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Marbella Neat

Page 15

by Camille Oster

  “How can she be over it?” Ricky was honestly confused. He was finally agreeing to be serious and she wouldn’t even give him a chance.

  Aggie shrugged. “Come on, with a guy like you? You’re hardly boyfriend material, are you?”

  “And why not?”

  “Firstly, because you screw everything that moves.”

  “Yeah, but I’m willing to give that up, aren’t I?”

  “Are you really?” she asked sardonically.

  Well, he’d thought he’d been. The idea had occurred to him. Whether he would succeed or not was debatable. “How would you know if you don’t try? So if she hangs on to the bitter end, why did she drop out at the first hurdle?”

  “Don’t ask me. She was the one who wanted to come here. I thought it was because of you, but looks like not. Sorry, Ricky, you should head back to that buxom redhead who propositioned you before. She looked sexually frustrated.”

  Ricky glowered at Aggie, whose face wasn’t quite as chiding as he expected. She spoke matter-of-factly.

  Was the thing with Megan really dead? Just like that? One little fuck-up and it was over? How much had it meant to her if that was true? Had he just played some role where she was happy to slot in anyone? Had he meant nothing?

  Chapter 42

  As much as the processes had been adopted from Shine, there were still problems cropping up—sizes of fridges, not enough space to fully open the washer for glasses. These things only came out when operations started and there was a list of things Jesus needed to have fixed. Nothing debilitating, but little annoyances that no one had foreseen.

  Saying that, the club was a success, but the launch of a club was a different beast from the normal, everyday success of a club. That had yet to be established. There had also been a marginal impact on Shine as Virtue was cannibalising some of the patrons, but that couldn’t be helped. The objective was to grow the pie, not to squabble over how the pie was cut.

  A slight touch at his elbow caught his attention and he turned to see Megan there. He hadn’t known she was there that night. “Megan,” he said.

  “How are things going?”

  “There are minor issues to deal with.” She stood awkwardly as if she were uncomfortable. “How can I help you?”

  Now she was even more awkward. “I just thought I’d come see how you are. Uhmm… ”

  Jesus waited, but the words didn’t seem to form for her. Was there a problem? Surely she couldn’t take issue with any of the pictures of her now that they were all up. They’d worked together to pick the ones to display. Maybe it was Ricky. Did she take exception to him working here? That would be a problem as Ricky was basically the star. Megan was the image, but Ricky pulled in the crowd. If she had an issue with that, Jesus wasn’t sure he could accommodate her.

  He waited to see. A staff member jostled him, trying to squeeze past. This was obviously something more in-depth she wanted to discuss. “This might not be the best place to have a discussion.”

  With panicked eyes, she ignored the statement as if she hadn’t heard it. “I was wondering—,” she started, shifting between her feet. She wore flats as she was tall enough without them, “—if you would like to go to dinner some time.”

  Jesus’ eyebrows rose. This was not what he’d expected, to be asked out. “You sure that would not make things complicated?” For himself, he didn’t care, but he wasn’t keen to be drawn into someone’s drama. “And why would you want to go to dinner with me?” Now he was suspicious that she might be trying to use him as some pawn in a game.

  She blushed furiously. That was not the expression of someone manipulative—in fact, she looked mortified, but not enough to turn heel and walk away. “I’ve just found that I like spending time with you. And I thought maybe we could carry on doing it?”

  “And this has nothing to do with your ex being a part of this club?”

  Shifting her stance, her elbow popped out, almost looking placed in an unnatural position. Was that one of her modelling poses? She shifted again. “Actually, originally, when I decided to help with the image of the club, that decision had nothing to do with Ricky.”

  “Okay,” Jesus said, not really understanding what she was referring to.

  “I did it pretty much exclusively to help you.” She swallowed hard, her eyes darting between his as if there was some answer there.

  Realisation was dawning. She really was asking him out, in what he felt was probably the most awkward and unalluring way he had ever experienced. How had she managed to pull Ricky, Jesus wondered, because Ricky definitely let girls approach him. This girl certainly wasn’t practised at asking men out.

  Now, she looked like she was about to flee. Fear of rejection coursed through her eyes. The truth was: he wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but if he said anything other than ‘yes’—enthusiastically—she would take it as rejection. Megan was part of a crowd, an important and powerful one, but also one he couldn’t personally be bothered with.

  But saying that, he didn’t want to hurt her. She was a sweet girl and obviously very sensitive at the moment.

  “You are looking for a man to rebound with?” He wouldn’t perhaps object to playing that role. “But I warn you: I like things on my terms.” At no time would he be happy to run around with her and her friends, doing whatever they did to amuse themselves. That would never happen. Any girl in his life had to one hundred percent fit into his life, and he was unapologetic about it. Still, for her, it took guts to ask him out.

  “Well, not necessarily,” she said, twisting her fingers in her skirt—a garment which Jesus didn’t think was all that flattering. “I mean, it was never going to work with Ricky and me, was it? I think I knew that all along.”

  “You were pretty devastated when you saw him the other day.”

  “I think I was more hurt about the dream I saw, I guess.”

  “And what dream do you see now?”

  “I think I have learned my lesson with dreams and will just see where things go.”

  As far as he’d seen, he’d never seen her be deceptive in any way, but she obviously had the capacity to delude herself—she’d done so before and been surprised when things hadn’t worked out how she’d wanted them to.

  If he went out with her, he expected it would be something that went for a dinner or two, then she would fleet away when she discovered he wasn’t willing to play any role she had in mind for him. Would this be detrimental to the business? a typical thought came into his mind. Every decision he made had to pass this test. “And if things go badly, it would be the end of us working together?”

  “Of course not,” she said. “I would never renege on a contract—obviously. I’ll be available if you need me. I am a model, after all—it is not dependent on relationships.” Her voice was earnest.

  Pursing his lips, he considered her. Perhaps not dinner. “In a few days, I am driving to my parent’s farm for lunch. You can come if you wish.”

  “Really?” she asked, as if surprised. “I would love that.”

  “Then I will pick you up around ten.”

  “Okay.” She was beaming, which made him wonder if she was perhaps too innocent for him. He was used to intelligent girls with passion, a bit of sass and a propensity to pout. Megan was by far not his typical type. He was also not used to being with one of the rich, local girls, and he wasn’t sure he could handle that. On this trip, she would see where he came from, and if she took issue with that, it would say firmly if there was any potential at all in developing this crush she had.

  Chapter 43

  Pulling a top out by the hanger, Aggie surveyed it. The deep blue colour was nice, but she wasn’t entirely sure the cut would suit someone with her chest size. The problem with some of the designer clothes was that they were made for stick figures—people like Megan, which was all well and good, but it didn’t always look right for girls who weren’t strictly flat. And it wasn’t as if Aggie was well endowed, but she did have some curves.
r />   Putting it back, she moved further into the store, the plush, peach-coloured carpet absorbing her steps. The shop girl watched every move, but knew to stay clear until called.

  Aggie’s phone rang in her bag and she stopped to pull it out. It was a number not from her contacts. For a moment, she considered not answering it, but did in the end. “Yes?” she said, her voice laced with boredom.

  “Aggie, it’s Ricky.” His smooth voice trickled down her spine, making her nipples harden. He used his voice on her. He was working her, a warning voice said in her head.

  This was a surprise. She wasn’t aware he had her number; she’d never given it to him. “Hello, Ricky. This is a surprise.”

  “I was hoping to talk to you about Megan,” he said. He was in a car; she could hear the wind on the mic. Had he bought a car? As far as she’d seen, he’d always driven Megan’s. Maybe Ricky was growing up a bit and not being a purse-holder in his girlfriend’s shadow—perhaps that subjugated position was why he kept screwing around on her. Megan hadn’t seen that coming, but Aggie had never been surprised. Ricky did not like having his manhood challenged, and he was by far not secure enough to ignore such a challenge.

  With a sigh, Megan switched the phone to the other side of her head. “Not sure there is much to talk about,” Aggie said, particularly as Megan had told her about her planned trip with Jesus in the next day or so. It had been a stunning surprise when she’d said it, but it explained why Megan had been so adamant on hanging out at Virtue. It really hadn’t been Ricky—who obviously didn’t know that.

  “I made mistakes there,” he admitted.

  “I’d say. Well, if you call that a mistake. Once might be a mistake. There’s something a bit recidivist about you.”

  “What do you think I should do? I know you could advise me.”

  “And why would I advise you on how to get back with my friend after cheating on her repeatedly?”

  “Because I can do better.”

  Aggie rolled her eyes. Wasn’t that the catch cry of every cheater on the planet? I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. Buh huh.

  “I know I’ve been a shit boyfriend.”

  “No argument here. But I think she’s looking to move on.”

  “Look, can I see you? I know I’m not your favourite person, like, but you also tell it to me straight, so I would appreciate talking to you about it.”

  “I’m not sure what I can tell you,” Aggie said, feeling a bit trapped.

  “Can I come see you?”

  Aggie stopped and thought about how she could say no, but then maybe someone needed to break the news to him that Megan wasn’t caught up in him anymore and he seriously needed to turn his attention elsewhere. “Fine,” she said. “I suppose I could use a coffee, but I do require a fee for my service, so you will have to buy the coffee.”


  There was a café down the street, so she told him to meet her there. It was a nice place and it had an outside seating area with a view across the marina.

  After finishing her turn around the store, she made her way over to the cafe. It was strange that she was waiting to meet Ricky, but there was also something a little fascinating about this. What would Ricky do to try to get back in with Megan? What tactics would a guy like that deploy? She didn’t think for a minute he was serious about this turning-a-new-leaf crap.

  Ricky turned up wearing a faded navy jacket and jeans. Brown, mirrored aviator glasses complemented his square jaw. He certainly was attractive in a buff, overly engineered way. Ricky paid attention to everything—his hair, his clothes, his body. He even smelled good. Everything about him was designed to attract—so ingrained in his nature, she wasn’t even sure he was entirely conscious about it. Then again, perhaps he was. Maybe everything about him was meticulously put together—but she couldn’t deny the package worked.

  He smiled as he sat down. “How are you?” That voice was like melted chocolate.

  “Good,” she said. He looked around the place and Aggie was certain he’d never been there before. Then again, everything here would be new to him. His hair was wet, she noticed. “Just got out of bed?”

  His gaze returned to her. “Been working out.” Of course, he had. “Found this great gym. Not cheap, but mint equipment. The Athletic Club. Have you heard of it?”

  “I am, in fact, a member. I play tennis there sometimes.”

  “Awesome place.”

  Lots of girls too, she thought. Now why would a guy like Ricky not be single? He had himself set up quite nicely now. Certainly he’d be earning enough—particularly if he could afford membership at the Athletics Club, but then someone like Ricky would invest in his gym membership.

  Aggie ordered a flat white and Ricky ordered a coke.

  “Megan is seeing someone,” Aggie said, sitting back and watching him.

  He didn’t react for a moment. “Who?”


  “Motherfucker,” Ricky gasped.

  “Yes, well, don’t get overexcited. She went for him, from what I gather. And from what I know, she’s not his type, but I think he has a soft spot for her.” In fact, now that she thought about it, Jesus might not actually be a bad choice for Megan. Jesus was the strong and quiet type—had that Spanish machismo that drove some girls up the wall. Megan might actually work well with the strong, silent type. Avoiding confrontation was important to Megan, so she didn’t exactly bristle when people exerted their influence on her—which made her so vulnerable to people like Ricky. Jesus might actually be a better fit for Megan than Ricky had ever been—a mismatch if she ever saw one. “And why all this woe over Megan? You’re the consummate bachelor, so I don’t understand why you’re pining after something you destroyed.”

  Ricky only stared at her for a moment. “I don’t want that to be all there ever is.”

  “From my perspective, you both used this relationship to state what it is, or was, you wanted—it having nothing to do with the other person. She wanted a tight relationship. You want to prove there is something beyond pulling girls. That’s all great, but you don’t need to take the other person hostage in the process. Relationships are not about proving points.”

  “You think that’s what I’m doing?”

  “Yes, and sadly, I think that was also what Megan was doing.”

  “And with Jesus?”

  “I don’t know what’s in her mind. We’re not quite as close as you believe us to be. I have no idea what’s going on in her mind.”

  “But she told you she was seeing Jesus.”

  Her coffee arrived and she tore open a paper sachet of course, brown sugar. She shrugged. “That’s her business, as yours is yours. I just think there isn’t any future for you with Megan. I think the whole thing was an illusion for both of you. You’re obviously not ready to be in a relationship—”

  “Why?” Ricky challenged.

  “Because if you were, you would know the first thing about the person you’re with.”


  “But true. Relationships aren’t about picking some ideal and finding a person that matches that.”

  “How did you get so wise?”

  “It’s a consequence of bad relationships. When you’re ready, I think you know it. And I think neither of us are, including Megan.”

  Leaning on the table with his corded arms, he sipped his soda, obviously considering what she was saying.

  “Maybe I am ready, but just went about it wrong.”

  Aggie snorted.

  Chapter 44

  Shania didn’t normally kick herself for hooking up with someone, but this might have been beyond stupid. He’d just pissed her off so much, she’d ended up dropping her knickers, as the British said. With a sigh, she leant her head back on the headrest of her chair. What would be the fallout from this? There certainly would be some. Felix tried to find traction with anything he could.

  Still, though, the memories were hot. There was definitely something special about hate
sex. She was never going to be able to look at that boardroom table the same.

  With him, there was an element of not being able to help herself, because he despised her so much—despised her and couldn’t quite let it go. He kept coming back again and again, hating her more each time.

  She’d done so well, too—keeping her workplace clean and complication free. Now a big complication had been added into the mix, and she really didn’t need this. It would be fair to say she was sharply disappointed with herself.

  Then there was this upcoming promotion, which made this entanglement with Felix even more incomprehensible.

  There was no use thinking about it now. It was done. There would likely be consequences, but it wasn’t the end of the world. So they’d fucked—whoopee. It wasn’t like it was the first time.

  It was time to let go of this panic and get back to work. She wasn’t the kind of girl that went to pieces because something unexpected—and unimportant—happened. Get on with the job, she told herself, almost wishing she had a pressing deadline to distract her, but it was actually a bit quiet. At the moment, she was basically waiting for other people to get back to her, to do their job so she could get on with hers.

  Feeling bored, she swung back and forth on her chair and stared out the window for a while, tapping her pen between her teeth, making rapid, small clicking sounds. Maybe she should plan a weekend away somewhere. She had the money for shit like that—shit that floated Trish’s boat. Maybe she should even have a weekend away with Trish, or maybe even Esme. Although Trish would be staying at a backpackers and Esme would be staying at some ridiculously expensive hotel. Where were the decent and clean Holiday Inn options?

  Although then it would be nice to have a dirty weekend away somewhere, but there wasn’t anyone to do it with. There was the option of rekindling things with Ricky, because he was apparently summarily dumped now, but Ricky had always been a stand-in for someone actually meaningful. She wasn’t sure she wanted to spend a weekend with someone who was basically a placeholder with a dick. No, she actually wanted to meet someone—someone who would potentially be her boyfriend. It had been a while. Felix sat like a screaming siren in her head that she flatly ignored. As far as she cared, he didn’t exist, and that thing in the boardroom had been some strange nightmare.


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