An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1)

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An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1) Page 6

by Sascha Illyvich

  Kissa whimpered in her sleep, drawing Joséf’s attention.

  He knelt down next to her, took her outstretched hand in his, and began rubbing her palm slowly. Meticulously, his fingers massaged down the length of her arm and back to her palm until she settled down. He looked up at Istvan. "I'm sure John's a mole. Sent here by the Syndicate on purpose to disrupt the pack."

  Istvan and Dave shared a glance. Joséf watched as understanding dawned on them both. Istvan nodded. "I believe you."

  “I believe you too, Joe.” Dave crossed his arms and sent a glare toward the tree where John had been. Joséf followed his gaze, only to find the tree was empty.

  "Damn it. I hope I can convince the others.” Joséf drew Kissa into his arms, letting her head loll against his chest. Running a hand through her curls, he kissed the top of her head. He ran a hand over her shoulders, feeling tension in her muscles. Stress would kill her if she didn't figure out how to deal with life in the pack.

  Of course, he was now her coping mechanism. He cursed under his breath. The pressure they both faced weighed on his shoulders like a freight train. He would manage. He had to. Livía wouldn't accept anything less from him.

  "What are you doing, touching my sister?”

  Joséf woke from his pre-breakfast nap to waves of anger. Glancing around, he saw Fang standing in front of him. Kissa woke with a jerk but stayed still.

  Dark blonde hair hung just past his cheeks, hiding blue eyes that looked like Kissa's, only without the silver. Dirt marred his olive skin. Joséf didn't miss the blank expression in Fang's eyes.

  "Fang, right?” Joséf felt the welcoming rise of vengeance in his blood. He’d be happy to teach Fang a lesson.

  The other man's jaw set firmly. While not huge like Istvan, Fang's body showed plenty of muscle. A tear in his peasant shirt exposed part of his chest.

  Fang stepped forward, his bare feet raising little dust.

  "My prince, don't. Please don’t fight him.” Kissa struggled in his arms, but he tightened his grip around her. “He’s my brother.”

  "You put me here," he whispered in her ear. His logical mind understood, but his bloodlust saw an opportunity, recognized a chance to taste blood. He struggled to keep his cool.

  "Kissa, leave this traitor alone.” Filled with harshness, Fang's voice sounded raw, like he'd been screaming for days.

  "It's not your call, dear brother. He is our prince.”

  Fury pierced Fang’s dark eyes. The rage in his voice, contrasted with Kissa’s sweet tone. "He is a foreigner. He isn't even one of us. Can you not see that?"

  "Now wait just a Goddamn minute.” Joséf shifted his weight and pulled Kissa against his back defensively, blocking her body with his.

  Her breasts snuggled against his back, hardening him.

  You need a distraction.

  Joséf grumbled. "Not now."

  Fang sniffed the air. "I smell your arousal, foreigner. You've raped my sister.” He spat out the words as if each one were a dagger to stab Joséf.

  "No, she came willingly. She is an adult by your standards. Leave her be."

  Fang snarled. "She is not an adult by my standards.”

  Both Joséf and Kissa stood. He shoved her behind him.

  She tried to move around Joséf but he held her back.

  “I am not yours to beat, any more. You no longer have the right to touch me.” Kissa wrestled free of Joséf’s hold and marched to her brother.

  “You are nothing.” He knocked her away with a swipe of one well-muscled arm.

  Joséf clenched his fists and started for Fang but Istvan and Dave grabbed him by the arms, holding him back.

  Joséf’s eyes narrowed and fury gripped him, making him see red. He struggled against his two pack mates but they held him firm. “I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Joséf clenched his fists and strode toward Fang, his intent cold and deadly.

  Before he could strike, Kissa rushed between them. "No, my prince, please don’t. Fang.” She turned to face her brother's angry stare. “You have no rights over me. Leave us alone. Joséf is the prince our people have been seeking. He is the man I love."

  "Kissa, don’t,” Joséf tried to get her out of harm’s way, but Istvan and Dave wouldn’t release him and Kissa didn’t move. The she-wolf was stronger than he’d expected. The anger he’d checked earlier returned, almost as if it were begging for the fight. At least this anger was righteous.

  Fang’s features narrowed even more and tension poured from him. "I don’t accept it. Joséf is a damn foreigner, and not to be trusted. John was right. My sister is a fucking American come guzzling whore.” Without warning, Fang backhanded Kissa, sending her flying against a nearby tree.

  Roaring, Joséf let the rage simmering beneath his skin boil.

  Istvan and Dave released Joséf and backed off. Joséf lunged at Fang, shifting form in midair.

  "My prince, please!"

  He barely heard Kissa's plea before Fang's fist knocked the wind from his lungs.

  "I'm quicker than you, foreigner," he gloated.

  Joséf shifted back to his human form and studied Fang. The man's eyes seemed blankly evil and at the same time void of life, the malice there separate from the man.

  Fang threw another punch. Joséf dodged it. Jumping back, he took quick inventory of his surroundings. "I doubt it."

  Fang’s fist caught Joséf across the jaw. On the rebound, Joséf caught Fang's arm and flung him over his shoulder. Fang landed, rolled, crouched, and was ready to fight. Pivoting around Kissa, Joséf sniffed her to see how hurt she was. So far, nothing smelled like blood. That's a good girl. Tough like nails.

  "My sister can take more than that, you fool. Get away from her.”

  The white light forming at Fang's fist would burn flesh. Looking over his shoulder, Joséf realized the path of the projectile. "You'd send that at me knowing I can dodge it, yet if it hit your sister, it would seriously wound her?"

  He nodded. "I would. She's dealt with tougher punishments."

  "All for nothing, you asshole," Kissa shot back. She appeared in front of Joséf, providing a barrier between her lover and her brother. "If you shoot, you will kill me. Is that what you want?"

  Joséf stood straighter. The girl had spunk, he’d give her that.

  "Get out of the way, Kissa.” Fang took a tentative step forward.

  Please move, Kissa.

  "No, my prince. I can fight my own battles. I stand up to him on a regular basis.” The bitterness in her tone caught at him.

  It doesn't count if you lose, Joséf reminded her.

  "I won't lose. You're here now. I am safe.”

  Great. "Kissa, make sure you know what you're asking for."

  Fang took a step back and to one side. The ball in his hand grew larger.

  "I know what I'm asking.” She looked back at him, sorrow etched deep in her face.

  Goddamnit. Another fucking person putting their life in his hands. "Kissa, move.” Joséf made the sentence a command.

  By now, others had gathered around to see what the fuss was about. Istvan remained by the fire pit, Dave at his side, watching the entire show. Joséf had a fairly good idea of which way they would lean. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted John, sitting back cool and composed.

  Movement stirred behind Joséf. Other pack members surrounded him.

  "We should be able to talk this out, Fang.” Joséf wiped away trickling blood from his lip.

  Fang’s quick glance at John told Joséf all he needed to know. The man had a small smile on his face. Only a cop would know when another person's expression hid the truth. John leaned against the tree, shifting his weight from one foot to another, before moving out of Joséf's line of sight.

  A second later, the white ball flew from Fang's hands, landing with a loud crash, splitting the tree John had leaned against moments ago in two. The smell of burning wood permeated the air. A few scattered away from the tree, others backed up, giving the two a larger circl

  Joséf glanced swiftly at Fang. A wild fear showed in his eyes before they slowly went back to the blankness he’d noticed earlier.

  Damnit. Something was wrong.

  "This doesn't have to happen, Fang.” Istvan spoke with clear authority.

  "It does. We have not been a true pack since that swine arrived. It's been two weeks and now he's made my sister a dirty fucking whore.” Fang pointed at Kissa, but his voice sounded mechanical.

  Kissa stood, steadying herself against the shoulders of another pack member.

  “As if you cherished her like you should,” Joséf spat. He didn't know what to do, but Fang needed to be stopped. Looking into his attacker's eyes, he saw nothing but dark malice and hatred. Once more, his humanity flashed in those eyes before they blanked.

  Joséf wished for his knife right now. If he let the beast inside him out to play, and began shifting in the fight, Fang would die, when truthfully John should be the one to die. Joséf had enough of the shit here. Once Fang was dealt with, John would die. True pack justice.

  Fang took a step forward, then leapt in the air, shifting as he did so. Snarling, jaws parted, showing large white incisors, but he caught Joséf with his claws as the two hit the ground.

  Wrapping his arms around the large furry beast, Joséf tried to roll them both over but with Fang snarling and snapping at him, it was nearly impossible. Fang's wolf was massive compared to normal wolves. Struggling, Joséf brought his knees up, shoving them into Fang's belly just long enough to dislodge himself from his attacker.

  Scrambling to his feet, Joséf took a few steps back. Fang righted himself, snarling. His muzzle dripped with fresh blood and smelled putrid. The wolf's eyes held only darkness so black it made the night look like day. Fang’s soul was gone, replaced by an efficient killing machine.

  "Istvan, stop my brother and our Prince, please."

  Istvan didn't move. Fang lunged at Joséf, missing him by inches. Joséf raised a hand, thinking hard about power, energy, and a ball. If he could stun the animal, he could reason with it. But the beast inside Joséf began riding him. Anger roiled deep inside, filling him with rage. Clenching his teeth, he fought against the emotions swirling around, searching for the ethical thing to do.

  Fang lunged at him again. Joséf dodged and threw the wolf on the ground with his own momentum. Fang righted himself and growled, shaking off dirt in the process.

  Use that energy in you, form a ball and retaliate, my prince.

  I can't get a clear shot, Kissa.

  Sprinting toward Joséf, Fang lunged at him again, claws forward. The two connected and claws dug into Joséf's chest, sending him off balance. He screamed but reacted quickly, swinging an arm around to catch Fang’s snapping jaws.

  The bite dug into his forearm and Joséf felt the stress on the bone. He cried out but threw his free hand, claws first, into Fang's throat. Pain exploded behind Joséf's eyes when feet dug into his thighs and tore through his jeans to flesh. Blood streamed, filling the air with the scent of iron.

  Joséf ripped his limbs from Fang's clutches and threw the wolf back.

  "Why isn't anyone helping Joséf to stop Fang?” Kissa screamed.

  Joséf knew why. He'd barely proven himself, but he was still an outsider. Kissa should have understood. He didn't care. Couldn't. Fang was on his feet, charging again at Joséf.

  "Don't make me do this, Fang.” Joséf tried to extend a hand in friendship, well aware that it could be torn off at any moment.

  Get out of our land. Go home.

  "It's not my fault.” His words were a whisper.

  Sapporo may have welcomed you here, but nobody will ever accept you. Not even my sister.

  Those words sounded familiar. From what he remembered, those words were a parting shot once, when he fought his own brother, a ruthless Syndicate thug. Staring into Fang’s eyes, Joséf looked for a solution, tried to take time in his head to stay calm, think this through. Not be the bad guy.

  I'm not the bad guy, Staganov. A different mental voice than before, there was a plea there.

  That was it. Joséf knew, somehow, that John controlled Fang. He couldn't prove it yet, didn't think werewolves could do what vampires could. Did the Syndicate train werewolves now, as well as vampires?

  With his left arm useless, Joséf couldn't shift and still be efficient. Fang’s claw caught him in the thigh, wounding him deeply. Joséf knew the beast's next target would be his other leg.

  "Fang, stop it!” Kissa screamed louder.

  Joséf reached down into the depths of his soul, found the place he used to hide the bad part of him. He pulled from terrifying blackness what he'd stored there. Energy. Emotion based on his self-hatred and loathing. He'd have only one way to end this, and Kissa would truly hate him forever.

  At least he'd have done what he said he would. Protect her. Before he could form the energy ball, he watched Kissa jump between them again. She spread her arms out and turned toward her brother. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  "Stop the nonsense, Fang.” Her voice rang out in the quiet. "You know better. He'll kill you. You're an asshole but if you pursue this, I will not forgive you. I will let him kill you. And I will not grieve, and I will not bury you."

  Every muscle Joséf possessed grew tight. "Kissa.” She stood between them, a good ten feet currently parted himself and Fang. The entire clearing was still, watching. Waiting.

  For a moment, Fang shook his head, his fur ruffling wildly around his face. His green eyes looked harmless for an instant, confused even. Fingers snapped behind Joséf and his opponent’s eyes changed again.

  Fang snarled at Kissa, padding closer with blood dripping from his jaw. Joséf's blood stained Fang’s fur, making dark patches stand out on the beautiful heather gray. Fang made tense movements toward Kissa.

  Shoving Kissa out of the way, Joséf barely heard her scream. Shifting in mid-air, Joséf landed millimeters from Fang, snapping powerful jaws as a threat. Fang backed up, giving Joséf enough room for an attack.

  "Please, don't. Joséf.” Kissa rarely called him by name.

  Turning his head to Kissa, his ears perked as he saw her kicking and fighting while being dragged away by two men he didn't recognize. The split second of lost concentration was enough, and Joséf was knocked to his side. The ground hurt, but not as much as Fang's teeth clenching around his throat.

  It doesn't have to be this way. Joséf changed back to his human form but left his claws out. Razor sharp talons protruded from his fingers, catching Fang's attention.

  Fang released the pressure on Joséf's neck long enough to take a breath. I'm sorry. Maybe…we could have been friends in another lifetime.

  Even as he talked, Joséf ‘s hand, talons extended, shoved through Fang’s chest. Joséf felt his claws rip out through the other side of Fang's body. The wolf went limp, the deep emerald green color returning to his eyes before they closed for the last time. Blood spurted from the wound onto Joséf's body. He pulled his hand, now back to normal, out of the wolf and shoved him aside, searching the crowd for Kissa, but all he saw were dropped jaws and horrified expressions.

  He gazed at Fang's face, but there were no answers to be seen. Standing, he couldn't find Kissa. Had she run off?

  Joséf spun around and glared at the onlookers. "You all did nothing to help me. You were going to let him kill me, were you not? Kissa's brother's blood is not just on my hands, you assholes. It's on all of yours!"

  Not a single person replied.

  "Who is next? It’s not like I lied, earlier. I will kill all of you if I have to, to prove my point.” He growled, felt the aggression building in him again. He tried hard to rein it in. He unclenched his fists and shook them out while he looked around. Tried to force compassion into his actions, rather than vengeance.

  Some of the onlookers took steps back, others stood their ground and waited. Still, nobody bothered to come to his aid, or Kissa's. What the fuck was wrong with this pack?

  “I was
led to believe wolves lived in a happy puppy pile. That they needed the touch to live, to thrive. What the fuck is wrong with you all, that you don’t gather in happy puppy piles? What is wrong with you, that you don’t help the victor in one of your own fucking on-demand fights for fucking dominance?”

  Joséf smelled his own blood, Fang’s entrails, and the stench of the tainted undead. Somehow John was gone from this mess, but he'd left an extremely valuable clue Joséf could use to track him back to the source of this mess.

  Stumbling forward, Joséf's vision blurred. The large wound in his arm was bleeding profusely, along with the deep cuts in his right leg and chest.

  "Kissa!" he shouted and fell to the ground. Eyes closed, he picked up her scent being carried away by the wind. She was in trouble, she was angry. Furious with her brother, angry with Joséf, confused and scared.

  Losing track of Kissa turned a bad night into a fucking bad night.


  The irritating voice prodded him in his sleep, filtered through the layer of pain.

  "Joséf, wake up. You are not going to sleep all day while we look for your precious Kissa."

  The stern words stirred Joséf the rest of the way to wakefulness. He opened his eyes and, looking up, trees came into view behind a large figure. "Wha…?"

  The man outstretched his hand and Joséf recognized the power instantly.

  Sapporo. The Ancient vampire, finally come around again.

  "Get up, Joséf. She is your mate; it is your responsibility to find her. You may choose two of the others to accompany you."

  “And where the hell were you last night, when I was forced to kill her brother?” Dull pain raced through his arm when he tried to use it. Standing, facing Sapporo, late afternoon sun filled the clearing, filtered by the trees. Joséf frowned. Sapporo stood there, when he shouldn’t. He didn't look to be more muscular, but the light from the fire behind him reflected shadows Joséf swore weren't present.

  Things danced around Sapporo, energies fluttered, and the wind hummed with power. Joséf stared into Sapporo's eyes, could see how alive he had once been.

  He glanced at the horizon, where nightfall hovered. It never seemed to be something he watched. Getting knocked out on a regular basis made sure of that.


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