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Hail to the Queen (Sage Trilogy, Book 3)

Page 18

by Julius St. Clair

  “Then let me say something…and if at the end, you don’t want to marry me, I promise that I’ll never bring it up again.”

  “I don’t believe that for one second.”

  “I stopped pursuing you once Chloe told me to focus on my training, didn’t I?”

  “You did…” Catherine said thoughtfully.

  “Then please just let me say this, and I’ll let this go once and for all.”

  “Go ahead…”

  “Catherine…” James took a deep breath. “I love you…like…I need you to understand this – I’ve never loved anyone…anyone on this earth, before I met you. Not my parents, not my friends…no one....before you, I just existed. That’s it. Even though I wasn’t dead, it was like I was a ghost, just haunting the village because I had unfinished business to take care of. It was part of the reason that I never fought for anything before the academy. I heard all of the lectures – that I should work hard and become this or that, but I saw the lives of those people that gave me the advice, and it just put me into a deeper shell. I thought to myself often…why work my behind off to become a merchant or farmer when they were miserable? When they didn’t even enjoy it? When all they got out of it was stress and worry and pain? If I wasn’t such a coward, I probably would have left this world a long time ago. Catherine, I didn’t even see a reason to breathe if it wasn’t for the fact that my lungs did it automatically…

  “But you gave me a reason to live…and I need to explain…I love you not just because you’re funny and smart, and beautiful and you get all sexy when you’re acting like a Princess and giving out orders…I love you because you inspire people, myself included, to shed the dead skin they’ve been carrying on their backs for decades, and reach for something greater and more noble. You take everyone at the level they’re at, no matter how low, no matter how vile, and you challenge them – dare them to do better, not because you feel they should, but because you want them to be happy. You want us all to live in harmony and love one another and be peaceful. Somehow…you have the ability to order an execution for the good of your people, knowing what it will do to your sleep at night, and the next moment…you want all of us, no matter what Kingdom we’re from – to hold hands, and become a family. This is why even if you won’t marry me…I will still fight for you until my last breath…”

  “James, I –“

  “ – I’m not finished!” James cried out with a chuckle.

  “Okay,” Catherine giggled. “Go on.”

  “You’re constantly going over scenarios and decisions in your mind because you don’t like to displease anyone. You worry about what I think, Scarlet thinks, Arimus, Kyran, and so on…and most of all your people. I respect that, and I think it’s very mature of you…but when it comes to me…us…you never asked me what I want, what I would be willing to give up, just to be by your side forever…Catherine, I don’t want to be King. The world knows I would suck at it, but it doesn’t mean I can’t be an incredible husband and make you the happiest woman on the planet. Write up a royal decree, tell the people in a speech, order my execution if I should ever try to take over the throne. I don’t care…I just want you. I could just be your boyfriend or whatever we are right now, but I’m ready for the commitment. I want you to know that I’m in it for the long haul and you have nothing to worry about from me.

  “Yes, we’re young, and everyone we come into contact with may not understand our relationship. They may ridicule it, demean it, even outright oppose it. But it was never about them from the start. It’s you…and me…that’s it. We started this love story, and we decide how it ends.”

  James paused to look at her for a second.

  “All you need to know…is that I’m here with you, no matter what our status is. Whether we’re husband and wife, lovers, friends, or I’m just a bodyguard…it’s until death do us part. That’s where I stand, and so…with all that being said….” James laughed as he caught his breath. “Will you marry me?”

  “You’re asking me to defy all logic?” Catherine said.


  “To simply go with my heart?”

  “If that’s what it wants, yes.”

  “To forget the fact that we’re young and impulsive and we would be going against centuries of royal etiquette, law and decency?”

  “All of that…yes.”

  “Without a guarantee that it will work out?”

  “No one is given one in marriage,” James said with a smile, standing up to face her. “The two of you have to give each other your own guarantee. And the only way that can be broken is if one…or the other, decides it is, and I know that I will never go back on my vow.”

  “We wouldn’t be officially married until…if, we reach Allay.”

  “I’m fine with that.”

  “You really love me?” Catherine asked, shaking her head and rising to her feet. “That much?”

  “I had a lot of growing up to do first…but yes, I do.”

  “In that case, James Alters,” Catherine cleared her throat, grabbed the lapel of his shirt and pulled him close. “The Princess…and your future Queen, accepts your proposal. I just hope you –“

  James cut her off with a hard kiss, clutching her hair with his right hand and embracing her tight with the left. He didn’t care if the whole world was watching. He was in love, and…she felt the same. Catherine finally broke off the embrace and blushed as she gently rubbed her hands across James’ chest.

  “You know, James…” she whispered. “I won’t –“

  “- I don’t want you to,” he cut her off, raising her chin upwards to look at him. “And I wouldn’t ask you to. Not until we’re married. After all, you do have to concentrate on the problem at hand.”

  James smiled playfully as Catherine slapped him lightly on the cheek.

  “After such a grand display, you’re suddenly all about business?”

  “I wouldn’t be able to concentrate otherwise,” James gave a half-smile. “When I found out about Jester kidnapping you, and what almost happened to us in Prattle…I needed to tell you how I felt…and I always wondered if you felt the same. We’ve never really had the time to work it out.”

  “We still don’t,” Catherine laughed. “If it wasn’t for the fact that we might be ambushed at any second, I would ask you to take us to our beach, but…we’ll have to wait for that. We should really be getting back to the campsite though. It’s not good for us to be alone for too long.”

  “You’re right about that,” James said as he gave a quick look at the trees around him. “But Catherine, I have to ask…and I hope I don’t sound too worrisome, but…are you sure about this?”

  “I know that right now it seems like I’m not jumping for joy…but I promise you, my love…I have never been surer about anything in my entire life…”

  * * * * *

  “Chloe, if you can hear me, give me a sign,” Kyran whispered from underneath his hood, an attachment that he rarely used. He was never one to be ashamed of others seeing him. Of course, this was easy to say considering he had the ability to go invisible, but in a strange way, whenever he used this power, he felt a connection to those around him. They were completely unaware that he was present, and yet, he was able to be himself without equivocation. He even parted his hair on occasion to expose the beady eyes that were usually veiled from the world. He would uncharacteristically release the top button of his trench coat from its chamber and let his neck go free. It was an exhilarating and horrible feeling, but he enjoyed it all the same. This way, he had nothing to worry about, not even another’s thoughts. He could simply be Kyran, and that’s all he ever wanted to be…

  And that’s all Chloe wanted him to be as well. She recognized this early on and granted him his space, only exposing him or making fun whenever he pretended to be something he wasn’t. She let him know through very not so subtle ways that it was fine to be concealed from the world, but never her. Never her…

  Even now he missed her ann
oying bubbly laugh, her blinding, bright dresses and childish mannerisms. A classic case of opposites attracting. Though he never came close to behaving in such an appalling manner, he couldn’t deny that secretly, he wished he could. Maybe once...

  By being so hidden, so trapped, he was also chained. For fear of revealing too much, he was forced to hide behind his leather shell and watch from afar. He occasionally…longed…for a conversation with a stranger, though that didn’t necessarily mean talking. And he did have the rare urge to ask a question of someone, though often he would just supply his own answer in his head, whether he was wrong or not. Basically, he needed Chloe. And bad. She was the only thing keeping him stable and focused. He knew it would be wrong to align with Thorn, and Chloe would never forgive him, but at least he would be able to see her again…hear her voice…touch her…

  Kyran grit his teeth and slunk down further against the tree stump, glancing over for just a second to confirm that the others were sleeping. James and Catherine had run off some time ago, but he could still sense their presence and their fluctuating emotions. Whatever they were talking about, it was getting the both of them stirred up, and companionship was the last thing he wanted to think about. He was perfectly content just strategizing on how to defeat Thorn, but now all he could think about was his dead wife.

  “Chloe…” Kyran’s voice trailed off as he rolled his eyes. She would only appear if Thorn allowed it, and even then, it would take too long to confirm it was actually her again. The others might wake up and no doubt they would want to talk, and Chloe, being her natural social self, would oblige them, and they would all have a jolly reunion while he remained in the background, brooding and trying to subdue thoughts of stabbing his own friends just to have her all to himself…perhaps it was for the best she didn’t appear.

  “Good night, my four-leaf clover,” he chuckled to himself, finding comfort in the words as soon as they became one with the air. Wherever she was, he would see her again. And he would do everything in his power to ensure it…

  Or else the whole world would burn in his wake…

  * * * * *

  “EVERYONE! WAKE UP!” Arimus barked as Catherine and the Sages shot up to attention. Kyran was standing next to his old friend on a large boulder above them, and from what James could see, it was an intense conversation. He allowed himself a short yawn as he squinted through the early morning sunshine, gently pushing back the leaves to reach the forest ground below. The land was just coming out of its haze from the sunrise and it gave the forest a foggy, soft tint to it, as if they were still dreaming.

  James rubbed his eyes and helped Catherine to her feet. Though he wanted to shout to the forest canopy that he was engaged to the woman he loved, he promised to be discreet…as long as Catherine slept next to him that was. She reluctantly agreed, but the moment she laid her head on his shoulder, he saw a smile escape. She quickly swept it away and glanced up at him to see if he was paying attention, but he closed his eyes and gave her some peace of mind. No point in making a big deal about the fact that she was happy to be with him. After all, the more comfortable she felt, the more time she would be willing to spend with him, and to be frank, he was looking forward to many a more shoulder naps and kisses on the forehead.

  “You sound like dog who just saw a squirrel,” Scarlet groaned as she scratched her hair. “Can you get any louder?”

  “We didn’t see a squirrel,” Arimus shot back, scowling at her. “But something far, far worse.”

  “Please don’t tell me it’s Dominic or Alexander.”

  “Dominic is close,” Kyran stated, looking out into the distance. Scarlet shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

  “And why are we scared of the Sage-in-training again?”

  “You weren’t there,” Arimus said slowly. “Remember that he joined Thorn’s army. Since then, he’s gotten a considerable increase in his base strength. James and I were completely taken off guard in Prattle.”

  “And I must confess something,” Kyran said, quickly turning around to face Catherine. “I don’t want this to be a secret that Thorn can hold over us. Part of the reason Dominic joined the enemy is because I murdered him in Quietus. I was angry over his subtle involvement in my wife’s death and…there is no excuse. Thorn must have used that anger to his advantage.”

  “There’s no reason to be sorry now, Kyran,” Catherine said immediately. “What’s done is done. And knowing how reserved you are…I know you didn’t lash at him right away…and to be honest, I’m not totally innocent. I let my budding relationship with James come too far to the surface. It was the wrong time to display my feelings for him, especially with Dominic already on edge about our betrothal being disannulled. If anyone should be asking for forgiveness, it’s me.”

  Kyran stared at her in silence, and then turned back around toward the incoming threat.

  “Don’t be silly, Princess,” he said as she continued staring at him. “Of course, you are forgiven.”

  “If I would’ve killed someone, I wouldn’t have gotten off so light,” Scarlet muttered as Catherine punched her in the arm.

  “We need a plan now,” Catherine said as Scarlet rubbed her wound. “Arimus, what do you suggest?”

  “I’m not sure,” Arimus stated. “It may take all of us to defeat him.”

  “That’s not an option,” Catherine declared. “We might be weaker by dividing, but someone has to reach Languor and defuse the problems we’ve caused. Not if we have any hope of gaining their assistance.”

  “Then what do you suggest, Princess?” Arimus sighed. “We’ll do what you think is best, though any offered solution will be a difficult one. He’ll be here in no more than fifteen minutes. Less, if he feels inclined. It appears like he’s taking his time in order to intimidate us.”

  “I know this is hard,” Catherine’s face grew solemn as she looked at each of her Sages, one by one, assessing how they could best assist the mission. “Okay, this is what we’ll do…James and Arimus will engage Dominic. Since they fought him in Prattle, they have the best knowledge of what he’s capable of. With Arimus’ strategy, and James being the strongest Sage at this time, I think that’s best. I need Kyran with me in Languor to identify any unseen threats and Scarlet’s my muscle in case Thorn appears.”

  Silence overcame the area until James stepped forward with glistening eyes.

  “As you wish, Princess,” James bowed to her as Catherine nearly reached out to touch him. Kyran jumped down from the boulder and began heading towards Prattle. Scarlet stared at Catherine for a moment and then followed suit.

  “I’ll give you two a minute,” Arimus sighed. “But no more than that. The longer you wait here, the more danger you’re in.”

  “I understand,” Catherine whispered as Arimus gave them their privacy.

  “What are you so worried about?” James laughed. “It’s just your ex-boyfriend I’m about to smash into the ground.”

  “Just,” Catherine laughed nervously. “I – um, I…”

  “You don’t have to say anything,” James replied, hugging her. “And stuttering isn’t like you. I already know. You love me, and I should be careful.”

  “I can’t show favoritism,” Catherine cried as she broke their embrace and glanced up into his eyes. “I had to make the right call. You are the strongest of us right now, and you have the best chance of survival. I couldn’t –“

  “Catherine, stop it. You have nothing to be sorry over. I wouldn’t have gone with you to Languor no matter what you said. I know this was the call to make.”

  “Oh, really?” Catherine laughed nervously, wiping away her tears. “Mutiny and disobedience against your Queen?”

  “You’re not a Queen yet.”

  “How about your fiancée’ then?” she said as she kissed his lips delicately. “James…I’m not stupid…I know this is a fight to the death….you just make sure you’re the one that makes it, okay? Don’t die on me now…not after last night.”

�Don’t worry. I plan on fading away in a ripe old age, approximately two minutes after you do.”

  “Why? What would be taking you so long?’ Catherine chuckled. “Trying to get some time to yourself?”

  “Well, I need a little time to prepare for our first date in Paradise.”

  “Very smooth,” Catherine laughed, kissing him harder this time. “You have a very quick tongue.”

  “CATHERINE!” Arimus shouted, jumping back up onto the boulder from the other side. “YOU HAVE TO GO NOW! THERE’S LITTLE TIME!”

  “I will,” she blushed as she patted James’ cheek one last time and then jumped onto the boulder to give Arimus a hug. “You come back too.”

  “I’ll make sure your prince makes it home safely,” Arimus chuckled as he hugged her back. “Now get going. I’m sure Scarlet and Kyran are wondering what’s happening.”

  “Good luck!” Catherine shouted, waving to them both. James sighed as he tried to memorize the face she gave before she ran off. It didn’t give him any comfort; she had begun to cry. Still, he closed his eyes and tried to implant the memory as Arimus jumped down to join him in the dead grass below.

  “James, we need a strategy,” Arimus said as James fluttered his eyelids back open.

  “What? Huh? Oh…yeah…strategy,” James replied, stretching his arms behind his back. “Any thoughts? I don’t feel like losing any limbs this time.”

  “His power is far superior to our own,” Arimus replied, “but his weakness is his blinding temper. Perhaps if we attack him with relentless speed…together…we may be able to overcome him. Force him to make the mistake. Play off of his confidence.”

  “He may be too strong for that,” James sighed. “Any other ideas?”

  “You know, I remember a boy, not much younger than you…the moment he joined the academy, he wanted to become a Sage, though he had no idea just how much suffering he would have to go through to become one. You know that common weakling was able to cut a Sage-in-training? And it was all because he played off the Sage’s ego.”


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