Book Read Free

Borrowed (Embracing Series)

Page 1

by Delisa Lynn



  Delisa Lynn


  Copyright 2014 Delisa Lynn

  Amazon Edition

  First Edition

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  Edited by Anna Gorman Coy at AGC Editing Services

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen



  About the Author


  Other Titles

  Abuse Hotline

  This book is dedicated in memory of my uncle.

  James “Kelly” Endicott

  Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you.

  You were always so proud of my accomplishments, so this one is for you.


  Age Thirteen

  I loved Evan Martin. I wanted be Mrs. Evan Martin one day. Evan is Zander’s, my older brother, friend. I’ve been in love with him as long as I can remember but I won’t say it out loud. He used to live here in Birmingham, but he moved away when I was seven I loved it when he visited the Martin’s farm, they are his grandparents. Zander, Evan, and I hung out during the summer, fed the cows, and went horseback riding.

  I’ve always liked being around Evan, but that year, my feelings for him were different. He was a year older than me, but he had never treated me like I was younger than him. I always went swimming with them at the swim hole, but every time I look at him I get butterflies in my stomach. My friend, Audrey, said it’s because I’m in love with him. I think he is cute, but I have never thought of him like that before, until now. Things were different, the way he looked at me made my heart melt.

  I walked down the farm, I reached the swimming hole I could see Evan and Zander standing there. I decided to wear my yellow swimsuit with a bow on the back today. When the boys noticed me, I ran and jumped in. They both laughed and followed me in. Evan had changed since last time I seen him, his voice was deeper, he had a little hair on his chest and, his eyes were dark as night. I’m positive he had a girlfriend back home, he talked about a girl named Brynlea sometimes.

  “Ta, where are you going?” Evan asked. I needed to dry off, I couldn’t help but stare at him as he walked toward me. I hurried to cover my body with a beach towel. He had on royal blue swim shorts, the way the sunlight shinned on his handsome face made me gasp once he got closer. I licked my lips, I wanted to kiss him badly. I’d never kissed anyone, well no one other than Boney Tony on a bet when I was ten and, Audrey wouldn’t let me live it down if I hadn’t followed through.

  “Hey Evan. I got a little chilly and wanted to dry off. I think I’m going to grab Pudgy and go riding. Would you like to join me?” I hoped he declined my invitation, not that I didn’t want to spend time with him, but I was afraid that I would say something stupid or just keep staring at him.

  “I would love to go riding, Ta, it has been a while. I will go change and meet you back at the stables in about an hour? I think Zander has plans anyways so it will probably just be the two of us.” He said as he winked at me, and flashed those dimples that I hadn’t noticed before now. I shook my head and walked the other way. I needed to go home and take another shower, the swimming whole always smelled awful.

  I showered and pulled my hair back in a low ponytail, I wanted to look nice for Evan. I pulled out a purple V-neck Tee, and wore and pair of white shorts with my black and purple cowgirl boots. I sprayed myself down with my favorite lavender body spray. I added a little bit of makeup, I rarely wore make up but today was a different day. I hoped Evan liked the way I looked. Just as I walked off the porch Zander and Evan, walked up the driveway.

  “Damn Tatum, you got a hot date? I thought you and Evan where going to the stables?” Zander said as he cocked his head and looked at Evan, then back to me. Oh crap, what was I supposed to say? I knew they could see the embarrassment in my blushed cheeks.

  “Tatum and I are going to Mable’s for ice cream before we go riding. If that’s okay with you man?” Evan said to Zander.

  I just stared at the both of them as Zander shook his head yes. Evan grabbed my hand and walked me through the graveled driveway. OMIGOSH…he is holding my hand, I knew my palms were all sweaty. I could feel my heart racing, and as I tried to speak, I had a lump in my throat. He had changed into a pair of camouflage shorts and a cameo green color t-shirt. As the wind blew by I could smell his cologne, it smelled manly, not like the stinky stuff my brother used.

  “Evan, you don’t have to take me for ice cream, we can just go riding if you want.” I said as I could tell my voice was a whisper.

  He let go of my hand and turned around to face me, I had dropped my head a little so he couldn’t see my eyes. He took his finger and lifted my chin, just a little. Our eyes connected and I could feel my face burning, I licked my lips and leaned forward. His lips brushed mine and I felt a tingle in my stomach. This wasn’t at all like the kiss with Boney Tony. I felt Evan’s tongue separate my lips, I didn’t know what to do so I opened my mouth and slid my tongue in his. Our tongues danced together for what seemed to be hours.

  Evan backed away and looked at me, and said, “Tatum, you look very pretty, darlin’. Now let’s get that ice cream.”

  We walked hand in hand to Mable’s and I hoped this would be the beginning of a romantic relationship with Evan. I couldn’t wait to go home and tell Audrey about the kiss, she would be just as excited as I was.

  Evan and I had a great summer together. He only kissed me a couple more times, but I enjoyed every minute we spent together. We talked about our goals and dreams. I loved cows and I told him I wanted to become a cow doctor, he laughed at me and said he wanted to become a pro football player or a lawyer.

  I personally think he should be a country singer, his voice was beautiful. He could melt many hearts with his singing. It was time for Evan to return to Utah and I wouldn’t see him again until Christmas break. He had promised to write every day, but he was starting high school this year and would be busy. I knew the moment he got home he would forget about our summer and our first kiss and me.


  Age Seventeen

  “Bryn, I just don’t get it, why can’t they let us be happy and raise our child?” I said, as the tears rolled down my beautiful girl’s face. I loved this girl with everything that I was. I may only been seventeen, but I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She continued to cry as she said those words that would haunt me for the rest of my life…

  “Evan I’m aborting the baby, I can’t be with you! They are making me move, I will always love you.” She kissed my lips and walked away, and out of my life. I fell to my knees and cried, I’d never cried like that before. It felt like I was stabbed in the heart. The woman I loved killed our unborn child, all because we were seventeen and her parents felt it was the best for all of us. I would never forgive them or her for what they did to me. They crushed my world, the world that I would have given my unborn child.

  “Bryn! Baby, please. You do not have to do this! We don’t need them, you will be eighteen soon and they will have no control over you!” I yelled, as I begged her not to do what her parents told her to do.

  **Two Years Later**

  It had been two years since Bryn walked out of my life. I’d realized I would probably never see her again. I needed to move on with my life and start college that fall. I left behind the past and hoped it stayed in Utah. I gave up on football even though I loved it. Everything here just reminded me of her. Everywhere I turned I saw her face, or heard her voice. I needed to get away. I’d spent the summer with my grandparents, which helped a lot. I knew that my friends there could tell something is going on with me, but I didn’t tell them or my grandparents. My mom thought I should had seen a counselor but I really didn’t want to sit in a room with a stranger and tell them about everything I’d been through.

  I’d decided to go to NYU. I knew New York was going to be a lot different than Utah for sure. I’d heard they had the best law program around. I’d always wanted to be a lawyer. My buddy, Brody, decided he wanted to go there, also. We planned on getting a loft close to campus. I knew my parents weren’t thrilled about me being so far away.

  I just needed to get as far away from Utah as possible. I’d dated several other girls but nothing compared to my Bryn. I loved that girl more anything. But her parents ruined everything for us. We had planned to spend our forever together. That forever never came. I hoped that I could get her out of my mind, I knew I will never love anyone the way I loved her.

  On my eighteenth birthday Brody and I got our first tattoos, mine was angel wings on baby footprints placed on my left shoulder blade. I wanted it where I couldn’t see it, but knew that my baby would always be a part of me.


  My parents drove out with us so I could bring my car. I knew a lot of people in New York City just rode the subway or cabs, but I had to have my ol’ lady with me; she is a 1978 Chevy Camaro. It used to be my fathers, and I helped him restore it over the years. Hell, my life was my car and my guitar. I’d been playing guitar since I was a seven. I loved some good ol’ country music. I guess some would say I had an old soul.

  “Dude, this place is huge! I can’t wait to have parties here.” Said Brody. He loved a good party where he could drink and meet hot girls. He was always looking for a new one to hook and reel in.

  “I know man, it will be awesome.” Brody and I had just moved into our loft. We were starting our freshman year at NYU. We left all of our heartache in Utah. We’re only nineteen but had been through hell and back with our high school loves.

  “Evan, you have more clothes than a woman.” Brody laughed at his own words. I did have a lot of clothes, but what could I say, I liked to look good for my ladies.

  The place was pretty large, I was glad we had separate bedrooms with our own bathrooms. I didn’t think I would like to share a bathroom with Brody. We also had a huge ass patio, which would be great for parties. I never had seen a place like this before, it had all stainless steel appliances and a guest bathroom. I wasn’t big on décor but it was a pretty sweet bachelor pad.

  Brody and I wanted to go out and explore the city. I knew he was looking for a hook up. We’re guys, we were horn dogs. We had our hearts broken and torn out in high school. My buddy Zander was flying in tonight and hitting the town with us. Zander was from Alabama. Zan and I hung out together on my grandparent’s farm. I met him and his sister, Tatum, when I was a child. We’d always stayed in contact. He’d attended NYU with Brody and me. He stayed with us frequently since he didn’t have a dorm room.

  When it came to parties and bars I always looked my best. I decided to wear a pair of tight jeans and a black polo shirt that showed off my muscles and tats. I hadn’t been laid in months and I had only slept with a few girls since Bryn. They were what you’d call a ‘Wham, bam, thank you Ma’am.’ Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t that type of guy. They just wanted a good fuck, they weren’t looking for anything serious either. After the Bryn situation, I wasn’t sure I would ever love or even trust anyone again.

  We took a cab to a bar on campus, I was ready to get drunk. We had to wait for some dude to bring our fake ID’S. He gave them all to me and I saw my man Brody talking to this chick she looked nice. She was with a friend, I walked over and introduced myself to the ladies.

  “Hello beautiful ladies, I’m Evan.”

  The girl with the auburn hair looked like a good piece of ass. She spoke first, “Hey Evan, I’m Alyssa. Very nice to meet you.” She reached her hand out and I kissed the top of it. She was very pretty, but didn’t seem like my type.

  “Well Alyssa, dear, why don’t you say we get better acquainted?” She just giggled and followed me to a table in the corner. We sat and talked, as she undressed me with her eyes.

  “Evan, do you want to follow me?” she asked.

  I wasn’t sure where too. So I replied, “Sure thing, pretty lady.” She grabbed my hand a lead me back through a dark hallway. She pushed me against the wall, then started kissing me. She tasted like Heineken and strawberries. I was very aroused, I knew she could feel me against her stomach. She unzipped my jeans, pulled them, along with my boxer briefs, down and started stroking my erection. Damn, this bitch had me so hard. She got on her knees and put me in her mouth. Damn it felt good, she sucked so fucking hard.

  “Ahh… Alyssa is there some place we can go?”

  She didn’t move her mouth off of me as she said, “We are fine here.”

  I grabbed her hair and wrapped my hands in it as I pushed her head further down my shaft, I wanted to release in her mouth. I’d never been sucked like this. “Oh shit, girl, I have to let it go.” I said as I could feel everything inside of me building up, ready to explode.

  “Let it go Evan, I want to taste all of you.” She mumbled the words and I let my release go down the back of her throat. She stood up, wiped her mouth off, and zipped my pants back up and led me back to the dance floor.

  Brody was still dancing with the other chick, he looked at me and smiled. I guess he picked the wrong one. Zander was talking to a blonde at the bar, he looked over and gave me a thumbs up. I guess that was his way of saying he approved. This chick is a wild one for sure, she was grinding all over me she was basically dry humping me on the dance floor. I had a good time. I had several beers in me and remembered I hadn’t ate much, and my stomach wasn’t very happy. I offered Alyssa a ride home and she accepted. She was a nice girl, I walked her to her door and she offered me a cup of coffee, once in I see another girl. She was pretty, Alyssa said it was her other roommate. I gave Alyssa my number, in hopes she would call me I knew she would be a good fuck.

  It had been a couple days and I hadn’t heard from Alyssa, the chick at the bar. Brody and I had early morning classes. There was a small café around the corner from our loft so we stopped in for some coffee. I noticed the girl looked familiar and sure enough it was her, the chick that gave me head at the bar!

  “Well hey Evan, I’ve been meaning to call you. Sorry, I’ve been busy working and with c
lasses, I haven’t had much time.” She said. I wondered if she had just been avoiding me or if she had really just been busy.

  “Oh, no problem, sweetie, I have classes all day. Why don’t you call me tonight?” I said it in a tone as if I could care less if she called.

  “Okay sounds good.” She said as she gave me a small wink, which would normally make my dick hard, but it didn’t.

  My first two classes flew by, the next two seemed like they took all damn day. Brody and I grabbed some lunch from the Pizza Joint. Everyone was right, New York pizza was the best. All this city living was new to me, I was getting used to it though. Just as she said she would, Alyssa called.

  She came over to have a drink and talk. As she talked, I wasn’t listening to a damn thing she said, I just wanted to fuck her. I knew that’s wrong of me to think that way, was a very attractive woman, but she knew me all of five minutes and had my cock in her mouth. So I knew she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her.

  She told me all about her family and her major, she was also studying law. She was from Rhode Island and she and her roommate, Cara, had been best friends for years. Cara is the one Brody talked to at the bar. She wasn’t wild like her friend though.

  “Alyssa, can I kiss you?” I asked. She didn’t answer she smiled big and straddled my lap. She was wearing a red dress, and I do believe she wasn’t wearing any panties. I slid my hands up her dress, nope no panties. She was grinding me so hard, I slid a finger in her hot wet opening.

  She moaned my name, I carried her to my bed. She started undressing me as I slipped her dress off. She had a nice body, she was too damn thin though. I grabbed a condom from my night stand and she rolled it on my shaft, then she guided myself in her opening. It felt great, I was just getting into it when she started making all kinds of weird ass noises.


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