Borrowed (Embracing Series)

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Borrowed (Embracing Series) Page 4

by Delisa Lynn

  I grabbed the sprayer and turned it on her, and she was soaked. She stood there drenching wet, with whipped cream still on her face. I couldn’t help myself I had to, I had to kiss her then. I couldn’t stand there and not kiss her.

  I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to me, I cupped the back of her head in my hand, as I held her back with the other. I looked at her and noticed she was licking her lips, I knew she wanted this as bad as I did.

  I leaned my head toward hers, and took my thumb and ran it across her bottom lip. She leaned into my hand, I was so close I could feel the heat from her breath. I finally grazed her lips with mine. God, she was beautiful, I pulled back and looked at her again; just then she grabbed my head with both hands and pushed her lips to mine. She slid her tongue between my lips, I noticed right away and ran my tongue across hers. She let a small moan escape her mouth as I felt her grip on my head tighten. Then her body fell into mine and we kissed for what seemed like hours. Finally she pulled away with swollen lips and looked at me.

  “Evan, we should change and get back in the house. I’m freezing.” She said as she took her shirt off.

  I turned around so I couldn’t see her. I wanted her so fucking bad. That was the best kiss I have ever had. I changed and we walked back in the house like nothing never happened. She laid on the couch and I laid on the floor, I couldn’t go to sleep after that kiss.

  “Ta, you asleep?” I asked, but got no answer. I feel asleep dreaming of the woman I was in love with, but she was in love with someone else.

  I awoke to the smell of biscuits, gravy, eggs, fried potatoes, and sausage. I looked around but didn’t see Tatum anywhere. I walked in the kitchen to find the table with tons of food and Gran and Tatum standing at the stove.

  “Good morning ladies,” I said as I walked over and kissed Gran’s cheek. I looked at Tatum, she was smiling ear to ear. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

  “We made breakfast, hope you’re hungry.” Tatum said with a wink.

  “Absolutely, I’m starved! Are we still going shopping?” I asked hoping for a yes.

  “Yes we are, Audrey is bringing my clothes. I will just get ready from here.” She said as she sat down next to me. She was always so happy.

  We ate and I got ready, and Tatum, Zander, Audrey, and I went to the mall. Zander and I sat up front, we could hear the girls in the back giggling.

  I wanted to get Tatum a gift, but wasn’t sure what and how she would feel about it. Zander and Audrey did nothing but argue, he would get so annoyed with her. Tatum just kept telling them to shut up.

  I went into Bath and Body Works to get Mom and Gran’s gifts. So I just got Tatum something from there. I knew she always smelled like lavender. I bought the closest thing to that smell that I could find. The girls wanted to grab some pretzels and smoothies from the food court.

  As we approach the kiosk, Tatum’s phone started ringing. She walked away from the three of us. Audrey ordered for all of us and we walked over to a table and I could see Tatum was crying, she kept wiping her tears.

  When she came back, no one said anything. I handed her the strawberry/banana smoothie and pretzel bites. She thanked me then out of nowhere Audrey blurted out.

  “So, was that douchetwat? I hate that motherfucker, I don’t see why you haven’t left his ass yet.” She said as she took a bite of her pretzel.

  “Not here Audrey, it was Thayer, he broke up with me just so you all know.” Tatum said, as she let out a little sniffle.

  “Good, I hate that dickweed, mother fucker.” Audrey said as she took a drink of her smoothie.

  “Well, I think we shouldn’t talk about it now. Audrey why the hell do you cuss so goddamn much? Damn woman, you sound like you just got of the damn sailor ship.” Zander said laughing.

  “Shut the fuck up Zander. I can say whatever the hell I want when I want. So you can kiss my ass.” Audrey said as she stood up and grabbed Tatum’s arm, pulling her away from us. I looked at Zander and he just shook his head.

  “So Zander, you got the hots for smut mouth… Huh?” I said with a wink.

  “Hell no, she is so damn annoying. Could you imagine being with a girl that cusses that fucking much? Her voice is even annoying. That’s all she says is fuck this or that, or always saying dick. I can’t handle that. Hell, she probably cusses like that in her damn sleep.”

  I just laughed at him, I knew he liked her though regardless what he said.

  We all headed back to the farm, and there was never mention of Thayer again. We had a wonderful holiday. Everyone loved there gifts. Tatum had snuck and bought me a new cowboy hat, which was freaking awesome.

  This had to be one of the best Christmas’s of my life. I loved having everyone together

  We were going back to New York, I had an amazing time with my family and the Kelley’s. It still hurt me that I knew that Tatum may have been abused. I just wanted to smash that dude’s face in. I gave her my number to call me if she ever needed anything. I hugged her, I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad. So I did, she didn’t hesitate kissing me back either. I just walked away, and the look on her face and Zanders was priceless.

  I noticed I had a few text from Mal, I didn’t respond. If she didn’t want to be with me then why the hell was she texting me? I was ready to go back to work so I could take my mind off of things. Brody and I went out for a drink at the little bar around the corner from our loft. Fuck beer, I need some damn shots. I wasn’t a whiskey person, but right then I could use as many shots as my body could handle.

  “Brody, man, I’m going to drink as many shots as I can. You got my back? Make sure I don’t do anything stupid.”

  “Sure thing, dude. Drink all you want. I’m just going to have a few beers.”

  I was so fucking glad he said that, I need whiskey and dancing. I hope the hell I don’t see any girls tonight. My mind has been all different directions thinking about Bryn, Mal, and sweet Tatum.

  I told the bartender to give me a shot of Crown Royal and keep them coming. I think I was on my fourth one when I felt a finger tap my shoulder. Fuck… Damn of course she would be here to mess up my night.

  “What’s up Alyssa?”

  “Not much sexy, Mal told me she dumped your ass. Karma’s a bitch isn’t it? Just like you used me, she used you. I told her that you had a big dick, and could use it well. That’s why she wanted to fuck you!”

  This whore is trying to screw up my damn night. Yeah a whore is exactly what she is. She ended up getting Brody drunk and fucking him a couple weeks ago. He kept apologizing to me, it didn’t bother me. I just thought it was funny because now he fucked the seal, so the joke was on him now. Dumb fucker.

  “Alyssa you’re a fu…fucking seal. No one cares about you and your ten foot hole you call your pussy, I can’t believe no one has got lost in there yet. So take that karma and go ba…back to the seal farm.”

  Damn I must be drunk I can feel my words slurring. I see Brody walking over from the dance floor. He gave Alyssa a disgusted look and asked me if I was ready to go. Hell yeah, I was ready to get the fuck away from her.

  “Thanks Brody, you are the mother fucking man. You just rescued me from the God-Seala…ha…get it Bro-dy. God-Seala.”

  “Yes Evan, I get it. You need to go to bed, I will get you some Tylenol and water. Now go lay down.”

  I think I had one shot too many, my fucking head was spinning like a disco ball. These damn lights in this fucking loft were bright as hell. They must be the super saver energy shit. I just needed to lay down. I finally found my bed, I took my clothes off and once my head hit my pillow I was out.

  I roll over and look at my phone and it was seven a.m. Oh dear God, what the hell did I drink last night? My head felt like I had ten wood peckers in it pecking at my damn skull. I see I have a couple text from Alyssa, what the hell is she texting me for.


  Alyssa: And what the fuck is a God seala? I don’t know wh
at the hell you and Brody are up to, but you really hurt my feelings.

  Holy hell, what the fuck is this crazy bitch talking about? I found water and Tylenol on my night stand, I took it, and got in the shower. What the hell did I do last night? As I was getting dressed I remembered being at the bar and ahh… Fuck. Alyssa was there. I remembered she was talking about some kind of karma shit. Maybe I owed her an apology, I better ask Brody what happened though.

  I walk out of my room to get some coffee and Zan and Brody are playing a fucking video game this early.

  “Did you sleep well?” Brody ask as he cocked his head laughing.

  “Yeah what happened with Alyssa? She text me saying something about a god and seal?”

  “Dude, you don’t fucking remember? You called her every name last night except her own and you kept calling her God-Seala.” Brody said as he laughed

  I rubbed my hand through my hair and then over my face, I can’t fucking believe I said that shit to her. She was annoying, but I would never hurt her feelings intentionally. I was not a mean guy, I was normally very kind, until you pissed me off and she must have done just that. I knew how she liked to run her damn mouth.

  Me: Hey Alyssa, I was really drunk last night, I just want to say sorry. I have no clue what I said.

  Alyssa: Yeah, okay… I will forgive you this time. Can I see you tonight? Please…

  Damn it, I guess I need to see her and really apologize.

  My phone vibrated and I noticed it was a text from Ta. I missed her so much already. She had text me a lot the last week.

  Tatum: Just wanted to let you know that I’m back with Thayer. He said he loves me and only me.

  Me: Okay, take care of yourself.

  I can’t believe she went back to him. I just don’t get it. I slid my phone in my pocket and tried to get Tatum Kelley out of my mind.

  Two Years later

  I have been attending NYU for two years now. It’s been four years since I last seen Bryn. I never seen Mal again, either. She text me from time to time. But I figure after two years I will never see her again. I have been working a lot. I need to fit an internship in my schedule, and it’s really hard when I work all day then take classes in the evening, or sometimes I do the opposite.

  I still talk to Tatum through text, she is now engaged to Thayer. Lucky bastard, she said he has been nicer. She flew out last month and had dinner with Zander and me. She was so beautiful, I wanted to wrap my hands in that blonde hair and kiss every inch of her body. I knew that bastard was mean to her, she deserves so much more.

  Classes are just starting back and there are going to be several parties this week. I was hoping to meet some new female friends. I haven’t had sex with anyone since Malory. I hadn’t really meet anyone I had been interested in. I had been on a few dates, but no one I would consider sleeping with. Of course I could always sleep with Alyssa anytime I wanted, but I’m not that desperate, yet anyways.

  Brody and I are at this pizza joint that is our favorite restaurant. I see these two girls walk in, one has blonde hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. The other one looks more like Brody’s type. I winked at the blonde when she looked over. I couldn’t even focus on the conversation Brody had started with me. I was just nibbling at my pizza.

  I noticed the girls were laughing and talking, I knew they had to be freshman. I noticed they were clearing their plates, I motioned the waiter over and told him I would like to pay their tab. I asked the waiter to tell them I took care of their check.

  I see the blonde look over and smile, so I asked Brody to walk over with me. I had no clue but for some reason I was nervous. I could feel my palms sweating. We approach the table and I can see her eyes more clearly, they are a baby blue, I hoped they weren’t contacts. She smiled and had the cutest dimples.

  “Hi, I’m Evan Martin and this is my buddy Brody Lewis. Are you ladies new to the area?”

  The brunette spoke first and said her name was Nikki and her friend was Lila Carls. Lila was very beautiful.

  “You ladies want to join us at a party tonight?” I asked as they both looked at each other then said yes.

  We said our goodbyes, and Brody and I went home to get ready. I could hear them talking as we walked out the door, Nikki told Lila that Brody was cute and she giggled and said so is Evan. I was glad she thought I was cute, she is going to be my woman soon, and I have a feeling she is going to break my heart.

  I went back to the loft and took a shower, gave myself a fresh shave and changed clothes. I put on a navy blue Henley and a pair of tight jeans, and my new cowboy boots. I sprayed some of my favorite cologne “Black” all over my body. There was still several hours left until the party. I was praying Alyssa didn’t pull any shit, I was sure she was going to be there. She seemed to be everywhere I was.

  “Brody, dude come on! I want to get there before Lila does.”

  I yelled to Brody, he was still getting dressed. And he made fun of me, he is slower than a ninety year old woman. He finally made his way out of the bedroom. He laughed and said, “Dude, calm the fuck down. She will be there when you get there. I know her friend was feeling me for sure.”

  I just cocked my head and laughed at my friend. He thought he was God’s gift to women. Now me on the other hand, I knew I was. We drove separate cars just in case one of us wanted to leave early. I pull in and park in the parking lot across the street. Brody and I walk in together. I spotted Lila and Nikki right away.

  “Hey there darlin’, you look beautiful.” I said to Lila as I gave her a hug. I noticed she had a strange look on her face. I hope she isn’t involved with anyone. I placed my hand in the small of her back and led her through the other door. We started talking about school and family and friends. I noticed I didn’t see Brody or Nikki anywhere. Lila looked a little worried, so I told her I would take her home.

  I walked Lila to the car, I opened her door. As the night air breezed by I could smell her perfume, not sure what type it was but I had never smelled anything as good as her. She gave me directions to her townhome.

  It looked huge from the outside. I offered to walk in with her she said it was okay. She gave me her number and said I could call her in the morning. All the way home she is all I could think about. Brody still wasn’t home when I got there. I was tired next thing I knew it was morning.

  Me: Hey pretty lady, would you like to grab brunch and site see with me?

  Lila: Hey you, of course. Pick me up in an hour?

  Me: I will be there… Can I bring you a coffee?

  Lila: Thanks, but Nikki already did. ;)

  Me: Okay, see you soon!

  When I picked Lila, up she looked as pretty as she did last night. I wanted to take her to Central Park but first we headed to the café. The waitress approached us and we placed our order. I ordered my regular cowboy omelet and home fries. She ordered scrambled eggs and bacon, and toast with apple butter.

  “Lila, if you like apple butter, you should taste the kind my gran makes. It’s the best. My grandparents live on a farm in Alabama.”

  She had the sweetest look on her face and said, “That would be great, next time you go bring me some back.”

  We left the café and went to Central Park, the trees in the park were beautiful this time of year. I told Lila about my family and Utah. She grew up in California, I knew she sounded like a valley girl. She told me about her family and friends, still no mention of a boyfriend.

  Her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship and hopefully more. It was getting a little late, so I took Lila back home. I wasn’t ready for our day to end.

  I walked her to the door and as she opened it she, hurried up and closed it back and busted into laughter. She was laughing so hard I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

  “Lila, what is so funny darlin’?” I asked, she turned to me and covered her mouth and still laughed. She placed her hand on my arm and walked off the steps.

; “Evan, I just seen Brody’s bare ass.” She whisper yells.

  “Well, that’s not a pretty sight! Let’s grab dinner and a movie.” I said as we walked back to my car. We went to the Chipotle around the corner and then went to see the latest action movie, I was surprised she wanted to watch it. Most chicks would have went for the drama, not Lila though.

  I took, her home and hoped she would let me take her out again.

  “Lila, I will be singing at a little bar a few miles away, I would love it if you came to watch.” I said to her, before walking her to her door. I wanted to hug her so bad, but I didn’t want to over step any boundaries.

  “Sure, I would love to hear you sing.” Lila said, just as she started to turn the door knob I, I grabbed her hips and pulled her in for a hug. She didn’t hesitate she hugged me right back, as I let go her hair brushed across my face. I could smell her perfume it gave me goose bumps it smelled so good.

  “I will call you tomorrow, darlin’.” I said as I walked away.

  I was singing at Zeb’s tonight. I was nervous as hell. Only because I knew Lila would be there. I started getting ready I wanted to look my best. I wore a pair of jeans with a grey and black button down shirt. Of course I wore a black cowboy hat and my favorite boots.

  “Hey man, you seem so nervous tonight.” Said Brody as he walked up and gave me a fist bump. Fuck, even my palms was sweating.

  “Dude, I’m nervous! Lila will be here any minute and I don’t want to look like a fucking moron. What if she doesn’t like my singing voice, or the way I play my guitar? I don’t want to scare her away.” I walked out on the stage and looked around, but I didn’t see or anywhere.

  I sat on the stool and took my pick out of my shirt pocket. I propped my legs up on my stool and looked out into the crowd. Once our eyes connected I could feel my heart drop. That spark in those beautiful baby blues, she smiled and her dimples gave me the fucking chills. I gave her a wink. I knew I had the biggest smile on my face.


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