Sliding (The Stone Series)

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Sliding (The Stone Series) Page 35

by Kitty Berry

  I bat his hands away, give him a soft kiss on the lips and run to my room. I brush my teeth and fling my hair up into a ponytail then I throw on some clothes. When Mac and I run to the slider together we see Sven standing on the beach with a grin on his face like he knows what went on in Mac’s bed last night. He’s holding two heavy looking backpacks.

  “Fuck, those are going to weigh a ton and it’s hotter than hell out here today.” Mac groans and we walk to Sven with our heads bowed. When we get to Sven Mac tells him that it was his fault that we overslept and he’ll carry my backpack as well. Sven just nods but I try to protest. Both Mac and Sven wave me away. We run the five miles the three of us side by side, poor Mac carrying an extra twenty pounds, ten of which should be on my back. By the time we get back to the house we are all covered in sweat and in major need of a drink. We refresh then do our beach yoga before we head in for a day of karate. Mac is beat but pissed off at Sven so they have quite a sparring match. When they are done Sven shows me some self defense moves and then we work on some forms, they’re like a dance routine so I pick them up rather quickly. After that both Mac and I are in need of showers, food and a nap. We each head to our own rooms to shower with promises to meet in the kitchen for breakfast. Mac is making pancakes when I find him in the kitchen. I am so hungry my stomach starts jumping for joy at the mere smell of the vanilla and forbidden sugar. He hands me a much needed cup of coffee and lets his hand touch mine for longer than it needs to.

  “I had a great night last night; it was worth this morning’s punishment. Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “I did thank you very much. And thank you for carrying that bag for me. Sven was pissed.”

  “He’s old school military and tardiness is not tolerated. He has a boner for you by the way or he never would have let me take your bag. I have my eye on him, you know. Sit down, let’s eat. I hope you’re hungry. I was starving so I made pancakes.”

  “They smell great. Where did you learn to cook?”

  “My grandmother taught me. She always said a gentleman who could cook and dance could have his pick of the lot.”

  “Mac, I hate to tell you that you wasted your time learning how to cook and dance. Anyone that looks like you and has your body can have the pick of the lot. But those skills are coming in handy.”

  “I don’t want the pick of the lot anymore. I did that, you know the bad boy Marine who took women home to his bed never to call them again. I’m not proud of a lot of my actions but I can’t change them. Now though, I just want to do this, breakfast, hang out and relax with someone I care about. I don’t want to just fuck nameless chicks anymore. I haven’t wanted that in a long time but I never found anyone that I wanted to just be with either…until you.”

  “Mac, we need to take this slow. I’m a hot mess right now and I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t make you any promises. I like your company and what we did last night; well it has let’s say…potential, great potential.”

  Mac agrees to take things day by day and not put any pressure on me. We smile at each other while we eat our breakfast, my mind working overtime.

  After we eat Mac hands me the CDs that have arrived and tells me he’ll take the CD and letter to the Post Office and get my prescription for me when we’re done cleaning up from breakfast. He said he’ll send the CD and letter to an ex-team member who will be sure they get to Tate without him being able to find me but he warns me that once we have my lawyer contact him he’ll be able to reach me through my lawyer. He won’t know where I am but he’ll be able to send me a letter in return. It’ll be up to me if I want to read it or not. It’s better this way. If Tate is able to reach me directly I know he’ll find a way to talk himself out of this mess and I can’t let that happen. For once in my life I feel like I am strong and in control of my own destiny.

  Chapter 12: Healing

  The month goes by fast. Every morning Mac and I meet Sven for our run on the beach. We are never late again! Then we finish our workout, shower, eat breakfast together and spend the day doing nothing but being together. We swim in the ocean, sunbath on the sand and take walks hand in hand down at the water’s edge. I love the way Mac runs his thumb over my hand while he holds it. At night we cook out on the deck or eat down on the beach. We take walks on the beach at night under the moon and stars or relax in the hot tub. We never sleep alone, we either end up in my bed or Mac’s, a few nights we fell asleep in the hammock on the deck but wherever we are we are always in each other’s arms. Our friendship has grown, we talk about everything from our pasts to our hopes for the future but we have never done more than kiss.

  I call the lawyer Mac arranged for me to speak with and I filed for divorce. I am waiting to hear back from him and Mac wants to wait until then to discuss where our physical relationship is heading.

  Jonesie and his wife are due on the island later this week and I’m a little nervous to meet them. Mac has never had a “girlfriend” that his friends met and now he’s going to introduce me? I can just see it now…“Hi, this is my ex-boss who is still married to her lying cheating bastard of a husband who is the only man she’s ever slept with but he was also fucking her best friend and God only knows who else behind her back and now she and I are here at your house hiding from him and whatever maniac killed said best friend and her husband. She’s great though and we are getting to know each other by making out and not having sex.” Yeah, they’re going to just love me.

  I’m happy that I’ve been working out with Sven. My body has changed and it’s never been better. I am really gaining muscle mass and I have even put on a few pounds due to Mac’s excellent cooking skills. Normally this would have sent me into an anorexic frenzy of starving myself, puking and sneaking in extra runs in the middle of the night but now I’m happy with the way I look. Mac has taken to feeding me lately and it’s very erotic. It’s amazing what you can do when you’re not having sex with someone.

  He feeds me grapes while we lounge together on the hammock on the deck. They are so juicy that they drip down my chin onto my neck necessitating Mac to suck the juice off me. He feeds me roasted marshmallows off the stick by the bonfire we sit by each night on the beach. He says his favorite thing to feed me is wine because he loves the way I tilt my head back and expose my neck to him.

  He fed me chocolate dipped strawberries in his bed last night. He held one of the strawberries to my lips and made me suck all the chocolate off. I have to say for a man who is getting no release from his pent up sexual frustration he really is glutting for punishment. So the more I think about it maybe he is getting some sort of release, I’m just not sure when or where but I assume it’s at his own hand, at least I hope it is.

  I suck the chocolate off the strawberry like I’m giving it a blow job. Mac moans and readjusts his shorts as I flick the strawberry with my tongue. Once the strawberry is stripped of its chocolate he takes it in his hand, lifts my t-shirt to expose my belly and squeezes the strawberry, juicing it onto my stomach. Mac raises his eyebrows at me and I widen my stare on him. He slowly lowers his head and licks and sucks the juice off my belly. I sit up slightly to have a better view. My head falls back and a moan escapes me as I feel his butterfly soft kisses skirt across my sensitive skin. It’s like everywhere he touches turns to fire. My body is on the brink of a much needed explosion and the man hasn’t touched the important parts of my body yet. I can only imagine what it will be like when he does.

  The next morning we wake up sticky and a little red from the strawberry juice but without time to wash it off and make it to the beach to meet Sven on time. Sven notices the marks instantly and smirks at us. I avert eye contact and Mac flashed him a look of warning. Our workout ends with a surprise from Mac. He hired someone to come and give us a surf lesson. He asks Sven to stay but he has to get to his next client so just Mac and I head into the ocean with our instructor. The surf lessons require a ton of balance and strength and after the two hours are up I am wiped out. I return to my room, a room at this
point I only use to shower in, we spend every night together in his bed now. I shower and after a wonderful meal prepared by Mac we curl up on a beach blanket and lay in the sun holding hands.

  We must fall asleep because when we wake up the sun has gone behind the biggest angriest clouds I have ever seen, the wind is blowing the palm trees making them bend in half. They look as if they are in the downward dog position. I am freezing and Mac must be too because he is spooning me to get warm. We run to the house holding hands carrying blankets and towels in our free hands. We reach our shelter just as the first bang of thunder is heard and the rain begins to pound on the deck. The storm doesn’t look like it’s going to let up anytime soon so Mac starts to light candles in case the power goes out.

  Mac’s cell phone rings and makes me jump out of my seat. He answers it but I can only hear his side of the conversation.

  “It’s Mac”…“Oh yes, hello, thank you for calling”…“He did?”…“When?”…“So what does he want then?”…“Well he should have thought about that before he…forget it. I don’t know if she’ll want to see it, I’ll have to speak to her and let you know. Okay thank you.”…“Yes, I’ll tell her.”…“Okay. Good-bye.”

  I am dying to know what the hell it’s about especially now that I heard him say he’d tell me something. I give him a questioning look and he tells me I’d better sit down for this.

  My lawyer calls and tells me he has just spoken to Tate about Brook’s divorce request. He tells me that Tate agrees not to contest it, that he’ll give Brook anything she wants, he claims to only want her to be happy. If he wanted that I’m not sure why he was dipping into her best friend and countless other women over the years, I got news for you buddy, that’s not how you keep a woman happy. I know he’s not the kind of man to walk away like this so I know he must be up to something. He agrees to all of her requests if and only if she’ll agree to read the letter he sent to her. He tells me that Tate is also going to request her to meet face to face with him before he’ll sign off on the divorce. And there’s his plan, he thinks if he can get a face to face with her he can overpower her and win her back. I’m not sure how she’s going to react to this news and I don’t want to ruin our night but I have no choice but to discuss this call with her.

  “Brook, that was the lawyer on the phone. He said he spoke to Tate and he has agreed to your terms of the divorce. He said he won’t fight you for anything, he just wants you to be happy.”

  Brook asks me what the problem is and I tell her that Tate has wrote her a letter and sent it to her lawyer.

  “Tate says he’ll only agree to the divorce and not fight you if you read the letter.”

  “Fine. If that’s what it’ll take to end this whole mess then fine, I’ll read it. I mean how bad could it be? It’s not like he’s demanding to see me in person. I’m actually shocked that he’s not demanding that.”

  “Oh, ah, well he is demanding that. He said he wants you to read the letter but before he signs off on the divorce he’s going to make you sit down with him face to face.”

  Brook tells me that she knew he’d do this. That he’s convinced that once she’s near him he can get her to cave into him and change her mind. She says that’s how it’s always been between them but now she feels stronger than before and for the first time in her life independent. Even so she still doesn’t want to see him yet so I promise we can stay on the island until she’s ready and when she is I also promise to go with her. No one including Tate has any idea that Brook and I are in any kind of relationship so what harm can it do is her thought but I know better. I know my feelings for her will show on my face. I can’t be in a room with the two of them and trust myself not to either snap his body in two or grab her in my arms and claim her as mine.

  As these thoughts are traveling through my mind another very loud rumble of thunder crashes overhead and the lights flicker before going out completely. Brook screeches and jumps into my arms.

  I wiggle my cell phone out of my back pocket and use the flashlight app to illuminate the room; I grab Brook by the hand and lead her to my room without saying a word. She follows me, staying close so I can guide her in the darkness. I light a candle and lay her on the bed.

  “If you’re scared I can go turn on the generator if you want” I offer. But she says she’d rather I stay with her.

  We can hear the rain pouring down outside and from time to time the room is completely illuminated by the lightening. When I see her in the glow of the lightening I know I will not be able to resist her tonight. At the sound of a crash of thunder she jumps into my arms and tells me that she has never felt safer in her life than when she’s in my arms. Those words are my unraveling.

  “Brook, I know I said I wouldn’t sleep with another man’s wife and that we should wait until the divorce is final but…” I trail off as she takes her shirt over her head to reveal the sexiest red lace bra I have ever seen. I’ll need to send an extra thank you to the personal shopper responsible for that little number. I follow suit and remove my shirt as she is sliding off her shorts. I catch my breath when I look at her lying in my bed in her matching red lace bra and thong. She runs her hands down my chest and rests her hands on the waistband of my shorts. I don’t know how much more I can take before I lose it so I flip her onto the bed and slide on top off her. I allow her to unsnap and slide down my shorts exposing the erection in my boxers.

  “You’ve been very patient; I think you deserve a little reward” Brook murmurs to me as she pulls my dick out of my boxers and slides them off. Before I can even think she has sat up and taken me into her mouth and is stroking me with her hand. It’s been so long since I’ve had a blow job but I don’t remember it feeling this good. Her mouth is warm and soft but her lips are creating a tight suction and her hands are making friction that’s about to push me over the edge and fast. I don’t want it to end but when she stops for a second and looks up at me I know I’m a goner. She licks the head of my cock making a circle around the tip then she nips it with her teeth before putting it back in her mouth just in time to swallow. I grab her by the back of the head and warn her, “I’m going to come in your mouth if you don’t stop” but she doesn’t stop. She sucks even harder and moans when she feels me explode warm liquid down her throat. I yell out in pure ecstasy as my body jerks and convulses through my orgasm. She holds me in her mouth as she swallows every last drop.

  After telling me about the call from the lawyer Mac leads me through the darkness to his room. He lights a candle and offers to turn on the generator but I don’t want him to leave me, I’m scared of the dark and more scared I’ll come to my senses if I have the time to think about what I’m about to do. Instead I jump into his arms, his arms that make me feel safer than a house full of lights ever could. I can’t help myself when he tells me that he’s having second thoughts about us waiting until my divorce is final. I slide his boxers off and take him into my mouth with such ease it’s as if I’ve done this with lots of guys many times before when in fact he is only the second man I have given a blow job to in my life. The whole time I’m doing it I’m worried that he won’t like it the way I do it.

  When I release him from my lips Mac’s lips find mine and his tongue enters my mouth as he lays me down and begins to trail kisses down my neck. He undoes my bra with ease and pulls my nipple between his lips. He makes circles around them with his tongue in between sucking on them. My nipples are hard and aching for more and Mac obliges with joy as he slips my thong down my body. He kisses my arms and licks the inside of my elbow causing chills to run down my spine. I arch my back and moan uncontrollably silently begging him to do the same between my legs. Mac takes his time causing a powerful force to begin building inside me. He kisses and licks my legs and when he lifts my leg into the air and licks behind my knee I almost have an orgasm right on the spot.

  “Please make me come; I need to come so bad Mac. It’s been so long” I beg him unabashed.

  “Relax; I’ll take care of you in
good time.”

  Mac holds true to his promise. He spreads my legs apart with his hands and then his fingers open me before sliding inside me.

  “Oh, Brook you are so soft and warm and so very, very tight. I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

  He alternates between using his fingers and tongue, each time he feels me getting close to my release he switches his method. After what feels like forever and I can’t take it another second his tongue finds my clit. I grab the back of his head and beg, “Please don’t stop, please. Oh God, Mac, yes. Ahhh. I’m. Going. To. Come. Ahhh.”

  As I come back down to Earth I hear Mac moaning and saying, “Mmmm. You are delicious. Watching you come is the best sight in the world. Are you okay now?”

  “Yes, but I want more. Make love to me Mac, please” I pant breathlessly.

  Mac reaches into his drawer and I think he’s pulling out a condom but instead he hands me a paper. Its blood work results stating that he is in perfect health.

  “I asked your doctor to run a few tests on me too when she was here. I’ve never been with a woman without a condom, not ever, but you…you’re not like them. I have never been with anyone I’ve felt like this with. It was always just fucks with them. I don’t want to fuck you Brook. I want to make love to you. I’m clean and you said you’re results were clean too. Let me make love to you, I want to feel myself inside you” Mac says as he moves in between my legs that spread open for him without reserve.


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