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Cake: A Love Story

Page 15

by J. Bengtsson

  “I won’t,” I laughed. “And I know Jake isn’t trying to be a disruptive either.”

  “I don’t think he is being disruptive at all. I love having him here. I mean, how many brides can say that Jake McKallister sang to them at their wedding?”

  “Only you,” I grinned.

  “Damn right. Okay, no more avoiding my question. What’s going on? Spill!”

  I sighed, “Honestly Kate, I have no idea what’s happening. Jake’s a complicated guy.”

  “Duh,” Kate replied eloquently. “What were you expecting?”

  “That’s the thing…I wasn’t expecting anything. He’s totally out of my league. I mean he seems more the type to go after the ‘Sarahs’ of the world not the ‘Caseys’, right?”

  Kate shrugged then nodded, like she begrudgingly agreed with my assessment.

  “I figured we might exchange a few words here or there but I truly didn’t expect him to have a conversation with me…or to be this incredible guy who is so friggin’ charming and sweet and funny.”

  Kate was staring at me in awe before shaking her head, “Damn girl.”

  I looked around then whispered, “And I definitely didn’t expect him to kiss me.”

  “He kissed you?!?” Kate squealed in a low voice.

  “Shhh! Yes. And I mean, like, holy crap, Kate! Jake is smoldering. He’s like sex on a stick.”

  Kate burst out laughing. She fanned herself. “The imagery…good God, Casey, I’m not going to be able to look at him now without thinking that!” Kate giggled.

  “Sorry,” I laughed.

  “So what do you think? Is he just trying to get in your pants or do you think he actually likes you?”

  “Well,” I laughed. “He’s not getting in my pants and he knows it.”

  “What do you mean he knows it?”

  “I told him I don’t sleep with guys I just meet and he didn’t run in the other direction. So either he’s incredibly overconfident in his wooing skills, or he doesn’t mind just enjoying my company without the promise of anything more.”

  “How did THAT conversation come up?” Kate giggled.

  “You know me…I tend to over share,” I smiled.

  “Geez Casey,” she shook her head in amusement. “I’m still trying to wrap my brain around how the two of you went from that awkward moment last night to him shoving his tongue down your throat.”

  I laughed. “Well it didn’t stay that awkward for long. After you left we totally hit it off. Then, later, I was walking through the lobby of the hotel and I hear my name and there is Jake with his brothers and he’s calling me over.”

  “Wait, the brothers got together? They didn’t invite Mitch?”

  “No, I think he was there. They said something about Mitch leaving just before I got there.”

  “Oh, Huh. I didn’t see him last night. I’ll have to ask him. Sorry go on.”

  “So Jake invited me to sit down with him and his brothers and then later he offered to walk me to my room.”

  “And?” she asked suggestively.

  “And, nothing. He was a perfect gentleman.”


  “I know, right? But I was also impressed. If he’d pushed I probably would have slept with him…I mean, who wouldn’t, right?”

  “Not me…I’m married,” Kate said but she was nodding her head anyway.

  “To his brother,” I added, continuing our little game.

  “Yep,” Kate nodded then burped a little. “And I looove Mitch.”

  “Yes, you do,” I grinned. “Anyway we have just kind of been hanging out today. He’s such a cool guy and he has a great sense of humor.”

  “He seems like a really nice guy. I hope I can get to know him a little better. I know Mitch would really like to spend more time with him.”

  “Well it probably won’t happen this trip. He leaves tomorrow.”

  “I know. Bummer. I’ll see if I can get him and Mitch together for awhile at the barbeque tomorrow afternoon.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  “Do you think you’ll see him again after he comes back from tour?”

  “He kind of alluded to it.”

  “Really? Wow, Casey…that’s just crazy. Would you ever have thought this possible yesterday…you kissing a famous rockstar?”

  “Ha…no way. Things like this just don’t happen to me,” I acknowledged.

  “Things like this don’t happen to anyone, Casey,” Kate laughed.

  Mitch walked up and took Kate’s hand, kissing her cheek. “What are you two talking about?”

  “I’ll give you one guess,” Kate teased.

  “Um…let’s see…you wouldn’t by chance be talking about my brother, would you?” Mitch laughed.

  “Uh-huh…but more importantly we are talking about your brother’s interest in my girl Casey here,” Kate grinned.

  “Yeah, what’s up with that? You guys seem to have really hit it off.”

  “We did. He’s a great guy.”

  “Yeah, he is…and tough to compete with,” Mitch laughed. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “Yeah he can definitely draw a crowd.”

  “Where is he now?” Mitch said looking around. “He’s not hard to find. I only have to look for a crowd of people or look towards where that crowd of people is staring.”

  Mitch was right. We found Jake right away using his ‘Jake-finding’ criteria.

  “Well, we better be off and mingle,” Kate smiled and hugged me. “Have fun.”

  “Okay you too,” I answered.

  Kate was walking away when she turned and winked at me.

  I stood there by myself after they left trying to figure out what to do. Jake was still busy with his family. Aside from JD and the bridesmaids, I really didn’t know many people at the wedding…and since the bridesmaids had all joined Team Sarah and I didn’t dare go chat with JD after Jake admitted he was jealous, I just kind of wandered around aimlessly.

  Thankfully Keith walked up with his girlfriend, Sam. He introduced us and we instantly hit it off. She was very easy-going and friendly. We chatted for so long that Keith got bored and excused himself.

  “I thought he would never leave,” Sam laughed. “I mean how much girl talk could he stand, right? I was seconds away from talking about tampons to make him go away.”

  I laughed. “He’s fun. I met all the brothers last night. They are a cool bunch of boys.”

  Sam nodded.

  “And they all seem to love you. They were raving about you last night.”

  “Oh were they now,” Sam laughed. “Those McKalli boys, God I love them. They are so fun to be around. Just like their dad.”

  “Not like their mom?” I smiled slyly.

  Sam burst out laughing. “That didn’t sound right, did it?”

  I laughed. “I’m just kidding.”

  “Michelle and the girls just aren’t as outgoing as the boys,” Sam opened up. “When I first meet Michelle, she terrified me.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “She can come across as a little stand-offish…and overprotective. But once you get to know her, she’s actually a really nice person,” Sam confessed. “So anyway, enough about that. Keith said that you and Jake hit it off last night. He said you guys had mad chemistry.”

  “Keith said that?” I smiled widely.

  Sam nodded.

  “I felt it for sure and it was totally unexpected. Jake’s just…wow.”

  “He’s ‘wow’,” Sam smiled warmly. “I love Jake. I’ve known him for three years. He takes such a beating in the media and it’s so not deserved.”

  I shook my head, “No it isn’t. Jake is the coolest, most genuine guy I’ve ever met.”

  Sam squealed, “You’re totally crushing on him, aren’t you?”

  I nodded, smiling.

  “Nice,” she smiled then nodded. “I approve.”

  “Oh good. Maybe you can let him know,” I joked.

  Keith came back then an
d told Sam he wanted to introduce her to someone. They said goodbye to me and left. I wandered around for another 40 minutes or so until I got a text. I’d been holding my phone in my hand just in case.

  “Your place in 30 minutes?”

  “I’ll be there,” I text, then followed the words with a variety of different emojis.

  Chapter Eleven


  I hurried back to my room, which was a few floors down from where the reception was held. I jumped in the shower to rinse off then quickly got dressed in some yoga pants, a tank top, and a thin zip-up sweatshirt. I was going for comfort, not sexpot. Plus I didn’t want Jake to think I was trying too hard to impress him. I checked my hair. Aside from taking out the flowers I kept it as it was because it still looked cute. By the time all that was done I only had time to brush my teeth before the knock came at the door exactly 30 minutes later.

  I opened it to find Jake standing in front of me, his hair wet, wearing ripped up jeans and a cut off muscle tee that hung down past his nipples. He obviously had gone the comfort route as well. In fact, it looked like he threw together whatever he had lying around and that seemed somehow so endearing. Plus what he was wearing couldn’t have looked hotter. The shirt showed off his cut muscles and, for the first time, I noticed that he had tattoos…one coming halfway down his right arm and another wrapping around the left side of his torso. I wondered how many others were hidden under his clothing. I’d never desired to date a guy with tattoos but then; I’d never met Jake McKallister. Everything about him was incredibly sexy, including his ink. I had to force myself not to drool at the man standing before me. He grinned. I smiled back. Oh God, I was in so much trouble.

  “For you,” he said as he handed me a bouquet of flowers. It took me a second to realize that they were actually just a collection of plant stems. No flowers. Some still had dirt attached to the end. I burst out laughing. It was probably the most charming thing a guy had ever done for me.

  “My goodness. These are gorgeous. It’s almost like you put this arrangement together on your way over here.” I remarked.

  Jake smiled and shrugged.

  “You better get in here before someone spots you.”

  “Too late,” Jake said and motioned over his shoulder. I saw some women staring in our direction from the other side of the indoor courtyard.

  “They didn’t see you rip the plant out of the pot did they?”

  “I’m thinking they probably did.”

  I laughed and shook my head, “Get in here.”

  Grabbing his shirt, I pulled him in then promptly shut the door on the stalking women. Concerned about having unwelcome spectators peaking through the interior window, I went to work sealing off any open areas of the curtains. But no matter how I tried there were still wide-open gaps. Jake watched me in amusement.

  “Are you just going to stand there?” I asked, exasperated.

  “I’m not really sure what you’re doing. Every time you close off this side the other side opens up,” Jake said, grinning.

  “Duh…a little help would be appreciated here, Jake, unless of course you don’t mind having an audience?”

  “It depends on what we will be doing,” Jake smiled mischievously.

  “Does it matter?” I laughed. “We are still going to have strangers peeking through the window.” As if on cue a woman’s face appeared in an opening in the curtain. We both jumped in surprise.

  “Oh shit! What the hell?” Jake exclaimed, no longer finding it amusing. He came over to help me seal the curtain shut. He pushed a chair and an ottoman up against the curtain to keep it in place.

  “How rude,” I whispered.

  “Sorry. I should have been more careful coming over here,” Jake apologized.

  “It’s not your fault,” I said, looking back at the window. How was I going to relax now knowing there were women standing right on the other side, probably with their ears up against the glass? There was only one option now. The bedroom. The hotel suite had a sitting room and then another room with a bed. I’d intended on staying in the sitting room with Jake hanging out on the couch but that was not going to be feasible now that I had the creepy image of that woman’s face peering through my window.

  “Let’s go in the other room, okay?”

  “Good idea,” Jake said, seemingly relieved to be leaving the fishbowl. But first he walked over to the door and dead bolted it. I grabbed his hand and led him into the room with the bed and shut the door. Even though we had just met I felt safe with him. I trusted that he was the man he’d presented to me. There was no uneasiness. Just excitement. As soon as we were away from prying eyes, I boldly stepped up against his body and started kissing him. I’d been waiting to get my hands on him again since the balcony. Jake seemed surprised by my forwardness but he met my bravado with his own intensity. It immediately became heated. Jake actually ran his hands partway up the back of my shirt. My hands grabbed his scrumptious ass. We grinded into each other as our lips and tongues labored. We kissed for several minutes, the force of it making me weak in the knees. Finally when I felt I couldn’t take anymore without other things happening, I ended the kiss.

  “Okay, yeah…wow…you’re a decent kisser.”

  “Decent?” Jake smiled. “Stop, you flatter me.”

  I took a step back and stared up at the man who made my insides turn to lustful mush. He just looked so damn hot with his wet hair hanging in those transparent green eyes. Did he look in the mirror everyday and smile at what stared back at him? I reached up and moved a couple strands of hair gently away. Jake instinctively ran his hand through it.

  “Sorry, is it a mess?” Jake asked.

  “No, I like it.” Feeling overwhelmed with affection for him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. It just felt so natural. I could feel Jake’s body relax as he responded by hugging me back. “You’re a pretty awesome guy, you know that Jake McKallister?”

  “I don’t know about that,” he shrugged.

  “Well you’re awesome to me.”

  “Then I guess that is all that counts, right?”

  I smiled up at him. “Damn you smell good. What’s that cologne?”

  “I’m not wearing cologne. It’s probably just my deodorant, Eau de Right Guard.” Jake responded with a laugh.

  “Oh…oops…well it smells great on you. Manly.”

  “Thank you. You’re just all full of compliments, aren’t you?”

  “I know. I am. I’m just happy. I haven’t met a cool guy in so long.”

  “Probably because you go to ASU,” Jake joked.

  “Probably,” I laughed. “So how did you slip away from your mom?”

  “I told her I had jetlag.”

  “And she bought that?”

  “I’m not sure. She didn’t look happy so she probably knew I was lying.”

  “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Casey, I’m twenty-three years old…what’s she going to do, ground me?”

  He had a point. Jake was an adult. He made his own choices. I had to stop worrying about it. I smiled up at him. “So what do you want to do?”

  Jake raised his eyebrows at me like I was crazy. We both laughed.

  “Well, I know something that I definitely don’t want to do. Absolutely no sex! I’m not that kind of guy,” Jake said, mimicking me. “If that is what you want, I’m sure there is a sweaty guy with a comb over in the bar right now who is a sure thing.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Okay…I deserved that. I’ll try to keep my hands off you.”

  “You do that,” Jake nodded, smiling.

  “You’re not really my type anyway,” I teased.

  “I’m not?” Jake questioned.

  “Don’t sound so surprised. Do you think every girl just falls for you the instant she sees you?”

  “No, but…,” Jake stopped himself.

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know…you just seem…”

“I seem what?”

  Jake looked serious. “Into me.”

  I laughed. “I’m totally into you…but that doesn’t mean you’re my type. I’ve never gone for the bad boy, long-hair rocker guys.”

  “Huh?” Jake smiled. “So then, what’s your type…and please don’t say the douchey frat boy?”

  I looked up at him with guilt strewn across my face.

  “Noooo…” Jake laughed. “Yuck Casey…come on!”

  “What? You should talk. What’s your type…the anorexic model?”

  “Hardly,” Jake replied then added, “I like a little meat on the bones.” He ran his hands over my curves.

  “Well, then lucky for you that I eat.”

  “Yeah, that is lucky,” Jake grinned. “I actually think your type is the long-haired rocker…you just don’t know it yet.”

  “Oh really? What makes you so sure?”

  “Just a hunch,” Jake said and smiled his most charming smile.

  “Well, I have to hand it to you Jake…you make a good case for your kind…that is for sure.”

  “My kind?” Jake repeated, smiling. “The things you say are so random.”

  I smiled at Jake and said, “Let’s play a game.”

  “Oh God,” Jake groaned. “No more spy games.”

  I smiled then spoke like I was addressing a child, “No silly, not the spy game…let’s play slaps?”

  “Oh, in that case, you’re on!” We both jumped on the bed and sat Indian style.

  “Ladies first.” I proclaimed and held my hands upright. Jake slid his long fingers over mine, palms down. I turned quickly before he was ready and slapped but Jake snapped his hands back so fast that I barely saw them move. He smiled in victory. Over and over I tried to slap him but he was just too quick for me. We laughed uproariously. Jake was just fun like that. We traded positions and he slapped numerous times until the backs of my hands were red. I finally admitted defeat.

  “Damn I thought I was good at this game but you’re at the expert level.”

  “I’m a guitarist. You had no chance.”

  “What does being a guitarist have to do with anything?” I asked.

  “I’m quick with my hands,” he replied then proceeded to demonstrate on his air guitar. He was, indeed, quick with his hands and fingers. I nodded my approval.


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