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Blood Moon Magic

Page 11

by Isobelle Carmichael

  She reintroduces me to her guys, and her brown eyes are alight with joy as she watches them greet me. I catch her eye, and she gives me a questioning look. I smile softly and give her a thumbs up. I don’t know these men yet, but their connection is already so strong, it’s buzzing in the air.

  I spend the rest of the evening with Abby and her cadre of dragons, watching how they interact and feeling very pleased with how comfortable they all seem together. The Bonds are forming, and I can see her wolf is satiated. Now that it’s started, it will only get stronger. Until the Bonding ceremony is complete, they’ll soon find it difficult to be apart from each other for long periods without feeling intense pain. She is falling for them, although I know she fights it, and these guys are already head over heels for her, even the redhead who tries to remain aloof.

  In fact, he might just be the one already in love with our pack princess. They dote and pamper her, and I couldn’t be more pleased. When the hands start wandering, I excuse myself and let the lieutenants making rounds know that the princess and her dragons are getting frisky in the living room. Each woman I tell smiles wide, and I don’t blame them. We’ve all noticed how Abby has kept to herself and never dated much. Seeing her smile and hearing her laugh is a real blessing. It’s too bad that her entire life has been a lie.

  I can picture the look on her face when she finds out that her father is alive. That her mother lied to her. That I lied to her. I want to make amends for all of this deceit, and I need some way to help her without being obvious. I noticed that Justin was immersed in the grimoires. Perhaps I can slip some of the forbidden journals somewhere he can find them. I can only hope he can read the real subtext and find a way to save his mate. Feeling determined, I decide that sneaking the journals to Justin is the safest way to help Abby without revealing myself. I feel remarkably better knowing I’ve found a way to circumvent the Elders. I might be a spy for the Elders, but I won’t let my niece be their pawn.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s been a couple of weeks or so since the men declared my den their home and moved in. They’re supposed to be living in their own suite of rooms but tend to invade mine more often than not. In fact, I regularly find two or three of them in my rooms when I come back from various pack activities.

  Shaun has begun asking to attend our private circle meetings, though we both know he’s not allowed to participate in them, much to his chagrin. I don’t know what he expects. Nothing is official until we’re Bonded. Sure, he has future alpha status, but he’s still not officially pack. Until then, he can’t be a part of official pack business. I try to give him other things to do, but it’s becoming a source of contention between us. Clearly, I need to set up a dominance challenge, and soon.

  Justin has taken over the library and is content either in there or in my own precious book nook pouring through the family grimoires. I’d swear he is looking for the alchemist spell to turn aluminum to gold with the intensity of his studies.

  Marcus is always in the kitchens, and our original cook has finally given up threatening his life. I think it was when Marcus taught her how to create a perfect soufflé that her heart melted a little. It completely thawed when he gave her a brand-new set of knives and signed her up for a class on knife skills that our self-taught chef had secretly always wanted. He is still gun-shy around me, much to my disappointment. Of all the guys, he’s made it a point not to spend time with me unless forced, and it’s really beginning to tick me off. My wolf is ready to grab him by the scruff of his neck and bite him to stake her claim, but I promised her we’d only resort to that if my less subtle methods fail. I have days where I want to tell him to leave, but I know there is more to his story, and I feel deeply for all of my guys.

  My twins are always disappearing on some clan mission or another—Kaden more than Kaleb. Apparently, they have the strongest connection to the Wyvern clan, which is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. Shaun is supposed to be the alpha, but I just nodded my head when I received that explanation from them. I can’t expect everyone to confide their heart’s darkest secrets so quickly. We all have our secrets, but soon, I hope we will all become more open with each other.

  Shaun is struggling the most to settle in, but I guess if I really consider it, this makes sense. If I were the one roaming around Shaun’s home listlessly, I would be bothered too. The thing is he doesn’t have to be. He just needs to accept that things are different. There are times when I want to shake him because he makes me so angry, but something about Shaun also makes my mouth water. I think perhaps it is the fact that he pushes my buttons. He enrages me, but I notice that the more he pushes at me, the more it brings out my alpha. All the guys are teaching me so much about myself.

  In Marcus, I find a well of compassion in myself that keeps giving, and I’m beginning to make progress with him. I find that with Kaden, I can let go and be weak without judgment, and with Kaleb, I can be open and free. Justin and I can sit and chat for hours about anything. His thirst for knowledge is boundless, and I love that I can geek out with him about myths and legends. I’m beginning to see how each of these men bring out the best in me, though sometimes they bring the worst out, too. I have a serious temper, but that can only be expected. Being an alpha makes it difficult at times to keep my composure just because passions run hot. But the Claiming hormones are an extra helping of craziness. I am convinced that once the Blood Moon ceremony is no longer looming over my head, I will feel normal again.

  I’m laying down on the sofa with the guys, enjoying yet another movie. It’s a routine that we’ve established since their arrival. Every evening we settle in the den and rotate who gets to choose that night’s movie. Everyone attends, even Marcus, though he tends not to join the cuddle pile that always ensues. The twins are usually never gone longer than a few hours, so it’s the perfect time to reconnect after we’ve been busy doing our own things all day.

  Eventually, I had to establish my veto power over movie picks because Shaun is always picking gory horror movies. They fuck with my head, and then I get nightmares, which is why I think he does it on purpose; he volunteers to sleep with me when I’m scared.

  “So, princess, I’ve been thinking that we should probably start doing some research and teaching you about using your magic,” Justin begins.

  “Magic class sounds like the opposite of what I’d like to be doing with you.”

  He ignores my comment and continues, “I know that you were a little freaked out before, but your power is vast, that much is evident, and if we don’t learn how to manage it, things might become detrimental to others.”

  “How do you know that?” I ask him.

  “It’s all in these books I’ve been reading. Plus, there are books with information about the red crescent birthmark.”

  He’s right, of course; I’ve just never really believed it. The powerful magic that existed long ago is mostly gone, so I’ve always viewed these books more like fairytale stories. Now that I think back, there’s even some obscure reference to a prophecy about a fated coven that I need to try to find. I’m sure if I set Justin to the task, he’ll find it for me.

  “I hear you, sweetheart, and I promise to do my very best to listen and learn, but it’s a movie night, not magic night! And Justin, just so you know, that’s the only time you’re ever going to be in charge, okay?” I say teasingly.

  He laughs and saunters towards me, his eyes turning liquid. “Well now, are you certain you want to be in charge all the time?” he asks with a throaty rumble that heats me from the inside out. He cages my head between his hands on the couch and leans his mouth down to mine.

  “You know, princess, submission can be so sweet. I’ll bet you’d enjoy a chance to be under my command.” He brushes his lips across my face, and my mouth starts watering. Finally, he kisses me, and it’s so utterly dominating. I can’t decide how to react. I want to growl at him, but a piece of me is very intrigued. I’ve gotten way too into this, cons
idering it can’t go anywhere.

  Ugh, that’s cruel.

  “So, who’s night is it to pick the movie?” I ask to try to calm myself, and Kaleb raises his hand. Tearing my eyes away from Justin and changing the subject takes nearly all of the self-control I possess.

  “I chose a really amazing magic realism film called Like Water for Chocolate.”

  “You chose what?” I ask, shocked that the title didn’t sound like some frat boy cult favorite.

  “Hey, I’m cultured. Plus it has an incredibly hot sex scene.” I groan at this revelation.

  Right, because we need more tension.

  As he hears these thoughts, his eyes begin to blaze with hunger, and he licks his lips. “Don’t worry, Abby. I have every intention of relieving all of your tension.”

  Fuck, I cannot handle this, the two of them are going to make me self combust.

  “I’ll make the popcorn.” Marcus jumps up from his perch on the other end of the living room and heads to the kitchen.

  I can hear the need in his voice, so he’s not unaffected, but as usual, he’s running. I am so tired of this shit.

  “Let me up. I’m going to go have a conservation with him.”

  I disentangle myself the cuddle pile we’ve created on the couch and follow Marcus into the kitchen.

  “Go get him, she-wolf,” Kaleb calls out. I roll my eyes and flick him off before disappearing around the corner.

  I storm into the kitchen and blurt out the question that’s been bothering me for the last few days.

  “Why are you always running around when we’re trying to spend time together as a group?” I ask as I close the distance between us.

  “Abby, we’ve already talked about this. I don’t want you to choose me. I want you to select one of the other guys, and to make sure you do, it’s best if I keep my distance,” he responds, stepping back slightly.

  “I don’t like your distance, Marcus. It sucks!” I press forward until his back’s up against the wall. He’s not running out on me tonight.

  “Look, I don’t know what else to tell you. My life is very different from the rest of these guys, and honestly, I don’t want to have to explain myself to you.”

  “Well, that’s a load of bullshit. I earned a right to an explanation the moment you accepted the Claiming, Marcus.”

  “I know that. I just ... okay, so that was the wrong thing to say. I just don’t know how to explain it to you,” he says dejectedly and begins to massage his temples as if warding off a headache.

  “Well, you better start trying, Marcus, because I will go alpha on you so fast your neck will break.” I cross my arms and squelch the desire to bite him. My wolf clearly has her own ideas about how to fix this problem.

  His eyes flash in anger, and he slowly lowers his hands, “Oh, so you’ll force me to comply, is that it? Why don’t you calm down.”

  “Do not tell me to calm down; I hate when men do that,” uncrossing my arms, I jab him in the chest with a finger. I cringe when I see what I’m doing and back off just a little. “I’m not trying to force you to comply. I just need you to talk to me.”

  “I can’t help it. You’re starting to yell, and yelling makes me want to shut down,” he says, his scowl starting to piss me off again. “You can’t scream at me to talk to you and actually expect that to work. That has got to be the literal definition of counterproductive.”

  “I’m yelling at you because I don’t like this kind of bullshit. You’re so unbelievable. Do you think you’re the only one who’s having a hard time dealing with all of this? I’m trying to date five men at once, and one of you,” I look pointedly at him, “is making that very difficult for me. So, guess what? I’m gonna fucking yell.”


  “Shut it, Marcus,” I grunt in frustration and rein in my emotions. Hitting him over the head is not going to make him open up to me. After a calming breath, which comes out in a whoosh, I look up at him and decide to change my tactic.

  “Marcus, listen. I know this isn’t going to get fixed in one day, but I need you to at least understand where I’m coming from. I want to get to know you better—that means the good and the bad. I’ll leave it alone for now so you can make your popcorn, which tastes fucking fantastic by the way, but then you are going to come into the room with us, and I want you to sit right next to me. I’m scared too, but I will not rule you out just because you say I should! I will make the best decision for me and my pack, and right now, that includes you!”

  “But I’m not good for you! “

  “Well, I think you’re great for me, and I can even be great for you. If you give me a chance, I can show you that. I know you want to stay here with us, and I know you feel something for me.”

  “You’re right, we do have something, and you’re right that I do want you. I think about you constantly, and resisting you is so fucking hard.”

  “Then stop, and let’s see where this goes. I know you’re worried you’ll fuck it up, but you’ll regret it even more if you don’t at least try.”

  I can see the question in his eyes. I shuffle and admit to being guilty of the very thing I request they not do to me—read my thoughts.

  “The guard around your mind sometimes slips,” I admit, and glance up and him with guilt shining in my eyes. “Sometimes I can hear your thoughts, and it’s usually full of all the ways you’re going to ruin everything, but there’s also the yearning not to spoil things. You wouldn’t feel that if you didn’t want to be here. Besides, there’s only one way you could ruin what’s happening here, and that’s by walking away. I can help you if you would only let me in.

  “You’re invading my thoughts?”

  “Not on purpose. It’s just when you’re overly emotional; your thoughts start leaking out. Mine do the same thing, as you know. But I wouldn’t have to snoop if you would just let it out and talk to me about it.”

  Gentle, Abby. Ease him in, don’t hammer at him, my wolf cautions.

  Shit, I did it again.

  “That came out wrong,” I backpedal. “What I mean is, don’t tell me you’re not good for me until you’re ready to tell me why.”

  “I don’t know you well enough to bear my soul to you; I’m sorry, but you just have to trust me when I tell you I have demons that not even your sweet spirit can exorcize.”

  I throw my hands in the air and stare at the ceiling,

  “What is this, reverse psychology? Oh, I have to stay away from Abby because I’m scary, dark, and full of demons,” I mimic his the smokey sounding voice, sans accent because I can’t do it.

  He laughs, and the sound is so rare it startles me for just a second. I decide to take advantage and end the conversation in a better way. I walk up to him and grab him by his shirt. Standing up on tiptoe, I press my lips to his and wait until he stops resisting, and then I kiss him deeply. I pour all the annoyance and desire I have for him into it. He groans and wraps his hands around the back of my head and pulls me deeper into the kiss.

  “Got you,” I whisper, and pull back with a small smile.

  “Now, don’t be too long. I want cayenne pepper and lime juice on my popcorn. Thanks, sexy.” I kiss him again quickly and add, “and, baby? You are many things, but less than is not one of them. I hope that soon you will trust me with your secrets. But until then, just know that I value you just as much as the rest of the guys, and I will tell you that every day until you believe it.”

  His green eyes glint with a mishmash of emotions, but he doesn’t respond. Instead, he leans forward and kisses me gently.

  “I’ll be right out, I promise.”

  I barely make it halfway back to the living room before I hear Shaun’s voice, “You should lay off of him, you know?”

  I see him leaning up against the wall and looking at me with condemnation. “Were you listening in?” I exclaim, shocked by his boldness.

  “He’s my clan mate, and I want to make sure he’s okay.”

  “He is also my mate, and he
doesn’t need protecting from me, Shaun. Why would you think that? You are overstepping, and you need to stop. You’re not my alpha, Shaun, so quit acting like it.”

  His pupils dilate, and his breath starts coming faster at my words. I can tell he’s close to flipping his switch, but I continue. I will not back down just because his ego is feeling challenged.

  “You honestly think you’re the one in charge here? Who’s to say you won’t have to submit to me? You do remember you’re not the only future alpha around, right?”

  He glares at me, and his eyes begin to glow as he fights with his dragon. I can see it start to rise to the surface and my wolf answers in full. My canines elongate, and a growl emits from my throat. Oh Elders, what a sick joke this is. Two alphas in one pack as mates. We stare at one another before he finally blinks and breaks the silence.

  “I just want to make sure that he doesn’t feel too much pressure. We’re all here to meet you, to get to know you and to eventually, hopefully, even love you. But, some of us are more hesitant than others. I am sorry if you don’t see that.”

  “I do see that, and you don’t think I’m antsy, too? I get that you’re all learning to share me, and I can’t imagine what that’s like. But, on my end, I’m expected to learn how to let five men into my life and eventually into my heart.” I step closer to him, letting my alpha power roll over him, and I see him take a small step back. “So I’ll be damned if anyone stops me from checking in on my guys. And you are all my guys. You can’t insert yourself into my relationship with Marcus or anyone else. Don’t you get that?

  Shaun looks at me, and his eyes gleam with begrudging acceptance as he nods his head slowly.

  “Marcus … well at this point, I would tell you, but I can’t because it’s not right. Just know it’s his cross to bear, and if and when he tells you, just try to understand. It took years for him to confide in me and then the guys, but I expect it won’t take you that long to get the story from him,” he admits.


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