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Cake: A Love Story

Page 22

by J. Bengtsson

  As for Jake, he was totally turned on by my little display of lustful ecstasy. He groaned as he sunk his tongue up inside me. I gasped. He probed me inside, slowly at first and then progressively faster and more aggressive as my hips moved to his rhythms. That damn tongue was everywhere. Licking and flicking and sucking and fucking. I’d never in my life felt anything even remotely like what Jake was doing to me. I shamelessly pushed deeper into him. My legs were shaking so badly that, had Jake not been pinning me against the wall, I would not be upright.

  At some point, Jake’s finger slid inside of me, effortlessly finding my g-spot as his tongue attacked my clit. The dual symphony totally destroyed me. I lost it in glorious fashion, bucking wildly before sliding down the wall and landing unceremoniously on my ass, panting as Jake coaxed the last of the orgasm from me.

  When it had passed, I was totally spent. My head was spinning and I couldn’t think straight. Jake stood up and lifted my limp body off the floor. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. I’m not sure if he tripped, or if I was too heavy, or what, but he unceremoniously dropped me on the bed, falling over the top of me in the process.

  “Smooth,” I said. We both bust out laughing.

  “You like that?” Jake grinned as he adjusted his body until he was lying on top of me. “That move always slays the ladies.”

  “I’m sure,” I giggled then wrapped my legs around him. His bulge was pushing against me. I groaned as I grabbed his ass through the tough fabric.

  “Good God Jake. Take them off,” I moaned. Jake rolled off me and pulled down his jeans.

  He kept his boxers on as he crawled back on top of me and our bodies just molded right back together. My hands were groping his ass, my hips thrusting into him. Jake moaned. Slowly I slid my hands under the fabric of his boxers and instead of soft flesh, I felt little ridges of raised skin. More scars. He tensed a moment. I could feel his uneasiness. I wanted to turn his attention back to the task at hand.

  “I want you,” I whispered in his ear as I pulled his boxers off. My hands were on his ass again. The tension in his body eased and soon he was back to his lustful self, licking and fondling my breasts as I gripped his ridged cock in my hand and manipulated it. Jake bucked against my strokes then groaned and pulled away. My body went cold.

  I put my arms out to pull him back down but Jake was reaching for a condom. I saw his bare back for the first time. Scars there too. Jesus Christ. The reality of his life shocked me. What must it have taken for him to survive? But before I could give it another thought, Jake sunk back down on me and thrust in. I gasped in surprise by the aggressiveness of his need and wrapped my legs around him, accommodating to his impressive girth. Jake drove into me roughly several more times then calmed down and his strokes became slower and more intense. Everything inside of me quivered in need. He would pull out and thrust in. Slow, fast, hard…my head was spiraling from the ride. But Jake didn’t forget me even when his own lust had yet to be tapped. His fingers found my clit and he manipulated me as he tended to his own need. We thrust together for several minutes. He was reading my body for signs, waiting for me to catch up to him. Was this guy for real?

  I was babbled incoherently as I approached another orgasm. My head was spinning with desire. Jake was panting into my ear. His groping was sending me over the edge. An earth-shattering orgasm rocked me. Jake let loose at the same moment and together we rode out the most amazing fuck of my life. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. He was just on a different level than any other guy I’d ever slept with, not that I’d had a multitude of partners. Truly I didn’t know that sex could be like this. Jake was awakening things inside me I didn’t know were there.

  After collapsing on top of me, he was like a dead weight. I had to push against him. “Jake, you’re crushing me.”

  “Oh sorry,” he said, still panting, as he slid off me and rolled onto his back. We both just lay there breathless.

  Finally I found my words. “Wow.”

  Jake was silent.

  “I mean, wow-wow, right?” I rolled to my side to look at him.

  Jake turned his head and a smile spread across his face.

  “You’re like…good at this,” I said, then joked, “Way to go, stud.”

  Jake burst out laughing. “Yeah, well I jacked off earlier so I’d be more impressive.”

  “Shut up!” I laughed. “You didn’t.”

  Jake smirked.

  Yeah, he probably did.

  “Well, no matter how you got there, it was amazing…thank you.”

  Jake grinned and turned to his side. “You’re thanking me…for fucking you?”

  “Uh-huh,” I smiled and kissed him.

  Jake laughed, “Well, then, you’re welcome, I guess. It was my pleasure.”

  We woke up the next day to angry banging on the door.

  “Oh shit!” Jake swore as he shot up. “What time is it?”

  More banging. “Jake! Open up!” Jake got up, wrapped himself in a towel that was hanging over a chair, then stumbled into the other room and opened the door.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I heard the angry voice question.

  “I overslept. No big deal.”

  “You overslept?” He mimicked angrily. “No big deal? You do realize that you have press in one hour, right!”

  “You work for me, Sean, so lay off the attitude,” Jake snapped back. I smiled. Jake didn’t take shit and that impressed me. If that were me getting yelled at I would have been apologizing profusely. It was silent for a few seconds.

  “Shit sorry, Jake. I was just freaking out a bit. When you didn’t show up at the venue for the sound check and you wouldn’t answer your phone, I got worried. I had to drive all the way back here.”

  “I’m sorry about that. I made a mistake. I’ll jump in the shower now. Let them know I might be a bit late.”

  “Okay,” I heard Sean reply.

  “And Sean?”


  “If you ever talk to me like that again you won’t have a job. You hear me?”

  “Yeah, I do. I’m sorry.”

  Jake shut the door and I heard him walking back to me. He had a sheepish smile on his face. “Why is it that every time we sleep together people get pissed?”

  “I don’t know but it’s annoying,” I laughed. “I mean why can’t people just be happy that we are getting laid?”

  “I know,” Jake laughed then bent down over me to give me a kiss. “I was really hoping for a quickie this morning but, sadly, that isn’t going to happen so get your ass out of my bed and get ready. You have 15 minutes.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Jake and I arrived at the O2 Arena in London about forty-five minutes late for his press tour. I watched him get interviewed a dozen times about his music and tour and smiled when he helped with a giveaway…the grand prize being two VIP tickets to the night’s concert. I found it interesting that no one asked him about the kidnapping, probably the single biggest story Jake could tell. It must have been a condition to his appearing on their shows that they not ask him personal questions.

  Once Jake finished with the interviews, we went to another room where a buffet was set up. Jake and I had slept through breakfast and lunch so we were both starving. We went back for seconds before going to the dressing room. Jake led me to a couch and we both dropped down into the comfy cushions. Jake sat glassy-eyed on the couch.

  “You look tired?” I commented.

  “I’m exhausted. Someone kept me up all night.”

  “Hey, you weren’t complaining last night,” I smiled.

  “Who said I was complaining? I was simply stating a fact.”

  “Well unfortunately I have plans to keep you up all night tonight too.”


  “Promise.” I laughed.

  “Aren’t you tired too?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah but I don’t have to perform a concert for 20,000 screaming fans.”
r />   “I’ll wake up by then…hopefully.”

  “Hopefully?” I laughed. “That doesn’t sound promising. Let’s take a nap. Sleeping is my favorite!”

  “Oh well in that case…” Jake smiled and readjusted his body on the couch. He held his arms out and I sunk into him. We fit together so perfectly. I cuddled in his arms and within minutes we were both asleep.

  We were awakened, for the second time in a day, by a woman who I assumed was Marcy. She was much nicer than the manager had been, gently nudging Jake awake.

  “Sorry sweetheart. I hate to disturb you but you have to get dressed.”

  “Okay,” Jake replied a bit groggily. “Can you give me a minute?”

  “Of course, Hon, I’ll be just outside. Come get me when you’re ready,” she responded sweetly. She walked out and shut the door behind her.

  Jake grunted. “Did we actually sleep?”

  “I think so,” I yawned.

  Jake reached over and grabbed his phone to check the time. “Oh shit. We slept for almost an hour.”

  “Really? I must have fallen asleep immediately.”

  Jake tapped my ass, “Time to get up.”

  “I know. It’s just so cozy here,” I pouted but, none-the-less, I untangled myself from his arms and pushed off him to stand up. Jake gasped in pain, grabbing his knee.

  “Oh my God,” I cried. “Are you okay? What did I do?”

  “Nothing. It’s okay. I have a bad knee. You just kind of clipped it on the wrong spot,” he said playing it off like nothing was wrong.

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. You should have said something so I would have been more careful,” I replied. I felt horrible for hurting him.

  “It’s fine, Casey. I didn’t mean to react like that.”

  “Yeah, would you please try to keep your pain levels down when I’m with you?” I joked. “Geez. You’re so selfish.”

  Jake laughed. Pain was clearly still swimming through his eyes as he rose from the cushions. He wrapped me in a hug.

  “I could nap with you all day,” he said, changing the subject.

  I wanted to ask him more about his injury but I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it so I let it go. I looked up at him and his famous face struck me for a moment. I felt a rush of excitement course through me. I leaned into him and gave him a long, passionate kiss. When I pulled back Jake smiled.

  “What was that for?” He said.

  “Do I need a reason?”

  Jake smiled then walked over to let Marcy back in. It was our last moment of peace because the minute the door opened, it was a dizzying parade of people coming in and out of the dressing room. Jake seemed completely calm and collected. He was obviously used to all the activity. About a half hour before show time a line of British celebrities came in to meet Jake. Some I knew and some I didn’t. Some brought their children. Jake was friendly and engaging. I was impressed with his ease. He introduced me to everyone by just saying, “This is Casey.” Of course, the celebrities were nice to me but they were only interested in Jake. Once he’d greeted all of them, the doors were shut and final preparations were made. Sean, the tour manager, appeared in the doorway. He’d been coming every five minutes for the last half hour.

  “You’re on in five,” he said this time.

  Jake just nodded then turned to me. “Are you ready?”

  “Me? Are YOU ready?” I laughed.

  “I do this everyday, Casey.”

  Jake took my hand and strode confidently down a long corridor. There were people moving all around us. Some ignored Jake, those were his crew who were used to being around him, but those who worked for the venue stopped and stared and whispered and smiled when Jake walked by. As we came to the end of the hallway, a door was opened and Jake was directed to go through it. The minute we stepped through a burst of excitement erupted from a line of people held back by barriers. Behind them, I could hear the roar of the crowd in the arena. I spotted Lauren and her mom, Angela, and the two people who had won tickets earlier in the day, as well as about 30 more people. This was obviously the VIP section.

  “Do you know any of these people?” I asked.

  “No. These are mostly giveaways or family of someone who owns the arena or has lots of money to buy their way in,” Jake whispered. “And now I have to schmooze with them.” He grinned at me then squeezed my hand before letting it go and walking over to the line of VIP ticket holders. He went down the line signing autographs and taking pictures with the lucky fans. Jake paid special attention to Lauren and her mom. Lauren had not brought a friend. I hoped that didn’t mean she didn’t have one to bring. I felt sad for the sweet girl. But there was only happiness on her face now. Jake thanked her and her mom for coming as if they would really want to be anywhere else on this earth at that very moment.

  “On in two,” came a shout. The lights went off in the arena. The crowd roared. Jake signed autographs for a couple more people then waved at the VIP holders as he walked toward the stage. He grabbed my hand as he passed by. I smiled up at him, proud to be with him. We stood at the edge of the stage. The noise was deafening. A sold-out crowd of thousands all waiting for Jake…and he seemed completely calm. Jake chugged a bottle of water then jumped in place a few times.

  “30 seconds,” Sean called out to Jake.

  “Oh my God! This is crazy. I can’t believe you’re going out there. I would be completely terrified. Are you even nervous?” I asked in awe.

  A smile spread across his face. “You know, it’s just another day in the office.”

  I laughed. The spotlights went on and crisscrossed the stage. The roar of the crowd got even louder. Music started playing. The screams were riotous.

  “Okay, gotta go to work,” Jake smiled, grabbing my face and kissing me playfully before being handed a microphone and singing the first notes of a song. The crowd went berserk. Jake walked a little way out on the stage but he was still shrouded in darkness. He sang a couple more lines to the song before the lights suddenly went on and all hell broke loose. The roar was ear splitting. Jake confidently strolled out onto the center of the stage to the overwhelming approval of the crowd. He started to belt out a song I had heard many times. Good God. I smiled widely. How the hell had I ended up here…with him? I shook my head in amazement. I’d never felt more privileged or more ecstatic.

  I watched with fascinated elation as Jake sang his first few songs. He was so comfortable on stage and had an energy and excitement to him that was incredibly endearing. I was amazed at how he talked to the audience…like they were his friends. I could see why he was a star. His fans loved him. From the side of the stage, it was hard to see. I wanted to go more toward the front so I could watch his performance better. I looked back toward the VIP section. Everyone was gone. I saw a side exit and figured the crowd went out there. I walked over to a guard.

  “Excuse me,” I said. “Does that exit lead to the front of the stage? I was hoping to get a better view.”

  “There is no better view than the one you just had,” the guard said smiling. “But yes, if you go through that door there is a small viewing area in the front. It’s the next best thing.”

  “Do you mind?” I asked.

  “You’re the girlfriend. You can go wherever you want.”

  I smiled at that. Yeah, I think I just might be the girlfriend.

  I found my way out to the front of the stage and watched the rest of the concert from there. It really was an incredible experience. I now totally understood the draw and why people paid the money they did to see artists perform live. It was such a rush. The music. The lights. The hot singer. I was mesmerized. I walked up to Lauren and Angela and they welcomed me. They were curious about my relationship with Jake and oohed and ahhed when I told them how we met and that this was the first time we had seen each other since. I stayed next to them the entire show and we had riotous fun singing together along to the hits. By the end of the concert, I found mother and daughter so endearing that it felt like
I had two new best friends.

  I wasn’t sure if Jake was aware that I’d left the backstage area until toward the middle of the concert, when he was performing on the long stage that went between the crowds. He was reaching down touching people’s hands. I extended my arm with the same excitement everyone around me had and jumped up and down screaming. I actually didn’t even think Jake knew I was there until, just before touching my hand, he made eye contact, grinned, then jerked his away like we were playing slaps. I laughed out loud as Jake took off to perform on the other side of the stage.

  The music came to an end in a flurry of lights and fire and sounds. I mistakenly assumed the show was over and asked Lauren and Angela if they were going to head back to the VIP area. They informed me that they were going to wait for the encore. I’d completely forgotten about that and felt like an idiot. I tried to play off my musical ignorance with an “oh yeah” but mother and daughter still giggled at me. I stuck my tongue out at them playfully. I really was having the best time. Jake came back out after that and sang three more songs before it was over. I was drenched in sweat and ecstatic over what I’d just been part of. I was just so incredibly impressed with Jake. His talent was undeniable.


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