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Adrenaline Rush

Page 11

by C. M. Owens

  Chapter 16


  “You still haven’t told me anything about Maya and Sarah,” I say on an annoyed huff as Rush continues to clean his guns, while I remain tied to the bed.


  His back is to me as he starts on the next one.

  “You haven’t done anything to earn that sort of reward, and that’s valuable information,” he drawls.

  I glare at the back of his head.

  “What’s your game? Why are you doing this to me? To me, Rush,” I go on.

  He cuts a cold gaze over his shoulder at me. “Information isn’t cheap, Kara. I make a small fortune off information, because I’m the best at collecting it—at least, in this club. I had to earn cash somehow. Instead of money, I have a different payment plan for you. If you want information, I have a dick that needs sucked. I’ll hold my breath while you decide on your next move.”

  He looks back at his gun like he isn’t a total asshole creep these days. I have no idea why it turns me on, or why I consider shocking him by taking him up on his offer.

  Or maybe he expects me to take him up on his offer, and then his head games will start getting extreme.

  “What happened to you these past several years to make you such a bitter twat?” I ask instead.

  He snorts derisively. “What happened to you to make you such a clueless bimbo?” he volleys.

  If my hands weren’t bound, I’d punch him for that. And then I’d punch him again.

  “The next time you want to try and get between my legs, you’ll have a mangled mash of balls. Just sayin’,” I say so sweetly.

  He casually looks over his shoulder again to rake his eyes over my very naked body that’s on display for him. Apparently, this is part of my punishment for coming out of the room without permission.

  “I rebel every time someone tries to control me,” I remind him very seriously.

  “Except for me,” he points out with a calculated look.

  “Says the guy who is punishing me after I’ve already rebelled,” I bite out, eyes narrowing.

  He casually drops the gun to the bed before shifting to the prone position beside me, getting so close our bodies are just a hair’s breadth away from touching.

  It’s enough for me to feel the heat of his shirtless torso.

  My breaths stagger, and his eyes dip down to my chest. Any time my body reacts to him in any way, he considers it a win, because a dark grin emerges to announce his inner triumph. Needless to say, when my nipples harden, the prick considers that a win too.

  His gaze flicks back up to mine, and he cocks his head to the side. “Kara, you can talk all you want, and you can pretend all you want. We both know you very well. The difference is, you don’t know me at all anymore. Otherwise, you’d want me to have control over you. I’ll be the only fucking one to keep you alive during the ever-expanding shit show.”

  He abruptly rolls away, and I frown at the back of his head as he sits down on the edge of the bed again.

  “Who are those girls?” I ask again.

  “Girls you need to be nice to, but don’t make friends with them,” is all he says, which is a more elaborate version of the only answer I ever get.

  “Are there more of them?” I try, wondering if there’s another club we’re thieving psychotic women from...

  “Two more girls, from what I’ve heard. And two or three guys, according to the tidbits I’ve picked up on,” he answers with that same vagueness. “With any luck, we’ll never meet them. However, Sarah’s father is a pressing issue. It’s possible we will be meeting him in the near future. I’d like to have you out of here before then, so we need to hurry up and deal with Herrin.”

  I blink, confused about...most of that.

  “I need more information than—”

  A loud boom outside rocks the building, and Rush darts off the bed, cocking a gun as he goes.

  “Did it hold?” he shouts over the railing, leaving the door wide open as my naked body stays on display.

  Fortunately, no one is at an angle to see me, or else I’d be able to see them.

  “Barely a scratch,” Drex calls up.

  “You’re welcome,” Maya says in a singsong voice.

  “Stop using the fucking bombs when Maya is in here! You know that could easily fuck with her head,” Axle snaps.

  Well then. That all makes perfect sense. Yep.


  Rush walks back in like he’s satisfied with the unresolved issue of why people are using bombs so close to the the middle of fucking town.

  “The last I checked, the club isn’t supposed to draw attention to itself,” I point out. “How reckless is my stupid brother these days?”

  He shuts the door without looking at me.

  “He could be worse. The cops get paid to play stupid. The feds have pulled way back, because this war is more than they bargained for. They’re all turning a blind eye now that they realize just how untouchable both Herrin and Drex are. The goodie two-shoes citizens are packing up and seeking out a less criminally involved town to raise their kids in. Halo is going to get a lot darker when they realize who else has taken up residence in our twisted city,” he adds.

  “Who’s that?” I pry...

  He starts unzipping his jeans as he levels me with a look.

  “Forget I asked,” I bite out.

  His lips twitch as he zips them back up, and he sits down on the edge of the bed to resume cleaning his guns.

  “You’re a bigger asshole than ever,” I tell him as he carries on with his tedious task.

  He smiles like I’ve given him a compliment instead of an insult.

  “Does my brother know how you’re treating me? Or does he just not care?”

  “Little bit of both,” he answers unapologetically. “Drex has more pressing matters to deal with. Your sibling fall-out will just have to wait. By then, you’ll be begging to suck my dick for me, and sitting in my lap when in the presence of others. You’ll also learn to bend over and let me fuck you when someone asks Drex what boundaries he has for his sister.”

  I gawk at the back of his head, wondering if his brain has bled out through his ears at some point. It’s the only explanation there can be for the stupid shit he’s spewing right now.

  “Because eventually, everyone will learn he’s not the one they need to be asking about you,” he goes on. “And I’ll shoot a fucker’s eye out if you don’t make it known that I’m the one they should address. Not him.”

  He has seriously flipped his fucking lid and gone insane. How am I just now noticing?

  “Or maybe they should address me with their questions,” I dutifully inform the crazy son of a bitch.

  He casts another cold look at me over his shoulder, nothing but lethal seriousness in his eyes.

  “If you hadn’t gotten so fucking soft, I’d give you at least that much. But you’re fragile now. It’s best left in my hands.”

  With that, he stands and walks out, shutting and locking the door behind him.

  “What the actual fuck just happened?” I ask, reassessing my situation.

  I thought he was just playing some head games. I had no idea he was planning to keep me a true captive under his full control.

  I think Eve has given these guys the impression that all women like to be under a man’s thumb.

  Then again, I’m not so sure that Drex isn’t under her thumb, and she’s the one in control of him. It’s a weird sort of power exchange between the two of them, to be honest. At least from my minimal observations.

  I know one thing, that dick is wholly absorbed by her to the point of completely ignoring my basic human rights. And I’m his damn sister.

  “This is why my head is so fucked up,” I say as I let my head drop back to the pillow, staring up at the very intricate, inescapable scraps of satin that seem so innocently simple to the human eye.

  I don’t even know what the hell is going on anymore.

ter 17


  “She’s here for us to keep her safe, and also to use as bait,” Drex is arguing with me as I sharpen my favorite knife.

  “I know. I’m still not letting her go to the fireworks show. For one, innocent civilians could get caught in the crosshairs of your half-cocked scheme. For two, she’s under my control. I say what goes. It’s our arrangement,” I remind him.

  He narrows his eyes, his jaw doing that telling ticking it does when he’s getting ready to punch something.

  “I don’t like using her for bait any more than you do. But we’ve clearly plugged all the leaks, because Pop hasn’t figured out she’s here yet.”

  “He likely just doesn’t believe she’s here. It’s not like she looks the same,” I helpfully inform him while testing the sharpness of the knife.

  It easily slices my thumb, and I wrap it up in a bandage, deciding the blade needs to be a little sharper.

  “Perfect choice to watch over your sister. Pick the most psychotic member of the club to do that chore,” Axle mumbles just loud enough for me to hear as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

  “Says the guy fucking the girl who is besties with the identity crisis we all try not to talk about in the presence of that crazy motherfucker,” I point out, lazily gesturing to Snake, who snaps a cold look in my direction.

  “When she was my girlfriend, no one even paid her any attention. She comes out as an ex-assassin for her human-trafficking father, and suddenly everyone wants her to do them favors,” Snake grinds out. “After I’ve requested no one fucking acknowledge her.”

  We all just sort of blink at him. Drex exhales harshly as he drops his head and grips the back of the leather chair in front of him so hard it squeaks under the pressure.

  “Dash is the one who rounds us out,” he says quietly.

  A hushed silence falls over the small gathering of the ‘inner circle’ inside the meeting room.

  “He’s the level-headed jokester who—”

  “Drake could fill in,” I point out. “He’s definitely got jokes. I never find them funny, but it seems to ease the tension when he’s around the rest of you.”

  Everyone cuts an incredulous look toward me, and Drex turns and punches the wall before yanking the door open and stalking out.

  “Too insensitive?” I guess, glancing over at Sledge, who looks to be on the verge of coming across the table to punch me himself. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  I resume sharpening my knife. “Drex is too hotheaded to think rationally right now. Kara can’t go to a public function just to draw attention to herself. It’s insane, reckless, and—”

  “It’s his call,” Sledge grinds out. “Not yours.”

  “Where Kara’s concerned, it’s my call,” I tell him with a wink as I stand up. “Anyone who tries to break my rules will end up with a knife planted in them somewhere. Where it lands will depend on my personal affection toward the offender. Take your chances, people,” I add as I stand and holster my blade, walking out without a backward glance.

  I think someone calls me crazy, but around here, I’m the sanest motherfucker there is. Everyone else just likes to pretend they’re sane.

  The only two people I have to worry about defying me is Sledge and Drex. I’ll make it hurt, but I won’t kill those two. Mostly because Kara would be inconsolable if I killed her beloved brother.

  He’s the closest thing to blood-related family she has.

  But sooner or later she’ll realize I’m her real family.

  Maya intercepts me before I can head up the stairs, and she props up as she casually starts speaking. “I’ve seen guys who are a part of organizations for the sake of forming the family they never had. There’s a deeply devout loyalty there. That’s not what you’re here for.”

  “It’s why I joined,” I answer in distraction, glancing toward my door and idly wondering where Drex went.

  He better not be in there freeing his naked sister.

  “You’ve made an alliance with Sarah that stems deeper than the others. I’m curious if you plan to be here for the real fireworks that are definitely coming. She and her father will have a war that will make all this look like child’s play,” she goes on.

  “She and her father are already in a war. He just hasn’t figured out who he’s fighting yet. Or maybe he has, and she’s just too crafty for him. For now. All solo fighters end up in the dead zone eventually.”

  Her face is a blank canvas when I look back at her, betraying all emotion.

  “What happens when Herrin’s dead? I’m asking for a friend,” she goes on.

  I almost give her a shit-for-brains answer, but then I remember who she is. I decide honesty is the best policy with people like this. Especially considering how protective she is of Axle. Surely she’ll get it.

  “After we’re done cleaning up the Herrin issue, I’ll take her away from here. We won’t live in the suburbs, of course, but I know a spot where we’ll be alone with nowhere for her to run. She’ll warm up to me again when we’ve had enough time alone,” I explain.

  For a moment, she looks positively stunned. Maybe she’s not quite as crazy as I thought...because she looks slightly horrified.

  The plan is genius...if you’re open minded.

  “I didn’t peg you for a shrew,” I go on, pursing my lips as I study her.

  “I didn’t peg you as quite this...delusional,” she volleys, still slightly horrified.

  I bristle, not liking the horror in her eyes, considering this crazy bitch was spotted roller skating through a sea of dead bodies like Christmas came early, while she was picking their pockets.

  “She used to love me. She’ll learn to love me again,” I continue, trying to make her understand.

  This is why I don’t talk to people. People want to ignore their crazy and focus on mine like it’s a problem, but theirs is, of course, excusable.

  She clears her throat and gives me a nod. I feel placated instead of understood.

  “Does...she or Drex or anyone else know of this plan?” she asks in a deceptively calm tone.

  “I can assure you no one will take her away from me,” I say with a cold smile, leaving it at that.

  She slowly skates away in a careful, backward motion.

  “Okay...then. Just checking,” she says as she continues backing away. “I’ll just keep that to myself then.”

  I give her a nod of appreciation, because I can only assume she understands the purpose of such intentions. I’m sure she feels the same about Axle, given her constant hovering over the man who is far more capable of handling himself than she least, in a fair fight that requires brute force.

  She skates outside, leaving me behind, as I head up the stairs. I hear Eve’s slight moans behind one of Drex’s sickening noises that I shouldn’t know is one of his many I’m-working-hard-to-get-off sounds.

  This place needs thicker walls.

  Fortunately, you can only hear them when you’re directly in front of the door, so I’m spared any other nauseating sounds as I hurry to the end of the hall to clothe my doll and drive her out to where I plan to investigate my newest lead—

  My inner thoughts come to an abrupt halt, because the bed is empty, and the satin ribbons have been cut. There’s a switchblade stabbed into the floor like someone was sending a message.

  Slowly, I turn my head and stare at the door Maya just disappeared out of. Then I lift my phone and study the video footage. I knew better than to turn my fucking back.

  Unfortunately, the one person who is untouchable is the one person who cut her loose. The switchblade isn’t a message—it’s just fucking random.

  Very calmly, I put my phone in my pocket, and I walk back down the catwalk.

  You can run, Kara. But no longer can you hide.

  Chapter 18


  The door cracks open, and my body flushes with painful embarrassment as my brother’s freaking semi-sheltered girlfriend pokes her head in. Her eyes wi
den on me, and I clear my throat.

  “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting company, or I would have had my master clothe me. I’m being punished,” I go on.

  She darts inside and shuts the door, eyes still wide and horrified.

  “Is this by choice?” she asks like she’s genuinely concerned.

  “No. Drex decided Rush could be my keeper, and my ex has apparently gotten more damaged since I ran off to escape this hell hole town. Any suggestions on how I can escape? Or are you just here to check my temperature or something?” I ask, pretending not to be too eager for help.

  She quickly scrambles to the table and pops open a switchblade. And...then she drops it. It narrowly misses the instep of her right foot, and we both stare at it for a long second.

  “You really are defenseless, aren’t you?” I ask on a tired breath.

  Drex is a fool. Why couldn’t he have fallen in love with the capable assassin?

  She seems nice enough, and she drives a clown car when she’s not stabbing men in the penis. I’m sure my brother is able to handle a woman of that sort of...crazy.

  Eve recovers and...struggles to get the knife out of the floor.

  She finally gives up when she’s unable to even do that much, and she jerks open two or three drawers until she uncovers another knife.

  This time, she makes it all the way to me, and—

  “Whoa! Cut away from my body. Not toward it. Jeez, woman, you’re going to give me an ulcer just trying to help me out,” I gripe.

  She clears her throat as her cheeks flush with color. “Right. Right. Sorry,” she says in that gentle way of hers.

  I simply don’t get it. How in the hell does a docile creature like this end up with Drex?

  The second she has my hand free, I take the knife from her, and I quickly swipe the blade across the second restraint.

  I’m off the bed in the next instant and pulling on my clothes, while also grabbing one of my bags.

  “Can I ask where you’re going?” she asks from behind me.

  “Nope. I don’t trust my brother not to send my ex after me again. I wanted to help out, but I have my limits. Rush is off his damn rocker, and I don’t think he particularly likes me.”


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