An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1)

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An Alpha Torn (Nights Of Lust Book 1) Page 7

by Sascha Illyvich

  "You are a vampire, right? I mean, seeing as how the sun hasn’t set yet, and all."

  A harsh breeze blew the leaves around, sending chills throughout Joséf. Sapporo looked hard into Joséf's eyes. "I am something not even you can fathom, Staganov. For now, I am the ruler of this pack. Obey me."

  "I obey no one."

  "You owe me.” Sapporo's voice was neutral.

  "I owe you?” If he didn’t hurt so much, he’d laugh.

  "Yes. We brought you here on your word that you would owe us a favor upon your return to the Americas. My apologies for this pack being in a bigger state of disarray than I neglected to mention for these previous two months. We have had…problems."

  “You brought me here to fix this fucking pack without telling me that was what I was supposed to do, as well as not telling me just what the hell had been going on here. I’m not sure I owe you a favor at this point. Besides, I have not yet returned to the Americas.” Joséf tensed, felt his own power creeping over his skin, prickling the hairs on his body. Life, energy, and confusion filled him, and a part of him knew he needed to back off.

  Shaking his head, he stepped back from Sapporo. "Okay, fine. Problems. But now? We need to find John. He was fucking controlling Fang, pushing him to fight me. We have to find and kill John before he controls another.” Joséf paced back and forth, raking his hands through his messy hair.

  "Istvan killed John."


  "John was not one of us."

  "I know. He was a thug sent by the Syndicate, wasn't he?"

  "Indeed.” Sapporo's eyes narrowed.

  "I remember you tried to kill Livía, Sapporo. You tried to kill my lover.” Violent flames licked at Joséf's skin. He craved vengeance; the beast inside needed the violence.

  The other man's blood seemed to pump through him, along with the offbeat rhythm of his heart. Odd, it didn't match wolf or vampire.

  "I had nothing to do with that mess. It was handled by others, and hidden from my knowledge. Had I a hand, do you think you would be standing here now?” He kept his tone steady, yet the veiled threat hung between them.

  Joséf noticed the vampire's posture. Relaxed, he still looked poised to strike like a deadly viper.


  The other man turned away, walking toward the flame. "Still, I did not wish death upon Livía."

  Joséf blinked, Sapporo was gone. Vanished. Disappeared into thin air.

  Almost immediately, Istvan showed up. "Come on, Dave is waiting for us.”

  "For what?"

  "To find Kissa."

  Dave stood several yards away, sniffing the air. He came toward Joséf, sniffing him closely. Dressed in dark slacks and a long sleeved brown shirt, Dave was the epitome of casual. Sure he could fight, but he liked the relaxed look. His dark hair hung long, curled at the ends just above his hip. His eyes twinkled with youthful mischief.

  "What the fuck are you doing, Dave?"

  "Scenting Kissa. I never spent much time around the little runt, but I know you did.”

  Joséf wanted to knock the shit-eating grin off Dave's face.

  Istvan laughed.

  Joséf gave him an ice-cold stare.

  Istvan's posture straightened and the serious look returned to his face. "Fine, let's go. It'll be faster in wolf form. Dave, do you have any idea where she is?"

  "North, toward the lake."

  Joséf took off running, shifting in mid-stride.

  The other two followed closely behind, picking up Kissa's scent mixed with blood.

  Darting through the lush forest at a speed quicker than he'd ever run before, Joséf focused on only the one thing. Finding Kissa.

  Not even the thought of killing her brother earlier bothered him. Thank God John had been removed, but that meant there were more of the Syndicate in Hungary.

  Istvan, it's her. Who took her?

  I don’t know. John, though. He was, indeed, not one of us.

  I knew that guy wasn't all right, Dave panted, running hard to keep up with Joséf and Istvan.

  Maybe you shouldn't run so fast. Dave can't keep up, Istvan chuckled.

  Fuck him. If he can't keep up, Sapporo should have sent someone who could.

  Hey pal, I didn't choose this gig. I was born into a normal family. I'm actually a lycanthrope. I’m a disease, not a real wolf!

  Joséf sighed in his head. He wondered how marvelous a laugh Isabella would have if she could be here.

  Damn, he missed Livía badly right now. Without someone to hold him, to help heal, he was forced to rely on his own natural abilities. Kissa had done a bit of his training, but he had yet to learn how to be a wolf outside of fighting for superiority. Kissa promised she’d get into the finer details, eventually.

  Looked like that plan had changed. If he couldn’t rescue her, they were both lost.

  The edge of Lake Balaton came into view. There were a few boaters, though mostly everyone had gone home for the day. The stands across the water were all shut down. A few pelicans circled overhead and disappeared from view. Water rippled gently, nipping at the shore.

  All three wolves stopped short of the shoreline, stepping carefully into the water. Drinking his fill, Joséf realized again that the mineral taste of the water was probably really good for him.

  In an instant, the three of them were men again, standing tall, their thirst slaked.

  "Now what?” Dave broke the silence.

  Joséf looked around and saw nothing. Closing his eyes, he focused on his earlier memories of the way Kissa's body felt pressed against his. Focused on the image of her curls brushing over his tired body, her lips drawing closer to his mouth.

  You don't need to come find me. Send someone else, Joséf.


  "Where? I don't see her. Ouch!” Dave rubbed his shoulder where Istvan punched him.

  "The mental pathway, you idiot."

  Joséf sighed. "I still can't talk back to her. We have barely started this lesson."

  "Damn girl. What did she say?” Istvan's eyes shone brightly.

  "She wants someone else. I can't focus enough to speak without her here. Can either of you teach me a faster way to communicate?"

  "I'm out. Lycanthrope.” Dave pointed both his fingers at himself.

  "Loser, is what he meant.” Istvan glared at Dave. "I can teach you, but not now."

  So the three of you cannot save me? Great. Joséf heard Kissa's sigh loudly in his head. This is our best and brightest? Sapporo should have let me die.

  "Kissa, don't say that. Tell me where you are?"


  "Tell them, then."

  Go home, Joséf. Send someone else to save me. She sounded angry, hurt. He didn't blame her.

  For an instant, Joséf thought about going back to California. It could all end, the fighting, the bruises, the pain. The confusion. The guilt.

  Kissa sniffled in his head. Go then. Leave me here to die.

  "What is she saying, Joséf?"

  He faced Istvan. "She's telling me to go back to America. Wants me to send someone else to rescue her."

  "But you're her mate.” Dave put a hand on Joséf's shoulder. "You can't do that. If you leave, you must take her with you. It's pack law. Or buddy, she’s dead meat here."

  "We are not mates. She wants nothing to do with me."

  "It is not her choice. You were her first, Joe. You two brought each other into a power neither of you could reach by yourselves. I felt her power grow stronger earlier.” Istvan stopped, raised a hand.

  Joséf spun around, aware of heat creeping up his face. "She's still right. I don't belong here.” Joséf let out a long sigh. The sniffles in his head were getting louder. He'd fucked up. Didn't she understand he'd had no choice? It was his life and hers, or Fang's.

  "That's the dumbest thing I've heard. Of course she wants you here, Joe.” Dave stopped, settled his weight against a rock.

  "It doesn't matter. If I stay, more of the Syndicate thugs wil
l follow me here, if they haven't already."

  "Wait," Istvan shook his head. "You brought these guys over?"

  Joséf sighed. "No. They have probably been here for a while now. You said John had been here for three years. So my guess is, they have others out there. Maybe even in the pack."

  "You've been here two weeks, give or take. Where were you beforehand?” Dave shifted from one foot to the other.

  Joséf pressed his fingers into his temples to stem the emerging headache. "I was still in San Francisco, working to take out Richard the Ancient and his daughter."

  Dave rubbed his jaw. "So this guy was sent before you. So what?"

  "That means the organization has been planning something larger all along. How long has the pack been in a state of disarray?"

  "Too long. Over a decade.” Istvan said.

  "Is there something special about this particular pack that sets it apart from other packs?” Joséf closed his eyes, forcing his tired police mind to look for the obvious needle in the haystack.

  "Not to my knowledge. We have somehow been graced with Sapporo's gift as a guide while waiting for you, but that's about it. Our history is long, rich, but mostly faded into the dust.” Istvan raised his head. Scrunched his brow in thought. "Only collectively do we have all the pieces of the puzzle for our pack."

  "Well, shit. We're left with the Syndicate planning something larger, and I'm only one man. Even with you two, I can't stop it. Kissa's right. I might have better luck in America."

  "Don't be silly. She is family. We must go find her.” Istvan kicked a rock.

  "Good luck, boys.” Joséf turned, aware of the sniffles in his mind becoming loud sobs. "You two can't hear her, can you?"

  Both of them shook their heads. "No, Joe. She doesn't talk to Dave. He's weird."

  A giggle came out as a hiccup amidst the tears.

  "Where are you, Kissa?"

  I'm not telling you. Go home, damn it.

  He would leave, but he'd rescue her first. Her brother was gone; John was dead as well. At least he could get her away from the Syndicate thugs, if indeed they were pulling the strings here. Maybe his luck in the States would pan out. Livía had to be more connected, since she was the famed Queen of the Night.

  He huffed. "Fine. I'll go back now. Tell one of us where you're at. I won't be here when you are free."

  Turning away, Joséf slid his hands into his pockets and began walking off. Humming a tune to himself, he knew he would hate himself for this choice. Leading Kissa was dirty pool, but he didn't have time to play these games. If she wanted to be treated like a grown up, then she had to deal with the consequences. "Joe," Istvan shouted. "I know where she's at."

  "Good for you. You two go get her."

  "I think you'd better come with us, Joe.” Dave lowered his head, eyes narrowed and a frown on his face. "She's saying some pretty nasty things about coming to find you in America just so she can kick your lily-white ass."

  Joséf scoffed.

  Dave sighed. "I wish I could find a mate and have a lover's quarrel. I hear make up sex is great."

  "Dave.” Joséf glared.


  "Shut the fuck up."

  "Yes Cap'n.” Dave chuckled.

  Istvan sighed. Turning toward Joséf, he gestured. "You'd better come with us."

  "Fine. But I'm leaving as soon as we rescue the little brat.” Her sobs had become wails in his mind.

  Istvan led them on a run half way around the lake. The last of the tourists had left, leaving the entire lake feeling eerily empty. He halted as they drew closer to a building.

  "She's there, in that boat house.” Istvan pointed it out. “Looks abandoned.”

  Joséf did a quick reconnaissance of the area. There were at least four vampires, hiding in the surrounding forest. The breeze chilled him this evening, unlike the other night when Kissa kept him warm as they fucked. Yeah, it was a crass thought, but the truth remained ugly. He wasn't good for her, any more than he was good for Livía. Still, they could rescue Kissa. As long as they were aware of the trap’s yawning jaws, just waiting to snap shut on them.

  Istvan's hand on his shoulder stirred him from his thoughts. "This is a trap.” He kept his voice low.

  Joséf arched a brow. "You think I don't know that? I was a cop for a decade. I know when we're about to be fucked."

  "Looks like that'd be now," Dave pointed to a bright flame in the window of the boathouse.

  All three men drew closer to the window, Joséf peeking in first. "I see Kissa," he whispered.

  Dave moved his head around for a clearer shot. "What's beneath the burning torch?"

  "It looks like a can of gasoline."

  "Some trap," Istvan patted Joséf on the shoulder. "Thugs like this in Hungary didn’t exist before the eighties."

  "Right, you just had every country around you from Austria to Germany putting their dick up your ass. Then the communists came and wrecked shop."

  Istvan growled. "Your people killed their last great ruler. And how do you explain that motherfucker, Trotsky? Murdered by your people in Mexico!"

  "We’re on a rescue mission,” Dave reminded them. "Talk politics later. So what is this? Open the door, lower the torch, get burned before we get to Kissa?"

  "Looks that way.” A thin rope held a torch just above the can. Oil and gasoline scents filled the air. One wrong move and the place would catch fire, burning them all to ashes. "If we don't get to her in time, the rope snaps from the weight and she goes up in flames anyway."

  "I heard we don't actually taste like chicken."

  Istvan and Joséf sighed collectively.

  Dave backed up. "Okay, okay. I'll cool it. What's the plan?"

  Joséf sent him a wry look. "Do you two feel the others around?'

  Istvan nodded. "There are several armed vampires."

  "Why would vampires need guns?”

  "Because they're new vampires, Dave, they can't control their desires yet. I can't feel them as well as Istvan, but I know their energy is weak. Even if they all combined strength, we have the advantage.” Joséf scanned the area mentally for extra energy and found nothing.

  "Do they know that?” Istvan scratched his head.


  "So, again," Dave huddled closer, "What's the plan, Cap'n?"

  Joséf tasted Kissa's fear in the back of his throat. He heard her silent pleas for help. Gritting his teeth, he turned to face the sets of bright red eyes glowing in the thick underbrush surrounding the cabin. "Guess we split up, divide and conquer, fellas. Kissa?"

  Dave nodded. "Left?"

  "Right," Istvan answered.



  Dave and Istvan nodded. They turned away from Joséf, letting him focus on the window before him. He spotted Kissa once again, saw beads of sweat on her skin, along with a few bruises on her face. Anger filled him and threatened to cloud his mind.

  The fire is getting hotter; the torch is lowering itself to the ground! Hurry!

  "Wait," Istvan held up a hand. "Are we going on the count of three?"

  "What the fuck is this, a Lethal Weapon film?”

  Joséf and Istvan glared at Dave.

  Hurry, it's hot in here! Kissa's cries echoed loudly in Joséf's head.

  "Fuck it.” He smashed through the window, sending bits of broken glass scattering about. Landing, he rolled and righted himself, almost choking on the smell of gasoline and oil near them.

  Kissa wore only torn scraps of clothing. Her bare arms showed cuts. A gag had been stuffed in her mouth. He searched the room with his eyes, looking for something to help him. Nothing. He tugged at the ropes binding Kissa and smelled singed flesh.

  "What the fuck?"

  Kissa opened her weary eyes, Silver woven into the ropes, she spoke low in his mind. Hurry my prince!

  "I thought that shit didn't hurt us.” He spun around, kicking the can of gasoline and sending it flying into the wall where it exploded. The walls caught fire instan
tly as did the dingy drapes. "Shit.” He lifted Kissa and the chair into his arms. The door on the other side looked heavy, old.

  Fumes from the burning wood slowly replaced oxygen in the air. Joséf coughed, covered Kissa's mouth with one hand while angling himself toward the door. He slammed into it hard once, twice and nothing. A third time sent the door creaking open slightly.

  He lifted his leg, braced Kissa's body against his and kicked the door with all his might. It fell off the hinges, hitting the ground with a loud thud. He darted outside with Kissa in hand, running several feet away into an open clearing.

  "Stay here," he looked behind over his shoulder to see Dave sinking his fangs into the neck of one vampire, while Istvan's fist crashed through the skull of another.

  Where the fuck else am I going?

  "I thought you were knocked out."

  Kissa raised her head slowly. Joséf looked at her eyes, they didn't shine at all.

  "Fuck, fuck fuck!"

  You're going to have to break the silver.


  Get rid of the silver. Break it, though it'll hurt your hands, wolf. I suggest you form a white light around your hands.

  "How?” He lifted Kissa's head up, held up two fingers and watched her eyes slowly track his movements. "Kissa, baby wake up. That's it," he paused, moved his fingers slowly back and forth while watching for signs of ill health. "Kissa?"

  Raising her head, she looked at him through half open lids. "My Prince, help me," she whispered.

  "Joe, get her out of here. We'll handle these fuckers.” Istvan yelled back before snarling and digging his fist into the chest of one of the undead.

  Machine gun fire went off, startling Joséf.

  "Roger that.” Closing his eyes, he raised his hands to his chest. Concentrating was hard to do with screams in the background. The smell of death and graveyard soil grew around him, diverting his attention. The urge to join the massacre welled within him as he felt his beast wag its tail.

  Kissa’s whimper refocused him. Concentrating, he envisioned his hands shining with a white light. He opened his eyes and saw the white balls surrounding his hands, much like the aura when he and Isabella slept together.


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