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The Best Christmas Ever

Page 6

by Cheryl Wolverton

  What would it hurt? It just might be fun, flying through the air and landing in Justin’s embrace. With only a moment’s hesitation, she decided. “Don’t blame me if you break a few bones.”

  He held out his arms. She swung forward but all of a sudden found that her hands wouldn’t release the chains. Justin was big, but was he big enough to hold her? She swung forward a second time. Was this really fun? She wondered as her hands began to sweat.

  But it was Justin’s smug look that goaded her into acting. She came forward again and pushed out of the swing. True, it was only a few feet, but it felt like miles before she thudded into Justin.

  Strong arms wrapped around her, jarring her to a stop. Immediately, Justin pulled her closer toward his powerful, hard chest. His scent, as well as an extreme feeling of safety and security, enveloped her. She rested her cheek against his shoulder for an instant, surprised at her reaction, then pulled back.

  In that moment, things changed. The world tilted just a bit—or maybe it was her. Because she suddenly realized just how attracted she was to Justin, more attracted than she’d been to her fiancé, or to any other man she’d ever dated. And there was nothing she could do about it, because Justin was the very man she’d tried to destroy two years ago.

  Justin saw Sarah’s eyes widen, then how she backed away. He was thankful she had put some distance between them, because he was afraid he might have just kissed her.

  He hadn’t thought about dating in ages. Oh, true, women approached him—pleasant, attractive women he met through business or at church—but he’d never been tempted in the least to pursue any of them. Earlier today, though, and now again…what was it about Sarah that was different from all the others? She brought out a surge of protectiveness and tenderness, true. He wanted to hold her and shield her. But why? Why her? His feelings were disconcerting, embarrassing.

  Hearing Mickie’s laughter, he wondered what his daughter would have thought if he’d kissed Sarah just now. He shook his head, feeling an emotion churning in his gut.


  He had to admit he was lonely. He loved his daughter, and Bill was a great guy. But Justin missed having someone closer around to share his experiences with. There was no one to talk to in the evening when he got home from work, no one to laugh together with over a joke or share those little secret smiles when Mickie did something really adorable. There was no one to hold when he felt overwhelmed or to love when he wanted to share that special experience.

  But Sarah?


  He couldn’t see himself with his sister-in-law, who probably still despised him despite what she said. Besides, he thought, going over to the picnic table where Mickie was slurping her cola, he would never risk entering into a marriage for convenience’s sake, or for an attraction, either. He’d learned his lesson. Convenience could turn into inconvenience real quick, and passion could fade.

  Odd though it sounded, he had vowed to marry only for love.

  His lips twisted cynically. People always thought women were the romantic ones, yet here he was, insisting on a love-based marriage. And how many women in the past two years had hinted at so many other types of arrangements. Love based, with him? Not one woman who had shown an interest had wanted love. Sarah certainly wouldn’t fall into that category, either…would she?


  He skeptically wondered if any women out there still believed in a marriage based on love.

  Reaching his daughter’s side, he realized Sarah was wiping up some cola Mickie had spilled on her top. His gaze settled on Sarah and against his will, he had to wonder why love and Sarah had come to him in the same thought.

  Chapter Six

  “I hope you decide to spend Thanksgiving with us.”

  “I’d enjoy it,” Sarah replied.

  It was dark. Mickie was asleep in the back seat and Sarah rested her head against the cushion of her seat in Justin’s car.

  But she was far from relaxed. Tumultuous emotions over the day spent at the park still filled her thoughts. After the swings, Justin had proceeded to push Mickie, and several other children, on a merry-go-round. Then he’d actually gone down one of the tamer slides with his daughter. They’d played until all three were exhausted and the sun had set.

  Sarah couldn’t remember enjoying a sunset more. Then they’d piled into the car to head home.

  With the darkness surrounding them, and the peace and quiet, Sarah had had time to remember her reaction to Justin early that day. Tension built in the small enclosed space between the two of them until she could barely stand it.

  When he spoke, it was a relief to have her mind on something else.

  “I enjoyed today.”

  Of course he wouldn’t keep the subject on something safe. “Do you play with Mickie like that often?”

  “As much as I can. I love playing with Mickie. Sometimes I wish Amy and I had had more children.” Sarah silently winced at his admission, but did her best to hide it.

  “Did you have fun today, Sarah?”

  “Yes, I did,” she replied. “I just don’t feel I’m earning my pay.”

  He chuckled. “Consider it part of your job to play with Mickie. After all, you’re going to find Mickie is a very active child. And I can just about guarantee that you won’t think you’re not earning your pay after a week or two living here.”

  The headlights cut across the front of the house when they turned into the driveway, and Sarah realized they were home.

  Justin stopped the car, then pushed open his door. Sarah blinked at the light, suddenly realizing she was tired.

  “I’ll unload the car later. Just grab the fruit and vegetables.”

  She reached in for the two bags, debating whether to get the boxed and canned goods or allow Justin to come back out for them. “I see now why you said no meats or dairy products.”

  He shrugged as he lifted his daughter into his arms. “Mickie doesn’t get to go to the playground much. I wanted to spend time with her today.”

  “You’re the boss,” she murmured, and followed him to the house. She smiled over how wonderful he was with Mickie. Her sleepy little head lay against his left shoulder and her legs and arms surrounded him like a monkey holding on to its mom. Long curly hair covered her face and flowed over Justin’s blazer. She could hear him murmuring something in the little girl’s ear as he opened the door.

  A small sigh escaped Mickie and she wiggled before letting out a half snore.

  Tenderness welled in Sarah’s heart as she watched Justin carry the child up the stairs. Sarah went to the kitchen and put away the vegetables. She marveled again at how beautiful the kitchen was. Amy had always had wonderful taste. The refrigerator was clean and it was easy to find where the fresh vegetables went. Perhaps tomorrow she’d make a salad with stuffed bell peppers for dinner. Maybe she ought to do up a menu and get Justin’s approval each week first. After all, he might not eat some of the same things she did.

  She made a mental note to ask him about that. Which made her realize she might not know as much about housekeeping as she thought.

  Brass-and-black baskets hung over the counter near the refrigerator. One had potatoes and an onion in it. She put the other vegetables that didn’t go in the refrigerator in that one, then unloaded the fruit in the other basket. Bananas, tangelos, oranges, yellow apples—Mickie certainly liked fruit.

  Two boxes of cereal went on top of the refrigerator. She looked at them and frowned over one. White sugar. If Mickie was active, as Justin had intimated, Sarah was sure she’d just found the culprit. When had Justin slipped that into the basket without her seeing?

  Of course, Justin could have slipped anything into the basket and she would have missed it. She’d been feeling so inept around him that she hadn’t paid attention to everything he had grabbed. And Mickie had been talking, too. She certainly could talk. Though Sarah didn’t consider that a bad habit. It was wonderful listening to everything from her perspective.

ust as she finished putting away the eggs and bread, alarm swept through Sarah. She hadn’t said good-night to Mickie. She folded the paper bags and placed them under the sink. Whether they were kept there or not, she wasn’t sure. But it was where she’d always stored her bags. Then she hurried up the stairs and quickly headed to Mickie’s room.

  And almost ran Justin down.

  She flushed and took a step back.

  “What’s the rush?” he asked, smiling down at her.

  Sarah saw Justin had a frilly little nightie in his hand. She found the idea of him dressing Mickie funny. In her mind, dressing a child for bed had always been a mother’s role. But, she thought, sobering, of course he would do it. Mickie no longer had a mother. “I forgot to tell Mickie good-night.”

  He looked confused only for a moment, then what she thought was tenderness—but couldn’t be sure—touched his eyes. How unusual. He was so big. Tall with broad shoulders. Towering over her. She’d always assumed he was gruff and belligerent, the way she’d always perceived him when in his company. To think that Justin could feel tenderness was just so out of keeping with the way she’d always imagined him. But she was almost certain that was what she’d seen in his eyes earlier today and again just now.

  Feeling even more uncomfortable from that innocent revelation, she hurriedly said, “I promised Mickie I’d always make sure to tell her good-night so she’d know I hadn’t left.”

  He stared at her a moment more and those feelings from earlier today resurfaced: need, wanting, longing.

  Justin cleared his throat, the feelings in his gaze suddenly banked. He stepped back. “I was getting ready to put her in her p.j.’s. She can bathe tomorrow, since she’s already asleep.” He held out an arm, indicating an area just inside the door off to the side. “Come in.”

  He stepped back and Sarah stepped in. She liked Mickie’s room. It had a nice feeling. The walls were a light blue. Colored balloons and painted pieces of cardboard cut in the shape of stars covered the surfaces. There were also pictures of different cartoon characters on the walls, cut out of magazines, as well as many copies of Sunday-school literature taped up on the wall with pictures of Jesus and other biblical figures in them.

  Like most little girls her age, Mickie liked clutter. And she had varying taste, if the pictures were any indication. Stepping over the dolls and the teddy bears, Sarah made her way to the side of the bed.

  “Today is usually the day she cleans her room—every Saturday, unless we do something special,” Justin explained.

  “I was messy as a child,” Sarah admitted. She was very conscious of Justin as he followed her over to where Mickie lay.

  She sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at the sleeping child. “She sure is still,” Sarah murmured.

  A chuckle sounded behind her. “The only time she’s still is when she’s asleep,” Justin replied.

  Smoothing a strand of hair from Mickie’s face, she leaned down and kissed the soft, pale cheek. “Good night, sweet princess,” she teased, thinking Mickie already had her wrapped around her little finger.

  She stood, nodded to Justin and attempted to make a quick escape.

  But she wasn’t fast enough.

  “Sarah?” Justin called just as she got to the doorway.

  She paused, then turned. “Yes?”

  “Thanks for coming back into our lives.”

  Awkwardly, she nodded.

  What could she say? Once she was in her room, she grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. His words continued to echo in her head. Thanks for coming back into our lives. How could he say that? Especially after what she’d done? She remembered the shock and anger when she’d told him she wanted Mickie, that he wasn’t a fit father. Then she remembered the steely determination when he’d faced her in court that day. Gone had been the thin, gaunt-cheeked man who had seemed so listless, so remote. In his place was a man wearing a designer suit, a man armed with a lawyer who had glanced at her across the courtroom with a pitying look. Of course she hadn’t known then what Justin’s lawyer was about to present to the court. Justin had definitely gone all out and found the best lawyer for the job.

  Her lawyer had scrambled and tried to help her. But of course grief had been accepted as Justin’s excuse, and expert witnesses testified that he had gotten through the worst of his mourning and on and on and on. She had been furious, believing Mickie belonged with her, that Justin was neglecting his daughter.

  But her fury had been minor compared with Justin’s when he’d told her never to come near his daughter again. She had actually felt chilled at his threats.

  That seemed like aeons ago. And Justin acted as if he’d forgiven her.

  She rinsed her hair, stepped out of the shower and dried off. Perhaps he just needed a sitter. But why would he be glad she was back in his life unless he had forgiven her?

  She smoothed cream on her skin, then powdered herself before applying a spritz of perfume. She’d always loved to pamper herself after her bath. All three containers were almost empty, leftovers from her other life, as she thought of her life before her job and engagement ended. But she’d have some money now to indulge her one luxury.

  Still, as she gathered up her toiletries, she thought of the person providing her with the paycheck.

  How could he forgive her? Why? Why? Why? And why had he let her into his house?

  Back in her room, she put her things away, turned out the lights, opened the curtains, then climbed up onto the big four-poster bed. Father, Justin’s so wonderful as a dad, she began. I never realized it. I was so wrong in my judgment of him. There’s no way he can forget what I did. Is there? I doubt I’ll ever forget it.

  Sarah sighed and pulled the white lacy pillow into her lap, then clung to it. How can I, she whispered finally, admitting to the enormity of what she’d done, when it was Amy I wronged as well as Justin? And then there’s Mickie.

  Sarah slipped under the covers and scooted back against the headboard. The darkness surrounded her; the only light in her room the moonlight that shone through the windows. A small smile curved her mouth and she relaxed as she thought of Mickie.

  Thank you, Father, for the opportunity to get to know Mickie. Had You not interceded, I don’t know if I’d ever have gotten up the nerve to come visit her. She’s wonderful. She’s so sweet and kind and fun. She’s so fresh and innocent. Sarah felt old and weary next to Mickie’s innocence, but she didn’t say that. I missed Amy’s companionship and didn’t know how much I was missing out on getting to know her daughter. Thank you, Father, for Your love and for Your gentleness and kindness. Help me to be what Mickie and Justin need.

  Sighing, she slid down in bed. Despite the pain of losing my fiancé, I’m happy now. I realize I had drifted from You and hadn’t cleared up my past. Give me courage to make up to Justin for the wrongs I paid him. And, Father, I just know this is going to work out great with Mickie! Despite what Justin says, Mickie seems like the perfect little girl. I really don’t think I’m going to have problems there. Just, maybe, the housekeeping part. So give Justin patience as I learn exactly when he likes to eat and things like that. Amen.

  Feeling better after praying, she smiled as she closed her eyes. She would be a good housekeeper and a caring companion for Mickie. Things weren’t going to be so bad after all.

  Chapter Seven

  “It’s a Sarah Connelly on the line, Mr. Warner.”

  Justin pushed back from the paperwork he’d been working on. Brushing a hand through his hair, he leaned forward and snagged the phone.

  “Sarah?” he questioned. She’d been baby-sitting for him for over a week now and had never called him at the office. He couldn’t imagine what in the world she’d phone him for, unless it was an emergency.

  “I can’t find her!”

  The panicked voice sent a chill down his spine. “Find her? Find who, Sarah? Mickie?”

  “Yes. School got out early today. You know that. But she had a tutoring session an
d I was trying to make that cake she wanted and time got away from me.”

  The chill turned to full-blown alarm. “Go on,” he said, despite the fact he was certain he heard her sniffle. “Tell me.”

  “I was only ten minutes late. I rushed up to the school. A few children were still around, so it wasn’t as though I was that late. But she wasn’t there.”

  Terror gripped his heart, but he forced it down. Sarah was hysterical enough for both of them. “What did the principal say?”

  “I didn’t ask her. The teacher outside said she had just seen Mickie in the line but didn’t notice her leave the school yard. I started tracing the route home, thinking she might have walked, but couldn’t find her. I went back up to the school. I’ve even been home. She’s nowhere. I thought about calling the police—”

  “Mr. Warner?”

  He waved at his secretary, motioning her out, but she came forward. “Mr. Warner, Stephanie Williams is on the phone. It’s about Mickie.”

  His gaze snapped up at those words. Relief and a sudden suspicion filled his mind. “Sarah, hold on a minute. I may have found Mickie.”

  He punched the other line, feeling the tension increase. “Ms. Williams?”

  A trilling laugh floated over the phone line. “I’ve told you a dozen times to call me Stephanie, Mr. Warner.”

  “My secretary said it’s about Mickie,” he interrupted, feeling his already frayed temper slipping even further from his control.

  “Why, yes, it is. Why, the poor little dear. You know I volunteer up there three days a week. I stayed after to help test some of the slower children today during tutoring. You know, they had tutoring today. Anyway…”

  Justin wished he could rip the words out of her, but Stephanie had her own way of telling a story and a talent for drawing the attention to herself. Already, though, his body was relaxing. Mickie was with Stephanie. Somehow he just knew it.

  “Yes?” he questioned when she didn’t continue.


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