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Cake: A Love Story

Page 33

by J. Bengtsson

  “That’s one expensive handyman,” Luke commented.

  We all settled down on the couches in the living room.

  “So Casey, have you made friends at your new school?” Darcy asked.

  “I have. I met this group of girls that I really like.”

  “What do they think about you dating Jake?”

  Jake looked at me smiling. “Yeah, Casey, what do they think?”

  I could tell I had a guilty look on my face when I said, “I haven’t told them.”

  “You haven’t told them?” My mom asked. “Why not?”

  “When we first met I didn’t say anything because I hardly knew them and then once we became friends it seemed weird to just blurt it out. I didn’t want them to think I was bragging.”

  “So now you’re just lying?” Mom smiled. “That’s so much better.”

  “I’m not lying. I’m just omitting the truth.”

  “So are you never going to tell them?”

  “No, I am. I just have to have the right moment.”

  “Like when they see a picture of the two of you together in People Magazine?”

  “Right. Just before that,” I joked.

  “Dude, does it bother you that she’s keeping you a secret?” Luke asked.

  “I just got back from tour. I didn’t even know I was her dirty little secret until a few days ago,” Jake laughed.

  Everyone bust up laughing.

  “That’s not at all what you are,” I said and hugged him. “I just don’t want to share you yet.”

  “Uh-huh right. Oh, speaking about sharing Linda. I think you might have something that I really have to see,” Jake said.

  “What?” I asked, looking at him in surprise.

  “A certain binder.”

  Understanding dawned on me.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I squealed as I attempted to cover his mouth with my hand.

  “What?” My mom asked looking between us questioningly.

  “Casey’s banana binder,” Jake answered.

  “She told you about that?” My mom laughed out loud.

  “She did and since then it has been my dream to get a look at it,” Jake grinned.

  “I have no idea where it is. Casey may have destroyed it but I promise you Jake, if I find it, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “I’d appreciate that.”

  After that we talked for over two hours about all kinds of topics, from my dad’s back surgery to how his recovery was going. We talked about the kid’s school and Luke’s job. Conversation flowed freely. At eight, Miles and Darcy announced it was time to leave soon because it was the kid’s bedtime. They changed the kids into pajamas and got them all ready for bed in hopes that they would fall asleep in the car on the short drive home. Darcy sat down to read them a story but the kids insisted that Jake read it to them instead. Always a good sport, Jake settled onto the couch with my niece and nephew on either side of him and read them a story.

  While Jake was occupying the kids, I got up to use the bathroom and was cornered by Darcy.

  “Wow, Casey,” Darcy whispered to me. “Jake’s an awesome guy.”

  I smiled and nodded.

  “He doesn’t act like some huge celebrity. He’s just really down to earth…and good with kids. Sydney and Riley love him.”

  “I know. I love watching him with kids. He’ll make such a good daddy someday,” I gushed.

  “Okay hold up girl,” my mom said, coming up beside us. “Let’s just get you through college first.”

  “Obviously,” I said rolling my eyes.

  “That being said,” mom continued, “do not, under any circumstances, let that one go.”

  “Trust me, you’d have to pry my cold, dead hands off him before I let go,” I giggled.

  “I don’t think he wants to go anywhere, Linda. Just the way he looks at her… Jake is definitely in love with you Casey.”

  Jake must have heard his name. He looked up from his book and gave me a quizzed glance. I smiled warmly at him. He returned the sentiment then went back to the story.

  “I love him, Casey,” my mom whispered. “He’s wonderful. Even Dad thinks he’s a genuine guy. He told me he was impressed with Jake.”

  “He did?” I sighed with relief. “Jake was so nervous to meet him. He told me that he was any dad’s worst nightmare.”

  “Well, that’s probably true…on paper…but Jake is no nightmare. You were right to stay in Europe with him, Casey. He’s something special.”

  I gave my mom a happy hug.

  Later, we followed Darcy and Miles and the kids out to the car. As we were saying goodnight Sydney said, “Can you come to my game tomorrow Jake?”

  “What game?”

  “My soccer game?”

  “What? I’m not invited?” I said looking sad. The kids laughed.

  “You can come too,” Sydney giggled.

  “Wow, that is so nice of you,” I teased.

  “That sounds fun,” Jake said looking at me. “What are we doing tomorrow?”

  “No big plans.”

  “Do you usually go to her games?” Jake asked my parents.

  “Yes, but we were going to hang out with you and Casey instead tomorrow.”

  “You don’t have to go,” Miles said then whispered to Jake, “You don’t have to feel obligated. You can just tell her you’re busy if you don’t want to go.”

  “Actually, that sounds like fun,” Jake replied. “If it works with you guys.”

  “Of course,” Darcy said excitedly. “We would love to have you come.”

  “Yah!” Sydney and Riley squealed.

  “Are you going to score a goal for me?” Jake asked.

  “Probably not,” Sydney replied.

  “Probably not?” Jake laughed. “Way to have confidence girl! You were supposed to say ‘heck yeah’!”

  “Heck yeah!” Sydney screamed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Jake and I and my parents got to the soccer fields about ten minutes before Sydney’s game was to begin. Sydney saw us coming and left her team to run up to us. We all gave her a hug and she grabbed Jake’s hand and led him to her side of the field. No one had noticed Jake until he crossed over the grass in front of all the players and their parents. There was an audible sound of surprise followed by whispering, staring and pointing. We set up our chairs next to Miles and Darcy as Sydney went back to her practice. The entire crowd was now staring at Jake and snapping photos of him with their cell phones. He ignored them and chatted easily with my brother.

  My mom whispered in my ear, “Is this going to be alright? Maybe bringing him here was not a good idea. What if he gets mobbed?”

  “We didn’t bring him, mom. Jake wanted to come. He makes his own decisions. He’ll be fine. He’s used to dealing with crowds, don’t worry.”

  The game started minutes later and Jake was thoroughly enjoying watching Sydney play. He and my dad were chatting throughout the match about how the game was played and what the different positions were. My dad grew up thinking that only baseball, basketball and football were real sports. Jake had never seen a soccer match in his life. They were bonding over their common ignorance of the game.

  When halftime rolled around, parents of Sydney’s teammates came over to Miles and Darcy and said hello to Jake. A few asked for him to take pictures with their daughters. Jake graciously obliged but that opened the door for others who started wandering up to him asking to take pictures too. It was interesting to watch Sydney’s reaction to the attention Jake was getting. She was quickly realizing that Jake was famous on the same level as her idol Justin Bieber was. She seemed in awe of Jake but also possessive. When people asked for his picture, Sydney would try to steal him away. As soon as the game started back up Jake asked those still waiting to take a picture with him to hold off until after the game so he didn’t miss anything.

  As it turns out Sydney’s team lost and she did not score a goal. But with all the
praise we lavished upon her, she still felt like a winner. The first thing she did when she got off the field was grab Jake’s hand and she refused to let go until we were in the car headed back to my parent’s house.

  After a lunch of sub sandwiches, Jake and I decided to go to the music store to buy the supplies Jake needed for the piano. Problem was Sydney wasn’t giving Jake much breathing room and she insisted on coming too. And since Sydney wanted to come, so did Riley. Jake made the mistake of saying they could come if it was okay with their mom. Once the invitation was out, there was no turning back.

  After bribery didn’t work on Sydney, Darcy agreed to let them go. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust us taking them; it was more that she didn’t want to inconvenience Jake. Darcy insisted we take her minivan since the kids’ car seats were already in there. Jake refused to drive it, swearing that it would ruin his rocker creed if he was seen at the wheel.

  The music store was a challenge. Riley was all over the place and I was the one running after him. Sydney stuck like glue to Jake. He chatted a few minutes with the ecstatic staff at the music store, got the supplies he needed, and took a few pictures. Then it was off to Target where Jake promised to buy the kids one toy each. Before going into the store, Jake put on a baseball hat and a hoodie. It didn’t help much. People noticed him right away but thankfully left him alone, for the most part. Jake plopped the kids in a cart and rode on the front like it was a skateboard. The kids screamed in delight as the cart sailed down the aisles.

  Once in the toy area, Jake lifted the kids out of the cart. Riley found a sword and was done right away but Sydney had to go up and down every row three times before making her final decision. People had started gathering at the ends of the aisles peering down at Jake. He ignored them, as always. His focus was solely on our little quartet.

  Once the kids were happy with their choices, Jake put them back in the cart and, started riding it again. He looked over at me with a big grin on his face. I shook my head in amusement. Jake was a big kid and the little kids loved it.

  We were headed toward the front of the store to pay when I heard someone call my name. “Casey?”

  I looked up and saw Alicia Sanders, a girl who I’d gone to school with. We had sort of been friends in elementary school but lost touch in middle school and hardly ever exchanged words after that. She walked up and hugged me. Jake put the brakes on the cart.

  “Hi Alicia,” I said.

  “It’s so good to see you,” she said to me, without actually looking at me. Her focus was solely on Jake.

  She stuck her hand out to him and said, “Hi, I’m Alicia, a friend of Casey’s.”

  Oh I didn’t realize we were.

  “Oh hey, nice to meet you,” Jake replied, in a friendly manner. I guess he assumed she really was my friend.

  “Wow, this is so cool. I’m a huge fan. I just love your music. I think Catch My Light is the best song ever written,” Alicia gushed.

  “Oh cool thanks.”

  “Do you have a new album coming out soon?”

  “The beginning of next year.”

  “Ooh…I can’t wait,” she cooed.

  I stood there in the aisle watching my ‘friend’ make friends with my boyfriend. Alicia could not take her eyes off Jake. Hello I’m over here. Clearly she was more interested in him than me.

  “So what have you been up to?” I asked, lamely.

  She reluctantly turned her attention to me. “Oh, you know, working, hanging out.”

  I nodded. “Where do you work?”

  “I’m a brow specialist at Ulta.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Uh-huh and damn would I love getting my hands on your brows.”

  Jake raised his own brows in surprise then grinned. My fingers went to my brows as I smoothed them down. They weren’t that bad were they?

  “So Casey I heard that you were dating Jake but I thought it was just a rumor…until now.”

  “You heard? How?” I asked, in surprise.

  “Everybody’s been talking about it. Twitter, Insta.”

  “Seriously?” I questioned. I didn’t know our relationship was trending. I glanced over at Jake to check his reaction but he wasn’t paying attention. He had his hands full with Riley who was actively trying to climb out of the cart now that it was no longer a racecar. Alicia looked over too.

  “Oh my God Casey! Those aren’t yours are they,” Alicia asked with clear judgment in her voice as she fixed her eyes on Sydney and Riley.

  Jake looked up, smirking. His eyes went back and forth between Alicia and me as if he was convinced he was about to witness a girl fight.

  “No. They are my niece and nephew. We were taking them out to buy them a toy,” I answered. Now I was really annoyed. Clearly I wasn’t old enough to have a kid Sydney’s age unless I’d had her at fifteen.

  “Oh, geez…I was gunna say…’hoe, you get around,” Alicia laughed.

  Jake burst out laughing. Alicia beamed. I was slowly simmering. Alicia was really starting to get on my nerves. I plastered a fake smile on my face then gave Jake a warning look and he stopped laughing.

  “Let’s go!” Sydney said as she tugged on Jake’s arm.

  Yes. Thank you Sydney.

  “Yeah, we better go,” I said to Alicia. “It really was nice to see you again.”

  “You know, I have a great idea. I’m having a little gathering tonight. Why don’t you and Jake come over? Melissa Espy and Ashley Gonzales and Haley Reyes will be there…oh…and I can invite Tommy too if you want. We are really good friends now.”

  “Tommy Schultz?” I asked in disbelief. My ex-boyfriend?

  “Yeah, he moved back here after college. He works at Chase bank.”

  “Why would I want him there?” I responded with the slightest bit of edge in my voice.

  “Oh I don’t know. I thought you might want to reminisce or something.”

  I scoffed out loud. Reminisce with my old boyfriend in front of my new one? Yeah, great idea. “No, that’s okay.”

  Jake looked back and forth between Alicia and me, no doubt curious about our exchange.

  “Tommy is Casey’s old boyfriend,” Alicia offered up smugly.

  Are you frickin’ serious bitch? That was not cool. What if I hadn’t told Jake about him? What if Jake were a jealous guy, which clearly he wasn’t, judging by the grin on his face and the clear amusement in his eyes.

  “Oh really?” He said then turned to me. “You sure you don’t want to catch up with him, Case?”

  “I don’t have a burning need, no,” I smiled back, but I was only pretending. Inside I was pissed.

  “Bad blood, huh?” She said then added, “He dumped you right?”

  Oh my God…Alicia was coming close to becoming the first woman I punched in the vagina! Jake seemed to finally figure out that Alicia was NOT my friend and that she was actively dissing me. He put his arm around my waist protectively and pulled me close.

  “Lucky for me,” Jake replied, staring down at me admiringly. At this moment, I really didn’t deserve his devotion.

  I smiled up at him before turning to Alicia and saying, “Anyway we can’t come tonight but thanks for the invite.”

  Alicia completely ignored me. “Maybe Jake can come then,” she said, smiling in a flirty way at him.

  “We are actually having dinner with my brother and his wife tonight, so, yeah, it won’t work.”

  “What about tomorrow? We can do a BBQ,” Alicia kept trying. “I really would like to catch up with Casey.”

  Yeah, sure you would.

  “We are flying back to LA tomorrow,” Jake answered.

  “You live there, Casey? In LA?”

  “Yes. I go to school there now.”

  “Oh, wow, so are you guys, like, living together?” She asked, looking impressed.

  Jake and I exchanged glances. Although I spent most nights at his place, it wasn’t something I intended to share with Alicia. “I have my own apartment close to school.”r />
  “Well, maybe someday?” she smiled at Jake. He grinned. I’d had enough.

  “Okay, well, it was good seeing you Alicia,” I said abruptly.

  “You too. Look me up on insta or twitter, okay? My username is @Aliciabrowsbaby. It’s easy to remember.”

  “Sure.” I answered, making a mental note to do everything in my power to forget that very catchy username.

  “And Jake. It was so nice to meet you,” Alicia took his hand again. “I actually follow you. You should follow me back.”

  “I don’t really follow people,” Jake replied, dropping her hand.

  “I know…because you’re a celeb. I get it but since we know each other now, you wouldn’t have to worry about me twitter stalking you or anything.”

  Jake grinned. I think he was very worried about it. Alicia had stalker written all over her.

  “Hey, would you mind if I, uh, maybe got a picture with you?”

  “Um…” Jake said glancing around. The last thing he wanted was to have a bunch of Target guests asking for pictures. “Yeah sure, but real quick so more people don’t start asking.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Casey can you take it?”

  Why the hell not? I thought grumpily. I took her phone and quickly snapped a couple of pics then handed the phone back to her.

  Jake immediately started pushing the cart. I waved goodbye to Alicia and we made a quick exit. Onlookers followed us to the front. As we waited in line, several people requested to take pictures with Jake but most just snapped photos without asking.

  When we got to the front of the line, the kids put their toys up on the conveyer belt. The cashier, an older woman in her fifties, greeted us warmly and asked how we were doing and if we found everything we were looking for.

  Before Jake or I could respond, Sydney blurted out, “He’s famous.”

  The cashier burst out laughing.

  “Sydney!” I gasped in embarrassment. My niece looked at me like she didn’t understand the problem.

  “I know,” the cashier nodded.

  Looking amused, Jake said, “I paid her to say that.”

  When we arrived home, Jake was eager to tell the others about Sydney’s declaration at Target. It got a big laugh. I don’t know why but I was still annoyed by the whole encounter with Alicia. Jake usually defended me to women who were hitting on him but he didn’t do that today. I felt like he encouraged the attention. While he went about fixing the piano, I went outside and had ice tea with my mom and sister-in-law.


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