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Sliding (The Stone Series)

Page 13

by Kitty Berry

  I’m able to listen to the tape the entire flight. Tate has started with “Little Red Corvette” and included so many of the songs that remind me of him, us or times we’ve spent together too. Songs like “We’ve Got Tonight” and “Sexual Healing”. Tate can be so sweet and romantic when he wants to and it makes me wish I had thought to leave something for him, the fact that I didn’t weighs heavily on me. I vow to myself to make it up to him somehow.

  As soon as I arrive at camp and get settled into my room I write Tate a letter.

  Dear Tate,

  I have arrived safely at the cheer training in Florida. It’s so hot here I think I’m going to die! A whole bunch of us arrived at the airport together and were shuttled to the hotel in this huge minivan. We got our roommates who we’ll stay with for this week and you’ll never believe this but mine is a guy and he’s not gay at all, quite the opposite really. He’s got huge muscles in this arms and chest and he’s in college. I don’t know what they were thinking when they put us together in a room with only one bed but he said we’ll find a way to make it work even though he sleeps naked!

  Ha…gotcha! You know I’m totally busting them off on you, right?

  I’m really rooming with a cheerleader from New York who is in high school and very much a girl. I know you’d probably like to hear about us sharing a bed naked but that’s not going to happen. We both have our own beds and we plan to sleep with our clothes on.

  I showed her your picture and she says you are “smoking hot”. She asked if you had a brother and when I told her you didn’t so she asked me to give you her number if we ever break up. I’m not sure if I like her anymore but I do love you!


  I anxiously awake for a letter back from Tate and a few days after I sent mine it arrives.


  I’m glad to hear you have arrived safely in Florida and it would be such a shame for you to die at this young an age from the heat. I always thought you would die when you were 99 years old because I had just died in your arms and you couldn’t stand to be without me for even 1 second. I have to die first because I could never watch you die. I take that back now that I have read the rest of your letter. I think I may just have to strangle you myself when I see you. Or better yet maybe what you need is a good spanking for being such a naughty girl. Stop playing tricks on me silly rabbit and stop making me picture you naked in bed with some chick…I can’t spend the next six weeks with a boner! Tell her we are never breaking up.


  PS- You are the smoking hot one in this relationship and because of that not one guy at basketball camp will ever see a picture of you!

  Before I have a chance to respond and mail Tate another letter arrives from him.


  I haven’t gotten another letter from you yet but I had time tonight so I thought I’d write. Basketball camp is really hard. They have me playing up with the Varsity group so I’m with all these older guys who are over 6 feet tall and pure muscle. I have been fouled so much and knocked around I’m black and blue all over. When I get home I am going to lift weights day and night to get huge so I won’t have to take this shit on the court anymore.

  A few of the coaches have asked me where I’m thinking about going for college and I told them I hadn’t thought about it yet. Two of them even asked me to send them my schedule so they can come and watch me play during the season. That’s great, right?

  I hope you’re having a good time and by the way, every time I dribble the ball I picture it being some unknown guy’s face…you know that partner of yours who might not be gay but I wouldn’t know that because my girlfriend has not written to me about him yet!

  Tater Tot

  (Believe it or not some of the older guys came up with this nickname for me too…because I’m so much smaller than them. I like it much better when you call me that)

  I don’t have time after reading Tate’s letter to write back. We have cheer practice and then we are all having dinner together as a “getting to know you” activity. It’s a beach theme so we’re all going in bathing suits. Later that night before I climb into bed I have a chance to write to Tate. I just wish I was able to write to him alone, instead I have Molly looking over my shoulder.

  My Tater Tot,

  First let me say there is nothing small about you. Ahh…my roommate, Molly, just looked over my shoulder and her eyes have just popped out of her head and she wants to know if I’m talking about what she thinks I’m talking about! And yes, I am. Your arms and chest are not small either and you are like 5’10”, I come up to your chest! I have to stand on my tip toes and I still can’t kiss you unless you bend down. Don’t go getting all crazy on me, I don’t want you coming home and trying to score steroids like some of those idiots you play football with. Don’t forget they shrink your balls and you don’t want that do you?

  That’s so cool about the coaches, I will make sure to cheer extra loud for you at the games when they’re there. Where do you want to go to college? I want to go with you. Being away from you for six weeks sucks, I can never handle four years!

  I’m having a good time but cheer clinic is hard too. I did get my partner and his name is Adam, he’s from Florida and in high school. I am not used to working with a guy; they are so much stronger than girls. Adam can put his hands on my waist and toss me into the air, catching my feet in his hands at his shoulders. He can also basket toss and catch me on his own. When we do these stunts back home it takes three girls to do them with me and I’m not that big of a heifer am I? However, when I’m doing stunts with girls I don’t have to worry about what they’re seeing when they’re under me. Molly said her whole squad shaves “down there”. She and I and a bunch of other girls are going to shave ours tomorrow. She said I can shave all the hair off. Molly does hers like that and it looks so smooth. She is always walking around our room naked!

  I love you…


  PS- Adam and some of the other guys are going to shave too. Adam said he’s doing his chest and maybe even his legs. Still wondering if he’s gay?

  I receive Tate’s response a few days later.


  So you think I’m big? I mean you know, it’s big? I think it needs a name and I think you should pick one. Be creative!

  You come up to my chest because you are extremely tiny and cute! I miss you so much you have no idea!

  I would never take roids, I’d be too afraid I’d rage out on you. You know I would never do anything to hurt you…that is unless you keep pushing me over the edge with this Adam dude! So I’m guessing chest and leg shaving means gay because I don’t know any guys here or back home that would do that! Speaking of that…you’re shaving all the hair off of your what? And why? Ouch! And can I watch? And why are you making me picture you and your chick roommate naked together? I still have two more days of camp before I can go home and take care of business in private so until then I will have to walk around in agony!

  I love you and miss you but I gotta slide now baby, write to me! Send the rest of your letters to me at home


  I send my next letter to Tate’s house and pray that neither of his parents open and read it.


  I miss you too. Adam and I have arrived with the others at UCLA where we will do a week’s worth of camp before we go on to Texas for two weeks.

  You have all the addresses I gave you right?

  Molly and her partner are going to the same camps as Adam and I so we’ll stay roommates for the whole six weeks. She’s pretty cool but she hates guys. She doesn’t have a boyfriend right now because she was going out with this guy who she was really in love with and she thought he loved her too, he said that he did. Then she lost her virginity to him and he dumped her! She says she hates straight guys (so she loves Adam because he is so, so very gay) because all they want is one thing and once they get it they move on to someone else. I told her you weren’t like that but she says al
l guys are. Tate?

  I shaved the other day and couldn’t walk for the rest of the day. OH. MY. GOD! It feels so weird. I went for the whole thing…I’m bare as a baby “down there” right now.

  Love you,


  PS- Give Rambo a rub or two for me tonight. Do you like that name?

  Tate’s next letter couldn’t arrive at a better time. I am feeling lonely and homesick. I miss my family and I miss Tate. I keep picturing his face, his smile and it creates an ache, an emptiness in my chest. It feels like I have a hole in the core. When I see his letter waiting for me on my bed my whole demeanor changes and I rush to open it.


  I’m glad to be home especially after reading your last letter. It sent me right into the shower where Rambo and I had a very nice time thinking about you! Rambo and I were thinking about rubbing against your smoothness! You have been pretty bold in these letters, is it the influence of your roommate, the fact that there is all this physical distance between us or are you getting ready to talk about doing it?

  As for molly’s boyfriend, you should know that guys are dicks, Brooklynn. You are very lucky to have me! I am so head over heels in love with you I find it hard to breathe most days. I can’t get you out of my head; you are all I think about and all I want. After I get that “one thing” you are talking about from you I’m going to want it over and over again from YOU, only you forever! I am never going to cheat on you and never going to break up with you. I won’t break your heart baby, trust me please. When you get home I want to talk about it face to face…I think we’re ready, how about you?

  Tate & Rambo

  I write my response to Tate as soon as I read his letter so I won’t lose my nerve.

  Hey Tate,

  I have been feeling very bold indeed, not sure I know why though. Let’s see if I’m still feeling this bold when I get home. I think being away has made me grow up a little.

  I am very lucky to have you and I would never jeopardize our relationship either. I want to make you happy and I am open to discussing future plans. I do trust you!

  Hugs & Kisses


  PS- I will write to you again when we get to the University Of Kentucky or if you write to me first send your letter to the address I gave you for there. Have you ever thought about going there? They have the best cheerleaders in the world!

  When I arrive at the University of Kentucky Tate’s letter is waiting for me.


  If the best cheerleaders are at the University of Kentucky you belong there. I’ll look into their program and talk to my coaches.

  I talked to Eric and his girlfriend and they said you need to be on the pill for like three months before we do it. They said you can get them from Planned Parenthood but you’ll need to make an appointment and have an exam. I can’t wait for you to get home so I can see you, kiss you, touch you. I miss the way you smell, the way you taste, the way you feel. I hate being away from you, I feel lonely and incomplete without you with me.

  Hey, you never said anything about the tape I gave your sister. Did she give it to you? And speaking of her, you are never going to believe whose brother she’s going out with…Steve’s! When you get home you better break them up immediately. I cannot have any connection with that fucking twat!

  Something funky is going on with Asia and Bobby but I don’t know what yet. They have been acting weird since I got back from camp. They are fighting all the time and Bobby said something about breaking up with her if it continues. When we’re together and they’re not fighting she’s either crying or they’re whispering about something. I can’t stand to even be with them anymore. I wish you were here to get to the bottom of it with Asia…maybe you should call her?

  Can’t wait to see you…only 6 more days!

  Sliding out now baby,


  I write my last letter to Tate.

  Tater Tot,

  This will be my last letter to you before I head home. I loved the experience but I’m glad to be coming home to you. I have learned so much and grown as a cheerleader. I can’t wait to help take my squad to the next level this year. I hated being away from you but they have already asked me to do it again next summer and I said I was very interested. I don’t have to commit until May so I can always change my mind.

  And now for some exciting news…ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! That’s me screaming! The coaches from University of Kentucky watched us today and they approached me…ME and asked what year I was and where I was planning to go to college! I can’t wait to tell you every detail when I get home.

  I think I will make an appointment with that doctor my mom tried to drag me to a few months back when your mom found your rubbers. By the way, I never asked you what you were doing with them. Huh? I think the doctor has to keep everything private so I don’t think she can tell my mom if I ask for birth control. Maybe I can get on them in time to give you a very special sweet sixteen present…me!

  I love the tape, I listen to it every night as I fall asleep which has been so hard to do without you. I love having you on the phone with me every night when I’m home but I love the way we spent my last night at home even better!

  What the fuck is my sister doing with Steve’s dumb ass brother? If he lays a hand on her, Tate you’re going to have to kick his ass. You realize that, right? When did this happen? I was so happy at the airport; I finally felt a connection to her. I was looking forward to coming home so we could be closer and I could help her and be a good big sister. Now when I get home I have to kick her ass and tell her she has to dump her first boyfriend because he comes from a family of assholes! Great, that’s going to go over real big.

  And what the hell is going on with our friends? I leave for six weeks and Bobby & Asia are falling apart too? I can’t leave any of you alone even for a minute. I will deal with her when I get home. Just keep them together until then.

  I can’t wait to see you, kiss you, taste you, touch you and do so much more to you!

  See you in a few days.

  I love you, Tate Taylor!



  When we get back to the hotel I need to get some work done before we go out tonight. I have been so caught up in Brook since she got here that I have gotten nothing done. I have some new talent that needs attention and some old business that needs cleaning up. I plan to work for a few hours then get ready for the evening with my wife. I make sure Brook will be okay on her own for a while. I know she will, she has always had an independent streak to her, one I have tried hard to eradicate. But no longer, I need to man up, own my issues and stop pushing them on to her.

  Tonight at the movie premiere I will finally have Brook on my arm with Bobby by my side, a combination that allows me to be my best.

  I had my shopper purchase Brook everything she’ll need for the evening and she knows what I like, I was pleasantly surprised with her selections. I can’t wait till tonight after the event. I can already picture myself fucking her in that bra so her tits are spilling out of the top, with her G-string pushed to the side and those sexy heels up on my shoulders. Fuck, now I’m hard again.

  When I give Brook the items she kisses me on the lips and pats me on the ass. She tells me that she might not need the G-string tonight because she’s going to go to this event without any panties on at all. I almost throw her down on the floor right there but her words cause me to freeze just long enough for her to slip away.

  On my way into my studio I start thinking again about high school and the time when my home imprisonment was finally lifted comes to mind. All I want to do is be alone with Brook so we can fool around. Fucking her would be ideal but I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon. She still says she’s too scared and not ready. But the night before she leaves for cheer camp we hang out at a party and spend the night together.

  Brook gets drunk and stoned and gives me a lap dance in front of all the guys. All eyes are on her an
d the guys are slapping me on the back. I can’t stand everyone watching her look so sexy so I take her by the hand and lead her to the bedroom. All the guys start chanting, “Tay-lor, Tay-lor, Tay-lor” as we walk down the hall and I close and lock the bedroom door. They of course think I’m taking her in there to give her a good fuck, I haven’t told them that I’m still a virgin.

  We spend the night together fooling around and doing everything except having sex. We happily sleep together in each other’s arms all night but in the morning when I have to say good-bye to her I am brought to tears.

  I leave for basketball camp the next day and while I’m there Brook and I write letters back and forth, I get her first one the day after I get to camp. She’s trying to fuck with me about this guy partner of hers. What she doesn’t understand is how guys think and that’s why I don’t want any other guy near her. I know how I have all I can do to control myself when I’m with her. I don’t want some other guy thinking of her like that. She tells me that the dude she’s with is in college and staying in the room with her and there’s only one bed. As I am reading that I sort of assume she’s fucking with me but a part of me thinks that maybe she’s not. I see red and almost flip over my bed I’m so pissed. When I see that she’s joking with me I picture myself flinging her over my knee and spanking her like the naughty little girl she is. Hmmm…that’s kind of hot. Fuck, now I’m hard! She tells me she’s really rooming with a girl and maybe they’ll sleep naked together. Oh yeah, that image is going to help my condition.


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