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Fallen Angel

Page 16

by Meg Xuemei X

  He still liked to talk. I wanted to chide him. Who liked to be fucked until one was too sore to walk in a straight line? But his cock was turning me weak in will and spirit as its strokes hit my every sweet, secret spot. I moaned as pleasure rippled all over me and my every cell lit up.

  He drove in me with long, powerful thrusts, then rapid, short thrusts followed. Every thrust made me crave more and moan louder.

  My knees buckled as the onslaught of pleasure kept building, higher and higher.

  I was glad that I was a strong witch, who had a sturdy heart, or I might faint from this.

  “Yes, Gabriel, my Angel,” I cried. “I’m coming. You fuck me so hard. I’m close. So close! Oh yes! Fuck me just like that! And more!”

  “Come on me, Fia!” He pressed his lips on my temple, his teeth grazing my skin. “Give it to me. Give me your sweet juice.” He freed a hand and rubbed my swollen clit with his thumb.

  His cock slammed to the hilt, stretching and filling me. Then he pulled back and thrust right back in, faster and harder. Again, and again.

  The unbearable pressure inside me unleashed, and the pleasure shattered me into a thousand pieces.

  I roared, my hand swinging backwards and grabbing his wing in my passion.

  A wild, beastly groan rumbling from Gabriel’s chest, he lifted me and thrust through my orgasm. After a few more forceful pumps, he emptied himself into me.

  Our climaxes intertwined and echoed each other’s. I shuddered in his arms.

  “My baby, my witch, my love,” he whispered in my ear, carrying me to bed with his cock still granite hard inside me while my orgasm still pulsed.

  It was the first time he’d called me his love.

  Laying me flat in bed, he started thrusting in me again.

  I grabbed his firm ass, feeling the flex of his taut muscles as he pushed into me relentlessly.

  For a moment there, I blinked hard, for this was so real and yet, so surreal at the same time. I had been alone, and now I had the hottest man on top of me, fucking me like I was everything to him.

  “You are, baby,” he said. He must have heard my thought and gratitude through our bond.

  Wanting to drink him in completely, I grabbed his hair and dragged his head toward me until his mouth enveloped my lips and his tongue mated with mine.

  He plunged down into me, penetrating me with enough hunger but not enough mercy. But then we weren’t exactly tender beings. We were the fiercest kind.

  We fucked for a while without words except for the erotic sound of flesh slapping hard against flesh.

  He broke the kiss. With his elbows supporting his weight on either side of me, he heaved up his torso to watch how our flesh locked. My pussy gloved his cock perfectly, tightly.

  His gaze darted between our connected flesh and my ecstasy-twisted face, his green eyes heavy-lidded. He watched his cock glide in and out of my pussy smoothly, dark lust distorting his sculpted face.

  I arched my back to take him in deeper while I gazed up at his massive black wings, mesmerized. They spread to glorious full length, flapping back and forth, in sync with his thrusts.

  “Will this carnal need ever fade?” I whispered.

  In the end, everything faded. Right?

  “Never! It’ll only grow stronger. We’re fated mates, matched perfectly in every aspect. You’re made for me, as I am for you. Though we’ve forged our mating bond, I’ll still need to officially claim you, according to the Angels’ bonding ritual, when we settle down in our home by the violet sea.”

  He was serious about this ritual that I knew nothing about. But as long as I had his cock, I would probably go with the flow about the ritual.

  He picked up pace and fucked me with a savage speed and angelic strength, and I moaned and sobbed as unbelievable pleasure set my nerve endings on fire.

  “Gabriel, harder!” I bucked up my hips to meet his plunges.

  “Moan my name, witch!” He thrust into my depth.

  “Can we please moan whoever’s name later and take a break for now?” A female silvery voice sounded amused in the room. “I’ve been waiting patiently for you two to finish this, but it seems your passionate lovemaking never ends, and I can’t wait any longer, since I’ll have to be somewhere else soon.” She sighed. “How long does it take to finish a fuck?”

  Gabriel grabbed me to him, still unwilling to break our joining. He darted his eyes across the room to seek the invader, the light on his wrist armor pulsing, ready to shoot the third wheel.

  My darkness had swept forth toward the voice, yet it only bounced back.

  A woman in a white, shining gown materialized, standing by our bed with her hands clasped demurely at the front. Her hair, even whiter and shinier than her gown, draped to the floor and rippled at her feet slightly, even though there wasn’t breeze in the suite.

  Her pale, translucent skin looked so youthful, yet her eyes were ancient, like the first pair of stars in the universe. They were deep, abyssal, and contained endless power.

  My memories about her all flashed back.

  Though she looked different than she’d last appeared three centuries ago—her hair was velvet black and her skin the ember color, her magic smelled just the same.

  “Who let you in?” Gabriel snarled, not realizing who had landed in our bedroom in the midst of his wild passion. “I’ll impale him. And what are you doing in my room while I’m having quality time with my mate? Get lost in the next second, or you’ll suffer the great captain’s wrath.”

  “The First Seer of the Death Valley Galaxy.” My shivering voice was barely a whisper.

  “My name is Calamity,” the Seer said with an otherworldly smile. “You can call me Cinda if you like. I’m glad you got out, Princess Athena Fiammetta Faya.”

  I hissed, considering I’d returned to a home that wasn’t home anymore, and my parents and everyone I cared for had long since gone.

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes. Unwillingly we broke our joining, and he gathered me into his arm protectively and dragged the blanket to cover us.

  “She isn’t in flesh,” he said. “This is her astral projection. Only two beings in the universe can do that—the other one is the Dark Lord of All Angels.”

  “That’s right,” Cinda said.

  “Why the fuck does everyone have to show up in our bedroom?” Gabriel growled with sexual frustration. He really didn’t like people interrupting him when he was having sex.

  “We like to admire your ass, Archangel,” Cinda said. “It’s nice and firm.”

  Now it was my time to scowl. “You’re not getting any, Calamity. I drove away the Furies last time.”

  Gabriel nodded in approval.

  Cinda pondered. “The dragon shifter is something, isn’t she?”

  The Seer indeed seemed to see all and know all.

  “Where is the Dark Lord?” Gabriel demanded. “I’ve been trying to track you down, but you’re one hard to find woman, and your communication line is really bad. It’s always off.”

  “If I was that easy to find, I wouldn’t be standing here alive,” Cinda said. “The Dark Lord’s Reaper Angels are still hunting me. Atlas needs me to help him rewrite the cosmos history before his defeat. In the alternative universe, he’ll kill us all.”

  “Is he the one who’s been hunting me?” I asked, my fire burning in my eyes. “You visited Lithuaria Empire three centuries ago, persuaded my parents to send me off Nesnurn, and dumped me in the past on Pandemonium. But you never told me who, exactly, would harm me and my realm. Was it a fabricated story to serve your own agenda?”

  Gabriel glared at the Seer. “If you didn’t have a sound reason for doing that, you’ll pay for making my mate suffer in that savage place. She nearly didn’t make it!”

  Cinda arched a silvery eyebrow. “She made it just fine. She met you, didn’t she? Otherwise where could you have found your fated mate?”

  Gabriel kissed me with gratitude. Maybe he should thank the Seer instead.

inda sighed. “Angels don’t think like us.” So, she could also read my thoughts. “They’ve been the only top predators for too long. They take everything for granted. They truly believe they own the universe and that it’s their birthright. Almost every single one of them is self-served, self-absorbed, and self-centered. However, your Archangel won’t do that to you because you’re his mate.”

  “Stop planting bad seeds in my beloved mate’s mind,” Gabriel warned. “Our relationship is in a great place, and Fia is sweet and pure.”

  Cinda laughed. “You constantly forget that she’s the Wickedest Witch in the universe, don’t you?” She waved a hand in exasperation. “Anyway, let’s not get sidetracked. In order for Princess Athena to understand who’s hunting her and why, I need to tell her some of the Dark Lord Atlas’ background.

  Once upon a time, there were twelve most powerful ancient Archangels. Atlas was one of them, but he wasn’t like the others. He was cunning, power-hungry, and pure evil. Unbeknownst to the rest of the elders, he was an energy absorber. He could poach anyone’s power and make it his. He drained his peers and became nearly the sole superpower in the universe. High Commander Camael was the only one who escaped and started gathering the Fallen Angels to fight back.”

  “Camael aided us in defeating Atlas,” Gabriel added, brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “So, the Dark Lord is gone,” I said. “He isn’t a concern anymore.”

  “Seth’s Sky Power and his Fey mate’s Earth elemental magic shattered Atlas’ essence and ripped off his immense power, but the ex-ruler of the universe survived,” Cinda said. “And he’s planning a return. That’s why Gabriel has been hunting him.”

  Gabriel nodded. “It you hadn’t played evasive games, I’d have gotten him by now.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re unbearably arrogant and extremely annoying, Archangel?” Cinda asked.

  Gabriel creased his brows with displeasure.

  I sighed. “Almost everyone. But he’s super-hot. And he’s too powerful for anyone to teach him a lesson.”

  “Not for you,” Cinda said.

  Gabriel brushed his lips over mine again, and I blushed. Now wasn’t the time to get me hot for him while the First Seer was still here, in flesh or not.

  Cinda ignored us, as if we were hopeless children. But she must be much older than us, despite her youthful look.

  “For eons,” Cinda continued, “Atlas went around the galaxies to harvest great powers and become close to all-powerful. His recent targets were three formidable witches. He turned his eyes on you first, Athena. Your magic manifested when you were only a toddler. Your royal parents tried everything to contain and subdue your magic but failed, because it was too great. And when you were a teenager, you were wild and rebellious, and your magic blasted out and its signature reached the Dark Lord.

  He coveted your TimeFire, but I wouldn’t let him have you. I failed the others because Atlas had me in his grip for a long time before I finally made my escape. I saw him coming for you, so I had to hide you on Pandemonium—the only place that’s veiled in time and where he wouldn’t risk trapping himself. I’m sorry for your suffering, Athena.”

  Gabriel cursed, his eyes searing with pure rage, and the inked runes jumped on his temples. “That motherfucker is dead. He’s so dead! This is personal. I’ll peel his skin off when I find him.” He pulled me tighter to him as if afraid the Dark Lord would pop out like Cinda.

  I swallowed. “Thank you, Cinda. You saved me and my realm, and I owe you a life debt.”

  Gabriel sent a cautious glance at the Seer. “The Seer did all right, but don’t promise a life debt so quickly, baby. You don’t know what she’ll ask of you.”

  Cinda rolled her eyes. “After Atlas lost your trail, he marked a Fey witch on Earth, a remote, tiny planet that bloomed with magic. In my vision, I realized that Rose was the fated mate to High Prince Seth, the Dark Lord’s heir. As soon as I foresaw Atlas’ fall, I had Commander Camael aggressively engage him in a war far from Earth to buy Rose time. Under the circumstances, Atlas had to send his son to glean the Fey’s magic.”

  “Seth fell in love with Rose,” Gabriel said. “Instead of harvesting her, he defended her. I brought the whole fleet and army to Earth just in time, and we went to war with the Dark Lord and their Reaper Angels. We won.”

  “Atlas’ remaining legion is now more than desperate to restore their Dark Lord to full power and regain their lost glory. They’ve found about the existence of Atlas’ bastard granddaughter—Freyja the First Witch. When Seth shattered his lord father’s essence, a fragment of the Dark Lord’s power went to his bloodline and embedded in Freyja when she was a fetus. She’s grown up to be a young woman now. Once Atlas drains and harvests his granddaughter and gets back his power, he’ll return.”

  Gabriel bared his teeth. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “The Dark Lord, in his shadow self, is heading to Earth and going after Freyja right now,” Cinda said.

  “We must get there before him,” I said, my eyes lighting with flames, while my darkness swirled around us, hissing. “He wanted a piece of me? Let’s see if he can take it.”

  “To vanquish him once and for all,” Cinda snarled as well, her white hair entwining like snakes. “All the parties—Seth the Sky Power, Rose the Fey Empress, Captain Gabriel of ThunderSong, High Commander Camael of Fallen Angels, Princess Athena the Wickedest Witch, and Freyja the First Witch of Earth—will have to come together and combine your forces. I’ll be there. Won’t miss it for the universe. In the meanwhile, don’t try to track me and bring unwanted attention to me.” She sighed and gestured. “You two can continue with your quality time now and moan whoever’s name at your pleasure.”

  The First Seer of Death Valley Galaxy vanished into thin air.

  Gabriel turned to me, his green eyes burning darkly. “I won’t let the dick get near you, Fia. The Reaper Angels will have to go over my dead body to touch a single hair on your head.”

  I regarded him, my flowing fire playing with his black feathers. “I’m no innocent damsel, and I’ll protect you back. The Wickedest Witch always guards what’s hers, at all cost.”

  He grinned at me. “We’ll come up with an excellent plan to kill Atlas after this.” And with that promise, he collected me into his lap and thrust into me.

  Hard, raw, and delicious.

  “Moan my name, my witch,” said the Archangel.


  The Angel

  ThunderSong set the course toward the planet of Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy to hunt down the Dark Lord Atlas at warp speed.

  In my vast bed, I held Fiammetta in my arms, watching her sleep.

  Her head rested on my chest, her soft, warm body on my feathers. Her chest rose and fell, her breath even and serene.

  This was our first morning together in my ship.

  I inhaled her scent, feminine and fierce, ice and fire and storm.

  My witch was one of a kind.

  My cock was so hard for her, but I’d let her sleep, until she woke up. Then I’d fuck her.

  I felt the flutter of her lush eyelashes against my chest. She was waking up.

  Fia let out a sigh and turned her face from my chest.

  For a second, she seemed to freeze, trying to orientate herself.

  Please don’t let her forget me again.

  “Baby?” I called.

  She didn’t answer, her gaze on me blank and icy.

  “It’s me, Gabriel, your mate.”

  “I kind of remember you,” she said, her beautiful gray eyes warming and sparkling with mischievous and desire. “The details are vague though.”

  “What details do you want me to fill in?” I asked hoarsely, lust burning in me.

  My cock jerked with such urgent need that I had to pump it a few times, my other hand cupping my female’s breast, caressing it eagerly.

  “I can show you and make you remember every detail,” I said as I rolled her ove
r. The next, I was on top of her, thrusting into her.

  Her pussy gloved my cock tightly and pulled me into her sweet depth like an irresistible magnet; her silky softness, tightness, and warmth were any male’s heaven.

  She was mine.

  I kept thrusting into her, harder and faster. She moaned and sobbed, her fingernails raking across my back in her passion. When I made her come so hard and pumped my seed into hers, I immediately wanted to fuck her again.

  No one could make my blood heat like this, no one made my heart beat so fiercely and tenderly at the same time, and no one made me come so hard.

  I brushed her sweat-soaked, raven-black hair from her face and kissed her. “I love you, Athena Fiammetta Faya, my wife, my forever mate.”

  Her eyes brightened to silver, then turned golden, as flames lit in them.

  “Your First Officer mentioned again how powerful the Fey girl is,” she said.

  “Why do I keep forgetting to fire him?”

  “Is she, Gabriel?”

  I sighed. I didn’t like where this was going, but I couldn’t lie to my mate.

  “Rose has Earth elemental magic. It was Atlas’ fatal mistake going after her. It took Seth a long time to figure out she was his fated mate. It took me a while as well to realize you belong to me.”

  I was trying to sidetrack her by subtly shifting the focus. I hoped it worked.

  She gave me a coy smile. “Do you know a powerful witch like me can actually siphon another witch’s magic? The Dark Lord isn’t the only one who can do that.”

  “You aren’t thinking—”

  “That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”

  “That’s a very bad idea, Fia!”

  “Why can it be so bad? Don’t you want your mate to be the most powerful witch in the universe?”

  “Even if you had no magic at all, I’d love you just the same. Seth and I are like brothers. And he’s paranoid when it comes to Rose’s safety.”

  “I believe we can take him down.”


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