  ‘Oh boo hoo,’ Natasha said behind him and pulled her face in a pantomime of sadness. She gently pulled him back onto the bed. ‘Come, lover,’ she said. ‘It’s time to put the past behind you and embrace your future.’

  Chapter 5

  It was always overcast at the funerals that Jared attended. This was his fifth, and today was no exception. The clouds billowed thick and grey over Kelwick, adding a depressing mood to an already morbid event.

  Jared observed the people standing around the grave. Both Amy’s parents were there, sobbing at the loss of their only child. Her work colleagues were there, all dressed in black too. Scattered between the friends and family members were people that Jared had only casually met once or twice before through Amy.

  Natasha clutched Jared’s arm as the people went their own ways after the sermon. Jared pulled away gently. He didn’t want to give the wrong impression to Amy’s parents. Natasha ignored him and hooked her arm into his as Amy’s grief-stricken mother and father approached.

  ‘Thank you for coming,’ Amy’s mother said. Jared couldn’t see her eyes behind the dark lenses of her sunglasses, but he knew that she was looking at Natasha.

  Jared merely nodded. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said and embraced the woman.

  ‘She had her whole life ahead of her,’ Amy’s mother said and broke down in tears. ‘She had so many plans, so many hopes and dreams.’

  Amy’s father wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulder. ‘This has been hard on all of us,’ he said. ‘We’re still struggling to come to terms with the reality of the whole thing.’

  ‘Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you,’ Jared said. Natasha snaked her arm through his like a vine. ‘Anything at all.’

  ‘Thank you, Jared,’ Amy’s father said and shook his hand again.

  Her mother gave him another hug and kissed him on the cheek. ‘You two were such a lovely couple,’ she said before her husband led her away.

  ‘Let’s get out of here,’ Jared said. He wanted to close this chapter in his life. He wanted to be free. He led Natasha back to the car and opened the door for her to get in. He was about to walk around to his side when a figure, leaning against a car not too far off, caught his attention. Jared frowned. ‘I’ll be right back,’ he said and made his way to Shaun.

  ‘Sad day, isn’t it?’ Shaun asked as Jared approached.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Jared hissed through clenched teeth.

  ‘Sam and I were her friends, too,’ Shaun said, undeterred by the tone of Jared’s voice. ‘Remember?’

  Jared ignored the rhetorical question. He didn’t have time for childish guilt trips. ‘We’ll talk business at the office tomorrow,’ he said as he turned to leave.

  ‘What happened to you, Jared?’

  Jared stopped.

  ‘Why have you changed?’

  Jared spun around and advanced upon Shaun with a quickened pace. ‘I’m not the one who’s changed,’ he said, waving his index finger under Shaun’s nose. ‘I’m not the traitor.’


  Jared laughed. ‘Are you going to pretend that you have no idea what I’m talking about?’

  ‘Jared, I...’

  ‘Are you going to deny telling Amy that you saw me kissing Natasha?’

  Shaun bit his lip and lowered his eyes.

  ‘You’re not denying it, are you?’

  ‘Jared...I did it to save you, to save the company. Can’t you see that?’ He nodded his head at the passenger in Jared’s Bentley. ‘She’s bad news. Can’t you see it?’

  Jared clenched his balled fists. He looked at the people mulling around nearby and relaxed his hands. ‘Leave her out of this.’

  ‘I just wish you could see,’ he said. ‘You’re not yourself, Jay. I of all people would know. She’s changed you, man. It’s like you’re someone else, a complete stranger almost.’

  ‘If she did change me,’ Jared said. ‘It sure as hell is for the better. I’m so much better off now that I don’t have these burdens weighing me down.’

  ‘Burdens? Like what? Amy?’

  ‘She’s on the list, yes.’

  ‘You don’t mean that.’

  ‘Don’t flatter yourself, Shaun,’ Jared said. ‘You’re way up on that list too.’

  For a moment there was an understanding silence between the two. Each knew where they stood with the other. ‘Go home,’ Shaun finally said. ‘Sleep it off. You reek of alcohol.’

  Jared merely stifled a laugh. ‘Enjoy your last day at Whyte,’ he said. ‘I want your desk cleared out by the morning.’

  ‘Gladly,’ Shaun said and opened the door. Before he got into the car he paused and held up his index finger. ‘Oh, and one more thing,’ he said. ‘Amy was pregnant.’

  * - - - *

  Jared sat in the dark. The only light came from the cyan LED pool light and the occasional flash of lightning. He twirled the ring between his fingers, replaying Shaun’s words over and over in his mind.

  Amy was pregnant.

  Lightning flashed.

  Natasha was at her apartment, preparing for the evening’s function. Jared had to pick her up at eight. He still had well over half an hour before he had to leave. He picked up the almost empty bottle of Drambuie and unscrewed the cap. He would have to re-stock his cabinet.


  Jared took a swig from the bottle, finishing the last portion of the golden liqueur in one big gulp. A moment later the alcohol kicked in. His head spun like the empty bottle just before it crashed and shattered against the cement wall not too far away.

  I did it to save you.

  Jared spat on the ground. ‘Save me?’ He shouted into the night air. The cry was directed at God Himself. ‘Save me? I’m not the one that needs saving!’

  He stumbled into the house to get another bottle of whatever he could find. Cointreau would have to do. Once he was back in his seat in front of the pool, he swallowed down a sizable portion of the bottle in one go. ‘You can’t even shave yourself,’ he slurred. ‘And want to save me? Me?’

  Amy was pregnant.

  ‘Damn you all!’

  She’s bad news.

  He looked at the ring, wondering if the world had gone mad. He was still exactly the same Jared Greene that he had always been. It was everyone else that had changed. Natasha wasn’t bad news. She was the answer to his prayers.

  Can’t you see it?

  From his jacket pocket Jared produced the Smith & Wesson .38 special that he purchased before the funeral. He lightly shook it up and down to gauge its weight. It felt heavy for its size. He double checked; all five chambers were loaded. He only needed one for what he contemplated doing.

  I did it to save you.

  Jared pressed the barrel of the pistol into his mouth and sealed his lips. His teeth scraped the cold metal and he almost choked.

  Amy was pregnant.

  He pulled back the hammer.

  She’s bad news.

  He rubbed his index finger over the trigger and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  Amy was pregnant.

  Lightning flashed followed by a clap of thunder and for a moment Jared pictured the gun going off; a bullet ripping through his brain before blasting out at the back of his skull. The image jerked him back to reality and he pulled the gun from his mouth and unclipped the hammer. He looked at the gun once more and buried it back in his jacket pocket.

  She’s bad news. Can’t you see it?

  It wasn’t about not seeing. It was about finally being able to see. Natasha didn’t change him; she merely made him see the light. He was blind to the li
es his family and friends had spun around him throughout his life. For the first time in years he felt truly free again. Free do to as he wanted. Free to raise himself to greatness.

  You are the one, Jared Greene. All power goes to you.

  Yes, Jared thought. ‘All power goes to me...’ I am the one who can guide people to a better future.

  He finished the bottle and looked at the ring one last time before throwing both the bottle and the ring into the swimming pool.

  I can change the future, he thought as he made his way to the Vanquish, bumping over a vase and a chair in the process. I have the money, the right contacts, and Natasha.

  As he turned the ignition key, a few drops of rain pattered down gently on the windshield. Within a matter of minutes, the rain poured down in full fury.

  Natasha, he thought as the engine growled to life. My salvation lies with her. She’s my everything, and without her, I am nothing.

  * - - - *

  Rebecca tossed and turned in her sleep. She moaned softly as her dream engulfed her. In her dream, Jared was racing down a dead-end street in a very fast car. At the end of the road was a wall with a target sign painted on it. In the middle of the target were blood stains. Jared’s laugh echoed in her mind as he stepped on the accelerator, picking up speed as he raced toward the wall.

  Jared stepped on the accelerator. He wanted to be with Natasha. He needed to be with her; to feel her embrace; to press his lips against hers. He wanted to hear her voice whisper his name. He wanted to hear her sing.

  In Rebecca’s dream, the wall came closer.

  Jared! Stop! She yelled, but her voice merely echoed blankly back at her.

  The car increased in speed. Jared threw his head back in laughter as the wall rushed closer.

  The truck driver’s eyes blurred. Ten more minutes until he reached his destination. Ten more minutes before he could get out of his seat and catch a few hours’ rest. The truck-stop sign told him that he didn’t have much further to go.

  The inside of the cabin lit up as the tiny flame of a lighter ignited his cigarette.

  This’ll keep me company until then, he thought and smiled. A woman’s voice rang over the radio and he joined in with her as loud as he could.

  The truck was approaching. It would have to be timed just right. The figure on the side of the road stared as the truck advanced upon him from the right.

  Not yet...

  He looked to his left. In the distance two headlights of an approaching car appeared through the thick blanket of rain.

  Not yet...

  The truck was almost upon him.


  The figure took a deep breath and stepped into the road in front of the truck.

  ‘What the—?’ the truck driver shouted and jerked at the wheel. The truck swerved to the left, into the oncoming traffic lane.

  In Rebecca’s dream, the wall was almost upon Jared. Her son laughed as he drove faster and faster toward his impending doom. He looked at Rebecca and winked at her. She wanted so much to be with him; to see him one last time. She tried to reach out to him, but couldn’t.

  Jared! Please! Stop!

  He gave her a thumbs up.

  Please! I beg you!

  A second later, Jared smashed into the concrete wall.

  The truck driver’s stomach flipped when he saw the oncoming lights. ‘Turn, you beast!’ he yelled as he pulled the truck to the left again. ‘Turn, damn you!’

  Jared had a split second to react to avoid a head-on collision with the truck.

  Lights blurred.

  Tires screamed.

  Rubber burned.

  The truck jack-knifed and the load came at Jared with full force, blocking the entire road. There was nowhere to turn. Nowhere to go. In a second he would smash into the truck at full speed.

  He yanked the steering wheel to his right and the car left the road and shot up the embankment. It tilted as it went up the steep slope. For a split second Jared was overcome with relief. He was actually going to make it.

  He was wrong.

  The end of the truck slammed into the back of the car, sending it soaring through the air for what felt like an eternity before it finally crashed into the road. Sparks shot in every direction as the car skid down the road, moving into the other lane as it went.

  Jared saw the tree only for a fraction of a second before he smashed into it.

  ‘Jared!’ Rebecca screamed as she woke up.

  Justin jerked and sat upright. ‘What? Who?’

  ‘Turn on the light, Justin,’ Rebecca cried. ‘Please turn on the light!’

  Justin switched on the light and looked at his hysterically crying wife. ‘What’s wrong, honey? What’s going on?’

  ‘It’s Jared,’ she sobbed through her tears. ‘Something bad has happened to him. He’s hurt. I know it.’

  ‘It was a dream, Becky,’ he said as soothing as he could manage. ‘It was only a bad dream.’

  ‘No,’ she said and got out of bed. ‘This wasn’t a dream. It was something else. Something is wrong, Justin. Something terrible has happened to our son.’

  Chapter 6

  ‘How is he?’ Rebecca asked. ‘How is my son?’

  ‘He’s pretty banged up, Becks,’ Tanya said. ‘I’m not sure, but I think he’s in a coma. Everyone has a different opinion at the moment, so as soon as I know something concrete, I’ll let you know.’

  ‘I can’t wait that long,’ Rebecca said. She rubbed her burning eyes. Since the dream she couldn’t go back to sleep, and now that she knew for sure that something was indeed wrong with Jared, she had no intention of going back to sleep either. ‘I’m coming to Kelwick.’

  ‘Are you sure that’s such a good idea, Becks? It’s quite a trip and there’s not much you can do for him anyway.’

  Rebecca stared absentmindedly at the lawn outside. Her eyes scrolled across the lush green grass where Jared used to run and play as a little boy. Her gaze moved until it came to the tree where she had seen Simon. ‘No,’ she said. ‘I’m coming.’

  ‘You sure?’


  ‘Well, if you do decide to come,’ Tanya said with just a hint of excitement in her voice, ‘you’re more than welcome to stay over at my place. I’ll even lend you my car.’

  ‘I can take the bus tomorrow morning and be there early evening.’

  ‘Okay,’ Tanya said. ‘Should I come and pick you up at the station?’

  ‘I don’t want to be a burden...’

  ‘Nonsense, Becks! Book your ticket. I’ll be there to pick you up.’

  ‘Thank you, Tanya,’ Rebecca said and suppressed the urge to cry. ‘It’ll be good to see you again.’

  ‘You too, Becks,’ said Tanya. ‘It is arranged then. You handle the tickets and logistics, and I’ll be sure to be at the station when you arrive. Deal?’

  The two women continued their conversation in a light-hearted tone despite the depressing nature of the call. They discussed living arrangements and covered various other topics like food and finances. Tanya would hear nothing of Rebecca offering money. When the call ended Rebecca let out a sigh of relief. She knew in her heart that going to Kelwick was the right thing to do despite her fear.

  It’s time to go back, she thought as she looked up the bus station’s phone number. It’s time to face the past.

  * - - - *

  Rebecca threw the suitcase intentionally hard on the bed. She wanted Justin to hear what she was up to. She opened the cupboards and unhooked the hangers with her clothes and laid the clothing on top of one another next to the suitcase before going to the cabinet drawers for the rest.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Justin asked as he entered the room.

  She looked up at her husband. ‘I’m going to be with Jared.’

  Justin walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘It’s a bit early to be rushing things,’ he said and sat down on the bed next to her. ‘Why don’t we wait until we have more information before we j
ust up and go?’

  She leaned forward and kissed him. ‘Not we,’ she said. ‘Me.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘You’re going to Kelwick alone? Without me?’

  ‘We can’t both go, Justin,’ she said. ‘Who’s going to be there for Monique when we’re gone?’

  ‘She’s seventeen years old,’ Justin said. ‘She can look after herself.’

  Rebecca shook her head. ‘We can’t both go. There’s just no way I’m leaving her by herself. Who knows how long we could be away?’

  ‘Then let me go instead,’ Justin said.

  Rebecca stopped what she was busy with and sat down next to her husband. She took his hand in hers and studied his face in silence for a moment. ‘No,’ she said. ‘I appreciate what you’re trying to do, love, but this is something that I simply have to do. Alone.’


  ‘Besides,’ she said. ‘You’re expecting to hear from agents about your book any day now. You need to stay focussed.’

  ‘The novel can wait,’ Justin said. ‘Jared is my son.’

  ‘And he is my son too,’ she said and rubbed her thumb lightly over the back of his hand. ‘Just make sure that Monique is safe. I wouldn’t survive it if something happened to both our children.’

  Justin rubbed his hand over his face. This whole scenario was messed up. Simon said that Jared was meant to do great things, and now he was in a coma that he might never wake from. He didn’t want Rebecca to return to Kelwick, especially alone, but he realised that she would ultimately get her way. ‘Where will you stay?’ he asked.

  ‘Tanya suggested that I stay at her place for a few days. Just until I get settled.’


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