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Marbella Neat

Page 25

by Camille Oster

  “Well, I didn’t…” She stopped, her cheeks flaring and she refused to look at him.

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. Being hot for someone is the best thing in the world, makes life worth living, doesn’t it? Absolutely nothing to feel awkward about. In truth, I’m flattered.”

  “Don’t try to make me feel better.”

  “So what do you want to do about it?” he said, knowing he was basically offering. For her, he would take the hit. There had to be some way of being friends after. Even if it hadn’t been so for him, he’d seen it happen with others. If she needed a fuck, he was happy to give it to her, whatever the risk was.

  “Look, I was drawn to you when you turned up. There was something really exciting about you, even though you were an utter dog—maybe because you were an utter dog. In a way, that made you safe. No expectations and all that. I don’t know what that says about me, but… Anyway, yes, of course, I find you attractive. I always did. But we’re genuine friends now, and I totally support the changes you wish to make in your life.”

  “Happy to do a bit of a detour.”

  Aggie bit her lip. Actually, he wasn’t sure he could deliver on the quick and dirty fuck she wanted. There would be a serious chance he would see that as his chance to have something more—something she definitely wasn’t up for right now. Timing was all wrong with them, wasn’t it?

  “I appreciate the offer,” she said, “but it would just be weird now, wouldn’t it? We could, but it’s not what either of us is looking for.”

  Leaning over, he wrapped his arm around her, drawing her into a hug. In a sense, he was relieved, because he knew instinctively that it would have been painful. He could feel her smiling. She really was too precious as a friend to risk and he was glad they weren’t going to fuck with it. “Friends,” he said and she nodded.

  “But, I’m still a bit, you know, so you should probably let go of me,” she said.

  He did as she asked and she grabbed her drink off the table and took a sip.

  “Hey,” he said. “I do know every damned dog in London, so I could definitely set you up for some to use and abuse if you want to.”

  “You think I need that much help?”

  “Never hurts to have a wingman. Well, it’s a muscle you need to build. No harm in starting practising.”

  Her eyes glowed with amusement as she smiled at him. “I’ll think about it.”

  Chapter 70

  After her latest discussion with Jesus, Megan decided not to return to Virtue for the near future. Cards had been laid on the table and now she was thoroughly disappointed. She’d thought better of him, had thought there was more to him than superficial concerns, but that turned out to be wrong. Except he chose to judge her by his own superficiality.

  Perhaps in some ways, he was looking down on her. She didn’t have time for that. There were always people around looking down on others. That got old. It wasn’t a game that had any particular interest to her, and not one she particularly respected.

  Still, it hurt to be dismissed that way, but she supposed he’d made his choice, even if he’d chosen a skewed and unfair way of interpreting things.

  Eventually, she would get over it. It wasn’t as if they’d gotten entangled. There had only really been a kiss. In the scheme of things, that was nothing, really. Just one of those things she’d tested and it hadn’t worked out.

  The problem was that she was now back to square one, without any boyfriend prospects on the horizon. Maybe she was being too picky. What was so wrong with dating a financier anyway? Okay, it certainly didn’t fill her with any kind of excitement. Of late, she’d felt that the person she was with had to have something more solid to them than some number crunching job that paid fabulous bonuses. Maybe she shouldn’t judge a person by the fact that they would put up with such inane work for a living.

  At least with Ricky, he’d had passion about what he did. So had Jesus. That passion attracted her—maybe because she wanted to feel that way, too.

  It could be that she was seeking passion in others, when she really needed to seek it for herself. The thrill had gone out of modelling, which was basically a celebration of other people’s passions. How did that old song go?—looking for love in all the wrong places. That was her. She was looking for passion in all the wrong places.

  Aggie’s adamant declaration that she would not get into another relationship had seemed like sour grapes to Megan, but it could be that she had a point. Megan was at a crossroads, her career as a model coming to an end. It was time to move on, but she’d been trying to fill her future with a relationship, when she really wanted passion and creativity of her own. Maybe the universe was clearing away distractions and telling her to get to work on that bikini line, or even skincare. Shoes were a possibility, but she wasn’t sure she was quite the shoe fanatic for that. The bikini thing worked in well with Marbella, provided an opportunity to capture the feel and the things she loved about this place.

  She guessed Jesus was right; she belonged in Marbella, and it was time to claim that. She knew every retail buyer here, along with most top buyers across Europe. There was no doubt she had contacts few could match.

  She was going to start a business. Excitement at the thought gave her goose bumps. This was the start of something new, of something important. The next decade of her life would be dedicated to this, and she was inordinately thrilled.

  The need to tell someone itched and she reached for her phone, calling Aggie.

  “Hey, girl,” Aggie said when she answered. “How are you? I’ve been worried about you.”

  “We have to celebrate.”

  “Why?” Aggie said carefully as if she was wondering if she was speaking to someone unhinged.

  “I’m launching my business today.”

  The line was quiet for a moment. “Fantastic. What’s it called?”

  The question stumped Megan. “I haven’t actually got a name yet. Bullocks, I need a name.”

  “Does tend to help.”

  “It needs to be Marbella something,” Megan said, thoughts racing through her mind.

  “We’ll think of something amazing. Let’s meet for lunch and celebrate.”

  “Absolutely. How about Cuevé?”

  “I’ll meet you there in half an hour. What is this business going to do anyway?”

  “Bikinis,” Megan said.


  “Beach wraps, tote bags, maybe even some sunnies and beach-friendly sandals. A whole collection.” Maybe she could do some shoes, after all. “I could sell it all over Europe.”

  “I love it,” Aggie said.

  “Do you? Really?”

  “Really. I think it’s perfect.”

  A fission of excitement worked down Megan’s body. This was right. It felt right. She had to get dressed, but she was so distracted trying to think of a name. Marbella Beach Wear was a little simple, and even a little passé. Marbella Rose? No. Marbella Issue. Had potential, but she wasn’t sure. Bronze? Too misleading, although she could potentially do some tanning products in the future. Why not? Marbella Muse. She liked it, but wasn’t certain it was just right. Deciding on the right name was supremely important. Virtue was a good name; she had always liked it, but obviously taken. Maybe something similar like Devotion. That had some cool associations. She put that one in the mental ‘maybe’ basket.

  Her phone ringing distracted her as she stood staring at her closet without being able to settle on anything. Looking over at it on the bed, she was surprised to see Jesus’ number. She blinked. What did he want?

  She couldn’t bring herself to not answer it, though, even if perhaps she shouldn’t. “Hi,” she said carefully as she picked it up.

  “Megan,” he said in his typical brusque way.

  She had no clue what this was about. They’d pretty much said everything there was to say.

  “I have been unfair,” he said. It must have cost him to admit that. From what she could tell, he wasn’t a man wh
o was too fond of admitting his own flaws.

  “Yes, you have.” Although she was impressed that he was ready to admit it.

  “I judged you in a way I shouldn’t have.”

  No argument there, she thought.

  “I should come see you and apologise,” he said.

  “I can’t. I’m having lunch with someone.”

  “Dinner, then.”

  That escalated quickly. “I’m not sure. Look, Jesus, I don’t hold any grudges. We were checking each other out and it didn’t click.”

  “I think you know there was no problem with the clicking.”

  “I just don’t want to drag this out. I’m not interested in drama; I never was.”

  “Now you are making my mistake by not listening.”

  Megan bit her lip and considered it. She understood he wanted to say his peace, but she didn’t really need the distraction—she had a business to launch. But then, on the other hand, Jesus wanted to apologise and that was just short of amazing. Even though she’d been hurt, the obsession she felt about him hadn’t exactly relented. He still made her bones quake with excitement. That hadn’t actually changed. Maybe she did owe him the courtesy of hearing him out. “Alright. Dinner.”

  Chapter 71

  Jesus pulled into her driveway that night. Megan still wasn’t convinced this was a good idea because there was still excitement in her about seeing him and she wondered how much of agreeing to this was her heart overruling her head.

  She’d worn a simple Max Mara flared skirt and a white tank top for this date, although she wasn’t sure it should be called a date. What was the official name for a get-together for the purpose of apologising?

  As always, he looked good, dressed a little formally now in a jacket. She wasn’t sure she’d seen him like that before. His hair was still damp from a recent shower. The thought sent forbidden images flashing through her mind.

  “Hi,” she said, getting into the passenger side. She had no idea where they were going, and didn’t really care. “You look well.”

  “Thank you. So do you, but you always do.”

  “What have you been up to today?”


  “All is well with the club?” she asked.

  “Typical things.”

  Now she had reached the end of the ready conversation. “Where are we going?”

  “I thought we would do the teppanyaki place.”

  “I love teppanyaki.”

  “You love most things,” he said, a slight smile on his lips.

  “Experiences are always a good thing.”

  “How have you been?”

  “Good. Quite a lot has happened since we last had words,” she admitted.


  “I’ve decided to start a business. I’m going to be a designer of beachwear.”

  As she watched, Jesus nodded as if considering what she was saying. “I think that is good.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. You have the commitment and work ethic to do it, and excellent taste.”

  Megan blushed at the compliments. She was used to people telling her about her hair, or skin or figure, but rarely had anyone complimented her on her work ethic.

  “I think it will do well, if you are willing to put the work into it.”

  “I’m very excited about it.” She was also really pleased that Jesus thought it was a good idea. She did trust his opinion.

  The car swung into a park just outside the restaurant and they got out. The place was busy, but two places were found around one of the large cooking plates.

  She liked teppanyaki. It was delicious and didn’t leave her with a heavy feeling. The neat and precise nature also fascinated her, the small sake cup and the mouth-watering smells.

  They settled and watched as the chef came out to prepare.

  “Perhaps this is not the best place for an apology,” Jesus said. “Too distracting.” Shifting around, he turned his body to face hers. Megan couldn’t help the nervousness that gripped her. It was just an apology. Why was she reacting like this? It wasn’t like he was proposing.

  “I was wrong and I was unfair,” he said. “I have my guard up so much, I’ve forgotten how to drop it.”

  “Why do you have your guard up?”

  He shrugged. “Past experiences, perhaps.”

  “Well, I appreciate your apology.” Saying that, she had no idea what it meant. Was his conscience appeased now, or was there more? “So now what?”

  “Now I take you to dinner,” he said with a smile.

  “Are you switching out this apology for a date?”

  “Do you need me to apologise more?”

  “No. I’m just not sure what is going on.”

  “I thought we could eat, then maybe try another kiss.”

  A blush flared up Megan’s cheeks and she cringed at her own reaction, blushing at the mention of a kiss. What was the matter with her? She wasn’t exactly some virginal school girl. Then she sobered. “This business is going to require a lot of my time.”

  “Which is perhaps a good thing. Makes things very slow. Before, you rushed too much,” he said, obviously referring to Ricky where she was more or less ready to move in after a couple of weeks of knowing him.

  “Touché.” She ate some of the tender meat presented on her plate with great flourish. It melted in her mouth. Maybe not rushing was a good idea as she was not going to be able to devote all her time to him. He seemed to say that was a good thing. “So all I get is a kiss, then?”

  A smile contracted Jesus’ lovely cheek and butterflies flared in her stomach. “A good lesson for business is to never launch until you are ready,” he said.

  The urge to rush was still there. What was his timeline? How long would she have to wait? At least there would be a kiss.

  Was she ready to do this, a thought snuck into her head. A few days back, he’d been adamant that this was not what he wanted. “Why have you changed your mind?”

  He turned to her again. “Because you are kind and gentle, and I wasn’t giving you a chance because we are different.”

  “Not that different. Not in the important bits.”

  “Maybe you are right, but I was seeing all the things that could go wrong.”

  “There’s nothing to say it can’t go wrong,” she said. “But equally, it could go right.”

  “So we see.”

  With red cheeks, she smiled. She felt like she was being handed the world. Jesus wouldn’t be the kind to demand her attention when she needed to work on her business. He was the same. He certainly wouldn’t be someone to came to lunch with her during the days, spending hours whiling away a boring afternoon—but then she wasn’t going to be doing that either. She had suppliers to find, a manufacturer to uncover, sales meetings, PR things. The list was endless. Jesus would understand all these things, while some other guys she knew would get annoyed at being left alone and ignored.

  Her choice now was to either do this with Jesus or to do it without him. He was also someone she could bounce ideas off, and she didn’t really have that otherwise. Aggie would always listen, but ultimately, she knew nothing of business or the nitty-gritty of the fashion industry.

  Looking over, she watched Jesus as he ate. There was something so very steadfast about him, even though he was utterly sexy. It wouldn’t be constant drama and yelling, and she doubted he would cheat on her. He might not ever agree to go away with her friends, but there was a good chance she couldn’t do much of that either, and right now, she’d rather go away with just him. That would be lovely, but again he would say she was rushing. Maybe they could just rush a little.

  Chapter 72

  The sun was beaming in when Shania woke up with Felix’s arm wrapped across her stomach. Breathing deeply, she drew his scent in. His eyes were still closed and he looked so sweet as he slept. They were in his room and Shania shifted out from under his arm, getting up and walking out on the balcony in her tank top and mini pyjama shorts.
  It was a bright day—a perfect day. She leant on the railing and watched as the breeze rippled the surface of the pool.

  She’d ended up back here. The last time they’d been the makings of an item, she’d run at the first opportunity. Yes, the prospect of a career had been important, but equally, she’d done it to get away from him. Saying that, the crazy attraction between them had persisted. There was no point denying she had feelings for him.

  But now things were complicated. This promotion would mess with everything, and she didn’t know what to do. No matter which way it went, it would make everything more difficult, and she wondered if it was enough to actually crumble this tentative thing they had.

  Warm arms wrapped around her and she luxuriated in the feel of his arms around her. His body pressed along the back of hers and she felt the relentless desire reawaken.

  It was early, but it was still a workday. Before long, she had to go home and get dressed for work. Was today the day the promotion would be announced—the day things fell apart? She really didn’t want them to, but she couldn’t think of anything to do to avoid it. Not going for the promotion, for developing her career, would eventually grow into something resentful inside her and it would be a burden on the relationship.

  Slow kisses on her neck sent delicious sensations down her body and she leant her head back on his shoulder.

  “What are we going to do?” she asked.

  “About what?”

  “About the promotion. One of us will get it and it will make things a lot harder.”

  “You’ll get it.”

  “Why would you say that? In a way, it won’t make a difference which one of us gets it, it will still be awkward. One of us will be reporting to the other. Could be they give it to someone else.”

  “No, you’ll get it and I’m going to quit.”

  “What?” she asked, turning around, disbelieving what she was hearing. “You can’t do that.”

  “Sure I can.”

  “But this is your company. You’re eventually going to inherit it.”


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