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An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1)

Page 4

by Sascha Illyvich

He waved her off. “Why? I’m fine. Just…”

  “Because no one ever did for me. And you’re in need.”

  Even in his near fugue state, Joséf recognized the pain in her tone. He coughed up more blood. His lungs burned, his throat felt parched, his legs throbbed and it became difficult to take even the shallowest of breaths.

  “I need to rest.”

  "No, you need something more.” Worry showed in her eyes.

  He tried to wave her off again, but the second he moved his left hand, he fell onto his side. "What can you do for me, baby?”

  Her eyes lit up, emphasizing her wicked grin.

  He snorted derisively. "You can't hold me to that promise in my condition, Kissa. I'm sorry."

  "No worries, my prince. Let me heal you. By the lake.”

  "I can't make it, Kissa.” He lifted a hand to his mouth and wiped away more blood.

  Her smile softened. "Let me," she put her hand under his chest and hoisted him to his feet. The world spun, but her other arm caught him around the waist, steadying him. His pride in her increased. She tried to move with him, but his body gave out again, sending him crashing to the ground. Without rest, he'd be unable to move without her help.

  "I'm sorry.” The wolf inside him paced, not infuriated or over joyed, but contented. At least he'd managed to control the beast's temper. That was a plus, right?

  Joséf coughed more blood up and spat it out. What had he almost given up to be with Kissa? Why was he thinking that way? She wasn't his.

  Wolf, you're stubborn. Listen to me.

  "Fuck off, Isabella."

  Kissa looked up. "Hm?"

  Give in, Joséf. I can feel your demons pounding at the gates now. Even four thousand plus miles away they stir, anxious to get out and blame you. Instead, give in to the passion you're about to receive.

  "It's wrong…"

  It’s not wrong. It’s healthy. Kissa is good for you.

  “I am good for you.” At Joséf’s surprise, Kissa shook her head. "She's speaking to us both, my prince."

  Joséf lifted a hand and brushed strands of hair behind Kissa's ear. "Yeah, she does that. Annoying little shit."

  You're the annoying little shit.

  He snorted. "What have I lost in coming here? A home."

  You did what you had to, and you always have a place here. Your leaving was for the greater good, as is just about everything you do. Besides, you know Livía will never turn you away.

  She should turn him away. He’d told her he loved her, then he left. Just like everyone had done to him. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back to the ground, annoyed at the tears stinging his eyes. He had things he needed to say, but couldn't find the strength. Did everyone else know how cowardly he truly was? Always running when someone needed him.

  He didn't want to fight anymore. Kissa's fingers stroked the underside of his chin before tilting his head up. He struggled to see her, swore Isabella's face superimposed itself over hers. He blinked and Izzy’s image was clear as day.

  All of this will be for naught, if you give up tonight.


  Let her, wolf. Trust me, okay?"

  "Livía.” The lover he left behind was his only thought, until Kissa's lips pressed into his. Then he tasted her sweetness, and the earthen scent of her arousal flooded his senses.

  "Let me help you.” Kissa eased him onto his back and, straddled him. Running her fingers gently through his hair, she lowered her mouth to his once more. He exhaled slowly into the kiss. Her touch slowed his breath, his heartbeat.

  He tried to shake her off. She wouldn't budge. Instead, she glared at him through narrowed slits of her eyes. "I don't understand why you are so damn stubborn, my prince."

  "Kissa.” He met her questioning gaze, searching for an answer to an inquiry he hadn't dared to voice. Shifting so many times to fight his opponents had weakened him considerably. It made him stronger over the long haul, but his body hadn’t been allowed a full recovery in a couple of days.

  "No, Joséf. You are my prince, my guardian. The pack acknowledges you as such, and as the strongest, just before Sapporo. It is your duty to let me help you."

  "But…" He couldn't think through the fog in his mind. His vision blurred again, and he could no longer see Kissa's near perfect face in the dark.

  "Close your eyes," she whispered.

  Come on, wolf. Are you going to let her order you around without so much as a smart-ass comment?

  "Isabella, do you ever leave me?"

  Nothing. Soothing heat eased tension from Joséf's ragged body.


  Look, he heard her sigh. He'd annoyed her. Good. That brought a smile to his face. Let her help you. For my sake.

  Joséf felt weight on his legs, Kissa's soft bottom in his hands. Her arms went around his neck and her cheek pressed gently to his. Her breath was a bare whisper of eroticism and relief, a little slice of heaven.

  Livía paces around the mansion aimlessly during the night, and somehow manages to remain partially connected to this world when we should be dead. Please do this.

  Isabella never said please, he reminded himself. This was the second time.


  That meant shit had gone from bad to heavy as hell, meaning he'd have to deal with it when he got back, somehow find a solution to what? He didn't know. Anger remained at the forefront of his mind at the hand he'd accepted, at his fate.

  Kissa's caresses and ministrations pulled him from his negative thoughts.

  Fingertips spread over his broad shoulders, soft lips pressed to his forehead; tiny kisses trailing down his nose seemed to erase the pain. He didn't know how his skin came to glow. "This can't be real."

  Don't turn away from Kissa, wolf.

  Please, Kissa replied in his head. Listen to her.

  Just a few months ago, Joséf had killed men in cold blood. Just a few months ago, he was just Joséf Staganov, rogue police officer, who'd gotten hooked on drugs put out by The Syndicate in California. Years before that he'd been a lost rookie, learning the ropes of the law, figuring out who the players were and studying them. Discovering the lies.

  Burying all the memories cost him his humanity as he turned a blind eye to his own destructive rage. The bloodthirsty part of him wanted more, demanded more, but who was actually in control of that being?

  Joséf didn’t know. It appeared the beast ruled him at the moment, or at least it had until he'd finished the last fight.

  "Kissa," he whispered, and closed his eyes. Doing so steadied him and seemed to ease the dizziness.

  "Shh. It's all right, szeretőm," Kissa nuzzled him.

  Joséf opened his eyes slowly; a silver cloud surrounded them both.

  "No, not yet," she whispered. Her hand covered his eyes, blocking out any remaining light, but he still sensed the warmth from both her body and their aura.

  Please, for Livía, wolf.

  He didn't know how to reply.

  Is it too much to ask that you allow me to come to your aid as well?

  Silence echoed loudly in his head. Kissa's ministrations continued to ease tension from his body. The pain faded quicker now, merely leaving him tired.

  She's not doing this all on her own, is she?

  "Your Isabella and Livía are too far away to touch you like I can at this point. It's early in the day for them, and they should be asleep but they're not. Something's wrong and they need you. This is all me, my prince. Please? Let me.” Her lips brushed against his, darting her tongue between his parched lips, making his mouth water.

  Isabella laughed hysterically in his head.

  Silly Farkas, I am all too aware of everything around you. Livía's soft voice floated over his heart like silk; healing a wound there he hadn’t known he had.

  Livía? You, his jaw dropped. Isabella had said she walked when she should be asleep, but he hadn’t believed her. What are you doing awake?

  She didn't respond but he felt her probe in his mind,
touching it, sending information through magic exchange and their blood bond. You don't question Isabella but you do me? Odd. She snorted. It's a mystery to Izzy and me as well, my pet.

  Fuck. Something was wrong when vampires didn't act like they had for hundreds of years. What had changed? He wasn't the first wolf to mate with a vampire. His power was minuscule compared to others he'd seen, some he'd killed. Those deaths weighed on his heart, his shoulders. I'm so tired, my body is so heavy. I cannot stop Kissa but…

  Silly boy. Do not worry about her, drágám. I am not so young as to be old fashioned, as they say. Taking more than one lover will help heal you more than you know.

  But Livía…

  "She said leave it to me.” Kissa's eyes held seriousness. Her brows furrowed together, lips pursed in a thin line. The burning scent of her emotions rolled off her stronger than Joséf had ever smelled before. "Do not make me push this issue, when I so clearly want to give to you."

  It scared him. "I'm a murderer."

  Savior, all three voices rang out in his head.

  "Okay. I love you, Livía.” He whispered the words; afraid Kissa would hear and shun him for his love of another.

  I know, now go play! Go heal. Livía chuckled, though she sounded almost as exhausted as he felt. Livía and Isabella's touch faded from his mind, leaving him with Kissa.

  "You felt them, didn't you?” He knew the answer already; she'd confirmed it earlier. He couldn't look at her, wouldn't look at her sweet young body and see her accusing stare. Didn't want to know what the feel of her sex engulfing his was like.

  "I told you I could. It amazes me how stubborn you are. You are surrounded by a lot of love, my prince. I want you. I want to be in your life, but the final decision rests with you. Not them, not me, not even the pack.” Her voice was steady, even. "Only you can reject me."

  For someone so young, she seemed able to reason well. If he didn't sleep with Kissa, didn’t claim her, she'd be left to them. She'd be hurt, probably beyond all repair. Joséf couldn't carry that burden. Her soul was still beautiful.


  “Yes, my prince?”

  “What did you mean when you said no one ever did for you, earlier?”

  She blinked and looked back at him. Her eyes showed deep emotion, the burning hatred for certain members of her pack. “The actions of a very select few have caused me a great deal of pain. Because we have not had a leader to right the wrongs, I’ve been left to die on more than one occasion. No one has helped heal me. I’m fierce, my prince.” Her words came out flat, hollow. “But I am smaller than average. I am not yet in my full power, and won’t be without a miracle. None of the women were allowed to help me. I was told it would make me stronger. Instead,” she looked away, her shoulders slumping “it made me bitter.”

  “Yet, you want the pack?”

  Kissa shook her head. “I want an ideal, I know. My only family is Fang. There are a few who feel sorry for me, and help by showing me things in the darkness, but they never come forward to show support in the light. You’re not like them.”

  Joséf winced at her words.

  Kissa turned her head slightly; eyes alight with a new emotion he recognized very well. "Do you want me, Joséf?"

  Her eyes held the wisdom of ages. She had lived a hard life. And oh, yes. He wanted her.

  Forcing himself to his feet, he ignored the dirt and sweat covering his body. Oh, but he couldn't forget the blood cracking and drying on his wounds. She’d offered him a reprieve, if he chose to take it. Kissa's heaven.

  The fabric of his soul had split long ago. Could she help repair it?

  She took a tentative step toward him and he drew her to him, wrapped his arms around her, feeling the first stir of hormones flooding his body. Arousal hardened his cock. The thought of taking something more than sex became too difficult to bear.

  "Why is this so heavy?” A new pain, to add to the rest.

  "You speak of my love?” Kissa nestled in his arms.


  "Because, silly prince. My love is filled with mercy.”

  He should have figured she would give him an answer like that.

  Power flowed from her to him, giving him enough strength to move without feeling fatigue from his injuries. His heart beat stronger, the fog in his mind slipped away.

  His fingers circled her wrist. Raindrops fell as they turned toward the path to the lake, and life flowed through Joséf's veins, followed by lust. Moonlight shone on the treetops, emphasizing the snowcaps on the mountains in the distance. A gentle breeze blew past them as they walked down the path back toward Lake Balatón. Raindrops fell lightly on their heads and Joséf couldn't take it anymore. His arousal demanded to be sated.

  Stopping, he lifted Kissa onto his back. Health roared through him and he moved into a sprint, quicker and quicker still through the forest, until the lake was in sight. Her heat against his body amped up the urgency resonating between them. Hell, even with the rain, he could feel her heat against his back. He desperately wanted to sink himself inside her, fill her repeatedly until she screamed his name.

  Her laugher ringing in his ears became a scream when she realized he was running toward the pier.

  "What are you doing, silly?"

  "You don't want to deal with their blood, do you?” Panting, Joséf kept up his pace, enjoying her laughter in his ears.

  Kissa giggled and tightened her arms around him. "No, you're not getting away from me!"

  "Yes!” Joséf lunged off the edge of the dock, leaping high into the air. Plunging into the lake with a large splash, Joséf felt Kissa's legs squeeze tightly around him as she held on, while he swam through the lake with a renewed sense of freedom.

  He popped them up to the surface. Seeing the lake this late at night was fun, an undiscovered world of wonder and beauty. He shifted Kissa to face him.

  Cradling her in his arms, his hands slid over her plump ass, nestling himself between her strong thighs. Her scent wafted up to his nose, mixed with the fresh clean Hungarian air. It was no more humid tonight than usual. Kissa's lips sealed over his. Breathing her in, the night air and her lust, he guided them back toward the shore.

  "No," she muttered between kisses, "here. Fuck me here, my Prince."

  Smiling, Joséf reached beneath the water and tore at the button on Kissa's ripped jeans. As tight as they were against her skin, she shimmied out of them using both hands while Joséf held her above water. Kicking them away, he laughed when he realized she wore no panties.

  "What's so funny?” Her voice had gone from playful to husky.

  "Your jeans. When we leave."

  Her lips fell on his. "It doesn't matter," she growled into the kiss.

  He slid two fingers inside her. She groaned against his jaw. Slick heat burned his fingers in the cool of the lake, and his cock throbbed in response. Tangling his fingers in her wet hair, he tilted her head back, exposing her neck. The urge to sink his teeth into her neck was there, severely subdued by her own power.

  "You're strength in your own right, Kissa."

  "Taste my skin, szeretőm," she groaned. "Please us both."

  Joséf felt her fingers undo his pants, ripping the material away from his body. Her fingers wrapped around his thick shaft and he swore he couldn't get any harder. Rain fell on their heads, pattered on the surface of the lake as Kissa continued her assault, lips and fingers everywhere she could as Joséf moved his own fingers inside her. Feeling her slick, velvet opening made him crave her even more.

  "Do it," she whispered. "Fill me.”

  Joséf wanted her, needed her. Panting, his heart thundered in his chest. He didn't want to let go of the overwhelming hostility toward himself, but Kissa's lips melted away the pain.

  "Fuck me, my prince!" The urgent need in her voice stirred Joséf's own urgency. Her hands gripped his shoulders with an incredible strength. Then, she slid her fingers down his biceps, catching his hands in hers before swimming back, then kicking her way toward
him, all the while keeping her eyes on his.

  Waves lapped at them and Joséf shucked out of his pants.

  She gripped his cock once more, squeezing it gently. "Please," she begged.

  He nodded.

  She pumped him, tightening her grip around the swollen head of his cock. He moaned, letting all thought slowly dissipate from his mind.

  She swam closer, brushing his cock against her firm stomach. Desire pooled low in his body. Fingertips caressing his balls made him jump, and he moaned aloud when Kissa slid him inside her.

  White-hot lightning arced between them, sparks filled her eyes as he watched her mouth open, her lips forming a perfect 'o' when she plunged herself onto him balls deep, her strong legs wrapping around his waist.

  Joséf swam with an arm around her waist, an arm guiding them to buoyancy while her muscles gripped him.

  "Finally," she hissed. "I'm claimed."

  "Help me forget, Kissa.” Her body moved against his, stirring the water around them. The water caressing his body eased tension from him while she rode him, moving her hips in time with the motion of the water.

  Each thrust of movement forced them to drift toward the center of the lake, their bodies joined so tightly it became impossible to tell where he ended and she began. Leaning back, Joséf lifted Kissa up, adjusting how she straddled him.

  Kissa placed her hands on his chest, digging her nails into his skin. This pain spiking through him added to the intensity of pleasure he felt when she rocked her hips up and down his shaft.

  Rain fell harder, and Kissa jolted up and down on him faster, splashing water with each bit of contact.

  Joséf kicked and shifted them near vertical, but they were beyond where he could touch the bottom of the lake. Kissa bucked against him, moving her legs around his hips while splashing water around them. Buoyancy became difficult and Joséf struggled to keep them afloat while Kissa rode him. He thrust up, nibbled an ear and snaked his tongue into the crevice below her earlobe. She cried into him. Pleasure rippling through him started in his groin and his body grew tight like a bow. Her muscles continued clenching around him, gripping, releasing, all while he continued to thrust inside her.

  Every negative thought in his head cleared out with her heightening fervor. Her breasts crushed against his chest, and her fingers wrapping around threads of his shirt, tearing it from his body to be closer to him, astounded him. Pinpricks from the rain drove his movements faster, enhancing his sensations.


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