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Sliding (The Stone Series)

Page 26

by Kitty Berry

  I laugh and assure him that I will always love him and I am never going to want another guy.

  “Do you think you’re going to meet a girl you’ll want to be with and break up with me over the phone or do you think you’ll drive the eight hours to tell me to my face?”

  “Nah, I’ll just bag her in my dorm room while I’m on the phone with you pretending I’m out of breath from jogging around campus.”

  I punch him as hard as I can in his arm but it doesn’t even budge him and he just laughs at me. “You know I’m teasing you right? I’m not going to hook up with anyone. I will come see you as often as I can and we’ll do nothing but fuck the whole time then I’ll be good until I can see you again. Hey, we’ve been doing it all summer every summer for years and made it through” Tate says.

  I sigh and start to cry as the next words come out of my mouth, “Maybe we should break up. That way if you meet someone else you won’t feel guilty. If we’re meant to be we’ll find our way back to each other, right? That’s what they call fate, isn’t it”


  Katrina and I met in the sauna room and I can’t wait to hear the juicy details of her story and I have a few questions for her as well. As soon as we sit down I am thankful that we have the room to ourselves because my sister is going to spill it all.

  “Okay, spill it all right now or I’m calling mom and telling her that you gave it up at that prom party and then you can deal with her.”

  Even though my sister is an almost second timed divorcee, almost forty year old mother of two she does not want to deal with our mother. So she decides to cooperate.

  “Okay, okay don’t get nuts or I’ll tell mom that you gave it up on Tate’s sixteenth birthday.” I look at her in shock, how does she know that?

  “That’s right, I know all about that sweetie. I’m sure mom does too. You realize you were walking like you had a pulled groin muscle for two days and you’re the most flexible person I have ever met. So while we’re on that subject…what the fuck? How big is your husband’s dick?”

  I burst out laughing and refuse to answer that question but I do raise my eye brows at her.

  “Mmm…lucky you. Both of my ex-husbands could be candidates for penile implants. Nothing like Bobby, now that man is hung like a bull” she says but cannot keep a straight face. “No really, he is much bigger than both those losers I married. Did I tell you, Tom was fucking his secretary up the ass when I caught them? Poor thing, it’s the only place on that whore it fits snuggly enough and there’s no way he was ever doing that to me even with that pencil thin dick of his” Katrina claims. I manage to get her back on topic and sharing details about her and Bobby which have to be less torrid then what she’s just shared.

  “So we were making out in this room at the beach house and he lay down on the bed and pulled me on top of him. I was able to feel his excitement if you know what I mean? I let him put his hand up my shirt and then the next thing I knew I was top and braless and Bobby was taking off his shirt. I don’t know what happened to me. Maybe it was the beer or the pot but I sat up and undid his jean shorts. God, remember jean shorts? What were guys thinking?” Katrina asks but when I remind her of the fluorescent colors and big hair we had she admits, “Good point.” I encourage her, “Go on” because she needs to finish this story fast before I die in this oven they call a sauna. “So I undo his jean shorts and pull them down. I had never seen one before and it was kind of ugly, right? You agree with me there don’t you? They really aren’t the best looking body part a man’s got.” I agree with her, “I’ve always favored Tate’s pecs and stomach but let’s face it neither of them are going to get the job done.”

  “So then he takes my pants off, I tell him I’m a virgin, he promises to be gentle and yada, yada, yada so long virginity.”

  I have to know after all that complaining Asia always did about Bobby and his lack of skills in the bedroom so I ask, “Was he good? I mean did you uh…you know? That first time?”

  A smile breaks across her face, “The two best orgasms I have ever had!”

  We head in to have our facials and when we hear “It Must Have Been Love” we both think back to my graduation and the weeks leading up to my leaving for college.

  “Do you remember this song?” my sister asks. “You cried listening to this freaking song for weeks. I couldn’t wait for you to leave so I wouldn’t have to listen to it anymore.”


  Tate refuses to accept my break up so we go through the days leading up to graduation as always. Graduation is a blur of excitement and sadness. The loss of David and Jeff still hung in the air all around us. We keep two seats in the alphabetical order we were placed in empty for them. When their names come into the order a moment of silence is requested. We get our diplomas and head to the beach for a huge bonfire and party. Tate and I get completely wasted as do everyone we were with. We all just stay there on the beach and sleep until morning then head home.

  I only have two weeks before I am due on campus to begin summer conditioning and attend the college cheer camps with my squad. Tate and Bobby aren’t leaving until the end of August for UNC and Asia is going to UCONN and doesn’t need to head there until the semester begins after Labor Day. Tate and I decide that we are going to spend every minute together until I leave. My parents have agreed to bring him and Bobby along when they bring me to school.

  I cry every second I am not with Tate, trying to imagine the rest of my life without him. I am convinced that this is the end of us. That he’ll go off to UNC and find someone else. Girls are always throwing themselves at him, how long will he be able to resist them? A month? A week?

  I make a mixed tape of the sad love songs that other girls at school always play when their numerous boyfriends dump them and I play it and cry to it for weeks. I’m lucky I had Tate as my boyfriend since I started having a boyfriend. I never felt the effects of a break up or a broken heart. Sad songs never spoke to me before but now I am listening to them and I think for the first time my heart is breaking into a million pieces.


  I am struggling hard right now and I want a drink and a line but instead I head straight to see Drew. Drew’s helping me to open up and share my feelings with Brook instead of running to drugs and booze. Our house is finally ready and we find out we are having a boy and a girl. My world feels complete for the first time but it’s the lack of control over it that brings me to Drew today. I worry as the time gets closer for the babies to arrive that I will turn into my father and try to control their lives. I’ve already bought my son a basketball. I am no better than my father and that scares me.

  I have a long talk with my parents before the babies come about Michael and Jeremy and they agree to meet Jeremy and talk with them, try to find some common ground and a way to have a relationship with them. They want to be grandparent’s to Andrew just as much as they do my twins and Holly and Heather. They plan to come and stay for a few months after the babies come as do Michael and Jeremy. It will be nice to have my whole family with me.

  Tate is hard at work making me a labor playlist. He said he’s including songs from our lives that will soothe and calm me, bring back good memories, funny memories. He’s hoping that by my listening to this playlist I’ll be able to remain drug free during my labor and delivery. I have managed to gain twenty five pounds and keep myself and my babies healthy. I have my personal trainer ready to move out here and resume our workout sessions as soon as the babies come.

  Heidi has been great through my whole pregnancy helping me whenever I need her but also not coddling me, she has let me continue to work with our dancers and choreograph our projects. She and Dominick are moving their relationship along; they are even talking about marriage in the near future. Heather and Holly are very excited because they want to be flower girls. They may get two chances.

  Bobby and Katrina won’t admit to a relationship but anyone who sees them together knows they’re in love. They le
ave the girls with Tate and I and double date with Dominick and Heidi. I am too tired to join them so staying in and watching my nieces suits me just fine. Tate and I sit on the sofa with the girls watching movies and talking about baby names. We decide on Zach and Zoe Taylor for our twins.

  Tate and I put the girls to bed and wait up for the happy couples. We finally get into bed after midnight and Tate spoons his body around me, pulling me close and placing his hand on my hard, round belly. I feel like I have only slept for minutes when I am startled awake with the feeling that I have wet the bed. Tate must feel it too because he jumps up with me.

  “I think I just wet the bed” I report to Tate.

  “I think your water just broke, how do you feel?” he asks just as my first contraction cripples me.

  We arrive at the hospital, the nurse checks me in, examines me and informs me that I am only two centimeters dilated and have a long way to go. The pain from the contractions is getting worse and I can’t get comfortable in any position I try. Tate knows it’s time to transport me to a happy place so he starts the playlist. The standards start it up, songs from the start like “Little Red Corvette” and “Never Gonna Let You Go”. I am on all fours breathing heavy when I hear favorites like “Footloose” and “Sunglasses at Night”. I can still see Tate and Bobby dancing around in their sunglasses in our hotel room in the city when we were in eighth grade and it brings a smile to my face. When I look up my husband is standing there stomping his foot to the beat wearing sunglasses like he did that night so long ago. I am happy and distracted but then another contraction hits me hard and I scream out. Tate is having a tough time dealing with his feelings of helplessness as he watches me wriggle in pain.

  “We Don’t Have to Take Our Clothes Off” brings a smile back to my face as Tate and I reminisce about that day on the bus freshman year going to States. I can still see Danny and the other guys giving Tate a hard time and Tate giving it right back. When the contractions get worse again Tate gets the nurse to check me, I am now four centimeters.

  Tate and I start the deep breathing we learned in Lamaze class through “The Lady in Red” and Tate makes up his own little rhyme to make me laugh, “The lady in red is giving me head” he sings and I look at him and ask “Really, what you’re fifteen now?”

  “No, Bobby and I used to sing that as a joke. I mean you weren’t, you hadn’t done that back then yet, right?”

  I just laugh but then the pain increases to almost an unbearable point. The music is honestly only barely helping me now. I know the playlist has reached the era of college when I hear “One More Try” and I am able to forget myself between contractions and remember the past again.


  Tate and Bobby come to Kentucky with my family to bring me to school. We leave at 4am and drive straight through only making fast bathroom breaks. We eat lunch in the car as we drive so we can be there before 6pm. We drive in my mom’s minivan with Tate, Bobby and I in the far back and Michael and Katrina who is pissed off about something in the middle. We play silly car games where we try to find license plates from every state and then we try to find words on signs in alphabetical order. Tate wins both games the competitive bastard!

  When we arrive we are greeted by Adam and a few of the other cheerleaders, I recognize a few from camp. I will be living off campus in a house with five other cheerleaders. The only reason my dad and if truth be told Tate is allowing me to live with two guys is because they are very, very gay. My father is not happy about the whole alternative life style but he figures they will not have any interest in his daughter. If I was in a co-ed dorm the prospects would be endless.

  Michael and Adam seem to hit it off as they are helping to unload my stuff from the car. I wonder if Tate and I are the only ones who suspect that Michael might be gay. I wanted Tate to have a talk with him before he left for college but he hasn’t got around to it yet. He promised me he’d do it before he leaves for school. Katrina and Bobby seem kind of extra friendly. I see her feeling his arm when he’s carry a box in and I could swear he slapped her on the ass. I’ll have to remember to ask Tate what the hell’s going on with them.

  My parents take us all out to eat and Adam comes along. We go for pizza at a nearby place and Tate and I eat with one hand because we can’t let our other hands go from the other’s grip. This is annoying Katrina to no end and she keeps rolling her eyes at me. I have no idea what has crawled up her ass today.

  Tate tells Adam that he was worried about him being my partner that first summer and Adam chokes on his Coke.

  “I love our girl but she’s all yours. Her brother on the other hand…” he trials off leaving Tate and I raising our eyebrows at each other.

  “See I told you, he’s gay. Adam must have gaydar, right? You need to talk to him before you leave for school.”

  My parents stay in a hotel overnight with Michael and Katrina but they allow Tate and Bobby to stay with me. This causes a huge scene with Katrina crying and yelling at my mother that she is not a baby anymore and she should be able to stay with me. It is not a fight she has any chance of winning.

  My first night in my new apartment is great because I have Tate with me. College would be great if I knew I’d be living with him instead of eight hours away. I have a room to myself as do the other three girls. Adam and Troy share a room but Adam claims they are not together. Bobby sleeps on the couch so Tate and I can be alone in my room. We are usually so rushed when we make love, afraid of getting caught but tonight it’s just us, who knew being an adult would have such perks?

  “I am going to make this a night you will never forget. You’ll never be able to bring another guy in here without remembering all the things I did to you on this bed” Tate promises as he turns on the radio and pops in another tape he’s made for me.

  “One More Try” comes on and he asks me to dance. We dance together with ease as is our way by now; comfortable in each other’s arms more than any other place in the world. Tate has developed into a great dance partner and I can only think how it’s not fair because of all my hard work some college co-ed is going to get this hot, awesome boyfriend who can dance. I push the thought from my head not wanting to ruin our last night together.

  Tate sits on the edge of my new bed and commands, “Strip for me very slowly” as “I Want to Sex You Up” starts to play. I slowly lift my arms up and through my long curly hair then let is cascade down my back. I shake my head from side to side, shaking my hair out. I turn my back to Tate and shake my ass ever so slowly and I hear him moan deeply from down in his throat. I pull my shirt over my head then flip my hair so it covers my breasts before I turn around to face him.

  “You look excited sir. Are you enjoying this new strip club?” I tease him.

  “Come closer, just out of my reach and tease me. Don’t let me touch you.”

  I step an inch or two closer then remind him of the house rules. “Remember sir, no touching or the boss gets very angry.” I lift my hair onto the top of my head revealing my bra. I rub my hands over my breasts and moan softly.

  “Take off your bra so I can see your tits” he orders me.

  I turn and look at him seductively over my left shoulder as I unhook my bra and slowly slide the strap down my right arm. I do the same with the left strap then throw it at him. Tate catches it with his expert hands, holds it to his nose and breathes in my perfume.

  “Your nipples are lovely, do you know that?” he asks. “Now touch them. Pull on them, pinch them for me. Yeah, that’s right baby. Mmm…I like to watch you do that. I am going to be picturing this over and over in my head every night while I whack off.”

  I turn around and bend down with my legs kept straight as I slowly pull my panties off. I throw them at Tate and he puts them in his pocket. “These will come in very handy when I’m alone thinking about you. Now I’ll be able to smell you while I’m pulling it.”

  I let my skirt fall to the floor next. “I’m going to give you a lap dance now but remember
the rules, no touching or the boss gets very upset. Do you understand?”

  “Mmm…bring it on baby” Tate replies.

  I swing my narrow hips and grind my tight ass on his lap making his erection press even harder against the zipper of his pants. When I feel him lifting a hand I grab it at the wrist and stop him.

  “No, no, no. Now don’t be a naughty boy or the boss will come out here and then you’ll be in big trouble” I warn.

  “I Touch Myself” starts to play and Tate says, “Fuck the boss” as he grabs for me and throws me on the bed. He pulls his shirt over his head revealing his defined chest and stomach muscles. He has this arousing patch of hair between his pectorals and then this great little line of hair leading into his pants. I reach for the button then the zipper of his pants and he moans out loud when I release him.

  “Touch yourself for me. The way I taught you so I can remember what you look like doing it. It’ll be another thought I’ll be able to have when I’m jerking off until I can touch you again.”

  I obey and I begin to masturbate in front of him. I slide my fingers over my sex and feel how excited I am already and he hasn’t even touched me yet. I offer my finger to him and he sucks greedily on it then asks for more. This time I insert my finger into myself before I offer it to him. A quick taste not being enough for him Tate slides between my legs spreads them farther apart and begins to flick at me with his tongue. I gasp and raise my hips to him. This turns him on more and makes him suck on me creating a sensation I can’t fight off, I succumb within seconds. He is holding my hips and sucking, he won’t stop sucking and it’s making my orgasm continue. When he finally lets go and releases me from his grip his tongue gently swipes over his lips for one more taste before he kissing me.


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