Sliding (The Stone Series)

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Sliding (The Stone Series) Page 34

by Kitty Berry

  When the bugs become unbearable we decide to head indoors and turn in for the night.

  “Thanks for everything Mac. I don’t know how I will ever repay you for everything” I admit.

  “Good night, Brook sleep tight. If you need me you know where to find me. 9am workout with Sven in the morning, we start with a five mile run on the beach then we do yoga. You’ll be putting me to shame with that workout I’m sure. See you then?”

  I smile and tell him of course he will then I retire to my room to work on the playlist I am sending to Tate.

  It’s late but it’s finally done, I will ask Mac tomorrow to mail it off to Tate in the morning. I slip off my clothes and crawl exhausted under the smooth cool covers of my bed. When I look at the clock it says 2:23am. I must fall asleep as my head hits the pillow because I don’t remember a thing until I am startled awake at 4:30am. I think I heard footsteps and the slider opening and my first thought is that someone is in the house. I put on a long t-shirt and a pair of boy short panties and head out of my room just in time to see Mac walking off the deck and out to the beach.

  He is wearing nothing but a pair of tight white boxer briefs and the view I have of his ass is spectacular! I stand there frozen as I watch him start to jog to the water’s edge. His legs are firm and muscular and clench with each pound on the sand. He stops at the water and begins to stretch, well, stretch for him. Powerful and strong he is, flexible he is not. I quietly walk out of the house, onto the deck and to the beach. I watch as he dives into the water without checking its temperature and marvel at how he doesn’t even flinch when his body hits the water. I proceed to the water’s edge and watch him swim without his knowledge. When he finally turns to float on his back and relax under the rising sun he spots me and a smile spreads across his face.

  I can’t sleep. It could be from the sexual frustration I am under or the possibilities with Brook that keep running through my mind. Either way by 4:30am after hours of tossing and turning I give up and head to the ocean for a swim. I don’t bother to put on a swimsuit, I head out in my skivvies. I didn’t expect to have an audience but shortly after I stepped onto the deck I heard Brook come out of her room. She doesn’t realize I have heightened senses from my years on the job and that I know she’s watching me. I enjoy that she’s watching me so I don’t let on. I do my laps and then turn to float on my back. I pretend to notice her for the first time and smile. I beckon her to come into the water with me. She hesitates so I swim over to her and step out of the water. I take her by the hand and lead her into the water with me. Her t-shirt gets wet and when she stands up I can see her perfect pink nipples erect through her shirt. She follows my gaze and I avert my eyes hoping I have not scared her off. To my surprise she raises her eyebrows at me and then in one motion dips her body so her shoulders are under the water, takes her top off and throws it at me as she dives under the water and swims up in front of me. She’s careful not to stand up and expose her breasts but just the thought of her this close to me without a top on has caused me to sport yet another erection that I won’t have relief from.

  Brook starts splashing me so I take my hand and push her under from the top of her head. She comes up and spits water at me like from a fountain. I get water in my mouth and do the same to her. We swim and play in the water for some time before I tell her we should head back and get something to eat before Sven shows up. I warn her that we can’t be late today or he’ll have us running ten miles with weighted backpacks on. I give her back her shirt that I had tucked into the front of my underwear and hanging out over my still present erection. She puts it back on then casually climbs onto my back like it’s something she’s been doing her whole life. I swim us back to shore and when we climb out of the water we are holding hands. We walk hand in hand up to the house and when she breaks our embrace to go dry off she smacks me on the ass, hard. I yelp and return her playful action.

  I grab a towel that I wrap around my waist and start on our breakfast. I make us an egg white omelet with mushrooms and tomatoes and I wash berries and place them in a bowl on the island. When Brook comes out she’s dressed in a light pink bikini top that pushes her luscious breasts up high on her chest and matching boy shorts. She’s barefoot and has her wet curly hair in high pigtails. She looks like the innocent cheerleader I imagine she once was. My mind goes to places it shouldn’t and I picture myself holding those pigtails in my hands while I guide her mouth up and down my dick. God, what I wouldn’t give for a blow job right about now. I snap out of it when she asks me if there’s any coffee.

  We sit and share breakfast and pleasant conversation. Brook tells me that she’s finished a letter and a playlist she’d like to put on a CD and send to Tate. I agree to get her the CDs and send it off as long as she understands it’s not safe yet for her to reveal our location. She agrees and asks again if we can stay here longer and not let anyone know where she is. Its music to my ears to think I can have her to myself for a little while longer and I can’t wait for her and Jonesie to meet.

  I go and get ready for our workout. Sven arrives while I’m still getting ready and when I return I find him and Brook in deep conversation, getting to know each other. We head to the beach and run barefoot down by the shore for two and a half miles before turning to head back to the house. We are covered in sweat by the time we get back but Brook smells amazing when she comes up next to me and teases me about kicking my ass now in yoga. Sven laughs and agrees with her pissing me off. I hate it when I’m not the best; it’s this very competitive side of me that has gotten me in trouble before so I plan on keeping it in check with Brook today. It’s good that I have made that decision because trying to compete with her in yoga would be comical. She can stand on one foot and stretch her other foot from behind her and up and over her head never losing her balance. When she sees me looking at her in awe she tells me that it’s nothing, she apparently used to do that while being suspended in the air on nothing but her partners hand.

  The rest of our yoga training goes the same, Brook is amazing at every pose and I have all I can do not to fall on my face. By the time we are finished and ready to head to the gym to lift weights I stink and wish I could shower quickly. I never think this way when it’s just Sven and I but with Brook here my mind keeps going to other places. Deep, sexy places in the far recesses of my mind. Like when she was doing downward dog. I couldn’t help but picture myself behind her gently sliding deep inside her and thrusting over and over again until I could finally find my release. Sven notices where my thoughts were going and announced “Keep it in your pants Macintosh” loud enough for Brook to hear. She laughed and raised her eyebrows at me. She’s been doing that a lot lately and even that simple movement makes me hard. I wonder if she knows what it does to me.

  I’m finally in my element in the gym. I can lift heavy weights and burn off some of this frustration. Sven spots me but gets his money’s worth today. With Brook in my presence there’s not much need for him to motivate and push me through my sets. When we finish up Sven says he has to get to his next appointment and doesn’t have time to shower today. I tell Brook I’m going to shower in my room and ask her if she wants to take a ride around the island with me and maybe go for lunch, seafood somewhere local.

  I shower again; I have never showered so much in my life, and get dressed for my lunch with Brook. I throw on my favorite light blue v-neck t-shirt and a pair of taupe linen pants. They look a little wrinkled but after a good shake out they’re fine. When I walk into the kitchen I catch my breath when I see Brook. She’s wearing a pale blue sundress that matches my shirt perfectly. Her hair is in a casual up do with curls falling around her face. She’s wearing her makeup light and natural looking and I have never seen her look so beautiful. She has flip flops on her feet that should look more casual then sexy but attached to her sexy legs they’re driving me wild already.

  I clear my throat to help settle my nerves before I ask “Are you ready to go?”

  “Well, that depen
ds. Do I have to wear that blindfold again?”

  I smile at her and a laugh escapes me when I remember what she looked like in the blindfold. Then my mind wanders to thoughts of her blindfolded and under me. Hmmm…now that has possibilities.

  “No, I think it’ll be okay if you don’t wear it.”I want to add, “I’d like you to wear it later in my bed, baby” but I don’t dare.

  We head out the side door to the fun car with no top or sides, the black Call of Duty MW3 Edition Jeep. It’s a good thing she has her hair tied up because I plan to have a little fun today.

  We spend the next hour driving around on the rough terrain of the back roads bumping and bouncing as we go. The stereo is blasting and we are singing along. Neither of us can carry a tune but that’s not stopping us as Party in the USA comes on. Brook laughs at me that I know the words to a song that only twelve year old girls should know.

  When we finally get to the restaurant Brook allows me to come around her side of the Jeep and help her out. She accepts my arm as we walk into the restaurant. We are seated outside on the patio that darts out into the ocean. The day is beautiful but nothing compared to the woman who is sharing my company today. She lights up when she giggles and the look in her eyes when she sucks on a lobster claw is radiant. How any man can do something to make ruin that is beyond me, Tate Taylor is a stupid man.

  Brook asks if I want to read the letter she wrote to her husband and I’m not sure how I want to answer that. A part of me wants to know what she’s feeling about their relationship but another part of me is afraid of what I’ll read. They have such a history together I truly don’t know if she will ever get over him, if she’ll ever be able to move on. I decide it’s better to know what I’m up against then to be caught off guard so I accept the letter and begin to read. It’s not so much the words in the letter that catch my eye but rather the playlist, more specifically Track 12. I wonder if she’s referring to what’s brewing between us.


  I want you to know that I am safe and doing fine no thanks to you. I cannot give you any more details than that and to be honest you don’t even deserve that much. I am confused and saddened by the recent turn of events. But if I’m being completely honest I’m not surprised. Why should I be? I have been waiting for this moment to happen since the day we met. I guess after all this time I had finally started to believe you that I was the only one you wanted, silly me. I can’t help but wonder how many others there were, when it all started, but something tells me I don’t want the answer to that.

  Listen to the enclosed CD, we have always communicated best through music and I think this first song is a good place to start.

  Do not try to find or contact me, I will obtain legal representation shortly and be in touch with you through them.


  We have a great day driving around the island sightseeing and enjoying a delicious lunch. Mac takes me for the most fun filled ride of my life. I’m sad when we pull into the driveway because I know it’s come to an end.

  The doctor that Mac arranged for me arrives an hour later and Mac blushes and doesn’t know what to do with himself. It’s very cute actually. I show the doctor to my room and she takes my medical history, draws blood and does a pelvic exam. Before she leaves with promises to call with results in a few days she hands me a prescription and free samples of birth control pills saying, “Enjoy my dear. He is exquisite.” She winks at me as I walk her to the door. When Mac sees us approach he stands and walks her to the door with me.

  “Ah…how did it go?” Mac uncomfortably asks me.

  “She took some blood work and she’ll get back to me with results in a few days. She did an exam and said I’m in perfect health. Can we go to a store to have a prescription filled?” I ask without even thinking about why I want that prescription filled so badly.

  Mac hands me the CDs that arrived while I was with the doctor so I get my laptop and burn the playlist for Tate at the kitchen island while Mac watches a game on TV. I ask him if we could mail the letter when we go to the pharmacy, he says he’ll arrange for both in the morning. I leave Mac to his game and get changed into some dance clothes and head down to the studio on the lower level.

  When I walk into the studio I see her dancing to “Turning Tables” wearing a purple crop top and black short shorts that are cut so the bottom of her ass cheeks are exposed and looking firm and taunt. Add to that her toned, flat, muscular stomach is exposed so I can’t blame myself for what I think when I see her. I picture myself running my tongue over those taunt muscles, her breasts and all the way down between her legs. She’s also barefoot and has her hair in those tantalizing pigtails again. I am able to stand and watch her without her knowledge for a few moments before she senses my presence. She is standing behind a table pounding it. She starts to have a tug of war with an invisible person. She leaps and turns around the space then she goes under the table, that’s when she sees me watching her and slowly walks over to me. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in anticipation of her approach. One of the last times we were in here alone together she gave me the best hard on I’ve had in ages. She asks me to join her as she takes my hand and pulls me into the room. I can only hope for a repeat performance.

  Brook asks me to dance with her and she shows me what she wants me to do. She shows me how she wants me to roll on the table over her and then stand in front of her and begin a tug of war by holding her arms and pulling her back and forth. She shows me how she will leap and turn then come back to the table and go underneath it. She asks me to lay on the table then reach out my hands to touch palms with her before I pull her onto the table from underneath it. Then she wants me to push her off the table but none of that matters because we never get to the dance.

  She puts the music back on. I put my hands on the table on either side of her body and am supposed to roll over her but I lose myself. I can’t move, she lays there trapped under me and just looks up at me with her huge eyes. As I slowly start to lower my head down to meet her she closes her eyes, inviting me to kiss her. My lips brush over hers gently at first then I start to pull away but can’t so I let my lips rub over hers again. This happens at least five times before I make our kiss rapidly grow more intense.

  I know I shouldn’t be doing this but God forgive me, I can’t help myself. I kiss her gently at first then deepen the kiss and use my tongue to ease her mouth open. I hold her chin and lift her face so she opens for me and our tongues meet and twist and twirl with one another. My stomach does a turn and I bite her lower lip pulling it into my mouth with my teeth. She moans into my mouth, arches her back and grabs the back of my head as if she’s afraid I may stop kissing her again. I mold my upper body to her careful to hold my weight on my left forearm while my right hand slides down her body and grabs her thigh, bending her leg at the knee and pulling her leg upward. She wraps her leg around my hip and presses her lower half to me. I reach under her and cup her ass in my hand all the while we never break our kiss that continues to grow more passionate. I lift her from the table and she wraps her other leg around my hip never removing her hands from the back of my head, she keeps holding me into our kiss.

  I walk out of the room carrying her up the stairs to my bedroom. I place her on my bed and lay next to her finally breaking our embrace.

  “I will not make love to another man’s wife Brook, I’m sorry. I think you can tell how badly I want you right now so please don’t see this as a rejection but I can’t, not until you have at least filed for a divorce. I won’t be that guy.”

  Brook smiles at me and reaches for my face with her hands. She licks her lips and it sends a chill through my body. I grab her face in my hands and pull her on top of me. She kisses my eyebrows and I kiss her chin, she kisses my nose and I kiss her forehead all the while smiling at each other like a couple of idiots. I flip her over onto the bed and begin to explore her neck and her ears. They are both clearly erogenous zones for her. She arches to my touch and moans
out in pleasure. It makes me ache; I desperately want to watch her have an orgasm from my touch. I can only imagine how she’ll look. She playfully returns the affection by tugging on my earlobe with her teeth and running her tongue over my Adam’s apple and up to my chin which she nips at. She smells amazing and her touch is overwhelming. I am using every last ounce of strength I have not to pounce on her and make her mine, all mine.

  The next morning I awake in Mac’s arms with swollen bruised lips and a few love bits on my neck and under my ears. Not the deep dark bruises of a teenager trying to stake his claim on a girl but faint discolorations where the skin has been sucked, licked and kissed for hours and hours. I wasn’t sure what woke me until a few minutes later when I hear the whistle…Sven was on the beach expecting us to be there ready for our five mile morning run. Mac and I were up so late making out like teenagers that we both overslept. Mac hears the whistle too and jumps up like he’s still a Private in Boot Camp.

  “Fuck me; he’s going to kill us. Let’s go” Mac says then softens, changes his mind and pulls me into his arms for a sweet kiss.

  “Your mouth looks very lonely right now. I say fuck Sven let’s stay here and kiss some more.”


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